Chapter 115
He came just in time, Chen Tiegui stared at Cui Fen coldly, and said confidently, "Ask my son yourself, why don't I dare to say it in front of neighbors in the village? The money is mine. Really didn’t touch a penny! Parents have opinions, so it’s okay to ask the elders to talk about it. I still have guests in my room at the moment, so parents should leave first!”

The surrounding discussion suddenly became louder. Old Liu, the head of the village, couldn't see it, and said aloud: "Okay, old Chen, you have to forgive others. I think it's in your eldest son's room." You are very kind, but you have to be scolded for doing something good!"

Somebody said, "That's right, the house is paid for by itself, so what's the point?"

"Isn't that right...Yesterday, Tiegui and his wife were very entertaining. I see that Tiegui and his wife are real people!"

Chen Erniu's face turned green and then white, and after a long while, he sighed heavily, "You shouldn't just talk about the banquet once! You should say all the good things, come on! Anything else is useless!" As soon as he turned around, he ignored his old lady and walked away.

As soon as Chen Liushi raised her head, she was about to talk to him, but when she saw that he had disappeared, the neighbors outside pointed at their mother and daughter and said something that made her very angry, and she stomped her feet in anger. As soon as they walked outside, Cuifen also drooped her head, and she no longer looked like she was being unreasonable before. The mother and daughter became aggressive, and went back to the house in a bored manner.

After they walked away, Chen Tiegui smiled and said: "Today, the big guy helped to say something, and it was our duty to hold a banquet for the second wife. If the big guy has nothing to do, let's go."

When such a troublesome incident happened early in the morning, Wang Shi was so angry that she didn't pay attention to Chen Tiegui all day long. When Baozhu left, she was worried about her, and told Runsheng for a long time, saying that this mother had been wronged. In the past few days, I have been trying to persuade her, don't make her overwhelmed, don't go around the old courtyard in the near future, and let her father come forward about the adoption of Xiujuan.

Runsheng just told them to rest assured that his mother would recover in two days.

Along the way, Baozhu took out the cloth bag her mother had packed and opened it to have a look. In addition to a few autumnal obscene clothes her mother had sewn, there were also four paper bags that were not small. She grinned, and opened it with great interest, brother Sipei ground two kinds of seasonings for her this time, and from the smell, she knew that he had always ground them, they were fresh.

She wrapped it carefully, and put it back in the bag carefully.

Jide sat upright, looked sideways at the precious pearl, and when he saw her happy face, he became angry, he simply couldn't see or worry, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

This happened suddenly, they planned to go back to the house for the Mid-Autumn Festival, so they rushed back that night.Unexpectedly, there was an accident in the house, and it was delayed for a few days. As soon as I arrived in the county, I rushed to the shop to have a look.

When he arrived at the door, Tang Baozheng was squatting down in the doorway, with a rag on his shoulders. Baozhu and the others got out of the ox cart, and he didn't look up, but kept muttering, "The boss has something to go out, and he won't be open today. Please slow down, guest officer." Come back." The series of words were very smooth, and after a long while, he realized that something was wrong, and when he looked up, he saw that Baozhu and the others had come, and he stood up in joy, his face was first happy, and then half-serrowed Son, complained, "Boss Baozhu just came here today! How much business has been delayed in the past two days, those old customers are coming every day! Brother Datou and I are so worried every day!"

Baozhu smiled at him, and Maliu got out of the car and entered the shop, "Who said it won't be open today? There was an accident in the house a few days ago, so I didn't come back because of the delay, so I'm going to open now."

"Okay!" Tang Bao regained his energy, yelled and followed into the house, and poured a bowl of herbal tea for everyone, "I'll go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables first! Baozhu and my aunt and brother have a rest first!"

Baozhu hummed, and did not forget to smile and tell him to buy less, as the door is only open for half a day today.

After he came back after purchasing some vegetables, Baozhu asked him about the situation in the past two days in detail. She was not in the house for these two days, so the shop was naturally closed, but Tang Bao still stuck to his post, explaining to the guests every day, Smiling and thanking him, "Brother Tang Bao has worked hard these days! From now on, we will be in business!"

Knowing that some old customers come to the shop every day these days, and some of them don't give up even though they know the boss is not around, and they come two or three times a day, she feels happy for no reason. The most important thing in business is popularity. For those old customers who supported her, she decided to discount all the dishes this afternoon, and thanked these guests who enjoyed themselves every day.

After the second aunt passed away, the atmosphere in the house was really depressing. In the past few days, she couldn't relax for a moment in the house. When she arrived in the county, maybe she changed the environment, and she felt a lot more relaxed for no reason. After finishing their careers, the Wang couple have been arguing in the house for the past few days.
Unlike in the past, although there was a small quarrel from time to time, the two families maintained their communication on the surface, but this time the conflict was deep, not only the Wang family, but Chen Liu's anger has not calmed down in the past few days , flirting at the house all day long, weeding in the field last afternoon, some naughty doll on the ridge of the field put a big rock on it, she became more and more angry when she saw it, kicked it up, and somehow it was hard I fell down, but fortunately, I was carried back in time, the fall was not light, and one arm is still unable to move.

Mrs. Wang was concerned about adoptive Xiujuan, so she went to the old home with Mrs. Chen and Liu within a few days. Originally, she didn't want to go, but adoptive Xiujuan was always a serious matter, and it was unreasonable for only Tie Gui to come forward and say anything. Fortunately, this time it was Hongyu's last words before she died. Everyone in Chen's house knew about it. After the funeral, Xiujuan immediately stayed in Wang's house. Wang was not worried that Chen and Liu would make trouble. If she wholeheartedly opposes her family, is it possible that Xiujuan will live in the old home?In the future, he will not be supported by Tieshan House, what can his wife do?
Chen Liu's teeth were itching with hatred for Wang's Zhengzheng, and she just fell down, her legs and feet were not good, and the resentment in her heart was all over Wang's head. Standing on the sidelines to Xiujuan, saying that he wanted to adopt him, okay, he apologized to her in front of the whole village, admitted his mistake, and admitted that he had spent the money of Hongyu, so he did it for her without saying a word in the house. Became the master and lived under Tiegui's name.

Of course, Mrs. Wang couldn't respond to such an unreasonable request, and immediately led Xiujuan back to the house in a fit of anger, saying that she couldn't fulfill her wish!
Chen Tiegui went to Chen Erniu to argue the next day, his father was also angry, why did the old woman's request be unreasonable, he hardened his heart and ignored the matter, saying that the Chen family hadn't suffered enough from his house?I didn't talk about it before, and came to the door to make trouble for his mother a few days after it stopped, so the old couple can take a few more breaths!Tell him not to come to the old house in the future, just send Xiujuan's baby, even if Xiujuan just gives it to him, she won't be hungry in the old house!

Chen Tiegui had no choice but to discuss with Wang when he returned home, but his parents were determined to make trouble, so they simply went to find Li Zheng.

Who would have thought that when he went to his house, he would presume that he would settle the matters in the Chen family's house by himself. As for the adoptive matter, since the baby and her father were not in charge, it would be up to the old couple of the Chen family to decide. It was him who went there. It is also speechless.

Wang was so angry that she didn't close her eyes for a few days. She is not the kind person who specializes in doing good things. If Xiujuan's baby can be adopted smoothly, she will be her mother. Mrs. Wang has also thought about the future dowry. Although it is not her own, she can't lose it!

But now the old couple of the Chen family are determined not to let her go smoothly, Xiujuan continues to be raised in the house, and that is also his niece!She doesn't even have the status of a mother, even if the baby wants to call her mother, she can't do it. If Xiujuan's mother, Qian Shi, comes back in the future, she will remember that there is such a girl, and she will leave if she wants to. How many years have people raised their children?

Chen Tiegui felt that the matter had come to an end, so he decided not to ask for the old house at all. Xiujuan just didn't go on, and just stayed in her own house, and didn't look at their faces. Isn't it facing the old house?

Mrs. Wang refused, and privately took Xiujuan to Zhang Hongyu's grave to burn paper, and told her about her difficulties, saying that it was a matter of adoption, and she wanted to make it happen even if she tried everything she could!
Today, the two of them quarreled again because of this matter. Mrs. Wang asked him to go to the old house and said that he didn't want to go, and told him to go to Lizheng's house again and said that he was not willing, so Mrs. Wang was so angry that she had a quarrel with him. In the morning and afternoon, she packed up and ran to the county by herself. She didn't go to find her daughter, and went to the county government office without saying anything.

The county lord Liu Mingda sat in the hall and listened to what Wang said. Wang knelt down, narrating the cause and effect with his nose and tears, and also explained in detail why the two families had grievances. Although she was crying, what she said The son was also logical, Liu Mingda listened carefully, and asked her a few words from time to time, after hearing this, he couldn't help blowing his beard and staring angrily, and sent the yamen servant to Yantou Village to summon Chen Liu's family that day.

The person who went was Li Zhengwu's second son, and he broke out in a cold sweat when he heard it in the hall, this matter!Cui Fen's mother's family is not up to standard!No matter how you say it, Tie Gui's house is occupied by Lier, and if such a matter is spread, no one who decides the case will be able to wrong Tie Gui's house.

Chen Erniu was eating in the house, when he saw Lizheng's son wearing an official uniform and leading three yamen servants, he couldn't figure it out, but after hearing what he said briefly, he was so frightened that his legs softened, he still couldn't Believe it, because of such a thing, the eldest daughter-in-law went to the county government to sue the officials? !

The second son of Lizheng's family said coldly, "Your house is unreasonable. Although I work in the yamen, I can't help at all this time. Pack up and go to the county with me." Glancing at Chen Liu, "I went to Mo Sapo for being rude, the master is not happy, and it's still light to be punished!"

Chen Liushi walked outside in a daze, her heart beating violently. In her whole life, this was the first time she had offended Shangguan Fei. She twitched her lips and kept asking, "I didn't say nothing before. Think about it..."

Lizheng Er'er shook his head, "Go and talk to the master! It's just this matter, don't involve my father in it! It's because your house has gone too far, it's a good thing, and you have to go to court superior!"

(End of this chapter)

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