my fox girl

Chapter 346

Chapter 346

"I'm going to pack my things. We'll leave tomorrow. You should go to bed early."

After leaving a simple sentence, Su Yu turned around and ran back to her room, which was also a crooked cabin, and closed the door by the way.

Witnessing her move, Lin Yi stood where he was, with a dazed expression on his face. He was obviously very sad just now, but when she said to herself, "Let's go with us", she agreed very quickly.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be rejected first, for example, this is my home and I don't want to leave.

Then she persuaded her again, or persuaded the little fox demon together, and finally she reluctantly agreed.

But this
Lin Yi felt as if he had fallen into a trap, and had a new understanding of the legendary sister Xiao Yu.

Obviously she was going back to her own world, but she was even more anxious than herself and couldn't wait.

He always felt that this sister Xiaoyu was different from what he had imagined.

Before seeing her, Lin Yi imagined her to be the type of big sister next door, intellectual and gentle, as careful as a hair, and considerate, with a gentle smile on her face at all times, and a smile on her body. The brilliance of motherhood.

Let your little fox demon feel the warmth of mother all the time.

But now the illusion is shattered.

Lin Yi looked around at the houses in the courtyard, and suddenly realized something.

Fantasies are just fantasies after all, how could the person who can build this kind of house be what he imagined.

Without staying too long in the courtyard, Lin Yi turned around and went back to the room. The little fox demon was still sleeping, probably because of the cold, his whole body shrunk into a small ball.

When the wooden windows were put down, the moonlight was blocked, and the whole house suddenly fell into darkness, but at the same time, it also blocked the autumn wind after the rain.

After getting used to the darkness a little, Lin Yi crept back to the bed and hugged her again. Just as he closed his eyes, he heard her whisper, "Husband"


"Shall we leave Qingqiu with Sister Xiaoyu tomorrow?"

"How did you know?"

"I heard it. I woke up as soon as you left, and then I have been eavesdropping on your conversation."

The little fox demon shrank her body into Lin Yi's arms as much as possible, and stuck to him tightly, feeling the lost and regained warmth, stretched out her small hand to gently stroke his cheek, and called softly again: "Husband"

It's just that this time her voice was a little trembling. She found that this person was much thinner than before. It wasn't obvious just by looking at it, but the feeling of touching was not as plump as before.

This made her heart ache uncontrollably, and tears fell again.

She remembered that she wandered aimlessly on that road every day, and wanted to go back to find him, but she couldn't go back anyway.

That kind of confusion, fear, helplessness, and longing once again enveloped my heart.

I thought that I would never see him because I was separated by two worlds, but I didn't expect him to come anyway, and I don't know how much suffering and suffering he suffered along the way.

"Don't cry, be good, don't cry"

Seeing her crying again, Lin Yi felt pain in his heart, and quickly patted her on the back softly to comfort her, but at the same time he was a little puzzled, "Why are you crying so well?"

"I, I don't want to cry, but Qingqiu is so far away, you must have suffered a lot to find it here, and also, you have lost a lot of weight. I, I feel uncomfortable."

Hearing her incoherent words, Lin Yi understood, and thought carefully about his experiences in the past few months.

Although there are various encounters, such as falling into the river when receiving water, falling under a tree while picking berries, stepping on the ground when climbing a mountain, rolling down from the top of the mountain, and so on.

Strictly speaking, it is indeed quite a crime.

But at least he found her alive and found her.

"Actually, I haven't suffered much. Besides, I've already suffered. No matter how much you cry, it's useless, right?"

The little fox demon's tears were still wet, and she murmured softly: "But my heart hurts."

"Okay, you feel bad."

Lin Yi gently wiped away the tears on her face, and then hugged her in his arms again, but he didn't want her tears to come out again.

Seeing this, Lin Yi thought for a while, and decided to use another way to comfort him, and then said: "If you feel sorry for me, how about rewarding me?"

"Why, how to reward?"

"Come on, let me tell you."

As he spoke, Lin Yi leaned close to her ear and whispered softly.

"no, do not want."

Hearing this, the blushing on the little fox demon's face spread to the base of her ears, she subconsciously glanced at the neighbor next door, her little nose twitched twice, and said with a slight choke: "Li, we are so close, I will definitely be heard by sister Xiaoyu." .”

"Then don't cry, shall we sleep?"


She responded softly, suppressed her tears, snuggled into Lin Yi's arms to calm down, and slowly closed her eyes.

Seeing that her tears finally stopped, Lin Yi heaved a sigh of relief.

Although a little disappointed, after all, Xiaobie is better than a newlywed, but this kind of small broken house made of wood is definitely not soundproof, plus it is so close, and the sister Xiaoyu next door has four tails, God knows her hearing How powerful it is, when the time comes, it will definitely be the same as the live broadcast.

No one made a sound, the room became silent for a while, and at some point, the wind and rain sounded again outside the window.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and it hit the eaves and the ground with a crackling sound. From time to time, there was the sound of whistling wind, and thunder rumbling from far to near.

I don't know how long it has passed, and suddenly a soft call sounded, "Husband."


"It's so noisy outside, it's thundering and it's raining."

Lin Yi opened his eyes, pulled the quilt up, hugged her again, and asked softly, "Is it so noisy that you can't sleep?"


"what is that?"

"No, nothing."

In the darkness, the little fox demon's cheeks became more rosy, and the room was quiet for a while, she bit her lips lightly, and said in a very small voice: "It's so noisy outside, I, I think sister Xiaoyu must not be able to hear it. "

Hearing this, Lin Yi didn't speak any more. He found her lips in the dark and kissed them.

After a while, several pieces of clothing were thrown at the foot of the bed.

Outside the house, the heavy rain covered all the sounds, and it seemed that only the sound of wind, rain and thunder was left in the world.

The next room with candles

Various things were scattered on the bed, including blue and green dresses, as well as miscellaneous objects.

There was Su Yu squatting in front of the box, throwing the contents on the bed, suddenly her eyes were attracted, and she pulled out a small quilt from the bottom of the box, along with a piece of white silk.

The handwriting on the white silk is still clear, only a few short sentences, but it reveals the most humble request of a mother.

I hope that my children will not know her identity as a half-demon, lest she feel inferior.

Hope her name can be called Bai.

Just watching, Su Yu's fox ears trembled a few times, ignoring the noisy rain, listening carefully, he could hear a strange movement.

She looked at the next door, feeling that the small bed over there was overwhelmed and was in danger of being scrapped at any time.

After hesitating for a moment, she didn't pay any attention to it. If it's bad, it's bad. Anyway, the bed can't be moved.

(End of this chapter)

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