my fox girl

Chapter 367 I'm Sorry, Brother

Chapter 367 I'm Sorry, Brother

At a remote corner in a small alley, there is a chess and card room. The sign on the door reads Tengfei Senior Citizens Activity Center, and there is a mahjong and chess sign on it. It is a simple, dilapidated second floor.

The first floor is the hall, with a bar offering tea and melon seeds, and several automatic mahjong tables, and the second floor is several private rooms separated by wooden boards.

There were a few scattered tables of people sitting in the hall, most of them were old men and old ladies. After all, it was the activity center of veteran cadres.

And Su Yu was among them.

It was early summer, and she was wearing a turquoise dress with her legs exposed. Her youthful attire and delicate appearance made her look very out of place compared to the old men and women around her.

But this still didn't affect her excitement, her eyes fell on the card table, her hands didn't stop, she was shuffling the cards, and there were two old men and an old lady sitting opposite her.

Since Lin Yi's jewelry store hired someone to help run it, she began to roam around the various card tables, sometimes with Yu Shuhui, but Yu Shuhui had to cook soup every day, so she was alone most of the time.

And this is a good place she discovered recently, a gathering place for old men and old ladies, so she no longer has to worry about the lack of three.

Unlike before, after just a few laps, the old man and the old lady would clamor to pick up their grandson from school, and they broke up when they were having fun, without any energy at all.

Really affects her winnings.

But now that she has learned to be smart, even if she can use mana and can see through the cards on the opposite side, she will occasionally shoot the old man and old lady on purpose to make them happy and prevent the situation where no one will play with her again in the future. occur.

After all, although the old man and the old lady have retirement wages, five yuan and eight yuan can afford to lose, but they can't afford to lose without winning.

"Touch yourself."

Su Yu pushed down the card, put both hands on the table, and urged: "Quick, take out the money, take out the money."

The other people at the table all pulled out their money angrily, lamenting their bad luck. Although she won a lot, no one suspected that she was cheating.

Whose old man has nothing to do, and if he goes to this kind of place to win himself three or five yuan, such a small amount of money is not enough for travel expenses.

After Lin Yi followed the address to find it, what he saw was such a scene.

My sister-in-law stretched out her hand to ask the old man and old lady for money, as for those who were asked for money, they all put on a bitter face, took out a small cloth bag from their pockets, opened it three layers inside and three layers outside, and opened it from the inside. Slowly counting out a few pieces, and finally handing them over to her.

Just like this, she also complained that people moved too slowly, it would be nice to put the money directly in the drawer, so as to save the trouble of giving the money.

Lin Yi observed for a while, and the three people she played cards with could not make up a complete set of teeth together.

I don't know how to respect the old and love the young at all.

It doesn't seem right to say that, her real age is actually older than these people, but this still doesn't affect his disgust.

After feeling disgusted in his heart, Lin Yi walked over, and just as he stood still behind her, everyone at the table looked up at him.

Su Yu also turned her head. After she saw who was coming, she was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Ask you something."

Hearing this, Su Yu was startled again, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Let's go out and say, it's not convenient here."

"That's fine."

Su Yu took out the money he had won from the drawer. There were a lot of green bills, all of which were worth one dollar. Occasionally, a five-dollar bill appeared, which was considered a big ticket.

Then he stood up reluctantly, looked back at the card table, and said to those people: "You wait here, I will be right back."

"Let's go." Lin Yi couldn't help urging.

Walking out of the chess and card room side by side, Lin Yi looked around the surrounding environment. From here, he walked to the end of the alley, then turned left, and walked for a while, he could see a garbage dump, where Yang Ming was lying last night.

Before coming here, he was 70.00% 100% sure. After coming here, he was [-]% [-]% sure.

The remaining ten percent are just one inquiry away.

"Well, sister, what did you do last night?"


"No, I mean what did you do before you went to sleep?"

"Play majiang."


Lin Yi was silent for a while, and asked, "Just playing mahjong, without hitting anyone?"

"Hit someone?"

Su Yu recalled it for a moment, and then said: "It seems to be a call. I went out to play mahjong last night, and a human kept calling me young lady. She was dark and strong, and she was very ugly. He is not a good person, I ignored him.

But he has been following me, and he must have ill intentions for me.

Then I tapped him on the back of his neck with my hand, just lightly, without much force, but who knew that he passed out directly, but when I left, it seemed that he was not dead, so I don’t know. It's a crime. "

"He's not dead, but you broke his cervical vertebrae."

"How did you know?"

"The man you knocked on is my friend."

After saying this, Lin Yi looked at her with complicated eyes, not too surprised, after all, he was already very suspicious before coming here, and just wanted to confirm it with a little luck.

As a result, when asked, it really is.

At this moment, it was hard to describe his mood. It was because of a misunderstanding that his friend sent his sister-in-law to the hospital.

It seems that the root of the problem lies in Yang Ming's appearance.

"My friend saw you walking alone at night and thought it was dangerous, so he wanted to escort you, but you."

Lin Yi didn't say the following words, but Su Yu already understood the meaning, she didn't know what to say at the moment, and the two of them looked at each other speechlessly.

After a while, she asked in a low voice, "Is your friend seriously injured?"

"It's not serious, the cervical spine is broken, at least I have to recuperate for half a year."


Su Yu opened his mouth, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "How about this, you take me to him, and then let him break my cervical vertebrae, so that it will be evened."


Lin Yi looked at his sister-in-law silently, trying to read something from her face, but found that her expression was very sincere, as if she really thought so.

It's so wicked.

Are the brain circuits of Qingqiu's fox demons so strange?
"Forget it, sister, go and play your mahjong, you don't have to worry about this matter, I will take care of it."

Lin Yi waved his hands helplessly. He didn't expect her to come up with any good solutions, and asked her if she could pay for the medical expenses.

She has ass money and no job, and her only source of income is the subsistence allowances of those old men and women at the poker table.

Looking at her back as she walked into the chess and card room, Lin Yi stood silently for a moment, rubbing between his brows helplessly.

On one side is my good buddy, on the other side is my aunt.

He was struggling in his heart, he didn't know whether he should tell Yang Ming the truth, whether he should cover up his sister-in-law.

After thinking about it, Lin Yi soon had an answer, and his eyes gradually became firmer. Now that things have happened, he can only say one thing, I'm sorry, brother.

(End of this chapter)

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