my fox girl

Chapter 341 Can't

Chapter 341 Can't
Early morning hours.

A faint mist rises from Qingqiu City, wets the bluestone pavement, and permeates the streets, carrying a bit of the bleakness of autumn.

As the morning sun rises and the mist clears away, the quiet streets gradually become lively.

Fox demons with their tails swaying behind them took to the streets one after another, some of them had no tails, and many had several tails, no matter how many tails there were.

They would all face the temple hidden in the clouds in the east, and then bow down to worship, with pious and serious actions.

After three prostrations, they dispersed and started a day's life.

All the shops on the streets around the city gate had their door panels removed, and all the things needed for business were displayed.

This ancient and magnificent city was awakened, a scene of prosperity.

The endless forest outside the city, the mountains in the distance are undulating, the sky is high and the clouds are wide, and the peace has passed for many years, and the guards at the city gate have become lax, and they lean on the cave wall, chatting with each other. sky.

Occasionally, a few fox demons entering the city passed by, and they didn't bother to check, not to mention that Qingqiu hadn't seen a foreign race for a long time.

Even if there is, the fox tail behind it is also the best anti-counterfeiting feature. If there is no tail, just feel it a little, and you will be able to detect the fluctuating monster aura on its body.

To get the tail back into the body, at least the strength of Sanwei is needed, and the demonic aura cannot be faked no matter what.

Furthermore, Qingqiu has established the country for thousands of years, and since all the fox tribes were brought under the rule, basically there has been no trouble, not far away, but near.

The last time there was a turmoil was also more than [-] years ago.

It was caused by a six-tailed fox demon. It is said that it wanted to avenge a human being. Taking advantage of the moon and eve of the festival, the defenses were lax everywhere, and it rushed into the punishment hall and killed many colleagues who were in charge of punishment. Subdued her.

But such a big battle did not die down in the end, and disappeared along with the stone mirror at the city gate. Now it is not known whether it is dead or alive.

However, I haven't heard any news about her for so many years.

It should be dead.

Everyone secretly thought so.

After all, this Qingqiu City is still the residence of the Fox God. If there is a commotion here, even if they escape by chance, it is absolutely impossible to survive.

In recent years, there have been no disturbances, and there has never been any aliens such as humans intruding. In this era of peace, there is really nothing to worry about.

The guards at the city gates everywhere are thinking of nothing more than waiting for the replacement of the guard to come early to take over, so that they can go home and rest.

But at this moment, the guards at the east gate didn't think so, because of the arrival of a man and a woman, they had no choice but to step forward and question them.

There is nothing wrong with the female, the tail swaying behind her, with a touch of evil spirit, but as for the male, there is no tail, and there is no appearance feature to prove the identity.

Although it is possible to feel the evil spirit on him from a long distance, it cannot be ruled out that this is a fellow of the Three Tails, but his attire is really too strange.

Looking at the guards at the city gate who suddenly walked towards him, Lin Yi also felt a little nervous for no reason.

At this time, there were very few pedestrians coming in and out of the doorway. No matter how you looked at it, these male fox demons were all coming for him.

In fact, this is also understandable. It is nothing more than my own attire. I wear a jacket over a T-shirt, jeans, and a pair of high-top hiking boots on my feet.

No matter how you look at it, it is incompatible with the fox demon in the city.

Not only that, but also because he has short hair, while Qingqiu both men and women wear long hair.

What's more, I don't have a tail or fox ears yet, so I am suspicious no matter how I look at it.

Although he was a little nervous, it was a natural reaction of guilty conscience, and Lin Yi was actually not too scared.

Because he just ate an inner alchemy in the morning, after eating, even the little fox loli next to him said that the evil spirit in him had become much stronger, and his attitude towards himself became more cautious.

So he felt that as long as he was tougher, he should be able to get in.

But in fact, he didn't think about going into the city at first, he just wanted to go around to the west gate, and then set off according to the route on the map.

But this city is really too big and too arrogant. Lin Yi swears that he has never seen such a rampant city in his life, and it is hard to imagine it even by imagination.

When he was tens of kilometers away from Qingqiu City, he could already see this huge monster.

The city wall is so tall that even looking up, you can see the city wall hidden in the floating clouds.

Open three city gates straight, each of which is more than ten feet high.

In simple conversion, it is roughly equivalent to the height of a dozen floors.

Looking at the two sides, the city wall can't be seen at all. Now he finally understands why Qingqiu has only one city, because this city is big enough, and one city is enough to compare to a small country.

It is also enough to accommodate all the fox demons, and it doesn't look crowded at all.

Reminiscent of the previous map, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion that the entire city stretches from north to south, forming a rectangular structure, and a large river crosses the city, oriented east-west, dividing the city into two.

If you want to get to the north gate, the fastest way is to enter from the south gate, then go straight to the north, cross the stone bridge of the big river, go all the way north, and go out from the north gate.

As for going around the city wall, there is no way to go around, because there are only bridges in the city, and there are no other places.

Unless you can fly, or swim in the river.

But I heard that this river is extremely wide, so I guess I will have to swim for two or three days.

But Lin Yi felt that this was unreliable, because he might sink to the bottom due to exhaustion in the middle of the swim, but he could float up, but he had to wait a few more days, because he estimated that Qingqiu would definitely not have a search and rescue team.

If you don't fly or swim, there are other ways. Go east or west until you reach the source or end of the river, and then go around.

Just thinking about it this way is not realistic at all.

Because the river he saw a few days ago was actually a tributary of this river in Qingqiu City.

And this tributary is connected to the big river in the city and the Daze of the Pure Fox Clan.

So after all, you still have to go to the city.

A fox demon who looked like a leader walked straight up to Lin Yi, wearing a white armor with three fox tails protruding from the back of the armor.

When he came to the front, he felt the vigorous monster energy in Lin Yi's body, at least with the strength of four tails, and the momentum was unconsciously paused. He stabilized his mind and asked: "Senior, why are you dressed up?" so weird?"

"because I like it."


The guard choked on these words, and after a moment of silence, he asked, "Then can you show us the tail?"

Lin Yi straightened his back, tilted his head, and replied arrogantly: "No!"

Hearing this, several guards at the city gate all looked uncertain. Although this guy has strange decorations, but his attitude is so arrogant, he must have something to hold on to.

Several people discussed quietly, finally made up their minds and let them go.

Although the other party was dressed in a weird way, his monster aura was unmistakable.

What's more, even if he wants to cause some trouble, he can't make much trouble in the city with a four-tailed fox demon.

And the few of them are nothing more than guards, and they are completely incapable of stalemate with each other.

It's just like meeting a fellow with a crazy personality.

After Lin Yi entered the city, several guards saw that he was carrying a bag on his back. One of the shorter fox demons asked, "Shouldn't we check his strange bag?"

"Check what, you don't smell salted fish on him?"

"Yes, and it's a salted fish of the pure fox family, I can smell it."

(End of this chapter)

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