my fox girl

Chapter 366 I don't have

Chapter 366 I don't have

arrive home.

Lin Yi opened the door with the key, and as soon as he walked around the screen, he saw his wife lying on the sofa.

Leaning on the sofa, covered with a thin blanket, with a book upside down on his face.

On the cover of the book, the word "Siege City" was clearly visible. At this moment, Lin Yi was a little shocked that his stupid daughter-in-law actually read such a profound book.

Is this new content of prenatal education?

Although it is not clear if she can see clearly, the picture in front of her is indeed beautiful.

The loose suspender pajamas covered her body, revealing some fair and tender parts. Under the subtle sunlight coming in from the balcony, her porcelain-white skin was covered with a milky-yellow seductive halo.

Sure enough, a woman who falls asleep reading a book is fundamentally different from a woman who falls asleep watching TV.

Walking over, Lin Yi took the book away. She was sleeping soundly with her eyes closed, breathing evenly, her bulging belly rising and falling with her breathing.

Put your hands gently on her stomach, and feel the rhythm of life through the blanket.

The little fox demon in his sleep seemed to feel something, wrinkled his nose and whimpered twice, turned his body sideways and continued to sleep.

As a result, when he turned sideways, the sling on his shoulders suddenly slipped off, and Lin Yi seemed to be able to see a rabbit's eyes staring at him. Although he had seen it countless times, he still couldn't help being attracted by it.

After thinking silently for a while, Lin Yi moved his hand away from her stomach, stretched out two fingers, and gently picked up the shoulder straps on her nightdress, intending to pull them back to prevent colds.

But she didn't want the moment she touched the sling, she hummed slightly again, and then opened her eyes in a daze.


After seeing Lin Yi in front of her clearly, her eyes swept down again, and then she saw his outstretched hand, which was very close, as if he was about to get into her clothes, and subconsciously said: "Don't you touch!"

"I do not."

"Touch what."

The door of the master bedroom was opened, Yu Shuhui came out with a mop, and then saw the scene in the living room. From her perspective, Lin Yi was stretching his arms behind his back.

The hand seemed to be resting on the chest of the daughter-in-law.

Thinking of the phrase "Don't touch it", she was silent for a moment, then quietly retreated into the bedroom, closing the door by the way.

"Mom, listen to me."

Before Lin Yi could finish his sentence, the door closed in response.

Looking at the closed door in silence for a long time, he turned his head back. His neck seemed to be rusted, and his turn was a little stiff.

The two started to look at each other, Lin Yi looked at the blushing on her face, she looked at the speechlessness on Lin Yi's face.

No one spoke for a while.

After a while, Lin Yi coughed twice, lifted her shoulder straps up, and then asked, "Then what, why hasn't my mother left yet?"

"She, she said she would cook for me, and then help clean up the house. She will leave when you come back."

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

Lin Yi felt that his mother might be, no, she must have misunderstood something.

When he thought of this, there were thousands of alpacas galloping in his heart.

"I'm sleeping, how can I tell you, and, besides, I don't know that it's all your fault that you touch me as soon as you come back, who makes you always want to take advantage of me."

Xiaobai was determined not to let him throw the blame on himself, after finishing speaking, he took the book on the side and covered his face to hide the blushing on his cheeks.

"I didn't, I just wanted to help you pull up the sling."

Lin Yi's expression was indescribable, obviously his original intention was not this, but he was still misunderstood.

"You, is it still useful for you to say this now?" Through the book, the little fox demon muffled.


Lin Yi was speechless.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems to be useless.

"You continue to sleep with you, and I will explain to her."


After a moment of silence, there was a faint hum.

The bedroom door was not locked, Lin Yi pushed it open, and looked at the figure in the room, who was mopping the floor with a mop. Although the floor was already shiny, Yu Shuhui was still mopping.

Hearing the door opening behind her, she stopped what she was doing, glanced back, turned her head back, and continued mopping the floor.


Seeing this, Lin Yi bit the bullet and shouted.

"Well, why?"

"I just wanted to tell you, I didn't."

"Mom didn't see anything, and she didn't know anything."


Lin Yi fell silent, paused for a moment, and then said: "Then you continue to work, I will go out first."

"Wait a moment."

Yu Shuhui stopped him, and seeing Lin Yi turned around to look at her, she hesitated for a moment, leaned the mop against the wall, and beckoned him to come over.


"Mom will tell you a few words."


Lin Yi hesitated, but walked over silently and looked at her.

And Yu Shuhui also raised her head and looked at the son in front of her, who was only so big when he was born, not as long as her own arm.

Now, without knowing it, he has become such a big man. He is about 1.8 meters tall, and now he needs to look up.

Facing this young man, there are some things that are inconvenient to say, but they have to be said.

She sorted out her thoughts, thought for a moment, and then asked, "Have you washed your hands at home?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did you just say wash it or not?"


Hearing this, Yu Shuhui paused for another moment, then lowered her voice and said, "Mom told you, this... usually after seven or eight months of pregnancy, milk production will begin.

That is, um, you must keep clean and hygienic at this time, you said, your hands are full of bacteria when you just came back from the outside, and you ran to touch them without washing your hands, it is easy to cause "

"Mom, I didn't touch it, I just helped."

"Whether there is or not, I have to tell you, not to let you do that, that is, this... You must develop the habit of washing your hands at home, you know?"


Lin Yi opened his mouth to argue, but finally nodded weakly.

Seeing his unwilling expression, Yu Shuhui couldn't help but glared at him, and then said: "Don't be unwilling to listen to me telling you these things. You are a big man, and you don't care too much. If something happens indivual…….."

"Mom, I'm not unwilling to listen, and I know what you said, and I know it in my heart."

"You really know?"


Lin Yi nodded again and again, and couldn't help but glance at the door. He didn't bother to explain anything now, he just wanted to evacuate from this place quickly, after all...

It was embarrassing anyway.

Yu Shuhui stared at him for a moment, then sighed and said, "Okay, you can go out."

Hearing this, Lin Yiru turned and left in a hurry as if he had been pardoned.

Seeing him leave, Yu Shuhui picked up the mop at the side and looked at the ground. The ground that had been mopped four or five times was already very clean. She wanted to go out, but she was afraid that her daughter-in-law would be embarrassed.

While hesitating, Lin Yi opened the door and walked in again, straight to the point, "Mom, Xiaoyu's phone is turned off and she can't get through, do you know where she usually plays mahjong?"

(End of this chapter)

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