my fox girl

Chapter 343

Chapter 343

As the sun set, the roof tiles on both sides of the street were dyed red, the bustling foxes on the street gradually disappeared, and the peddlers who were doing business nearby began to pack their things and go home.

Lin Yi squatted on the ground with his knees in his arms, watched the weak man next door leave, sighed again, and squatted all afternoon without selling anything, it was outrageous.

Doing business in Qingqiu is really difficult.

But at this time, I saw a figure coming from the street, a girl in red, Yuli Tingting, with a pretty face, with two white foxtails swaying behind her, as for her age, she looked about eighteen or nineteen years old.

But the real age is not very accurate, after all, it is a fox demon, and eternal youth is a basic skill.

Lin Yi looked at the other party, saw her walk by, hesitated for a moment, and still greeted: "This beauty, do you want to buy something?"


The girl in red paused her steps and looked sideways. After seeing Lin Yi who was squatting on the ground and setting up a stall, she asked a little unconfidently, "Are you calling me?"

"Yes, yes, it's you."

As he spoke, Lin Yi waved again and again: "Come on, come quickly."

Seeing this, the girl in red hesitated for a few seconds, then walked over and looked at the booth, where there were only two strange knives.

He took another look at Lin Yi who was squatting on the ground. He was dressed in a strange way. Half of his sleeves exposed most of his arms, and his collar was loose.

Even looking at it from my own angle, I could clearly see his body.

At this time, he was still looking at himself expectantly.

The girl in the red skirt withdrew her gaze, blushing inexplicably.

"Bah, not serious."

After all, turn around and leave.

Looking at the back of the other party, Lin Yi was stunned for a few seconds, then he reacted and shouted quickly: "Don't go, my knife is very good.

Hearing the voice behind her, the girl in the red skirt quickened her pace, but after a while, she disappeared at the end of the street corner.

Lin Yi turned his gaze away in confusion, and looked at the two kitchen knives on the ground, somewhat puzzled.

Why don't you just sell a knife?
Why not serious.

Could it be that selling knives in Qingqiu is illegal?
It's hooliganism.

"A knife made of meteoric iron?"

Lin Yi raised his head when he heard the sound, and immediately saw a young man in a moonlight robe approaching him. He was very regal, and he was wearing a black crown hat.

The robe on his body is embroidered with gold trim on both sides, and he wears a pair of high-soled boots with simple and simple patterns on his feet.

And there is no tail behind it.

At a glance, he is a proper noble son of the fox demon world.

Such fat sheep, no, such customers must not be let go.

With a sudden change of thought in his mind, a kind smile soon appeared on Lin Yi's face, and he nodded again and again,

"That's right, that's right, it's made of meteoric iron from beyond the sky. Just look at the blade, the color, and the blade, which can reflect people. No, it can be used as a mirror, and it will never rust."

Hearing this, the young master's eyes couldn't help showing interest, he squatted down, looked at the two kitchen knives in front of him, looked at the smooth mirror-like blades, his face could indeed be reflected on them, very clearly.

"What do these patterns mean?"

He pointed to a line of small English characters at the joint of the handle and asked.



Your son was a little skeptical. The shape of this knife was not very good-looking, and it looked a bit like a butcher's knife used by a butcher.

But the material is really unheard of, it looks like iron but not iron, and it looks like silver but not silver, but it's a pity that there are a few crooked patterns on it.

So he was very suspicious.

Just ask which craftsman would engrave such an ugly pattern on it and use it as a decoration.

He raised his head and looked at Lin Yi, but he could only see four words in his eyes, unwavering.

This made his heart shake, and it seemed that it was indeed a decoration.

Immediately, he picked up the knife and began to gesticulate in his hand.

"What are you going to do?" Seeing this, Lin Yi couldn't help frowning, why did he feel that this buddy was planning to harm himself.

"Since it is made of meteoric iron, it must be very sharp."

As he said that, Young Master pointed the knife at his wrist, and chopped it off without blinking an eyelid.


Seeing this scene, Lin Yi gasped, his scalp felt numb, and it was too late to stop him, so he could only turn his head to the side, and couldn't bear to watch any more.

What's the matter, I thought he was a noble son from the fox demon world, but I didn't expect to be a second idiot from the fox demon world, and he even planned to have sex with me.

It's hard to describe Lin Yi's mood at this moment, in short, it's hard to put it into words.


The sound of hard objects colliding sounded, and your young master frowned and looked at a white mark on his wrist, with some blood stains faintly oozing out, and muttered to himself: "It's really sharp."


Hearing the other party talking to himself, Lin Yi was so speechless, Ma De is mentally retarded, it's no wonder that the manganese steel knife is not sharp.

This thing is high-strength wear-resistant steel, and the bulletproof steel plate is also made of this material.

After hesitating for a moment, he still turned his head back, and then he couldn't help but thump in his heart, and secretly called him a good guy.

Because he saw an obviously broken gap on the blade, and there were already many cracks on the blade, a déjà vu that could be broken at any time.

This kind of scene has never been seen before.

"Losing money."

He said, even though the two idiots are brave, they still have to pay for the damage, and they must.

"How much money will I pay you?"


Seeing that the other party was so happy, Lin Yi couldn't help scratching his head, not knowing how much money he should ask for, hesitating whether to blackmail him or not.

Anyway, these two idiots don't seem to be short of money.

While Lin Yizheng was hesitating, the other party took out a bulging money bag from his pocket and handed it over directly, "Here, although I don't know how much your knife costs, I think the money should be enough."

Lin Yi hastily took the purse, weighed it casually, and estimated how much. He couldn't guess how much, but it should be quite a lot, because it was heavy.

"Brother, I wonder if this money is enough to buy your two knives?"

Just as he was about to get up and leave, the noble young master hesitated again, pondered for a moment, and asked, pointing to the remaining kitchen knife.

"Take it and give it to you."

Lin Yi, who came to Qingqiu and earned his first pot of gold, was in a good mood and waved his hand generously.

"Thank you."

After the young master thanked him, he picked up the kitchen knife and got up to leave. This time, he didn't do any self-harm. He just held the knife in his palm and observed carefully, muttering something in his mouth.

Lin Yi didn't pay any attention to his murmurs. He picked up the coat that was on the ground and put it on, put his bag on his back, and was about to leave here too.

I plan to go shopping for clothes first, and then find a place to eat something.

But when he saw that noble young man turned back just now, he couldn't help feeling tense, maybe these two idiots came to refund the money.

This is impossible, the money you get must not be spit out.

However, a partial refund is barely acceptable.

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard the other party ask: "Brother, do you sell this dress?"


Lin Yi was silent for a while, and asked, "Do you still have any money?"



(End of this chapter)

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