my fox girl

Chapter 349 Daughter-in-law is a vixen

Chapter 349 Daughter-in-law is a vixen

New snow is flying.

Green Ant New Distillery, red clay small stove.

Warming wine by the stove on a snowy day, looking out of the window, the whole city is covered in white, pure white in the eyes, and looking back at the steaming heat in the house, it should be a very pleasant thing.

The three old men sat together, but they didn't have that leisurely mood. They sat around and ate hot pot, and they didn't drink alcohol. They just drank herbal tea, looking for ways to keep healthy.

The pot kept tumbling, creating layers of mist.

"Is your daughter-in-law about to give birth soon?" Liu Jian asked.

"It's coming soon. The due date is July, and there are still more than five months."

Yang Ming picked up the herbal tea and drank it all in one gulp. He raised his eyes and looked out the window, lamenting that the world is impermanent. Back then, he and Lin Yi promised to be each other's heaven.
No, they agreed to start a late-child family together, but unexpectedly, they secretly led the way and bought fake and inferior products.

now all that's left
Thinking of this, he looked at Sun Yan on the other side, and asked, "Have you dealt with the mother-in-law?"

"That's for sure. It's not easy to get a mother-in-law. I'm discussing engagement right now. My buddies will be able to get married next year at the latest."

Seeing the complacency on his face, both of them couldn't help laughing, and they didn't know who the frowning person was two years ago.

"Didn't the missing person come back? Why didn't you call him over?"

"Why didn't I call, I made several calls, but the phone was either turned off or not in the service area."

"The person disappeared for half a year and finally came back. I guess he was busy with his wife again."

"Not necessarily, maybe I'll stay with my aunt."

"Accompany the two together?"

"That's really enviable."

The snowy weather is just right for cats to stay at home in winter. The pedestrian flow on the pedestrian street has also decreased visibly, and the bookstore has not opened its doors. The windows on the second floor are tightly closed to keep the cold air out.

Lin Yuguo sat on the sofa and was lost in thought. His daughter-in-law disappeared more than half a year ago, and then within a month, he received a text message from his son, and then he disappeared along with him.

After half a year, the two finally came back with a girl named Su Yu who they said was their sister-in-law.

He should have been happy, but once the joy was over, no matter how he thought about it, he felt something was wrong.

It's not that something else is wrong, the main thing is that in the past six months, the phone calls have not been connected, and the text messages have not been answered. The couple hurriedly called the police again, reporting the missing persons, but it was of no use at all.

Just like the situation of the daughter-in-law before, the son suddenly disappeared, but this sudden return made people wonder where he went for the past six months.

Lin Yuguo remembered that more than two years ago, the boy brought his wife to the door for dinner, and suddenly came over and asked mysteriously.

"Dad, if I told you that your daughter-in-law is actually a goblin, would you believe me?"

When I heard it for the first time, I thought this kid was sick again, or there was something wrong with his brain again, but now that I think about it, I feel a chill down my spine.

Maybe that girl is really a fairy.

And half a year ago, when the girl had just disappeared, Lin Yi also asked Yu Shuhui something similar, "Mom, your daughter-in-law is actually a fox demon, do you believe it?"

Pushing forward further, during the summer vacation four years ago, when I and Yu Shuhui came back from a trip, I saw the missing object notice on the glass door of the study.

Although the painting style is very scribbled, it can be recognized that the painting on it is a pair of embroidered shoes.

A pair of embroidered shoes that have long been eliminated by the times and are rarely worn by anyone in this era.

"Dad, she's an orphan who came out of the mountains."

"Dad, she doesn't have a registered permanent residence. She was a hermit in the mountains before."


Lin Yi's voice seemed to be ringing in his ears again, but Lin Yuguo felt that even if his stupid son could really tell about the girl's so-called secluded place, and then went to search for it himself, he would definitely not find anyone there. traces of living.

What kind of hermit, she obviously appeared out of nowhere.

When I met her for the first time, her eyes were ignorant and confused, and I don't know when they changed into agile and natural.

It seems that she came to this world for the first time, and as the days went by, she adapted and integrated little by little.

Thinking back to the past few years, every time we met, that girl was always wearing a skirt with her legs exposed.

And in winter, when the weather is the coldest, she will wear a long down jacket on her upper body, but the skirt is still underneath, and the skirts are often very large, as if she is covering something, and it seems that there is no way to wear it. wear pants.

Fairy, Fox Fairy, Foxtail

Lin Yuguo gasped, his eyes widened suddenly, his neck seemed to be rusty, and he slowly turned his head to look at Yu Shuhui who was beside him, "Daughter-in-law, our daughter-in-law is probably really a goblin, and she is also a vixen. "


Yu Shuhui paused, and forgot to crack the melon seeds in her hand. She opened her eyes and stared blankly at her husband, as if time stood still.

After a long while, she put the melon seeds to her mouth, and at the same time gave him a sideways glance, cursing: "I'm sick."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the other party and turned his attention back to the TV, watching the recently hit family ethics drama.

Hearing this, Lin Yuguo scratched his head irritably, feeling that this kind of thing couldn't be explained at all, even if he explained it to his wife, he wouldn't believe it.

After all, I don't really believe it.

But after clearing his mind just now, he felt more and more that only such a guess could make sense.

Since it was a fox demon, it might have come from a very secret place. As for this secret place, it might be another world, or something like the demon world.

It's all done on TV.

This can explain where Tong Linyi has been for the past six months, and why he can't get through the phone.

Because there is a demon world, there is no signal tower.

At the same time, it also explained why the girl was so beautiful, and she didn't look like a human being.

Without him, the vixen is naturally beautiful, beautiful, and the reason why she always wears skirts must be because she has foxtails.

And the fox tail basically cannot be retracted.

This is recorded in strange novels like Liaozhai.

The more Lin Yuguo thought about it, the more reliable he felt, and the more he thought about it, the more evil he felt.

I couldn't help standing up, paced back and forth in the living room, walked around a few times, and looked out the window. The heavy snow was still falling, and it was falling down, covering the city made of reinforced concrete.

In this modern society, she has obtained a legal household registration, which means that her identity has been washed, and no one will doubt her identity.

He took out his mobile phone and opened Baidu, searched for a while, and then suddenly ran downstairs.

Seeing Lin Yuguo hurrying downstairs, Yu Shuhui couldn't help shouting, "Why are you going?"

"Go to the bookshelf and get some books to read."

Lin Yuguo didn't even look back, he pushed the door and went downstairs. He planned to study mythology and read a few ancient ghost novels, mainly to catch up on The Legend of the White Snake.

Because the above story is very suitable for him.

The child born of a human and a demon was admitted to the top prize.

He felt that his future grandson might do the same.

(End of this chapter)

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