my fox girl

Chapter 340 Senior?

Chapter 340 Senior?


Before the people arrive, the voice arrives first.

The voice was crisp, with a little uncertainty.

Hearing this sound, Lin Yi was subconsciously stunned, senior?

Is this Qingqiu's way of greeting?
Looking at the figure that was getting closer and closer to him, he could already see the other person's appearance clearly. He was very immature, about thirteen or fourteen years old, and looked a little thin overall, with bulging breasts.

The skin color is not very fair, showing a healthy wheat color, but has a wild beauty.

In addition, there is an ear on each side of each other's cheeks, which are fluffy and seem to be fox ears.

Lin Yi withdrew his gaze, and didn't think about why this little loli from the fox demon world developed so well. Instead, he hesitated for a moment, imitating the other party's tone, and said, "Senior?"


The other party was obviously stunned for a moment, tilted his head, and looked at the senior sitting on the ground. He was wearing clothes he had never seen before, his hair was short, his ears were different from his own, and there was no tail behind him.

Feels a bit like a legendary human.

But I can feel a very demonic aura from him, which is much stronger than myself.

Realizing this, she hastily withdrew her gaze and looked up and down at a senior who was much stronger than herself, which was very disrespectful.

Although this senior is a bit weird.

But maybe he has a weird temper too.

"Senior, what are you doing here?"

"I'm resting."

"Oh, the senior continues to rest, I still have something to do."


Lin Yi looked at the back of the other party, fell silent for a moment, and asked bravely, "Then what, do you know how to get to Qingqiu City?"

"Qingqiu City?"

Little Lolita stopped in her tracks, turned around and said, "Senior, are you going to Qingqiu City too?"

"Are you going too?"

Lin Yi started the journey again with his bag on his back. Compared to before, the direction was different this time. He set off in the northwest direction, which means that the decision he made after deliberating all night last night was wrong. A day of useless work.

But it's okay, she met a little loli from the fox demon world, and she happened to be able to take her there, but this fox talked too much.

"Senior, what are you doing in Qingqiu City?"

"Go around."

"But it's far away from Qingqiu City, why don't you fly there?"

"I like to walk."

"Why are the clothes seniors wearing so strange?"

"This is not important."

"Oh." Little Lolita nodded, after a moment of silence, she asked again: "Why is senior's hair so short?"

"Because it's cool."

Looking at the stars in the sky, Lin Yi sighed lightly. Before, he didn't meet half a living thing along the way, and he was still talking to himself. Now, when he met a fox who talked more than himself, he was inexplicably uncomfortable. .

"Senior, my name is Chun Huling, what's your name?"

"My name is Lin." Having said this, Lin Yi paused and changed his words: "My name is You Su Lin."

"Does the senior belong to the Su family?"


"Then why doesn't senior know where Qingqiu City is?"

"That's not important either."


"Wait a moment."

Lin Yi interrupted her with a wave of his hand, and asked, "Aren't you tired of talking so much?"

"Not tired, senior is tired?"

"I'm alright."

Hearing the other party's chirping along the way, although it was a bit overwhelming, the journey didn't seem so boring.

After chatting, Lin Yi also learned some useless common sense. For example, the Chunhu family lived on the bank of the Daze in the southeast of Qingqiu country. Daze is a big river and belongs to the fishing and hunting people.

And the Yousu family belonged to the city, and basically lived in Qingqiu City, and a small number lived scattered outside. This is easy to understand, just like my own world, where there are urban household registrations, there will naturally be rural household registrations.

The rest is the most mysterious Tu Shan family. It is difficult to see them. It is said that they moved to Qingqiu country at the end and lived in seclusion in the mountains all year round.

These three groups are collectively known as the Three Great Clans of Qingqiu.

Among them, the Su clan is the most powerful. After all, they are from the city, occupying many important positions. Qingqiu Kingdom is in charge of fox production and most of the departments in charge of Qingqiu's power and responsibility are basically from the fox demons of the Su clan.

This also explained why the other party became very confused when they heard that his surname was Yousu, and it was difficult for him to understand that as a member of the Yousu family, he didn't know where Qingqiu City was.

At the same time, it also explained why she came from the southeast, because her family lived in the southeast.

Lin Yi felt that if he hadn't met this talkative little loli, there was a high probability that he would run to the pure fox's clan.

It was not until the next morning that the two found a place to rest. Chun Huling groped in her arms for a while, and found a cloth bag. As soon as she opened it, a salty smell permeated the air instantly.

Then she took out two salted fish from inside and asked, "Do you want one, senior?"

Lin Yi looked at the two salted fish with rolling eyes in her hand, hesitated for a moment, and took one of them.

I brought it to my mouth and took a bite. It tasted surprisingly good, but a bit salty, but this is nonsense, salted fish must be salty.

Although this rolled-eyed salted fish looked a bit evil, it was considered the best thing he had eaten since he came to Qingqiu.At least it tastes much better than the fruit I ate last night.

It's different living by the big river. As expected of the fishing and hunting people of Qingqiu, they have the skill of pickling salted fish.

As a courtesy, Lin Yi also took out the few fruits he picked in his bag to share, handed them over, and said, "Shall I have some?"

"Thank you senior."

"You're welcome."

Seeing her take it, Lin Yi thought about it and reminded: "This thing is very difficult."


Before she finished speaking, Chun Hu Ling subconsciously took a sip, and even the yellow fox tail swaying left and right behind her couldn't help but startled.

Afterwards, she felt something was wrong again, and forced herself to swallow the fruit in her mouth, "What did senior want to say just now?"

"Oh, nothing."

Lin Yi gnawed the salted fish silently, paused for a moment, and said: "If it tastes bad, don't eat it."

"Does senior also find it difficult to eat?"


"Then why did the senior still feed me?"

Faced with this kind of soul torture, Lin Yi was silent for a moment, and then said: "Because I only have this."

"Senior is so pitiful."


Lin Yichang sighed, he was indeed very pitiful, tears were about to fall when he thought of losing his wife.

"What are you doing in Qingqiu City?"

"To see my mother."

"Does your mother live in Qingqiu City?"

"Well, she's doing business in the city and has opened a big business."

"Commercial Bank?" Lin Yi was stunned for a moment. The word Commercial Bank sounds very tall and mighty similar to the group in his own world.

"Then your mother's collection, no, what kind of business does the firm do?"

"Selling salted fish."

"Ugh, nice"

Lin Yi's expression froze, and he glanced at the salted fish in his hand, who was rolling his eyes. He didn't expect her mother to run a seafood market.

Xu Kee Seafood?

(End of this chapter)

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