Chapter 122
Baozhu sees her uncle and the others come here with great difficulty, but she can only talk to them while frying vegetables, she feels very guilty, and apologizes to them again and again, saying that it is the new year's day and she will go back to the house to bring them gifts.

"This child!" Baozhu's little concubine smiled and scolded her, "My concubine has heard what your mother said, and I have spent all the money this year to set up such a shop, so I finally opened a new shop and saved money Come on, don't buy those hairpin clothes, after the new year, my concubine will make you a pair of shoes!"

Zhaodi also took Baozhu's hand to persuade her, "It's hard for a girl to make money, it's harder than farming, and you can rest and work again in farming. The girl stands all day long, holding hands non-stop, saving some money Is it easy? Don't keep buying things for your mother and aunts, save some dowry money for yourself in the future!"

Listening to her grown-up tone, Baozhu couldn't help laughing "puchi", and everyone in the room laughed along with her.

Zhaodi is also twelve years old this year. She looks strong and is half a head taller than Baozhu. Her personality is still as simple and cute as she was when she was a child. When Baozhu saw her, she couldn't help but want to get close. When her uncle said it was not too early , When I wanted to rush back to the house, I was a little bit reluctant.

With a flat mouth, she asked her uncle, "Uncle, do you want Zhaodi to stay with me?"

Baozhu's uncle glanced at Zhaodi, and was about to ask her what she meant, when her sister-in-law said, "I dare not let her stay, she is naughty like a boy all day long, and Baozhu is busy all day, and she makes trouble in front of her." .”

When she said this, Uncle Baozhu also nodded, and sighed with a smile, "What your sister-in-law said is that your sister is no more down-to-earth than you, and she jumps up and down with her brothers all day long in the house." Shaking his head, he said : "In a few days it will be New Year's Eve. There are a lot of things going on in the house. Uncle and your sister-in-law will go back first, and we will talk about it when we are in the New Year."

Baozhu nodded, squeezed Zhaodi's hand vigorously, and whispered in her ear, "My sister will come to visit me often when she is free. There are so many delicious things in my shop."

Seeing her throat tighten, she immediately swallowed a few saliva, holding back a smile in her heart, and said goodbye to her uncle and concubine.

On the second day, Mrs. Wang and Runsheng Runze also came to the county. Runze came back that day. Because he was thinking about his parents, he only stayed in the county for a small half a day before rushing back to the house to reunite with his parents. The second came to the county with Wang to buy some new year's goods.

Baozhu was happy in her heart, but she didn't have time to accompany them, Chen Cuixi was too busy making arrangements in the front room, so she only had a quick talk at noon, and Mrs. Wang and the others returned to the village in the afternoon.

After the busy day on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, Baozhu planned to close the school on the second day. Because it was the end of the year, Baozhu stuffed Tang Bao with a red envelope, saying that it was the New Year's money, and it contained fifty coins. Tang Bao was familiar with it a long time ago. Baozhu's temperament, after more than a year, she has long been close to their aunt and nephew, so she accepted it cheerfully, saying that following Baozhu's boss, there is hope every day, and the house will surely live a good life in the future !
Baozhu originally wanted to meet He Lan before leaving, thanks to the fact that the shop had him, and told him about the achievements of the shop since its opening and future plans, but after that day, he acted like a shopkeeper who threw away his hands. I have never been to the shop, so I don't seem to worry about the business of the shop at all.Although Baozhu knew that he was in the house and that he had a mother who was extremely difficult to talk to, she didn't dare to bother her, so she gave up and decided to talk to him in detail next year.

This year, she is short on cash and is in a hurry to close the business. The new shop has only been open for a total of ten days. After taking away the monthly money for her aunt and brother Liangdong, she only has [-] yuan left in her hand when she leaves. Considering that she will have to buy it later in the year. Rice buys oil, so I just roughly bought some sunflower seeds for snacks. Thinking that Runze was going to get married in March, I gritted my teeth and went to a tailor shop to buy him a new dress.

Her uncle also came back a few days ago, and they moved to a new house on the day of house 27. The old house was rented by them when they first went to the county, and the lease was renewed every year. Let me know and move to a new house.

The night before she left, her aunt cooked another table of dishes for her to carry out. She said that she would not see her for a few days after this trip, and told her to come back earlier after the [-]th day. It was difficult for her to rest for a few days at the end of the year. , eat and drink well in the house, and pay attention to your body.

Baozhu agreed one by one, thanking her and brother Jide for taking care of them this year, and then told her uncle with a smile, asking them to go to her room together during the Chinese New Year, saying that she would also cook a good meal for her. them.

On the second day, Jide got up early and said that he would not ask her to take a ride on the road by himself, so he personally took her back to the village.

Baozhu told him not to bother, just stay at home with his parents, but he shook his head and complained dejectedly, "When the Chinese New Year comes, you have to go to the house, leaving me and my parents alone, which is meaningless!"

Baozhu laughed at Mimi and teased him, "Isn't my cousin annoyed me all the time, you can rest assured to sleep late when I'm not here."

He snorted and muttered in a low voice, "Come back earlier, what a girl, stay in the room after you get back, don't run outside all day..."

Baozhu saw that Jide's tone of voice was very strange today, how could he be as cheerful as usual?He looked at him suspiciously, but he blushed a little, turned around, led the ox cart outside, and turned back to urge her, "It's getting late, hurry up and follow."

The ox cart was on the road, but Jide was silent all the way. Baozhu saw that he was so preoccupied, but she didn't know what to say to him for a while, so she was silent all the way.

It was noon when we got to the house.Wang hurriedly went to the stove, and asked Jide to stay in the house for a night, but he shook his head, telling Wang not to make preparations, and without waiting for Wang to persuade him, he went out to drive the ox cart.

Mrs. Wang was puzzled, and asked Baozhu: "What's wrong with your cousin? Mother sees that he is not as energetic as before."

Baozhu shook her head, with a helpless expression on her face, "I was also wondering, maybe I was scolded by my aunt today." After thinking about it, she felt that it had something to do with her going back to the house, but she didn't tell her mother .

Runze came out of the house, stood under the porch, and called her with a smile, "Baozhu is back!"

Baozhu jumped into his arms with a cheer, and Wang stood in the yard watching them and smiled, "Your father went to your Uncle Wei's house to help him fertilize his garden, and he should be back in a while."

Baozhu nodded, dragged Runze into the room, and asked, "Second brother?"

Mrs. Wang followed with a smile, "I went to your grandma's house yesterday to deliver some pickled cabbage. I know you're coming back today, so I'm afraid you're already on your way."

After sitting with them for a while, Mrs. Wang went to the kitchen to prepare dumpling stuffing. She said that this 29th, some fried food should be prepared in advance. Baozhu and his brother haven't seen each other for more than half a year, so let them talk for a while.

After Mrs. Wang went out, Runze shook his head with a smile, "You're a big kid! I heard that you bought a shop in the county, and you even know the "Humble Room Ming". Did Uncle Wei teach you that?"

Feeling guilty, Baozhu hurriedly smiled and took it with a hum.

Runze smiled and went to look at her, "Uncle Wei said at that time that if you were a boy, you would have some promise in the future. Brother didn't believe it at first, but now it seems that you have underestimated Baozhu!"

Baozhu didn't want to talk about this topic, so she smiled and asked him about his situation in the provincial school this year.

Runze sighed, "I took the exam in autumn, but I failed in Zengsheng."

Baozhu was silent for a while, then shrugged and comforted him, "I heard that there are only three quotas for extra students a year. There are so many talents in the provincial school, so it's not easy to take the exam. Brother, you should relax. If you don't get in this year, just come back next year." .”

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Tiegui strode into the room, Baozhu smiled and got up to call him, his face showed a little joy, and then his face sank again, "The master of the Wu family wrote a special letter to your brother in the provincial capital last month. , ask about it!"

Baozhu frowned slightly, went to look at Runze, he smiled wryly and shook his head, "The Wu family asked about this, so I have no choice but to tell the truth."

Chen Tiegui sat down in the living room and snorted twice, "I have long felt the power of his house, and we haven't gotten married yet, so I wish your brother could become an official soon!"

Runze pursed his lips, and looked at his father apologetically, "It's because I failed the exam, and I can't blame others, but Uncle Wu didn't blame me, he just asked me to study hard next year and try to pass the exam." .”

Chen Tiegui glared at him, "What is this talking about? The marriage is all set up, but you just failed the exam, how can he just go back and regret it?!"

Seeing that Runze's expression turned dark, Baozhu complained in his heart that his father didn't think about his brother, and was too busy talking about him. In fact, even if the Wu family is powerful, what does it have to do with his brother?How can you vent all your anger on him.He wanted to say something nice for his brother, so he pouted and stood up, and said sternly: "The daughter of the Wu family will continue to point at my brother in the future, and my father will always look at him like this. I have to be scared by my father and go back to my mother's house!"

Mrs. Wang heard Chen Tiegui getting angry in the kitchen, and she was sullen with him in her heart. The couple have always disagreed with each other about this family.In fact, she probably knew what the Wu family was like, but Chen Tiegui wanted to talk about it once every day, which always made her very unhappy.It's fine to talk about it before, but now that the marriage is all booked, and I still pick and choose, let others listen, I feel that it's the first time she has a wedding in the house, and her mother's vision is not good. No matter what, it hurt her face.

As the days passed, I felt more and more bitter.

The more I thought about it, the more wronged I became, and I wiped my tears quietly, sighing to myself that all these years I have worked so hard to farm for my son to study, and when he became a scholar, I found a satisfactory marriage for him, and the daughter is from the county. Who doesn't boast in the surrounding villages?This is already very enviable in the countryside, but he is still not satisfied, so he wants to say something frustrating.

He held back his breath, but in front of the two children, he didn't go to him to argue after all. Baozhu had been busy for a year, and just came back from the county, so the house should be more harmonious.

Runsheng is also a man with many thoughts, how can he talk to his husband about the future daughter-in-law's house in front of him?There is no need to increase the burden on his mind, it is better to endure it by himself and pass it.

(End of this chapter)

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