my fox girl

Chapter 350 I finally have a mother...

Chapter 350 I finally have a mother...

In the mountains far away from the city, there was still heavy snow falling, which was heavier than that in the city.

The entire deserted mountain village was covered in white, and the snow for many days even crushed some precarious houses.

The cold wind wrapped snowflakes on his face, and it was chilly. Lin Yi wrapped his down jacket tightly and enjoyed the snow in the small courtyard with his aunt.

As for Su Yu beside him, he lowered his head and unzipped the zipper of the down jacket on his body, and then zipped it up again, repeating it several times without getting tired, testing the ability of this kind of clothing to resist the cold.

Finally, he put his hands in his pockets, squatted on the ground, feeling the warmth of being wrapped, and sighed in his heart that wearing this clothes is warm.

It's just a pity, why isn't this down jacket green, the white one is also pretty.

But she still thinks that green or cyan is more in line with her own wishes, just like her turquoise foxtail, it represents vitality.

Witnessing her whole set of actions just now, Lin Yi was a little speechless, not knowing how to evaluate her bewildering behavior, so he simply kept silent.

Looking at the small dilapidated house, although the door is dilapidated, even the cold wind can pour in through the gap on the door, but even so, you can't hear the slightest sound inside.

Lin Yi estimated that her mother-in-law used some kind of magic to shield her perception. Obviously, she didn't want herself and her sister-in-law to hear their mother and daughter's conversation.

Or, more likely, crying.

He secretly speculated in his heart that the scene of mother and daughter getting acquainted is usually the kind of crying first, and then start to reminisce about the past, tell each other, talk about the experiences of these years, and then cry when they get emotional.

He knows this kind of thing well. When he was a child, he often watched such large-scale bitter dramas with Yu Shuhui, and there were many such plots in it.

And they have been in for such a long time, they probably cried a lot.

It's hard to say whether the mother-in-law is crying or not, but my little daughter-in-law must be crying.

As a good husband and son-in-law, Lin Yi has already started to think about how he should comfort them when the door opens.

I haven't figured out the specific details yet, but when the time comes, let's shed a few tears to enhance the atmosphere.

The small courtyard was silent for a while, and Su Yu suddenly broke the silence, "I never thought that Su Li would live in such a place."

She looked around and felt that this small courtyard was even more dilapidated than her own home.

It is true that You Su Li, who rushed into Qingqiu City and killed several officials in charge of punishment, was Ah Bai's mother, and she also did not expect that after she fled to this world through the stone mirror, she would live in such a broken place.

It doesn't match the vicious reputation she spread back then.

"It's really a bit broken. I rented a house in the community and asked her to move there."

Lin Yi also felt that this small courtyard was too dilapidated and looked like it might collapse at any time.

Although with the character of her mother-in-law, she may not care about these things, but this is the time to show her filial piety.

Although living together can reflect filial piety at all times, the home is a structure of three bedrooms and one living room, with a master bedroom, a second bedroom, and a study.

The second bedroom has been occupied by this aunt's brand light bulb, and the study room is relatively small and not suitable for people to live in.

You can't wrong your mother-in-law and sister-in-law to sleep on the same bed.

Besides, living under the same roof with my sister-in-law is bad enough, and I have to do something in the middle of the night, and then I have to sneak around, not daring to make too much noise.

If there are more mother-in-laws, don't do anything at night, just sleep.

Hearing this, Su Yu looked at the closed wooden door, moved his lips a few times, seemed a little hesitant, and said after a while, "Then I will move out to live with her too."

Although this fox demon has a fierce reputation and always has a cold face and looks difficult to get along with, she still decided to move out.

It's good to live with them anywhere, but I can't sleep well at night.

Every night in the middle of the night, the next door will start.
She didn't want to recall the details.

Although it is indistinct and not very clear to hear, but the hazy one is more touching.

Sometimes it can even last until the fifth watch, which makes the already single self even worse.

Lin Yi took a deep look at her, eyes full of expectation and approval, and then nodded heavily.

"No problem. I rented a two-bedroom apartment this time. There are all kinds of furniture in it. It is very convenient to move in with a bag."

"Do you have a computer?"

"Yes, but the configuration is not very good, but it doesn't matter, I will go out tomorrow and buy you a high-end one."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi quickly changed his mind, "No, I will buy it when I go back today."

At this moment, he was afraid that the other party would go back on his word and choose to continue to be a light bulb, so he bought it early and finished it early, trying to let her move in tonight.

"Well, sister, do you have any other requests?"


After reaching a consensus, the two continued to remain silent, watching the movement behind them while admiring the snow.

After a long time, there was a soft click sound, and the two turned their heads in tacit agreement, and then the wooden door opened, and Su Li in a white dress came out.

She still had that cold look on her face, with a nonchalant expression on her face, but there was a bit of gleam in her eyes, with a touch of moisture.

It seemed that she had just cried, but she covered it up very well.


Lin Yi stood up and shouted, then patted the snow on his body, poked his head and looked into the house, but the environment inside was a little dark, so that he couldn't see anything clearly.

I wanted to go in quickly to see what my daughter-in-law was doing, but I also worried that my mother-in-law was right in front of me, so I might have something to say to myself.

I had to stand on tiptoe and stretch my neck as long as possible, looking sneaky.

"Go in and see her."


Hearing these words, Lin Yi responded swiftly, ran into the house in three steps at a time, and closed the door behind him.

In the small courtyard, the two fox demons looked at each other quietly for a moment, and Su Yu was the first to lose the battle and looked away.

Although the other party didn't do anything, he even looked at him with gentle eyes.

But she was still a little afraid unconsciously. As a member of the same race, she could more intuitively feel the oppression brought by the other party.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that it was not a wise choice to move out and live with the other party.

Otherwise, let that sister-in-law also rent a house for himself.

The environment in the room was a bit gloomy. After Lin Yi came in, it was exactly as he had expected. The little fox demon was sitting on the stone mirror, her beautiful eyes were watery, and her eye sockets were red and swollen. She knew she must be crying just now is particularly miserable.

Seeing this, Lin Yi hurriedly walked up to her and hugged her tightly, then patted her on the back lightly with his hands, comforting her softly.

After a long time, the little fox demon in her arms finally stopped sobbing. She leaned into Lin Yi's arms and twitched her little nose a few times, raised her eyes and called softly: "Husband"


"I, I finally have a mother, but, but my father..."

Speaking of this, she became choked up again, and her eyes were filled with tears again, and she couldn't speak anymore.

Lin Yi looked down at her and stared into her eyes, which were filled with joy, but also with a touch of indelible sadness.

(End of this chapter)

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