my fox girl

Chapter 334 Up

Chapter 334 Up
There are many mountains in the distance, beside the woods and beside the river, there are a few simple log cabins.

It is crookedly built, and even the courtyard walls are just a few uneven grids. On the whole, it seems that even the simplest living is very reluctant.

But even so, the chimneys on the roof are still rising with curling smoke.

A woman was squatting by the stove, looking at the flames in the pit, her expression flickering, her frowning eyebrows telling her current mood.

My Ah Bai came back and suddenly appeared after disappearing for more than three years. I should have been happy, but it was only for a simple moment.

Because her face was full of tears, and she could clearly see who she had signed a contract with.

Although I don't know who that person is, it's good to come back, but I didn't expect that after she came back, she would not eat water or rice all day long, would not eat, drink or talk, and would not see anyone every day, and would always go out and wander around.

I wandered around on the only way to worship Lord Fox God, and sometimes I didn’t come back at night, even if I came back, my face was lifeless, tears kept falling, and my eye sockets were swollen like something.

She didn't sleep at night, just curled up at the foot of the bed and stared blankly at the jade bracelet on her hand and the strange ring on her finger, and then shed tears all night long.

I didn't dare to ask her what happened to her in the past few years.

After many days of tossing, he still couldn't resist and passed out on the side of the road. If he hadn't gone out to look for it by himself, he might have died outside.

Su Yu came out of the kitchen with a bowl of wild gooseberry paste, and pushed open the simple door.

Looking at the huddled figure on the bed, she let out another deep sigh.

I don't know what happened to this girl, she disappeared for several years for no reason, and she finally came back like this.

Putting the bowl on the table, she sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the girl on the bed, her little face was pale and her appearance was already haggard, she was completely different from the one she remembered.

"Lin Yi."

Those chapped lips moved a few times, and a faint call came out of his mouth.

Su Yu sighed, and it was this name again, which he had been repeating since he came back.

Sometimes I still talk about my husband.

But who knows what this husband is doing.

Supporting her weak body, let her half lean against the head of the bed, picked up the bowl on the table, scooped up a little with a wooden spoon, blew it a few times, and then fed it to her mouth.

"Sister Xiaoyu."


no respond.

You Su Yu just looked at her quietly, looking into her pair of lifeless eyes, waiting for her to continue talking.

"I want to go home."

"Didn't you already go home? This is your home."

"Not here, not..."

Xiaobai looked down at the jade bracelet on his wrist, his eyes flickered a few times, revealing an indescribable sadness,

"There is no him in this family, I want him, I want to go back to the home where I and him are."

"Who is he, Lin Yi?"


She responded lightly, with the corners of her mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile, but the sadness in her eyes was even worse,

"He is my husband, my husband, I want to go back to him, but, but I can't go back anyway"

Su Yu was silent, looking at the helplessness in her eyes, she didn't know what kind of husband the other party was talking about that made her fall in love so much, and it took more than three years to ferment such feelings.

When I saw myself at home again, it wasn't the joy of reunion, but the heart-piercing bitterness and sadness.

At this moment, it seemed that any consolation he gave seemed so pale and powerless.

I don't know how to comfort her.

"Sister Xiaoyu."


She came to her senses, and at some point, this girl who had depended on her since she was a child burst into tears again.

"I'm so sad, I, I don't know what to do."

The door was pushed open, followed by the sound of footsteps, and the sound of the soles touching the ground was very slight and vaguely heard in Lin Yi's ears.

A woman in white clothes walked into the room, looked at the man lying on the floor, walked over and looked down at him, smelling the pungent smell of alcohol in the air, looking at him completely different from what she remembered look.

I couldn't tell what it was like for a while, I just felt it was very complicated.

Sensing the figure beside him, Lin Yi tried his best to open his eyes.

Some messy strands of hair covered his forehead, and his body also experienced bouts of fatigue. He wanted to see the person in front of him clearly, but the figure in his sight was inevitably blurred for a while.

He. Can't see clearly.

Maybe it was the lack of water or rice for many days, or maybe it was the effect of alcohol, or maybe it was both, his body was already severely overdrawn, and he could only faintly see the white clothes.

Bai was spotless, and at the same time, somewhat familiar.

The two quietly looked at each other, and Lin Yi's eyes gradually became blurry, and then gradually became bright again.

He held his breath tightly, hesitated for a moment, and then asked in a low voice: "Can you bring your face closer?"


no respond.

The woman just squatted down silently, bringing her face closer, and the two of them were very close.

She saw those eyes looking at her, full of hope, hesitation, confusion, nervousness, and helplessness.

Time seemed to stand still.


Lin Yi murmured, looking at the face that was close at hand, still wearing a mask, but the outline of eyebrows and eyes became more and more familiar, and gradually coincided with what he remembered.

He finally knew where the weird sense of familiarity came from when he saw a woman for the first time.

"Can you take off the mask?" He couldn't help but make another request from the last time we met.


The woman's eyes moved slightly, as if hesitating, she was silent for a while before taking off the mask on her face.

That face was finally exposed in front of his eyes. Although he had already prepared himself mentally, Lin Yi was still a little distracted for a moment, because it was really similar, whether it was the eyebrows, eyes, or facial features.


He licked his dry lips, for a moment he didn't know what to say, and he didn't know how to ask.

Even though he knew it wasn't her, his mind inevitably fell into it.

"Get up, I'll take you to Qingqiu."

After a long silence, a cold voice came from the woman's mouth, like a light piercing the darkness.

Lin Yi's eyes also lit up, and he felt something awakened in his body, holding back the emotions in his heart.

He squeezed his lips tightly, didn't speak, and didn't have the mood to speak, but just supported the ground with his hands, trying hard to stand up.

But his arms were weak, and he tried several times in succession, but couldn't do it. At this moment, a pair of hands supported him.

Immediately afterwards, the woman's voice sounded again, still so flat, but with the meaning of not being able to refuse, "You need to eat."

 I originally planned to post more knives, but I temporarily changed the plot, which made it a bit late, sorry
(End of this chapter)

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