Chapter 101
They went out of the alley, and as Jide said, the street was bustling with colorful lanterns hanging everywhere, and some juggling stalls were crowded with people, such as Yangko dancers, lion dancers, firecrackers and fireworks, and it was very lively.

I heard from Jide that the Lantern Festival lasts for three days every year. Baozhu and his friends used to go to the town at most during the Lantern Festival. They have never seen the prosperity of the Lantern Festival in the county. In the assembly, each of them held a lantern in his hand.

Baozhu bought a rabbit lantern, while Jide and Runsheng held a tiger lantern in their hands. Runze just smiled and watched them buy it, and instead of picking one, he ran to guess the lantern riddles.

Baozhu and the others had little interest in guessing lantern riddles, and seeing the lion dance team approaching, they agreed with Runze to go for a walk separately and meet at the bridge after an hour.

The lion dance team was surrounded by people and headed for the center of the county. Jide couldn't wait to squeeze forward. Runsheng led Baozhu and hurriedly followed him. Along the way, there were crowds of people. Poor Baozhu was small and was bumped into by someone. After a while, she was pushed hard again, which made her dizzy and regretted getting into the crowd.

Not long after, she was squeezed away from holding Runsheng's hand, and unfortunately the rabbit lamp she just bought was squashed. She heard Runsheng's voice from the crowd, "Baozhu, I'm with you!" Jide is waiting for you on the bridge!"

Baozhu rolled her eyes helplessly, pulled her foot out from the sole of a man with all her strength, looked at the shoe upper that had been ripped out of a hole, and felt like crying, so she leaned against the burly aunt beside her to relax. God, I yelled, "Understood, brother!"

She was small and surrounded by people, so she stood obediently and did not join in the fun. After the crowd dispersed a little, she decided to go shopping elsewhere by herself. She sighed in her heart that the entertainment life of the ancients was scarce. Those few times, the enthusiasm is not usually high, look at that posture, most of the people in the county are dispatched!If she had just followed along, she might have been knocked out before reaching the bridge.

There was a juggling stall not far away, but it was full of people outside, and it was very difficult for her to squeeze in to watch it because of her body. When she saw a teahouse next to the juggling stall, her heart moved, and she walked in. There are still some vacant seats, but the vision opens up when we get to the second floor.

He chose a seat by the window and asked Xiao Er for a pot of scented tea. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, leaned back comfortably on the chair and watched the juggling without a glance.

Because the opposite of the teahouse is Ruyizhai of Helan's family, Baozhu couldn't help but take a look at it. The waiter Wang Cheng was standing on the porch to watch the excitement. On such a day, even the old shopkeeper was not busy with business, and poked his head out from time to time Take a look outside.

Just as she was thinking, someone knocked lightly on the table a few times. Baozhu turned her head to see that the man's complexion was already fair and clean, and he was wearing a ferret fur cloak, which set off the whole person even more brightly. Baozhu smiled and called him: "Brother Helan!"

He nodded, sat down opposite Baozhu, and without being polite to her, poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip, and asked, "I've seen you sitting on it a long time ago, why don't you go shopping?"

Baozhu stuck out her tongue playfully, "There are so many people, I'm afraid of crowding."

He laughed out loud, "No wonder the hair is messed up like this." He raised his head and asked her, "When did you come back? Are everyone in the house okay?"

Baozhu nodded, "I just came here today, my parents are all well." Hearing the commotion, he looked out of the window again, it turned out that the lion dance team came around again, just like before, behind A lot of people were crowded to watch the excitement.

He Lanjin looked out of the window following her line of sight, her brows were slightly frowned, seeming to be slightly melancholy, Baozhu was wondering, at one moment he was smiling happily, at another moment he seemed to have something on his mind, so she heard him speak lightly , "This has always been a custom in our county. Follow the lion dance team around the city three times, and you won't get sick for a whole year, and you will be in good health."

Baozhu opened her mouth, "I just thought I was watching the excitement, and I was squeezed out just now." She asked him again, "Then why didn't you follow?"

He Lanjin shrugged, "I didn't go there last year, I was healthy and healthy throughout the year."

Baozhu smiled, "My elder brother is here today, he was just guessing lantern riddles, we will meet at the bridge later, brother Helan going?"

The corner of He Lanjin's mouth twitched, "It's strange, a rigid person like your elder brother will also go to 'walk the bridge'."

Baozhu was puzzled, and asked him to learn that "walking bridges" is also a local custom. He thought that during the Lantern Festival, people must walk on the bridge once. year.

Baozhu blinked, became interested, and asked: "Then how about releasing the river lantern?"

He took another sip of tea and smiled complacently. "The river lantern is to express the concern for the relatives far away. Put a lotus lantern in the river and write the name of the relative, which means that the relatives will bring the missing to the distant relatives."

Baozhu couldn't help but rolled her eyes, "I thought it was the kind of lanterns you put on for your sweetheart on the Qixi Festival!"

He rubbed Baozhu's head, "I know a lot at such a young age." He sighed again, rubbed his temples, and remained silent.

Baozhu saw that although he was talking and laughing, he seemed to have something in his heart, and she was not very happy, so she went to look at him: "Brother Helan, what's wrong with you?"

The teacup that was about to be delivered to his mouth paused, and after a while, he put it gently on the table, looked out the window and sighed, "My mother arranged for me to go on a blind date, and I just came out alone."

Baozhu opened her mouth, she didn't know how to answer the words for a while, although she and He Lanjin knew each other well, he always talked and laughed, and only took care of her like a younger sister, so far he hasn't said any thoughtful words , wanted to say something, but didn't know where to start, he was hesitating, and then heard him laughing at himself, "Just now you talked about your sweetheart, I have thought since I was a child, when I meet my sweetheart in the future, I will marry her. But now Well, my mother insisted on pulling me to meet with the daughter of the Liu family and handing over the post, but she didn't even care about my thoughts."

Baozhu listened and watched his long and slender fingers keep tapping on the table, she couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic to him, and forced a smile, "Brother Helan and I have the same idea, if you want to marry, you can marry whoever you like. people!"

He was a little dazed, and then sighed after a while, "It's not easy for a girl like you to have such insights. It's a pity that you are still young, and you don't understand many things."

Baozhu sighed, and leaned her chin on her arms to look at him, "You can persuade your mother to push back the marriage, or you can run away from the marriage. If not, then go to the daughter of the Liu family and explain it clearly."

He smiled and scratched Baozhu's nose, "Fool!"

Seeing that he was a little happier, Baozhu stood up, "If you come, you can settle down. You have to deal with it slowly. If you don't want to marry, will someone force you to go? Let's go to the bridge first, and it's almost time. Brother, they are still waiting for me."

He Lanjin stood up, with a trace of firmness on his face, "What Little Baozhu said is that if I am determined, mother can't force me."

There were so many people, He Lanjin led the orb and walked together. He carefully protected the orb in front of him. He squeezed back and forth all the way, but all was well. When he saw the bridge, there was a commotion in front of him, and there was a crowd of people. They kept rushing backwards, and the two of them didn't know what happened. They were about to go against the flow of people, when they heard shouts from all directions, "Dead, dead! The front trampled to death!"

Baozhu was stunned for a moment, then his hand was tightened by him, "Go, you can't stay here!"

Baozhu didn't have time to answer, so he dragged him back, at this time the crowd became even more flustered, crowds of people crowded and scattered in all directions, Baozhu was pushed away from his hand unconsciously, and he went to see again, There was no sign of him, he was looking around, and he was staggered suddenly by someone, and then countless people rushed over.

She was quick-witted, and tightly tore the person next to her, and was dragged by him for several steps before being picked up by someone. He Lanjin was looking back for her, and she saw the crushed orb in the crowd at a glance. His body was about to be submerged in the crowd, so he squeezed in without hesitation, but fortunately he was rescued in time, only his clothes were slightly torn.

Baozhu opened her eyes, still feeling terrified, and thanked him with red eyes: "Thank you Brother Helan."

Seeing the crowd, He Lanjin simply held the orb to avoid the crowd and looked around. Luckily, Runze was sharp-eyed and waved at them while calling for the orb. He Lanjin saw him and stayed in the alley not far away. Then he went into the alley with the orb in his arms.

As soon as He Lanjin put down the orb, she rushed to Runze like a gust of wind and asked, "Are you not injured?"

Runze looked at Baozhu up and down, seeing that she was not injured, he was relieved, and said anxiously, "I'm fine, but Jide and Runsheng have gone somewhere! I haven't seen them all the time."

Baozhu was trying to persuade him not to be impatient, when Leng might as well see two girls standing beside Runze, the taller one was talking to Runze, "Don't worry, sir, I just got separated, maybe the crowd will disperse soon." I found it." She was already pretty and lively, but when she spoke, her voice was extremely soft.

Then Runze coughed, raised his head and explained to Baozhu and Helan, "This girl hurt her leg just now, and I happened to meet her, so I brought them here to escape."

Baozhu nodded and smiled at her, but she only glanced at Baozhu lightly and then withdrew her eyes.The girl who was younger than Ji stood beside her, stared at Bao Zhu for a long time without blinking, and suddenly said, "I know you! You are from Chen Ji Fast Food Shop!"

The taller girl shot the little girl a look: "Cuiru, be quiet, the young master is worrying about not being able to find his relatives, how can I have the time to listen to you yelling about those things that have disappeared."

Baozhu saw how she was dressed, her family didn't seem to be very wealthy, she still wore a wooden hairpin on her head, and the little girl was also dressed plainly, she reckoned that she might be a lady from an ordinary family in the county.

But He Lanjin smiled and said, "Why is there no shadow? This little girl is sure, she belongs to the fast food shop." She pointed to Runze, "The person who saved you is her brother."

An instant flash of annoyance flashed across the tall girl's face, and she walked over with small steps, lowered her head slightly, and said to Baozhu with a smile, "I didn't know that the girl is the younger sister of the young master, so I neglected the girl. My surname is Wu, and the girl Just call me Sister Wu."

Baozhu smiled and replied politely, "Sister Wu can just call me Baozhu, is your leg even tighter?"

She pursed her lips and smiled reservedly, "It's okay, Cui Ru is my maid, and I often send her to fast food shops to buy food, that's why I recognized Miss Baozhu just now."

Baozhu nodded and saw that the crowd had dispersed, so she said: "It's better to go back to the house and wait, the people on the left and right have also dispersed, they can always go back to the house."

He Lanjin glanced at Mrs. Wu, smiled and bid farewell to Runze Baozhu, saying that he would talk about it in the academy tomorrow.

Runze nodded, and waited for him to leave before going to look at Mrs. Wu, who was glanced at by him, and lowered her head in shame, "Thank you so much, young master. I will go back with Cuiru. "

Run Ze hummed, and his face turned slightly red, "Be careful, girl."

After walking far away, Baozhu went to make fun of him, "Brother, I saw that girl was interested in you, and you blushed just now."

"I knew you were going to make fun of my elder brother," Runze shook his head helplessly. He only felt that Mrs. Wu was extremely gentle and virtuous, but then he remembered that she spoke politely and brought a maid with her when she went out. How was it feeling in my heart, I sighed, "My parents put so much painstaking effort in supporting me to study, after a while it will be the hospital exam, how can I have the time to think about other things?"

(Hey, I've been very busy these days, so I didn't bother to reply to everyone's messages. I'll refine them one by one later.)
(End of this chapter)

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