Full of food and color

Chapter 105 Visiting the Wu Mansion

Chapter 105 Visiting the Wu Mansion
Mrs. Wang has been worrying about how to talk about Runze's marriage. Now that Matchmaker Zhang came, things will be settled. Mrs. Wang is so happy that she simply does not go down to the ground, and goes to the south to tell the good news to her second son. daughter in law.

Zhang Hongyu was leaning against the window, sewing a grassy green waistcoat, and said with a smile that it was for Xiujuan's baby. Although she was brought up to Fenglan's knees, Fenglan treated her well, but after all, she was not her own. Fortunately, it can't compare to my own baby, she is also six years old, and she still wears beautiful clothes all day long.

Seeing that she has been busy sewing and mending recently, and worried about her body, Mrs. Wang smiled and persuaded her, "Didn't Baby Baozhu have no clothes to wear when she was young? One piece of clothes can be worn for two or three years. They only need one day." I'm old, and the beautiful clothes are new, just right for Xiujuan's daughter."

Zhang Hongyu shook her head and sighed softly, saying that she didn't have many days left, and it would be good if she could make some more clothes for the children before it was too late.

Wang's nose was sore, and she held her hand tightly, unable to speak for a while.

Zhang Hongyu sighed, asked her to look away with a smile, and changed the subject to ask who came from the yard just now, then Wang remembered the happy event, and told her with a smile.

Zhang Hongyu happily put down the work at hand, saying that the girls in the county were delicate, and asked Liangdong to go to the town to buy some fabric and cotton tomorrow to sew a new quilt for Runze's daughter-in-law.

Wang smiled and said, why did she become a daughter-in-law?The horoscope has not been written yet!Now that the marriage has not yet been settled, the Wu family is very concerned about the marriage, and entrusted a matchmaker to invite her to go. She doesn't know what the Wu family's plan is, and when to make an appointment, they have to wait until they go to discuss it again. .

Zhang Hongyu stretched out a hand and patted Wang's shoulder, "It's always a matter of certainty, now it's good, Runze passed the examination of a scholar, and married a wife from the county." With tears on his face, "I'm so happy for my sister-in-law."

Mrs. Wang hurriedly took out her handkerchief to wipe it for her, and decided to look at her, "How can I not know what you are thinking, are you just thinking about Liang Dong and thinking about it?" She sighed, "Every day will be I know how to worry about it, if you are gone in the future, with me and your brother, our mother won't care about Liang Dong's marriage!"

Zhang Hongyu coughed for a long time, and took Wang's hand excitedly, "I know, I know, I'm at ease with you here, I'm afraid I won't look down on what my daughter-in-law looks like in the future."

Mrs. Wang hurriedly went to persuade her, saying that Dr. Wei said some time ago that his condition had stabilized recently, and that he would always be able to see his daughter-in-law in the future, maybe even his grandson, but he scolded Tie Fu in his heart.

In the evening, after Chen Tiegui went down for a while, Mrs. Wang couldn't wait to tell him what happened today, and discussed with him how to arrange to go to the county later.

Chen Tiegui didn't really agree with this matter from the bottom of his heart. How can the shy young lady in the scholar's house be as quick-tempered and straightforward as the peasant girl?Hearing now that Mrs. Wang said that this matter is going to happen, he was not very happy. He only said that the Wu family might also be a snobbish person. If they really spoiled their daughter, why didn't Runze come here when he was not a scholar?

Mrs. Wang had to quarrel with him for a while, saying that Runze had taken a fancy to him, and the other party took the initiative in the room, so the marriage had to be arranged no matter what.

Chen Tiegui knew that this matter could not be explained to his wife, what he meant was that even a rough man would not be able to speak nicely, and the master of the Wu family was also a scholar, so he couldn't stand being so pedantic, so he simply asked Mrs. Wang to go on her own. If you can save it, you won't be able to say three sentences in one sentence, and the bull's head is wrong.In terms of etiquette, if you talk about it again, you can succeed if you can, and if you can't, then let it go. Can't you find a decent girl in the surrounding villages?

Seeing his inattentive appearance, Mrs. Wang became angry, and said to her son that talking about marriage this time is a big deal, and it's good for him not to go, so as to save troubles if he says the wrong thing.

It wasn't until the work in the field was too busy that Wang took some money and went to the county.She left the house at noon, and it was already evening when she arrived in the county, just in time for Baozhu to close.

As soon as Mrs. Wang saw Baozhu Sangu, she couldn't wait to tell her about Runze's engagement. Wu's Baozhu knew about it, but she didn't expect that they would fall in love in private. According to what her mother said, the matchmaker was well prepared. Here, I made a special trip to find the Chen family. Obviously, the Wu family also knew about Runze in advance, which made her a little surprised by the woman who appeared in the shop a while ago.

After going back to the house to have dinner, he smiled and talked about such a thing with Wang Shi, Wang Shi immediately understood, and sighed, saying that it was a loss to keep up his spirits, or else he would have known the details of his family some time ago , If you didn't mention it, you just didn't pay attention.

As soon as Wang Shi heard that Baozhu had seen the girl, she smiled and clapped her hands: "That's good, let's shut the room first! That girl looks as good as the matchmaker said? How is her character? Baozhu quickly follow her." Mother said."

Pian Baozhu smiled softly, deliberately said something inconsequential to trip up her mother, and the anxious Wang stared straight at her.

Baozhu pursed her lips and turned around on purpose, "Mother won't wait to see me when she has a eldest daughter-in-law! She didn't even ask me if I ate well or slept well!"

Mrs. Wang burst out laughing, "Didn't mother make your elder brother's marriage anxious? How can you ignore my baby?"

Baozhu snorted and lifted her chin, "Then the new daughter-in-law will come through the door in the future, mother must not be partial!"

Mrs. Wang kept nodding her head, laughed more freely, and couldn't help scolding her: "You're a big kid, do you still know how to be jealous of your mother?"

While the two were talking, Chen Cuixi brought in a few fruits from outside, sat down next to Baozhu, smiled and poked Baozhu's face with his hand, and gave her a look, "Tell your mother quickly, what is your mother so anxious about?" Looks good."

Baozhu covered her face and wrinkled her nose, then stood up mischievously, imitating Wu's way of talking and walking that day, which made Wang and Wang laugh non-stop.

Listening to the commotion outside, Jide also put down his book, and stood at the door of the wing room staring at the orb, and when she finished her performance, he snorted heavily, "Why is it hard to learn, but to learn those pretentious gestures, I'm so excited to see it." Pleasing to the eye! Not worthy of my cousin at all!"

"Nonsense!" Chen Cuixi glared at him Meimei, "What do you know, this is the delicate and gentle daughter's family!"

Jide blushed at what her mother said, and he lifted the curtain and entered the wing room.

Seeing Baozhu's imitation, Wang felt relieved, and said with a smile: "The girl in the scholar's room is just extraordinary. I'm really afraid that I won't be able to speak decently when I go there tomorrow."

Baozhu smiled, "What are you afraid of, I will go with mother tomorrow!"

It's good for Mrs. Wang to think about it, Baozhu is clever, and she never caused trouble to adults when she was taken out since she was a child, and she will be happy with whichever house she goes to. .

It is also very important to go to the woman's room for the first time. The etiquette should neither be too heavy nor too casual.Baozhu got up early in the morning of the second day, and took Wang to the street to buy. First, she went to the snack shop in the east of the city to buy two boxes of high-priced snacks, and then went to the cloth shop to pull four feet of cloth. My family always loves to wear jewelry, so I went to the jewelry store again. They couldn't afford silver bracelets and gold earrings, so they only spent a hundred dollars to buy a silver ring.

After going back to the house, the mother and daughter felt that such etiquette was considered considerate. Even Chen Cuixi said that, given the conditions of her house, she brought jewelry on the first time she went back. Also satisfied.

After lunch, Mrs. Wang solemnly tidied up and dressed up, and then took the gift and went to Wu's house with Baozhu. The last post written by Zhang Matchmaker said in detail that Wu's house is in the south of the county. The [-]-square-meter small courtyard in the aunt's house is much more magnificent than the single-door courtyard in the south. Each family occupies an average of half an mu of land, and the courtyard wall alone is about [-] feet long.

They are standing at the gate of the Wu Mansion now, the alley is extremely quiet, looking in from the outside, the yard is full of lush green trees, the yard wall has been there for some time, looking up, there is a faint white corner of the yard. With tile eaves, the house does not look new, and the door knocker is a little rusty, but the green bricks under the feet are solid.

Mrs. Wang knocked on the door lightly, and after a while, a middle-aged woman opened the door. She was wearing a purple cloth skirt, she was not tall, and she was thin and thin. When she saw Mrs. Wang, she was only surprised. After staring at them for a long while, he quickly came back to his senses and asked with some uncertainty: "Is it Mrs. Chen?"

Mrs. Wang nodded, "Exactly, sister-in-law is Mrs. Wu, right?"

Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Li nodded, and Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Wang smiled at each other tacitly, "I didn't expect the girl to come so fast. You are really a distinguished guest. Come in and sit down!" Then they called softly to the yard: "Sister-in-law Zhang, There are guests in the Chen family's house, go to the study and ask the master to prepare some scented tea."

Mrs. Wu and Li led Mrs. Wang all the way to the inner courtyard. Baozhu then went to look carefully at the courtyard of Wu's family, and found that although the courtyard was old and not many rooms were built, it was also very elegant. The tile-roofed houses have small gardens, halls and corridors.As soon as you enter the Wu Mansion, you can smell the fragrance of flowers and plants, and the warm sunshine shines into the courtyard, making people feel warm.

Mrs. Wu and Li took them away in some shaded places, and said with a smile that there were more trees in the house, and it was extremely cool in summer. The Wu Mansion gave people a sense of elegance and tranquility, and she couldn't help but praise in her heart, the Wu family was indeed a scholarly family, from the moment they entered the courtyard, there was a sense of comfort and ease in their hearts.

Mrs. Wu and Li led the two of them to sit down in the main hall. Almost at the same time, Mr. Wu stepped in from the outside. He was about 45 years old, with a goatee, wearing a navy blue Confucian robe, and wearing a Wearing a square scarf, with a meticulous expression on his face, when Wang saw him, he hurriedly pulled Baozhu to stand up from the chair, and prepared to speak cautiously.

He nodded to Mrs. Wang, went straight to the top and sat down without saying a word.

"Sister, sit down quickly," Wu Lishi coughed lightly, and said with a smile, "I've been busy embroidering flowers in the house these few days. I know that my sister is always coming, so I just said that I want to embroider a handkerchief for her."

(Thank you for those who voted in the past few days. Grasshopper is preparing to add updates this month. The manuscripts are being saved in the past two days. It is expected to start adding updates at the end of the middle of the month. I wish you all a happy weekend!)
(End of this chapter)

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