my fox girl

Chapter 368 Can't think of a title

Chapter 368 Can't think of a title

"The seat cushion is comfortable, and the wheels are also specially made, which can definitely bear your weight. I also specially installed a pillow rest on the backrest to fully protect your neck."

In the ward, Lin Yi pointed to the wheelchair and gave an enthusiastic introduction. Listening to his rambling, Yang Ming nodded silently, not knowing what to say.

I just feel that this buddy has been very enthusiastic recently. He comes here every day with a lot of condolences, greeting himself, and this one is even pushing a wheelchair to the door.

I don't know what he wants to do.

It was my neck that was broken, but my leg was not broken, it was just that it was a little difficult to move with the support on it, and I didn't need it at all.
Oh, it seems to be useful.

"I installed a brushless motor inside for you, which has a very strong horsepower. There is a button, which can run and turn when you press it. The speed can be adjusted in three gears. There is a lithium battery under the seat with a capacity of 8450. , It’s no problem to run [-] kilometers, if you want to go out on a rainy day, well, it’s no problem.”

With that said, Lin Yi went around to the back of the wheelchair, pointed to an umbrella pinned to it, and said, "Here is an umbrella, I'll let you fix it tightly with screws, look, it will open automatically once you press this button , especially convenient, and can also adjust the height.”

Looking at the propped up umbrella, Yang Ming was silent for a moment, and said, "Why do I go out in a wheelchair when it's raining?"

"It's okay if it doesn't rain, and it can also provide shade."


"That's true." Yang Ming was silent for a moment, and had to admit that what he said made sense.

I slapped the armrest of the wheelchair with my hand a few times, and there was a muffled bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang sound.

I don't know where this product was custom-made, but it's pretty cool.

He has now accepted the wheelchair and can't wait to sit in it and feel it.

"Come on, help me up, let me sit on it and try."

Seeing his eagerness to try, Lin Yi was also sincerely relieved, helped him to the wheelchair, and said mysteriously: "Let me tell you, this wheelchair has another function, you absolutely like it."

"What function?"

"Don't worry, I'll push you out first."

"Can't you run by yourself?"

"The location in the ward is too small to use it, let's find an open place and try it."


Yang Ming didn't say much. He leaned on the back of the wheelchair, enjoying the feeling of being pushed. Needless to say, this wheelchair is really comfortable to sit on.

I just don't know what the mysterious function he said is.

The sun in the morning was very weak, not as hot as at noon, and there were many patients who came out for activities in the small garden downstairs of the hospital.

Lin Yi pushed Yang Ming out of the hospital gate, and as soon as he reached the edge of the garden, Yang Ming turned his head and said, "Let me run by myself, I want to try the feeling."


Lin Yi nodded, let go of the wheelchair, and saw Yang Ming fumbling with his hands, his eyes still struggling to see the buttons on the armrest. He couldn't help but remind him, "The one in the middle of the armrest on the right."

"This shit"

As soon as Yang Ming pressed the button, the wheelchair rushed out with a whoosh, beeping very fast.

"Press the top button to stop."

Seeing this, Lin Yi hurriedly stepped back and started to chase, shouting while chasing.

"Left or right."

Yang Ming's voice came from afar, shouting, and he pressed his hand indiscriminately again.

Then, the hub of the wheelchair began to flash colorful lights, and at the same time, dynamic music sounded from the wheelchair.

"I can't fly no matter what, Huahua's world, so I am a drunken butterfly"

The rhythmic DJ, with an amazingly loud voice, attracted the patients, doctors, and family members who were active in the garden.

After seeing what the person in the wheelchair looked like, they all called him a good guy, "Brother Jianghu" is just different, not to mention running around in a wheelchair, there is also a soundtrack.

Subconsciously, Yang Ming quickly pressed it again. The speed of the wheelchair finally slowed down, and then gradually stopped, but the music was still playing, and then he pressed the button that played the music before.

The music froze for a while, and then changed the tune,

"I haven't been a big brother for many years, I don't like the cold edge of the bed, don't force me to miss, don't force me to cry, I will turn my face."

The refrain came up, and the surrounding melon-eaters couldn't help talking in low voices.

"It's quite fitting."

"Maybe he's really a big brother in the society."

"Isn't it the eradication of evil recently? Why hasn't he been arrested?" someone questioned.

"Damn, didn't you see the collar on his neck? Maybe he hurt himself on purpose after he went in, and then he was released on medical parole. It's always been played like this on TV." Enthusiastic people helped answer.

"If you have to press the button on the TV, will there be some unexpected situation in a while, such as taking the opportunity to escape from prison?"

"I can't tell, but in this case, the police should be following, and the young man chasing him should be the police."

"Well, it should be. That young man has a righteous face, but why is he not wearing a police uniform?"

"Plainclothes police."


The music in his ears was intertwined with vague discussions. Yang Ming wanted to die at the moment, and closed his eyes in despair, suspecting that he hadn't woken up.

The death scene of a large community.

"Then what, I forgot to mention just now, when I just got this wheelchair back, I ran a few laps while sitting, so it's directly the fastest speed."

"No, you, me, this song."

"Oh, you said this song, how about it, this is the mysterious function I told you, do you like it?"

As he said that, Lin Yi kicked the wheel hub with his foot, "Look, this thing can still emit light. If you drive this thing out at night, it will not only become the brightest kid, but also effectively prevent accidents. can see you.

Even if you happen to meet someone with bad eyesight and can't see you clearly, you can still hear your song. "


Yang Ming opened his mouth, was silent for a while, and said with a complicated expression, "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome."

Lin Yi was pushing the wheelchair, but couldn't see his expression clearly. He thought for a while and said, "And this song can be changed at will, just press the right button."

Before he finished speaking, Yang Ming waved his hand and said, "I don't want to change it, I just want to turn it off."

"Don't worry, listen to me first, and you will know how careful my buddy is in a while."

Lin Yi let go of the wheelchair, walked to the front, and pressed one of the buttons on the right armrest, and then the music changed again, and a cheerful singing sounded.

"Two tigers love to dance, the little rabbit pulls carrots obediently, and I learn to walk with the little duck."

What the hell is this?
Yang Ming resisted being silent, but his cheeks still twitched twice.

"How about it, considering your daughter's factors, I also specially added an extra button, which contains a song library. If she doesn't like it, she can change it."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi paused, and pressed the button again, and the music changed accordingly.
"La la la, la la la, I am a little expert in selling newspapers."

"I am a painter"

"My good mother"


Changed several nursery rhymes in a row, but Lin Yi found that Yang Ming's expression was not as happy as he imagined, so he couldn't help but stop, trying to explain the benefits of this function,
"Just imagine, when you are sitting in a wheelchair, hugging your daughter, and then playing nursery rhymes, your daughter is happily thumping in your arms. That picture is tsk tsk. Don't you feel happy just thinking about it?"


Yang Ming wanted to refute him, but he opened his mouth, hesitant to speak, frowning and lost in thought.

Why do I actually think that what this dog said makes sense?
(End of this chapter)

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