my fox girl

Chapter 342

Chapter 342
Entering the city from the south gate, one person and one monster continued to walk north until noon, and when they reached fifty or sixty kilometers, the little Lolita of the fox clan who was following her was about to turn east and invited Lin Yi to go. Visit her family's seafood market and taste the most authentic salted fish by the way.

Lin Yi politely declined, since the moment he entered the city, he saw the towering palace complex, which was just to the east of Qingqiu City.

If he guessed right, the person living there should be the ruler of this world, the fox god who was dubbed a god.

Before coming to Qingqiu, the mother-in-law had repeatedly told her not to be discovered by that nine-tailed fox, and the nine-tailed fox she was talking about should be this one.

So I have to stay away from that palace, the farther the better.

After parting ways, Lin Yi went on the road alone with his bag on his back. All he could see were foxes coming and going. Although he had watched them all morning, he still found it strange.

I have entered the fox's den in all seriousness.

This is more exciting than going abroad.

The streets you step on are all paved with bluestone slabs, which are simple and heavy. All the buildings you see are also cornices and brackets, wooden structures carved by Zhuge, and the clothes worn by the fox monsters you meet along the way are also Toga with large sleeves, top and bottom.

To sum it up, not a single one in trousers.

If you ignore the tails behind them, this place is simply the imperial capital of ancient dynasties.

No, it is much more prosperous than the emperor.

Because no matter how powerful the dynasty is, it is impossible to build such a huge and majestic city, let alone build the palace to the sky.

Just the stone steps to the sky, you can't see the edge.

Walking all the way, looking around, Lin Yi's strange attire attracted a lot of attention. Every time he was paid attention to, he would subconsciously get nervous, for fear of being seen out.

He has already started thinking about how to get some Qingqiu currency, and then buy clothes to wear, so that at least he can blend in and not be so conspicuous.

I also saw several pawnshops and other shops on the road, but it was a pity that I brought only a few things with me when I came to this world.

Because I was in a hurry when I left.

In addition to the mobile phone, there are a few lighters, a flashlight, a few spare batteries, ropes, instant noodles, and two kitchen knives for self-defense in the bag.

There is no way, who let his country control the knives strictly, and the sharpest objects that can be found are kitchen knives.

That's all, it's not used yet.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi couldn't help but sigh slightly.

If he went to ancient times, the lighter could be used as some money. After all, the ancients never saw a thing that caught fire at the touch of a button. There are fire pockets, but lighters are still much more advanced than fire pockets.

But this is Qingqiu, and all the foxes here are magic foxes. Breathing fire is their basic skill, and no one needs this kind of thing at all.

The only thing that can be used now is the flashlight, although they may not need it, because according to Lin Yi's observation, his stupid daughter-in-law can see clearly no matter how dark the environment is.

But after all, this thing glows when you press it. The fox monsters should have never seen this kind of thing, and they might find it novel.

But this is not appropriate, because there is still a long way to go outside the city, and the flashlight is his good partner when walking at night.

As for the mobile phone, Lin Yi didn't want to use it even more, because there were many photos in it, all of which were his precious memories, and the battery of the mobile phone had already run out, so it was not clear enough to use it as a mirror.

Certainly not going out.

After thinking for a while, Lin Yi almost wanted to become an inner alchemy. This thing can definitely be used as an inner alchemy, but there will be constant troubles in the follow-up.

Because he now seriously suspects that these inner alchemy are all from the Qingqiu fox demon, otherwise it would be impossible for him to be full of the unique monster aura of the Qingqiu fox clan as soon as he ate it.

In other words, his mother-in-law was actually a ruthless person, and killed at least twenty of his fellow clansmen.

Of course, this is not important, the most urgent thing now is to quickly change into Qingqiu's clothes, otherwise there are so many fox monsters in this city, anyone who sees him will take a look at him, and if he doesn't keep them all, he will be able to see his identity.

And if he wants to get out of this city, even if he doesn't eat, drink or rest, according to his speed, it will take at least ten days.

Long night dreams
Lin Yi couldn't help sighing, there was no such thing as a curfew in Qingqiu City, but he still needed to eat and rest anyway, so the time to go out probably had to be extended by two to three times.

If I knew I should go to the seafood market of that little Lolita's house, maybe I could get some clothes to wear. Before leaving, her mother might even give me a few salted fish.

Now there is only one and a half salted fish left in the bag, plus a few fruits, this little thing can barely last for a few days.

I don't know if there is a shop with daily wages in Qingqiu.

He thought to himself, he felt that he could play a cameo role as Sanhe Dashen, and be a migrant worker in Qingqiu.

Lin Yi began to think about the skills he knew, but after thinking about it, he felt that he might not be able to use what he knew.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing again.

I should be regarded as the most miserable time traveler, not one of them, the bullshit that I bragged about with the little fox demon back then still echoed in my ears.

"As long as I travel to Qingqiu, I will definitely be able to get along well. At that time, you can walk sideways in Qingqiu to see who doesn't like it. If you flip it over, you will be beaten."

But now.
He has been nailed to the pillar of shame of the traversers.

There is nowhere to go for the next meal.

Staggering across a street, Lin Yi quickly turned back when he saw several stalls on the ground.

Look at the stall owners squatting on the ground, and look at the things on their stalls. There are all kinds of miscellaneous objects, such as pots, pans, sachets, purses and other gadgets.

After hesitating for a moment, he ignored the scrutinizing gazes of the stall owners, went straight to find an empty seat and squatted down, took off his coat and spread it on the floor, then found the two kitchen knives from his bag, and put them on top .

The store is officially open.

When he bought these two knives, he spent thousands of dollars, but when he arrived in Qingqiu, he didn't ask for a high price, as long as it was enough for him to buy clothes, and then enough for him to go out of the city.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that it still has to be sold at a high price.

After thinking for a while, Lin Yi took out those few fruits and put them in his pocket again, planning to use these fruits to test his knife when the business came.

"Brother, no, senior, you just sell this, won't it be a bit shabby?" A stall owner next to him glanced at the things at Lin Yi's feet, feeling a little disdainful in his heart.

Seeing that this guy is dressed in a weird way, and his body is much more powerful than himself, he thought he was a strong competitor, but he didn't expect to be a knife seller, and the knife he sold was as strange as his clothes.

"You don't understand, this business is about precision rather than excess. Don't look at my two knives as mediocre, but they are actually made of meteoric iron from outside the sky, and they are extremely sharp."

Lin Yi also looked at the other party a few times, seeing that there was only one tail behind him, he curled his lips in contempt.

Oh, it turned out to be a coward.

(End of this chapter)

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