my fox girl

Chapter 369 Still Didn't Think Of The Title

Chapter 369 Still Didn't Think Of The Title
After wandering downstairs for a few laps, Yang Ming beeped back in his glowing wheelchair, and refused to let Lin Yi push him, for fear that this thing would show him some new tricks.

Lin Yi didn't bother to push him, and stood there watching his back go away, and then drove home.

After entering the door, the big belly woman at home didn't even sleep. She was leaning on the sofa with her big belly, facing the computer, holding a voice input board in her hand, muttering something, and getting stuck from time to time shell.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm prenatal education."

"Then what are the words that pop up on your computer from time to time?"

"The content of the novel."

"So you are using the method of writing novels for prenatal education?"


"Then..." Lin Yi wanted to ask something more, but was interrupted by her, "You are not allowed to speak, don't affect my train of thought."


Hearing this, Lin Yi tactfully shut his mouth and didn't say another word.My daughter-in-law is now a pregnant woman, and you must be patient with the pregnant woman, and it is best to obey her.

Don't say anything like "Do you still need to influence your thinking?"

Otherwise, she would be moaning again in anger.

Lin Yi sat in front of her and watched silently for a while. There were only about a hundred words in the area, and he couldn't understand the words without the beginning and the end.

Thinking back carefully on the novels she wrote two years ago, there was nothing wrong with it at the beginning, but when the hero and heroine got married, they were locked in a small black room.

It's not because of anything else, the main reason is that what she wrote is too much. Once she gets married, the rest of the plot is all about the bed, singing every night, and all kinds of tricks.

It can be said that he was jumping repeatedly on the verge of being banned, and sure enough, he entered the palace within two days of dancing.

As for now, who knows what she's writing about, that's all, she's writing it, and it's even used for prenatal education.

I don't know what kind of ball a child born in this way will look like.

After sitting for a while, seeing that she was still in Calvin, frowning and lost in thought, Lin Yi couldn't help asking: "Are you unable to figure it out at all?"

"No, it's because the baby has been moving around, and I feel uncomfortable in my stomach, so I can't think of it."

Lin Yi was noncommittal about her excuse, but just stretched out his hand to stroke her big belly, and felt it carefully. There was a rumbling inside, and there were obvious fetal movements.

After all, she has been pregnant for more than eight months. According to human standards, the fetus is basically fully developed at this time, and even began to grow hair.

Gently stroking his hand, he asked in his mouth: "How is it, do you feel better?"

"Yeah, but it still hurts a little."

"What should I do?"


Xiaobai pondered for a while, then stretched out his arms, as if begging for a hug, and said, "I want to hear your prenatal education story."


Lin Yi ignored the remark, and ignored her outstretched arm, stood up, and left a sentence: "I'm going to make lunch, you think about it slowly, I believe you can definitely figure it out."

After the words fell, he got into the kitchen without looking back.

Good guy, I even made up and told it myself. I just told the love fairy tales for more than two months in a row, and I had to repeat them every day. Andersen was not so good at making up.

Thinking about this kind of thing every day, I feel like my hair is falling out, besides, I really don't have any in stock right now.

Looking at the back of Lin Yi hurriedly getting into the kitchen, her small mouth couldn't help but pouted, then reached out to touch her stomach, and began to talk to herself.

"Baby, what should we do? Your father doesn't love us anymore, or we should run away from home."

After chanting it twice, seeing that there was no response in the kitchen, she couldn't help but raise her voice, and then continued chanting.

Listening to the voices in the living room, Lin Yi finally couldn't hold back and walked out of the kitchen, deciding to sacrifice a few more hairs to fulfill her wish.

At the same time, comfort myself in my heart, bear with it, and when the child is born, there will be no more bullshit romantic love fairy tales.

The night sky was full of stars, after dinner, the two of them sat on the balcony basking in the moon, the Taishi chair accommodated two people, and they didn't feel crowded, and Lin Yi didn't feel the weight in his arms.

After all, including the baby in the belly, it's only about a hundred catties.

With the evening wind blowing, the moonlight poured in from the window, the balcony didn't need to turn on the lights, it was just a little dim.

Looking up at the moon with the wind blowing in the dark environment, looking up at the starry sky, the little fox demon recalled his childhood time.

At that time, my little self was also sitting in sister Xiaoyu's arms and looking at the moon.

Time and space have changed, and now the person holding him is replaced by Lin Yi. Although his embrace is not so soft, it feels very warm, even a little bit uncomfortable.

Uncomfortably twisting her body a few times, she raised her small face, looked at the moon in the night sky and asked, "Is the moon here the same as Qingqiu's?"

"I don't know, the moon in Qingqiu is much larger and brighter than the one here."

Lin Yi recalled his memory in Qingqiu, the moon there seemed to be the same as that in this world, but also seemed different.

"Maybe it's the same one."

"If they are the same, the two worlds must be very close, because the moon is also very close to the earth. The moon in Qingqiu is bigger than what the earth sees, which means it is closer to the moon.

But humans have already landed on the moon, but there is no planet belonging to Qingqiu near the moon. Not to mention the vicinity of the moon, even the entire solar system has not found any other planets that gave birth to life. "

Lin Yi did not accept her statement and tried to refute her point of view with astronomical theory.

"That's parallel time and space."

"Parallel time and space, do you know what parallel time and space is?"

"It is two independent time and space, and then parallel together, the boundaries of time and space may also overlap, but they will not be connected, and it is difficult to communicate."

"Even you know this? Clever Xiaobai is perfect at [-]:[-]?"

Lin Yi said flatteringly that even though she definitely found this kind of professional stuff on the Internet, it still didn't stop him from praising his stupid daughter-in-law.

"Hmph, I was originally a smart Xiaobai."

The little fox demon snorted pretending to be dissatisfied, but raised her chin slightly, her face full of complacency.

Seeing this, Lin Yi couldn't help pinching her little chin. His daughter-in-law got a little fat during pregnancy. She drank soup every day and was overnourished. Now even her chin is soft, and she can't put it down.

"What are you doing pinching my chin?"

"It's chubby, and it's very comfortable to pinch." As he said, Lin Yi didn't stop moving his hands and continued to pinch her chin.

"Are you calling me fat?"


"You just say I'm fat, and they give birth to your baby with a big belly, and you still say I'm fat, I think you must be"

After muttering to herself for a while, she raised her face and asked, "Then do you dislike me for being fat?"

"Don't dislike it."

"I knew you would definitely not dislike it. You said before that even if I am fat, you will still like me."

The little fox demon lightly rubbed its head against Lin Yi's arms twice, then closed its eyes comfortably, and quietly felt the night wind blowing in from the window.

The balcony was quiet for a while, then she suddenly opened her eyes and whispered, "Honey, I'm a little swollen, it's very uncomfortable."

"Is it a bloated belly?"


Hearing this, Lin Yi immediately understood what she meant, and knew that it was time for him to drink milk again.

Thanks to the child, I let myself, a father, realize the happy life of drinking milk every day.

(End of this chapter)

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