Chapter 114
Baozhu also slept very restlessly that night, regretting in her heart that she shouldn't be as angry as her mother just now, and should tell her well if she has any thoughts, she was tormented in her heart, got up before dawn, and went into the stove After the room had finished cooking, he first ran to call his uncle and concubine, and then his mother.

Entering the room, Mrs. Wang was half-sitting and got up, Baozhu smiled and leaned on the edge of the kang, "Mother, let me admit your mistake today, I shouldn't have made you angry yesterday!"

Wang glanced at Baozhu, and said angrily: "You son of a bitch, do you still know what you did wrong?" At this point, a sense of grievance suddenly surged in her heart, and her eyes turned red. Chen Tiegui sat up slowly, black and white. With a straight face, "You heartless wolf cub! When you were not a little old, your mother loved your beloved, and she couldn't leave her hand all day long, and took you with her wherever she went. There were three children in the house, I have loved you the most since I was a child, so what is good is for you to eat, I have been eating egg custard since I was a child, and I haven't broken it twice in three days, how many times have you, Brother Runsheng, eaten it?"

The more Baozhu listened to it, the more unhappy she felt. Tears fell down with a thud, and she climbed up the kang and went into Wang's arms, "Mother, it's okay if I made a mistake. Don't be sad, don't be sad, I won't leave today." , and leave it for you and dad to make delicious food!"

Mrs. Wang was out of breath a long time ago, smiled and went to touch her eyebrows, "My father said a few words and still cried? Such a big girl, let your uncle and the others see it, is it a joke?"

Baozhu wiped away her tears, then grinned and laughed, "Mother is fine if she doesn't get angry."

Mrs. Wang let out a sigh of relief, "Mother said what she said last night is also for your future. It is so hard to make money outside. From now on, Brother Liangdong will go, and we will be one of us. If there are good ones, don't worry about your aunt too much." Your uncle makes a lot of money outside, and their house is easy, that is, your brother Liang Dong, whose mother is dead and father can’t be relied on, we should take care of it more.”

Baozhu listened silently, and nodded after a while, "Mother is right, she treats us well, and no one can lose!"

After breakfast, Baozhu's uncle and sister-in-law were about to leave for the house. Mrs. Wang hurried back to the house to prepare about thirty eggs, and scooped up half a bag of rice that Baozhu had brought back for them.

Uncle Baozhu refused to take it, Wang smiled and asked her concubine to accept it, saying that she was filial to her mother, and eldest concubine Baozhu hurriedly pushed, "Everyone in the house is not used to rice. We haven't finished eating yet!" The whole family was pushing and shoving in the yard when they heard the door slamming.

Accompanied by that sound, Chen Liushi entered the door aggressively with her hips akimbo, followed by Chen Erniu with a sullen face, and Cui Fen also followed them in with a sullen face.

Mrs. Wang was taken aback. Seeing that the faces of the three people were not friendly, they were about to go to the door. Wang Fulai hurriedly grabbed her by the arms to pull her back.

Chen Tiegui glanced at his mother and sister with a dark expression, and asked Chen Erniu, "Father, what does this mean?"

Chen Erniu snorted, "What a good thing my house did! Where can I put your parents' face!"

Mrs. Chen Liu stared at Mrs. Wang when she entered the door, and now she stretched out her arm and pointed at her, "I should explain this clearly in front of your father! Yesterday, Mr. Xi from the old house told you Mixed up!"

Mrs. Wang smiled, without saying a word of politeness, and said sharply, "I told my mother earlier, and I will do it in my house. What's wrong, my mother's ears are not good?"

"You stinky shameless!" Chen Liu didn't expect Wang's mouth to be so sharp, and she was mad with anger, her nostrils opened wide in excitement, and she slapped her hands a few steps forward. Runsheng reacted quickly, he dodged in front of Mrs. Wang, blocked his mother with most of his body, and the slap landed on his chin crisply.

Runsheng clutched his chin and remained silent, Wang pushed him away angrily, and shouted at the top of his voice, "It's clear today that he came to make trouble in the house, so why did I do that? Mom, what else can I do?" Can't kill and set fire?" Then she turned her head and shouted at the children, "Stand back, she will come to me if she has any grievances!"

Without saying a word, Chen Tiegui came up and dragged Mrs. Wang into the house. The two pushed and tugged all the way, Mrs. Wang kept swearing, Chen Tiegui dragged her into the wing room, and pushed her onto the kang. , "Take it easy, you! I'll deal with it outside, and you can really scold me?!"

Mrs. Wang was about to get up, and shouted angrily, "Why did she call me stinky and shameless, she came here today just to make me look good, if you don't help me, fine, I'll go and make trouble with her myself! After all these years, I can’t bear it anymore!”

Chen Tiegui yelled, and opened his eyes wide, "What you said just now, tell me again? Both parents are still in the yard, which one is the old lady!?"

Wang Fulai and his wife listened non-stop, and hurriedly followed them. Wang Fulai went to pull Chen Tiegui, "Brother-in-law! Calm down, sister-in-law is also angry!"

His daughter-in-law hurriedly went to the kang to dissuade Wang, "Don't be angry, big sister, the children are still watching outside."

Wang threw herself on her shoulder and began to cry, crying and howling at the same time, "I can't live through this day, look at his posture, it seems that he wants to hit me just now, if he has that ability, let me go His old lady rides on his head all day long, you bastard, all these years of being husband and wife have been in vain!"

Chen Tiegui stomped his feet resentfully, turned around and went into the yard, seeing that the gate was surrounded by villagers who were watching the excitement, he felt annoyed for a while, but Chen Liushi still glanced into the window with a proud face, humming through his nose. He said, "The son is not living for nothing. How can he really make his wife disrespect me and his father? Now let her natal brothers and sister-in-law also see if she is shameful enough!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Mrs. Wang shouted in the room unwilling to be seconded, "Why do I disrespect you? There are a lot of old people who are born to do things that are disrespectful!" The sharp voice came through. The window clearly spread into the yard, and Chen Liushi didn't stop outside, cursing at Wang Shi at the window, but Wang Shi just said a few words to her, thinking that what he said today was very important to her mother-in-law. Speaking of it, it is already considered a very serious word. She has abided by the rules all these years, even if she is a little unhappy, she has never dared to scold her so heartily. She was inciting herself, so she lost her mind. She managed to calm down now, and secretly felt a little guilty, but she heard Chen Liu's scolding outside, and even Wang's parents and children scolded her together. At that time, the angry Wang went down to the kang regardless of the obstruction, picked up a broom and rushed outside the house.

Chen Tiegui suddenly became one head and two big, grabbed Wang's arm with one hand and did not let go, looked at his father, and said in a deep voice, "If father and mother come to my house today to make trouble, don't blame my son for not being good." Filial piety!"

Mrs. Chen Liu took a few big steps back, and yelled at the crowd at the door, "Ouch! Did you see that, my daughter-in-law is going to beat her mother! If she really pushes me away, she will let her come out of my Chen's house tomorrow." Get out!"

Chen Erniu tugged at Chen Liushi, "Okay, I don't think it's messy enough!" He raised his head and said to Chen Tiegui with a straight face, "It's very good, I have the face to talk to my parents. After doing such an unkind thing, your parents prepared ten tables for nothing, and your relatives and friends called you two. You shouldn’t be a mother? Even my father didn’t sleep well all night! What’s wrong with you today? Said to ask your daughter-in-law to come out and give an explanation!"

Chen Cuixi stood and watched for a while, feeling very unhappy, and said in a low voice, "What's the use of being a sister-in-law? It's not just about everyone after the banquet. The big guys are willing to come to the sister-in-law's room. If you don't become a father, ask your relatives to give an explanation?"

Chen Erniu was suffocated, his face became more and more gloomy.

"Damn!" Chen Liushi Meimei spat a few mouthfuls, walked up to her in a few steps, raised one foot and kicked her, "Eating dog food from inside and outside, I saw that the boss had some money in the house, so I caught up with her." Go to curry favor, I don't have a girl like you!"

Chen Cuixi stood with Baozhu, and was kicked by her and staggered forward, even with Baozhu, he fell to the ground with a common sound. Suddenly, Jide appeared out of nowhere, and he didn't know what he did The next moment, Chen Liushi fell to the ground with a bang, hugging his knees and yelling.

He looked at Chen Cuixi with an innocent face, "It's not my business, grandma stepped on my foot and fell down." Then he raised his foot and hopped around winkingly, hissing and screaming, "Grandma is so fat, the backs of my feet still hurt from stepping on her! I'm afraid I won't be able to walk in the future!"

Chen Cuixi stretched out his hand to slap him, but he shrank his neck, closed his eyes, and received a slap from his mother, "Calm down, take your two sisters to the house!"

Cuifen helped Chen Liushi up and cast a bitter look at Chen Cuixi, "Third Sister is very good, but fortunately she is still Mother's daughter! Indulging Jide to be so presumptuous! Broke Mother, let's see what to do now!"

Chen Cuixi didn't look at her, and muttered in a low voice, "My mother is old, but her body is strong, and she is agile. She even used my buttocks to practice her feet just now."

Chen Tiegui also sent a message, "I don't have anything to say, my daughter-in-law can't be blamed for what happened yesterday! Parents, if they don't like it, go to Lizheng and the uncles in the clan to make a decision. I don't have any opinions. , This mother has vented enough anger! Go back first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Cui Fen snorted heavily, "I don't like to hear that, big brother. Although the funeral was done in big brother's house, big brother would be ashamed to keep the money collected? Today In front of the neighbors in the village, I would like to ask my elder brother, second sister-in-law has been with us for so many years, and in the end, even the dead brother Qian'er will not let go?"

Chen Erniu also listened to Chen Liu's instigation on this matter, and when Cuifen said this, he gasped even more, "I have no conscience at all! The medicine that Hongyu took before was provided by the old house. It's good for you guys, if you do your best to be obedient outside, take out the money today, and say nothing to let your house do that immoral thing!"

While talking, a person squeezed in from the crowd outside, "Who said my uncle took the money? The money for the banquet yesterday was paid by my aunt herself, and the funeral money is useless! Here I am!"

(Updates will be added for three consecutive days starting tomorrow, at least three chapters per day. Thank you for your comments and attention, and thanks for those who voted for Grasshopper.)
(End of this chapter)

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