Chapter 104
Runze's entrance examination has been the top priority in Wang's heart for the past few years. This time he was selected as a scholar, and Wang was relieved from the bottom of his heart. Although he was selected as a scholar, it will be more difficult to achieve success in the future. But for her, it's not so important for Run Ze to be hit or miss in the future.With the reputation of a scholar, among other things, he has not read the books in these years in vain. Wouldn't it be more honorable to be a teacher than a farmer in the future?In the future, if he can go to high school again and become an official in the future, he will be a ninth-rank, and his family will be promoted to the sky from then on.Besides, with the reputation of a scholar, the people who say relatives have to step through the threshold?She is moist and tall, with a well-proportioned appearance. A few years ago, there were people who came to ask questions in twos and threes, but she rejected them all. Now that he has finally won the prize of a scholar, it is time to think about his marriage.

All in all, Mrs. Wang is extremely open-minded now.

While Runze was in the house, today, after dinner, I took the time to ask him, "A few years ago, there were many people who came to inquire. Mother sees that you are reading a book, and you have become a relative early, so I am afraid that it will affect you. Now you are in the middle of it." If you are a scholar, I am afraid that more people will come to inquire this year, so this year my mother plans to tell you about a family relationship, and you will go to the provincial capital after a while, so my mother wants to ask you what you mean."

Runze was stunned for a while, hesitating and speechless, suddenly a slim figure flashed in his mind, his face turned red, how could he have the nerve to tell his mother what was going on in his heart?After thinking about it, he said, "There is no rush."

Mrs. Wang glanced at him, "Why don't you worry, after the Chinese New Year, you will be seventeen years old. Could it be that you are still like your uncle, dragged to twenty? Uncle is different. At that time, your grandma was so poor that she couldn’t open the pot. She gave birth to two of your sisters and sent one away. The money for your uncle’s marriage was collected by your parents. Qian'er, your sister has a heart for you, and the money is reserved for you to get married!"

Chen Tiegui also said: "It's good for me to look at Hongfeng in our village. Her father asked me around the corner when I held a banquet a few days ago."

Wang asked: "Which family's Hongfeng?"

Chen Tiegui exclaimed, "It's Mao's house in the north!"

Run Ze broke out in a sweat, hurriedly waved his hands, "No, no..."

Wang frowned and looked at him, and after a while, she smiled, "Could it be that my baby already has a sweetheart?"

When she asked this, Runze's face turned redder, and he turned his head away from his mother, and didn't say anything.

Wang smiled and sighed, "Since you have someone you like, if you don't tell me, mother can't do anything, just wonder if the girl will wait for you in a few years?"

The expression on Runze's face changed, he slowly clenched his fists, coughed twice, and then he said hesitantly: "It's from the county, and there are also scholars in the house."

"Huh?" Wang asked suspiciously, "Have you met that girl before?"

Runze took a deep breath before saying, "I only saw you once."

It turned out that after Runze first met Mrs. Wu on the bridge, they met again on the street not long after, and they exchanged names. When they learned that he was studying in an academy, Ms. Wu often asked her maid To send some food, before he went to the provincial capital for the exam, he even embroidered a handkerchief for him.

Runze already had a very good impression of Mrs. Wu. Although they only met once, the two of them seemed to have fallen in love with each other. Buried deep in my heart, even Baozhu was concealed.At that time, I just felt that if I didn't win a scholar, I wouldn't have the face to mention such a thing to my parents. Just now I heard his father talk about the Mao family's daughter. For the first time, he rejected marriage. The slim person in the middle.

Mrs. Wang asked Chen Tiegui's opinion with his eyes. He thought for a while and sighed, "Father is not unhappy, the girl in the county, how can our peasant family get so high! I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it even if I marry her." It's hard work, when you come to the house in the future, you won't be afraid of losing someone else's baby?" After a pause, he said in a low voice: "If you want to tell me, you should find a farm boy who is doing his job."

But Mrs. Wang didn't think so, "What are you afraid of? Now that we, Runze, have achieved fame, why don't we deserve it? In the future, if we come in, we don't have to ask her to work in the fields!"

Chen Tiegui was still a little unhappy, and snorted softly, "Your mother's thinking is so simple! A child who is used to living in the county town is really willing to live a hard life in our village?"

"Look at what you said!" Mrs. Wang grinned at him, "If that girl treats Runze sincerely, why can't she live a hard life? Besides, the two of us just save ourselves and provide food and drink all day long. Those days were not much worse than in the county."

The two of them had an argument, but Runze stood up silently, left the room without saying anything.

Mrs. Wang and Chen Tiegui looked at each other, after a while, Chen Tiegui's tone suddenly softened, and he sighed, "Oh, since the baby is willing, you can ask him yourself!" After finishing speaking, he stood up and walked out.

Only then did Mrs. Wang become happy, and said that the wheat harvest was finished some time later, so she made a special trip to the county to inquire about the situation in the woman's house. If she was really innocent, she quickly invited a matchmaker to ask.

One day in May, Mrs. Wang waited on Zhang Hongyu for lunch and was about to go to the field. As soon as she went out, she saw a small gray sedan chair slowly approaching on the road.

Wang thought this was strange, so she stood at the door to have a look, but the sedan chair wobbled and stopped at the door of her house, and when she lifted the curtain of the sedan chair, a woman in red and green came down.

Mrs. Wang didn't recognize her, but she was very warm, she came up to her and asked, "Is this Mrs. Chen's?"

Mrs. Wang was stunned for a while, and answered her. The man covered his mouth and giggled, "My sister is really Mrs. Chen, this place is easy for me to find! If it weren't for the old walnut tree in front of the door, I wouldn't be here." I don’t even recognize the bearer!” After she said that with a smile, she said seriously: “I’m here today to say something special to my sister!”

Only then did Wang slowly realize that the woman was a matchmaker, she smiled at her, and went to sit in the room facing her.

Knowing that matchmaker Zhang came from the county, Wang felt a little uneasy when she realized something. Seeing matchmaker Zhang enter the yard, she looked up and down her house, hurriedly followed her, and said with a smile: "These I was busy in the new year, and I didn't take care of the new house."

Matchmaker Zhang is also a sensible person. After looking at the general situation in Wang's house, she knew that Wang's house was just a polite talk. She estimated that there was not much money in her house. Looking around, she saw that the north and south rooms were all adobe houses. , sighed in her heart, and smiled joyfully on her face. Mrs. Wang let her in and sat down, brought some snacks and served tea, and then sat down and asked her: "Which family is Mrs. Zhang talking about today?" Girl?"

Matchmaker Zhang took a sip of tea, looked at the furnishings in the room with a smile, "Today we are going to talk about the daughter of the Wu family in the county."

As expected, Wang's heart was determined. She settled down and pulled herself together to deal with Matchmaker Zhang. She smiled more kindly on her face and took out [-] Wen from her sleeve to Matchmaker Zhang. My sister-in-law made a special trip, there is not much money, so my sister-in-law will keep it."

Matchmaker Zhang accepted it with a smile, and thought that Mrs. Wang would be able to do something. After thanking her a few words, she said, "The girl from the Wu family is seventeen years old. A few words!" She made a gesture, "This year, there are no fewer than five families in the county who say they are relatives."

Seeing that Mrs. Wang was only listening quietly, and didn't rush to ask questions, she slowly opened her mouth again: "If you want to say, the master of the Wu family is also a scholar with a reputation. When he was young, he taught in school. Writing a book, now resting in the house, the ancestors left [-] acres of fertile land, although not as rich as a wealthy family, it can be regarded as a middle-class family with no worries about food and clothing. The girl has a younger brother who is only seven years old now. Studying with his father, he is enlightening in the house. Mrs. Wu's family is also very kind, and the family's reputation is very good!"

While listening to her, Mrs. Wang thought to herself, according to Matchmaker Zhang, the conditions of Wu's family were considered average in the county, but compared with them, her own family seemed extremely shabby.For example, the Zhao family in the village only had [-] mu of land, while the Wu family had [-] mu of land!But this marriage was said by the other party's family in person, and Runze was willing, so she made up her mind to talk to the matchmaker to make it happen.

Then he smiled and asked her again: "From what my sister-in-law said, the Wu family has so many proposals, but none of them have been settled. I think the master of the Wu family is also cautious."

Matchmaker Zhang opened her mouth slowly, "Master Wu is a scholar, and all the suitors in the county have to break through the threshold. He just didn't pay attention to those without fame!" After a pause, he glanced at Mrs. Wang, seeing that she was still smiling He said: "I'm afraid the conditions of your house are a bit poor. Mr. Wu loves my daughter, and I didn't like your house at first. Fortunately, Mr. Wu is open-minded and loves my daughter. No, let me ask you what my sister means." !"

Listening to her words, Mrs. Wang seemed to know that Runze and Mrs. Wu had known each other for a long time. After thinking about it, she felt a little uncomfortable. The Wu family knew about her house, so they knew about it. According to Mr. Runze According to the saying, he and the girl from the Wu family met in the first month of the first month, but the Wu family didn't come early or late, and they found a matchmaker only after being selected as a scholar. Wasn't it obvious that the Wu family was not happy before?
Stuffy to dull, but think about it, my family's conditions are really high compared to the county girls, and it is reasonable for them to be unhappy in front of them. If it weren't for Run Ze's talent, I would have nothing to do with him. Now that the Wu family is able to send the matchmaker this trip, they must be aware of their own conditions. Although they are afraid that they will look down on their own family in the future, it is better than saying nothing, thanks to the girl Runze likes.

Mrs. Wang smiled, raised her head and said solemnly to Matchmaker Zhang: "My sister-in-law has gone back, please rest assured that the master of the Wu family, although my house is not as comfortable as the county, if the two children can be successful in the future, the daughter of the Wu family will My son will definitely not make her suffer when she gets married."

Matchmaker Zhang nodded with a smile, "If you can share such a good in-laws, what is there to be dissatisfied with this marriage?"

Mrs. Wang sighed, and her tone was a bit emphatic, "The children are happy, and the father and mother must support me. His father and I can still do things now, and the second child is also good at work. In the future, I won't let you go." The daughter-in-law goes to work in the field."

Matchmaker Zhang patted Wang's hand, "You don't need to say that you are so shabby, but you have a good girl who can help the house earn money at a young age."

Speaking of Baozhu, the smile on Wang's face increased, "This is not wrong at all. My daughter has been clever since she was a child. Although she is young, she has a lot of thoughts. I have never intervened in the shop in the county town. It's all her and her aunt's plan together."

Matchmaker Zhang giggled, "It's a blessing to have such a girl." She looked around for a while, then stood up soon, took out a post from her sleeve and put it on the table, and said with a smile, "I'll get it later." When I'm free, my sister went to the county town to have a look, and Mrs. Wu kept talking about it."

Seeing that she was leaving, Mrs. Wang sent her off politely, said a lot of polite words on her face, and coaxed Matchmaker Zhang to leave happily.

(Happy weekend everyone (*^__^*) hee hee... add more!)
(End of this chapter)

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