Chapter 113
Although the funeral was organized in a hurry this time, it got the help of many relatives and neighbors. Uncle Bao Zhu and the eldest concubine kept busy in the house until the evening, when the guests were all gone, they had to go to the main room to rest.

Mrs. Wang had also worked hard all day, and the funeral was so well organized, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at the moment, and half leaned on the kang, talking to Uncle Baozhu and her sister-in-law.

Baozhu was depressed in her heart, her second aunt's funeral was over, but her heart always felt empty, with a little loss and emotion.She didn't go into the house either, but went to the yard to pick up the leftovers.

Ji De came out from the main room and called her, "Your concubine told you to come in and rest! You said it was those who would clean up tomorrow."

Baozhu shook her head, "I'm not tired." She carried a wooden bucket to the table to dump the leftovers. There were about ten tables, enough for her pigs to eat for several days.

Jide sighed heavily, walked up to her, and grabbed the bucket, "There are a lot of mosquitoes in the yard, you go to the stove to boil water and wash the dishes! I'll pour out the leftovers!"

Baozhu went to look at him in amazement, and saw that his face was full of concern, and there was always an unexplainable awkwardness in her heart, she just felt that he was different from before, but she couldn't think of a reason for it.

Pulling a smiling face at Jide, she turned and entered the kitchen room. Whenever she was depressed, she always liked to find some work to do. A dozen or so tables of dishes and chopsticks added up were enough for her to wash for half an hour. Tomorrow I want to go back to the county, and save her mother to clean up.

Chatting in Wang's house, remembering the precious pearls, he went down to the stove to see her soon, and saw that the girl has been haggard recently, and she didn't sleep last night, and she has been busy all day today, her little face is pale Pale, with two faint blue shadows under the eyes.

Sighing, frowning lightly, he softly scolded her, "Why is my baby so diligent? I'll clean it up tomorrow."

Baozhu responded, stood up and pushed her out, "The washing will be finished in a while, mother will go back to the room to rest."

Seeing that she was not in the mood to speak, Mrs. Wang knew that it was the first time for her to experience such a funeral, and her heart had not recovered, so she moved a stool and sat next to her, and chatted with her. Get up your spirits and go back to her, remember what you said to Liangdong today, and tell Baozhu, "You brother Liangdong is honest, and you don't have a temper, so you died mother, you are a poor child, I will talk to you later. I went to the county and usually take care of it more."

Baozhu nodded, and talked about her thoughts with Wang, "I am the only cook in the shop. I want to teach brother Liangdong how to cook. I will change to a bigger shop at the end of the year."

Mrs. Wang was startled, frowned and asked, "Changing the shop at the end of the year? Or changing to a bigger shop? Have you discussed it with your aunt? Why didn't I hear you mention it before?"

Baozhu shook her head, "Not yet, I'm just thinking about it now, and I don't know if it will be possible or not. I always have to save some money in advance."

Wang's face was a little worried, "The business is doing well, so it shouldn't be affected by changing the shop?"

Baozhu smiled and reassured her: "With our Chenji brand, even if you change places, you won't be afraid that no one will come!"

Mrs. Wang nodded, "My son can change it if he wants, and mother can't come up with any big ideas. This year, the house is rich, so I don't have to spend money on your elder brother's education." Thinking of something, he burst out laughing , "According to your father, it's all a waste of money."

Baozhu also laughed, and Wang smiled and touched her head, "I'll take all the money I have left after the autumn harvest."

Baozhu shook her head, "If you want to change the shop, the money in our house is far from enough. By the end of the year, the shop will probably make some money. I want to partner with someone to change the shop."

Wang asked in half-shock and doubt: "Who do you partner with? Who do you know in the county?"

Baozhu was afraid that she would not be at ease, so she told her back and forth about what He Lanjin had discussed with her, and Wang finally felt relieved, "Since she is a reliable character and is willing to help us, this matter is really wrong. It can be considered." After thinking for a while, she told her, "Although he is your elder brother's classmate, you still need to be careful, there are businessmen in his house, and he has a bright mind."

Baozhu burst out laughing, "Brother Helan is not that kind of wicked person, he can't spend all the gold and silver in his house, how can he miss other people's house." He smiled and described the big head in the house with Wang. The situation in the county, "Brother Big Tou lives in the shop, and he is very diligent. He only lives that day and works that night."

Mrs. Wang nodded, "Your Auntie Shuangxi told me about this, thanks to you for taking care of me." After thinking about it for a while, she said, "Speaking of which, you have to find a place to live when brother Liangdong is gone. I can't leave for a while, your aunt is in a hurry, and the adoption of Xiujuan's baby has been delayed."

Baozhu pondered for a while, then clapped her hands and said, "Brother Datou still lives in the shop at night, it would be good to rent a room for Brother Liangdong and Brother Datou to live together. Besides, renting a small room is not expensive. The shop is cold in winter and hot in summer." Don’t let them live here and suffer.” After a pause, he asked Wang: “Mother said how much monthly money is appropriate for brother Liangdong?”

Mrs. Wang nodded, "I have to spend this money, and I can't let you, brother Liangdong, sleep in the shop too. Your aunt's little courtyard mother is also nervous to watch!" Then she blamed Baozhu: "The shop is my baby. Yes, can you still do it according to your mother's wishes? My baby can give me the wages, but I have to remember what my mother said, so don't lose your brother, your brother is honest, no better than someone hired from outside. It's from our own family."

Baozhu nodded, "I know, that time with Brother Big Head, I let you live there. I didn't agree, because I was afraid I would cause trouble for you." Then she coquettishly went to wrinkle her nose at Mrs. Wang, "Mother said Forget it, my shop is your mother's shop, and you can open as many as your mother says!"

Wang smiled and scolded her, "Baby!" After thinking about it, she discussed with Baozhu, "My mother said, I will give you two hundred Wen for the monthly money first, and in the future I will get started and learn your cooking skills. Rise up!" He sighed in a low voice, "It's your aunt, I don't know how much to drive in the future!"

Baozhu said with a smile, "I plan to gradually expand the shop in the future, and give the girl some share at the end of each year."

Wang glared at her, "Baby! Your aunt is an outsider after all, how can you divide the money like that?"

Baozhu was not happy anymore, and pouted to refute Wang, "My aunt in front of me helped the shop so smoothly. My aunt's health is not good, and she goes to the shop to help all day long, and she only gives two hundred yuan a month. Eating in the aunt’s house, living in the aunt’s house, I miss my birthday! Brother Jide treats me like a sister, and he is also a good uncle! But I haven’t reported back to my aunt, I’m already feeling uncomfortable! In the future, the shop will make money There must be no shortage of money, Gu!"

Mrs. Wang was stunned by what she said. It was the first time for her daughter to stand firmly against her. Suddenly, there was a burst of sadness in her heart. She glanced outside and said in a low voice, "This baby is just like your second brother." In fact, who wants to treat you well, wishing to show his heart to others? Mother didn't say anything, and she yelled at mother?"

Baozhu lowered her head and said nothing, and Wang said: "Mother didn't mean that at first. She didn't forget the well digger when she drank water. Your aunt's kindness must be repaid slowly. It's just that the shop belongs to us. What is your aunt's relationship with us?" One floor farther away, how can there be a cousin you kiss? In the future, we should kiss our own people to discuss the matter of the store. In the future, the stepmother will go to the county to stay for a while when she is free, and then your aunt can also be good. Take a break."

As soon as she finished speaking, Baozhu packed up the bowls and chopsticks, rolled up her sleeves, and swiftly took the basin to the yard to pour water. After pouring the water, she didn't go into the stove, but went straight into the main room to tell her uncles and concubines that it was not a big deal. After that, I went back to the wing alone.

Wang stomped her feet angrily. My daughter has been sensible since she was a child, and she has never made her feel sad. Only this time, she was very angry and sore. She couldn't sleep at night and woke up to talk to her husband. This issue.

Wiping her tears, Mrs. Wang muttered, "As a mother, I am not as good as her aunt? I was so obedient when I was a child, why did she change after going to the county for a few years? She recognized her aunt as good, and every year she was divided What are you afraid of giving her aunt some money? When will I not support what the baby does? It's just to say some sweet words, look at the baby's attitude!"

Chen Tiegui didn't speak at all, but when he heard his daughter-in-law's sadness, he turned over and sat up, and sighed, "You're not right, our daughter is honest, if you want to give her aunt some money, you should do it, you must Go and say something she doesn't like to hear, and get angry with yourself later!"

"Where are you angry because of the money?" Mrs. Wang sniffed her nose a few times and sighed, "The older the girl, the more difficult it is to manage. My heart is all for others. My mother's heart is very uncomfortable."

Chen Tiegui also knew that now was not the time to scold Wang, but he still couldn't hold back from talking about her, "You are just looking for trouble, and you are jealous with her aunt. Our daughter has kissed you since she was a child, and you can really treat others? What's more, Cuixi has done nothing in these years, and I didn't lose anything to our house. I really have nothing to say about how much I like Baozhu, and my son should be grateful to her, thanks to you, you can really think about it!"

Wang punched him angrily, "You can say it! Oh, you are all good people, and I became a white-eyed wolf? When I said that, didn't I just think about my daughter? It's easy to have my own property , can you make plans for her? You are generous, and you are not willing to spend some money for Runze's education!"

Chen Tiegui was told by her that he had no temper, he sighed a few times, hugged his wife and fell down on the kang, smiled and persuaded her, "You should worry less about the shop, you don't have to get angry, Baozhu baby She has an idea, and it will be a good thing to treat her aunt better in the future." He chuckled, "Young girl!"

Hearing what he said, Mrs. Wang snorted, "You mean that Baozhu fell in love with her cousin? The child is only ten years old, so she would think about that? I don't believe it." Suddenly she remembered the time before I went to chat with Chen Cuixi by myself, talked about Jide's marriage, and thought about her attitude at that time, and then changed my mind, "When you said it, you really reminded me, maybe there is something right!"

"Look, don't just think that you are the only one who has the light of day. This matter is not as accurate as I think it is. Ten years old is also the age to understand something. The two children are together every day, and they have a relationship. There is no certainty." Holding Wang in his arms, he said with a smile: "Jide is also a promising man, and he will not be indebted to Baozhu in the future."

Wang frowned and thought for a while, then sighed, "It's not a bad thing if these two children can really succeed." Thinking of something, the depression accumulated in front of her suddenly disappeared, "Don't say it, Jide Wa'er was very angry when she was a child, but now that she's grown up, she's changed every year, that is, she's not good enough in appearance and doesn't deserve our Baozhu. But if Baozhuwa is willing, there's nothing to say , the two families know everything about it, and your sister has always been kind to Baozhu, which is reassuring."

(Thanks to all the readers who have been subscribing to this article, the starting point has newly opened the Alipay recharge function, and it will be more convenient for everyone to recharge the starting point currency in the future*^__^*! Every one who supports the original version is a copy for the author of the article Great encouragement, and finally I wish you all a happy weekend in advance!)
(End of this chapter)

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