Full of food and color

Chapter 102 Two happy events

Chapter 102 Two Happy Events
As soon as the first month passed, the whole new year was over, and the life of the Chen family went on as usual, those who should go to the fields and weeds should be weeded, and Baozhu's shop was still open steadily. Although it was a new year, the business of the shop was still booming.

Because her third aunt often complained about her backache, Baozhu thought that she would not be busy this year, and would invite a kitchen clerk to come. Tang Bao would be in charge of the front hall, greet the guests, clean up the tables, collect money, and settle accounts. The kitchen clerk specially prepared the ingredients. Wash the dishes and serve.But her third aunt did not agree with her life and death, saying that Baozhu was young and buried in the kitchen cooking all day long, no matter whether it was on the front desk or in the back kitchen, there must be a family member watching, besides Well, now that Jide's father is gone, she has no one to talk to all day long, so it's more worry-free to be company with Aunt Baozhu and nephew Baozhu in the shop than to go to the vegetable market to sell vegetables.

Baozhu was afraid that she would be exhausted, so she let her come here leisurely, and only took care of collecting money, and let Tang Baoduo take care of the rest first, and rested when she was tired.I made up my mind to wait for a suitable person to come in my spare time.

Runze comes here every evening, eats in a hurry and then leaves, because April is the annual college exam, and the exam is approaching, he works harder than last year, he comes every day, and doesn't talk much Say a few words, especially after the New Year, every day looks more dignified, Baozhu knows that he has a heavy burden in his heart, so he tries to cook some delicious and nutritious meals, she doesn't understand those poems, books, rituals, music, Yi, Chunqiu, Four Books, and Five Classics, so she and her third aunt wisely did not mention the matter of the courtyard test in front of him, for fear that it would add to his mental burden.

Compared to Runze's full of pressure, Jide doesn't seem a little nervous about the exam. He eats and plays as he pleases every day, but he also reads seriously when it's time to study. His government exam period is in February [-]th is two months earlier than Runze, and it will only be a few days before he sees it. He is not in a hurry, but Chen Cuixi is like an ant on a hot pot all day long, neither standing nor sitting, and frowning whenever he thinks of it with.

Baozhu often persuaded her, even the teacher said that Jide's head is very clever, and others can only memorize things after reading them a hundred or eighty times, but he only read them four or five times and memorized them. He reads later than others. In [-], knowledge did not drop at all. Before the Enlightenment, he passed the county examination after only one year of study. With the qualification of a child student, he must have failed the government examination this time.

Chen Cuixi said that it was because he was smart, let alone worrying, and that he was in school earlier, because he was too smart, relying on his good memory, he didn't work hard at all, so he was the most mischievous and offended in class. Mr. Li doesn't talk about it, and he doesn't know how to restrain himself when he does things. Whenever he learns something, he likes to show off his mountains and dews, which makes those classmates jealous and hate. Retired him.

Baozhu smiled and said, being smart is better than that elm head. At that time, Jide was still young, and he always followed his own temperament. Now it has been so many years, he is so old, and he talks and does things better than before. I have become more stable, and I have already understood in my heart. Since I am determined to be a scholar, why would I refuse to work hard because of my intelligence?

Chen Cuixi thought about it, she was right, and said with a smile that she was so confused because she was in a hurry and had no idea.

Jide's court trial calculation is the top priority of Sangu's family this year, so when February [-]th, Baozhu decided to finish her studies for a few days without much hesitation, and accompanied Chen Cuixi and Runze to Yanzhou Mansion. They arrived early One day, in the afternoon, I asked people to go to the Gongyuan to take care of it, and only found an inn that night to stay.

When he got to the front, Chen Cuixi put a sad face on his face, and his whole body relaxed a lot. It is useless to say that he is worried. Whether he can pass or not depends on his performance tomorrow. This scholar must let him pass the exam, otherwise such a useful brain, wouldn't it be given to him for nothing?
When they arrived at Yanzhou Mansion, Jide looked very calm, and he sighed to tell them not to worry, saying that he was confident, and he could get a top three at least!He didn't go to study that night. Instead, he washed his feet early and rested, saying that he would be able to answer the questions tomorrow after a good night's sleep.

At a quarter o'clock on the second day, the Gong Yuan opened, and Ji De and his group of thousands of candidates lined up at the door, and they were examined at the door one by one. Because Baozhu and the others had collected a lot of money in advance, the inspectors saw his name and origin, and led him to a brightly lit place.

Although Baozhu had heard her mother mention it, it was the first time for her to see such a formation with her own eyes, and she was really a little surprised. But after thinking about it carefully, it was only the starting point of an official career for the ancients to be a scholar. Speaking of the college entrance examination for future generations, the government examination is just a small high school entrance examination. Thinking about it this way, I feel at ease.

The two exams lasted for two days, but Jide handed in the papers on the first day and came out at night. Chen Cuixi blamed him for not checking more, and Hao Lai waited until the time was up before handing in the papers.But he curled his lips and said that the questions were very simple, and the government examination only took some simple introductory exams, and the theory was not tested, so it would not be difficult for him at all.

It was not until mid-March that news came from the county that Jide's mansion had tried it and won No.2!
The third aunt of Baozhu laughed happily all day long, and she was full of energy. While busy passing the news to Grandma Jide's house, she also asked someone to pass the news to the whole family of Yantou Village.

After receiving the letter, Mrs. Wang really came here with some gifts, saying that her nephew had passed the government examination, which was a great joy in her own house, and she wanted to come and see her anyway, Chen Cuixi was very happy , but also politely on the face, saying that this time he only passed the government examination, and if he wins the scholar in the Nengyuan examination next year, it will be really a happy event.

The Chen family's old home didn't react much to this matter. They just asked Liang Dong to come to the county to bring some words, saying that his grandparents were very relieved after hearing the news, and asked him to work harder and strive to be a scholar in the future.

Her natal family's attitude was indifferent, but fortunately her sister Cuifen came to visit in person when she got the news and brought some gifts, which made Chen Cuixi feel more at ease.

At the beginning of April, Mrs. Wang also put down the work in the field and rushed to the county. Uncle Baozhu also came with her. Baozhu's concubine was pregnant in the first month and was not in good health. Farming in the countryside, Runze went to the provincial capital to take an exam, so he accompanied the Wangs to take care of the baby along the way.

Since the court test was scheduled for the fifth day of April, they didn't stay in the county. Mrs. Wang only hurried to the shop to look at the precious pearls before leaving.Take a bus from the county seat to the state capital, stay in the state capital for one night, and go to the provincial capital early the next day, arriving in the evening, this delay will make life very tight, and when you go to the provincial capital, you will have to go around to do some sorting, so you can't delay for a moment .

Baozhu clamored to go with her, but Mrs. Wang refused to let her go, she only said that she and her uncle were taking care of her, so she let go of everything.Besides, it only takes a few days to go back and forth, Baozhu is still young, and he is busy with business all day long, so don't follow them to travel long distances and suffer that crime.

These days are getting hotter and hotter. This year's weather is drier than last year's. From February to now, there hasn't been a single rain, and the kitchen is hot and stuffy all day long.There are windows, but they face the south, so in summer, no east wind can blow in.

It was almost closing time, Baozhu had time to take a rest, took off her apron and went out of the kitchen, only to see Chen Cuixi talking enthusiastically to a woman.

When the woman saw the orb coming out, she looked a little hurried, she hurriedly said her goodbyes, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Baozhu felt strange, "Gu, that person just now...?"

Chen Cuixi smiled, "I often come to our shop for dinner these days, and we just talked about it today! I just said that I remembered something in the house, so I was in a hurry to go back first."

Baozhu thought for a while, then asked her: "Does that aunt recognize me? I saw that as soon as I came out, she had a different expression and left in a hurry."

Chen Cuixi tilted her head and thought for a while, then took a deep breath, "Well, don't tell me, she asked about your situation just now, she said where the owner of this shop is from, and then talked about the situation in your room, I just talked to her briefly." She glanced at Baozhu again, "It shouldn't be a big deal, right?"

Baozhu frowned, thinking that her interpersonal relationship in the county was simple, except for the third aunt's house, which was her own shop, and she never went to other places, let alone had a grudge with others. After these days, she can't think about her shop every day, besides, there is no grievance between the two of them, it's nothing more than accepting He Lanjin's favor, and Mrs. He Lan is a little angry.

Baozhu couldn't figure out the strangeness of this incident, and felt that she was overthinking for a while, and she didn't take it to heart after all, and it didn't take long for her to forget it. It wasn't until May that she gradually guessed the truth of the matter. the whole story.

It wasn't until the end of April that the county's list was posted. Baozhu got the news from her third aunt, and rushed outside like a little lunatic. Looking carefully at the list, he saw Runze's name at a glance, but he didn't win any good names, and only ranked in the top ten.If so, Baozhu also smirked happily, unable to close her mouth for a long time.You know, a total of 25 people were recorded in the county this year.It can be seen how difficult it is for this scholar!

I was in a hurry to tell him the good news, but I saw his back from outside the crowd.

Baozhu smiled and went to hold his hand, "Brother, you have won!"

"Yeah." There was a trace of joy on his face, "Go back to the house tomorrow!"

This day, Mrs. Wang got up early, and it seemed that the list was about to be released in the next few days. She was thinking about Run Ze, and couldn't rest assured all day, and couldn't sleep well. She was afraid that he would be like last year, and never return after the list The house, she tidied up a little, just stepped out of the door, she heard some noises outside.

Listen carefully, isn't Run Ze the one talking?Wang's excited heart missed half a beat, and while calling Chen Tiegui, he rushed outside, and when he went out, Runze was indeed outside, he paid the driver from his arms, and turned around with a smile to call Erniang, "I got up early this morning, and left the county before dawn, and went to the town until dawn, and then I got a ride back!"

Wang smiled and went to look at his feet, "To save money on the Sanwen road, the shoes are all worn out!"

(End of this chapter)

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