my fox girl

Chapter 344 Reunion

Chapter 344 Reunion

The sky is getting dark, and the Chinese lanterns in Qingqiu City are just beginning to light up the lights of thousands of houses.

Lin Yi was walking on the street, looking around at the night scene of this different world city.

As he walked, he couldn't help but look at the clothes on his body again. The gold trim embroidered on the moonlight robe shone slightly, which was ineffective, very good.

By the way, he straightened the crown on his head and loosened the knot tied around his chin.

I don't know what the second idiot was thinking, and he would ask for an exchange of clothes.

Originally, Lin Yi wanted to sternly refuse, but it was difficult to refuse the conditions offered by the other party.

Because this outfit is really handsome and compelling, just show off.

Especially the crown hat on the head, which looks a bit like Yi Shanguan, and I feel like the emperor of the Ming Dynasty traveling in micro clothes.

It's a pity that when walking around, the jeans are looming, which is not very beautiful, and the hiking boots on the feet also affect the overall look and feel, which is a bit nondescript.

Passing by a ready-made clothing store, Lin Yi stepped in, and when he came out, the jeans were replaced with skirts, and the hiking boots were replaced with a pair of black cloud shoes.

He also got his inner clothes and put them on, after all, his T-shirt and coat were used to change into the robe and hat, and he didn't wear anything inside, and the robe would be easily lost when the wind blows.

He opened the money bag in his hand and took a look. It was a little more than what was in it just now. He didn't expect that fool to be really rich, and the money in it was densely packed with coins made of an unknown material.

I don't know what material it is, but it's worth the money.

He spent a total of two coins to buy these things, and found seven or eight other coins. As for the money, he couldn't recognize any of it.

The face value is not written on it, but the material feels a bit like copper, but it is much heavier than copper, and I don't know what is mixed in it.

After a new look, Lin Yi felt that he had completely penetrated into the fox's interior. Except for the glaring backpack behind him, he was basically no different from the fox demon passing by.

Anyway, everyone is dressed in a toga with long sleeves.

However, there will still be a lot of fox demons looking sideways. Faced with these gazes, Lin Yi guessed that it might be because he was too handsome in this kind of clothes, but he was still a little uncomfortable.

It's not because of these gazes, it's mainly because he's wearing a skirt underneath, and there's no such thing as a skirt, that is to say, it's actually the same as a skirt.

What do you say about wearing a skirt for the first time?

Some are not used to it, and it always feels groundless and chilly.

Oh, no, I can't be groundless.

Along the way, he randomly found an inn to enter, and ordered some food at random. The food in Qingqiu was not as rich as its entertainment industry. Lin Yi traveled all the way, but he didn't see the brothels that were necessary in ancient cities.

A few plates of various unknown fruit cakes, a pot of sweet and sour fruit wine, and even two salted fish with rolling eyes.

It seems that the salted fish of the Chunhu family is really Qingqiu's best-seller. Now he can probably understand why Chunhu Ling's mother can open a large salted fish shop.

After eating, feeling the fullness in his belly, Lin Yi asked for a guest room on the top floor, located on the seventh floor of the inn. After freshening up, he stopped by the window and quietly watched the night view of the city.

Downstairs is the bustling street, and further away, you can see rows of houses through the eaves of the buildings.

Looking far to the north, there are still layers of eaves and hall corners. You can't even see the big river that runs through the city, let alone the place that haunts you in your dreams behind the mountains outside the northern city.

Lin Yi sighed softly, and couldn't help sighing again, how big this broken city is.

After more than half a month, Lin Yi finally came to the bank of the big river in the center of the city. On the other side of the big river, he could clearly see an altar towering in the sky.

After crossing the river, I looked up at the altar casually, and walked for more than half a month before finally walking out of the city and continuing on the journey. I took out the map from my bag and looked at it while walking along the route.

Over the mountains, across the plains, and continue walking along the river, getting closer to the destination on the map.

I didn't know where to go for a few days, and when night fell, Lin Yiwo camped and rested under a leeward hill.

He took out an inner alchemy from the bag and stuffed it into his mouth, and swallowed it without changing his expression. After eating this thing several times in a row, he has gradually become immune to it.

It's just a little shocking, after all, it was taken out after killing the fox demon.

Then he took out another salted fish and gnawed on it, staring at the map in his hand. According to the route, as long as he passed one more mountain, he should be able to see the places marked with woods and rivers on the map.

Also reached the end.

Looking into the distance, the mountain marked on the map fluctuates under the night, and it seems to be very close, but according to his experience in the past few months, the mountain is actually far away.

It takes at least two days to turn over.

But there is only this last one left.

This is the last one left.

Three days later, Lin Yi stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the small courtyard below, where several small wooden houses were crookedly built.

It doesn't feel like it can live in people.

And looking down from the mountain, there was no one in the courtyard, which made him hesitate for no reason, and took out the map to compare it carefully to confirm that the destination was here.

Immediately, he stabilized his mind, took a deep breath, ran to the nearby river to wash up, simply took care of his slightly long hair, and then changed into a clean robe prepared in advance.

Standing at the gate of the courtyard, looking at the small wooden doors nailed up with gratings, Lin Yi was inexplicably afraid to push them open, as if he was timid because of his closeness to his hometown.

He was afraid that the result after he pushed away would disappoint him.

After hesitating for a long time, he tapped on the wooden door a few times and waited anxiously for a long while, but no one came to open the door.

Tried tapping a few more times, still the same.

He was hesitating whether to open the door and enter, but he heard a slight noise in the forest not far away, and then a slightly mature female voice sounded, with a somewhat reproachful tone,
"You said you ran there every day, and now it's going to rain, but you still run there. I don't care if you get caught in the rain and get cold later."

Lin Yi turned around subconsciously when he heard the sound, just in time to see two figures walking out of the forest.

One was wearing a blue dress, and he subconsciously ignored it, leaving only the figure in a white dress with a large bustle and embroidered ink patterns on it.

The little fox demon that haunted him finally appeared in front of his eyes. The fair skin on her face was unstoppably haggard, and the pair of crystal clear eyes in his memory had also become dull, with red and swollen eye sockets.

And when she saw Lin Yi, her eyes widened instantly, and a red jade-like halo suddenly appeared on her face, as if she couldn't believe this scene.

For a moment, even the air seemed to be silent, only staring at each other in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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