my fox girl

Chapter 347

Chapter 347

In the morning of the next day, although the rain gradually subsided, the dense fog between the sky and the earth did not disperse, and it was impossible to see the end at a glance.

It was only when the sun was high that Lin Yi woke up from his slump.

Feeling the warmth and softness in his arms, he opened his eyes, and saw the little fox demon tightly huddled in his arms, still sleeping soundly with his eyes closed, his fair skin was exposed to the air, and there was still a trace of melt on his small face. Inexhaustible fatigue.

Sleeping too late last night, and listening to the sound of wind and rain for half the night, Lin Yi also felt a little sleepy, and had no intention of getting up at all, so he pulled up the quilt to cover up the exposed spring light.

Just as he was about to continue sleeping with her in his arms, he didn't want the little fox demon in his arms to let out a soft moan, and then opened his eyes, which were full of confusion, with the haze of when he was about to wake up.

Looking at her, Lin Yi felt that the dazed and lazy appearance was particularly endearing, and couldn't help but leaned down to kiss her lips.


The little fox demon couldn't help but let out a groan, a little sober, stretched out her white arms around Lin Yi's neck, and was about to respond, but didn't want to hear a knock on the door at this moment.

Although the voice of Du Tu Du was not hurried, it still caused her to panic, and she quickly pushed Lin Yi away, a shy blush suddenly appeared on her little face.

At this time, she finally fully woke up.

Glancing at the door, the knock was still ringing, she simply retracted her head into the bed, her legs were tightly together, and her two little feet were also tightly entangled.

I didn't say anything to prepare to let this guy open again. As for just now, it was just because I was a little confused when I just woke up.

Lin Yi also looked towards the door, and asked in a low voice, "Is that sister Xiaoyu?"


The sound is thin and weak, revealing the owner's shyness.

The knock on the door disappeared after a while, replaced by a mature and soft voice: "Are you awake?"

Lin Yi glanced at the quilt, the little fox demon was still hiding in it shyly, and didn't respond to the other party's intentions at all. It looked like he was going to be an ostrich.

Seeing this, he stabilized his mind and shouted outside the door: "Not yet."


There was a voice outside the door, followed by footsteps.

Lin Yi listened carefully to the movement outside the door, and saw the footsteps fading away, so she pulled back the quilt to expose her little head.

Seeing the cute blushing on her little face, Lin Yi couldn't help but leaned down again,
"She's gone, let's move on."

Hearing this, Xiaobai pressed his hands against Lin Yi's chest, softly pushed and pushed a few times, and blushed angrily, "Why don't you feel ashamed at all."

It's only light rain now, and it's so quiet outside, so it's bound to be heard, this guy has no shame at all.

"You only know how to be shy now, last night you rode on..."

Before Lin Yi could finish speaking, the little fox demon bit his chest, with a look of embarrassment on his face, he muttered indistinctly: "You mustn't say it!"

"Okay, don't talk, don't talk, let go."


She wrinkled her little nose and snorted, let go of her mouth, and pulled the quilt up again, wrapping her whole body in the quilt, leaving only her little head exposed.

Then he glanced at the clothes scattered on the ground, and whispered, "Go and pick up the clothes."

"Are you going to get up now?" Lin Yi felt that he didn't think about it at all, so he wanted to hug her and sleep forever.


"Then call me husband."


"So nice."

Lin Yi patted her head, half satisfied, half got up and got out of bed.

As soon as he got out of the warm bed, a sudden coldness hit him, he covered the quilt and the little fox tightly, and said: "It's really cold."

"It's ugly."

Hearing this, Lin Yi looked down and felt that it was indeed a bit ugly, but he still insisted: "When you need it, you can praise your parents for being mighty. You like it very much. Now you don't need to say that your parents are ugly."


The little fox gritted her teeth angrily, pulled out the pillow under her head, and threw it at this nasty guy.

Facing the rushing pillow, Lin Yi caught it with a wave, and pinched it under his arm, picked up the clothes on the ground, handed them over and said, "Well, put them on quickly."

"You hurry up and wear it too."

There was still a hint of shame and anger in the urging voice, obviously she was still a little angry.

Lin Yi did as he said, first put the inner coat on his body, and then put the robe on the outside, but the ribbon and the breasts on it were quite cumbersome. Although he has been wearing this kind of clothes for a while, every time he wears them Have to toss for a long time.

Especially the girdle can only be fastened behind the back, and the back of the hand is tied behind the back. This kind of operation is really anti-human.

Every time Lin Yi wore it before, he either didn't wear it, or even if he forced it on, it was always crooked.

Thinking about it, he spent more than a dozen coins when he bought it. According to his observations these days, the purchasing power of this coin is very strong, and one coin is equivalent to two or 3000 yuan.

And a dozen pieces are tens of thousands, and a fox demon who can spend tens of thousands to buy clothes, or can wear this kind of clothes, must be from a wealthy family. There is a lack of maidservants and maidservants and the like.

It's a pity that I am a modern person, even if I can afford this kind of clothes, I can't enjoy this kind of corrupt treatment.

The little fox hides under the blanket and puts on her clothes rustlingly, as if not to show him anything, just put on the bellyband, when she finds that Lin Yi has not made a sound for a long time, she can't help but poke her head out of the blanket come out.

Then I saw him getting dressed in a hurry, although the shame and anger in my heart hadn't completely dissipated, I still couldn't help laughing.

Immediately thinking of what happened just now, he quickly stopped the news, waved his hands expressionlessly, "Come on, I'll tie it up for you."

Hearing this, Lin Yi walked over, the little fox demon half-raised his body, helped him tie his girdle, turned over, causing the quilt wrapped around his body to slip off, revealing his snow-white and tender shoulders, which made Lin Yi, who turned his head, couldn't help but I reached out and touched it.

"You are not allowed to touch." Xiaobai glared at him with puffy cheeks, but he didn't struggle, and he didn't even mean to resist.

She just stretched her arms around his neck and pressed it down, then picked up the hat beside the bed and helped him put it on his head, covering Lin Yi's somewhat messy half-long hair.

"How about it, do I look like a nobleman in this kind of clothes? To describe it in one sentence, it belongs to Mo Shangren Ruyu, a master who is unparalleled in the world."

Lin Yi turned around a few times to show her, muttering.

"Not at all."

The little fox demon said something against her conscience, but her eyes kept shining brightly. When she first met yesterday, she only knew how to cry and didn't have the time to observe what this guy was wearing.

So much so that it was only now that she realized that he was actually wearing this kind of clothing. With her poor ability to describe, she summed it up as really good-looking.

"Don't worry, I still have a dress at the bottom of the box, I'll show you right now."

"I don't look at it."

Seeing her wrinkling her nose and showing a cute and arrogant face, Lin Yi couldn't help holding her and nibbling a few mouthfuls. After wiping her face full of saliva, he took the moon-white robe in his backpack with satisfaction. Take out the clothes and black crown hat.

Then he stood in front of him and said: "See if you see it, just the gold thread embroidered on it, and the jade on this hat. Although I don't know what kind of jade it is, it is definitely worth a lot of money."

"Where did you get such expensive clothes?"

Mentioning this, Lin Yi couldn't help cheering up, and said with a stern face: "I traded with a second idiot."

At this time, it was located in a mansion with a very large area in Qingqiu City.

A teenager who was sitting in front of the court watching the rain suddenly sneezed, and then he tightened his coat tightly, put his hands in his pockets, and sighed: "The clothes are convenient, but they don't keep you warm."

 Thank you for the 1000 points rewarded by participating in children's shoes on Beilu.

  Thanks for the 500 points rewarded by the red-nosed child thief.

  Thank you for the 100 points rewarded by Mr. Dalang, who sells newspapers.

  Thanks to book friend 20210609235654862 for the 100 points rewarded by children's shoes.

(End of this chapter)

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