Chapter 106
Wang said with a smile: "Don't let the baby get tired. Father Runze and I have been working all day long, and we are covered in ashes. I really don't want to use such a good handkerchief."

Wu Lishi turned her face slightly and smiled, "Sister is really a real person, I will be relieved when my daughter gets married in the future." She glanced at Baozhu, "Is this your little girl?"

Baozhu stood up from the chair, showing a big smile, and bowed to Mr. Wu and Mrs. Li each as a junior salute, "Uncle, auntie!"

Wu smiled and went to pull Baozhu, "Sister, the true symbol of a girl, look at that small appearance, she looks fair and clean, and she will be a beautiful girl when she grows up!"

Wang waved her hand, "My sister-in-law told me that Baozhuwa is usually the closest to her elder brother, but now she insists on arguing with her to come and see her. There are no rules or distance, so it's a joke for brother and sister-in-law."

But Baozhu pouted, "A few days ago, I met Sister Wu and hit it off very well. I was thinking very hard. This one is here to see Sister Wu!"

Master Wu's eyes lit up, he gave a rare smile, stroked his beard, and asked Baozhu, "How old are you this year? Are you literate?"

Baozhu replied sweetly: "Xu is ten years old, I used to learn some characters with my elder brother in the house."

Master Wu hummed, feeling a little satisfied in his heart. From what he had inquired earlier, he only knew that the people in the Chen family's house were all farmers who cultivated the land. Except for the eldest son who was reading, no one in the house could read. I looked down on the Chen family, and felt that the Wang family was probably that uninformed village woman.Unexpectedly, the daughter of the Chen family just opened her mouth, but it surprised him a little. The daughter is so sensible, and her parents must be no different. Besides, she is also a sensible person when she listens to Wang's words. With three points of gentleness, he asked Wang: "Shouldn't Runze go to the province to study at this time?"

Mrs. Wang saw that his expression was extremely cold just now, but now she asked her with a pleasant face, she was a little puzzled for a while, but she still smiled slightly and said: "I have revealed the list, and I will go to the house after staying in the house for ten days." After leaving the provincial capital, I will not come back until the Winter Solstice Festival."

While talking, Mrs. Zhang, a servant, came in and served tea. Mrs. Wu and Li smiled and asked Mrs. Wang to drink some scented tea to relieve the heat, "It's such a hot day, I need to trouble my sister to make a special trip." She sighed , "It was because I was worrying too much. There is only such a daughter under my knees. I am afraid that she will not be able to take care of her when she gets married. Now that I see the girl, my father and I can rest assured."

Wang slightly lifted the lid of the cup and blew on it, took a sip of tea, put the cup down slowly, and then smiled to ease Li's heart, "I am also a mother, why don't I know what my sister-in-law is thinking?"

"Who says it's not? We are mothers, children who are always on our minds." Wu smiled, "A few days ago I asked someone to look at it, and the horoscopes of the two children are in harmony. Our Linglong is the life of the earth. Runze belongs to gold. Native gold is born, and Runze will always be able to do things outside in the future smoothly."

Mrs. Wang nodded, and seeing that she had got to the point, she followed up with her own thoughts, "His father and I are also very satisfied with this family, and we brought this post with us today. The situation in the house must be very serious. The sister-in-law also mentioned it to her brother and sister-in-law, Runze was studying outside, the second son was helping me and his father plant the land in the house, and the little girl was doing business with her aunt in the county." After a pause, he said: "A few days ago The house is a little tight for the boss to study every year, but it's better now, and life will get better day by day in the future, brother and sister-in-law, let's relax. Runze is also a careful child, and he will definitely not treat Linglong badly in the future."

Mrs. Li nodded in agreement, but Mr. Wu frowned and pointed to Mrs. Wang, "It's not easy for him to have a good reputation now, and he will have to go to the entrance exam in the future. When he gets married in the future, it's better to spend more time on his studies."

"That's it, that's it." Wang nodded while smiling apologetically, "Runze is in Confucianism, and he only comes back a few times a year. I'm afraid he's not free in the house and neglects Linglong. Brother and sister-in-law don't like Linglong. Forgive me. Since his brother and sister-in-law are so supportive of his study, I will definitely ask him to study hard after returning home."

Only then did Master Wu stroke his beard with a smile, "A man needs to have a career." He glanced at Mrs. Wang, and said, "Choose a good date for the wedding and book it early!"

Mrs. Wang was waiting for his words, and now she hurriedly responded with a smile, "Success, I will discuss it with his father when I go back, and send a letter to my brother and sister-in-law later."

After the marriage was settled, and after some chatting, Mr. Wu got up and said that he was going to the study to practice calligraphy, so that Mrs. Li could entertain Mrs. Wang.

Mrs. Li loves Baozhu very much, holding her and talking non-stop. Mrs. Wang originally wanted to leave early, but seeing Mrs. Li is a kind person and very close to Baozhu, she was satisfied with this marriage from the bottom of her heart, and agreed with Mrs. Li Talking and hit it off, I don't take the slightest prejudice from before, but I feel that I am a little stingy and shouldn't care about other people. When I marry a daughter, I naturally want my daughter to marry well, it's human nature.

Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Wang chatted comfortably. In the evening, Mrs. Li insisted on keeping her for dinner, and the hospitality was hard to turn down. .

Before the meal, Mrs. Wu and Li specially called Linglong to meet Mrs. Wang in the side hall. Because Mrs. Wang came in such a hurry, she hadn't finished her embroidery work, so she gave Mrs. Wang the purse she once showed. When Mrs. Wang saw her, she was indeed a well-educated girl. She was very happy and became more and more satisfied with this daughter-in-law. He went to hold her hand, "Linglong's hands are so delicate, Auntie likes them tight."

Linglong didn't seem to expect Wang Shi to be so enthusiastic, her smiling face froze immediately, and subconsciously withdrew her hand from Wang Shi's rough palm.Her sudden action really made Wang a little embarrassed, she smiled and praised her a few more words, then she was speechless.

Linglong also realized the unreasonableness of the front, smiled again, and said softly: "Auntie is too polite, this purse was also sewn for Auntie, but I am a little dissatisfied with the color matching after it is finished. Then I went to sew the handkerchief again."

Wang raised her head to look at her again, and saw her smiling face, as if the indifference and alienation just now had never happened before, so Wang reassured herself, maybe this girl is timid and not used to others for a while. Such enthusiasm, moreover, city girls are more delicate and reserved, not as bold as peasant girls, and they are not their own daughters, how can they stick to her like a precious pearl?When she gets married into the house in the future, she will be a family, and it will be better if you get to know each other slowly.

Seeing this, Baozhu frowned slightly. In fact, from the day they first met, she was somewhat disliked by Wu Shi, a somewhat arrogant girl, but her eldest brother fell in love with her, and her parents were also happy.Although her mother loves her, but in this ancient time where feudal etiquette was very strict, she knew that her eldest brother said that she couldn't get in the way of kissing her, so she made up her mind before not to say anything, as long as her parents and mother are in harmony. Eldest brother is willing, as long as he gets along well with his sister-in-law, seeing Linglong's subconscious behavior of alienating her mother, he feels a little uncomfortable.

Originally, the Wu family didn't intend to let the daughter show up today, and let the Wang family come in person, but just to see the people in the Chen family's house, originally they were not very satisfied with the conditions in the man's house, if they really couldn't see it, The aforementioned marriage is over.

It can be seen that once Wang Shi came back, the two of them felt relieved, thinking that the left and right sides had also been booked, so they asked the daughter to come out to meet her, so as to make a good impression early, and they will always be able to enjoy a good life in the in-law's house in the future.

After dinner, Mrs. Wang took Baozhu to say goodbye, and she let out a sigh of relief when she went out, stroking Baozhu's head, "My baby is doing well today, mother looked at the Wu family master Both my wife and I like you! You really look good on your mother!"

Baozhu forced a smile on her face, then suddenly took her mother's hand, and put her whole body in front of her to act coquettishly, "Is my mother satisfied with Sister Wu?"

Wang smiled and held up her daughter's small face, touching it again and again, "That girl is rare and well-educated, what else can mother be dissatisfied with?"

Baozhu murmured in response, feeling that she was powerless to change anything, but she decided to make at least one more effort, so she said flatly, "She dislikes mother, she won't let mother hold hands!"

Mrs. Wang scratched Baozhu's nose and scolded her, "It's just that you have a lot of eyes and see so carefully!" After a pause, he said: "The girls in the county are always particular, so how can they be disgusted? As long as she treats you sincerely in the future Your brother can take care of you again, even if you are spoiled, mother will be happy!"

Back in the house, Baozhu was still a bit dull, Wang only thought she was afraid that Runze would marry a daughter-in-law and take away her favor, so she didn't take it to heart, went to Wu's mansion today, met their family, Wu The master and Mrs. Wu are reasonable, no matter what they think in their hearts, at least there is no slightest contempt for their own family on their faces, which makes Wang most comfortable.Next, the daughter of the Wu family is also beautiful and intelligent, she is still quite satisfied, and thinking that this time the kiss went well with the boss's wishes, the mother is still very happy.

She only stayed in the county for two days before leaving to go back to the house. First, her marriage could not be left behind, and she had to make an auspicious date with her father when she returned.

After returning home, Mrs. Wang specifically checked the calendar and chose three good days, one was the 25th of the first month of next year, and there were two more, one in March and one in May. After some discussion, it was said that it would be in March.The day is finally set.

When Baozhu got the news, she sent a letter to Runze. The letter roughly stated what happened after he left, and detailed the situation of the Wu family and the date of the engagement.The letter only said that her mother was very satisfied with her future sister-in-law, but nothing else was mentioned.He also talked about the business of the shop after he left, and told him to relax and study in Confucianism. The business of the shop is stable. At the end of the year, he wants to train more chefs and change to a bigger shop. In short, let him not worry about money. No matter, just concentrate on studying.

Soon after I received Runze's reply letter, I could tell from the lines that he was extremely happy, but Runze had always been restrained, and he only wrote a few words about his marriage.Most of the words on the side are words of exhorting Baozhu, and they describe in detail the style and appearance of the provincial capital and various things in Confucianism.

(End of this chapter)

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