Full of food and color

Chapter 123 Discussing the bride price

Chapter 123 Discussing the bride price
Chen Tiegui grinned at Baozhu again, "It's eleven this year, she's a big girl, don't go out to play all the time, the older you get, you always have to worry about your own reputation, it seems like there are not many years to say goodbye, we Like your mother, tell me..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang entered the room and interrupted him: "What's the hurry? It's only eleven, wait until the baby is older!"

Chen Tiegui shut his mouth resentfully, "Say it sooner or later, why don't you say it?" He said this, but he didn't finish his sentence after all, so he went to look at Baozhu again, "You should also learn needlework, tomorrow Just stay in the house!" Thinking of something, he told her with a serious face, "You are in the county all day long, and your parents can't control you, so you should pay more attention to yourself! The girl is doing business outside alone, It's the most controversial, thanks to the decent people in our house, you are more obedient since you were a child, otherwise, the gossip can be less?"

Baozhu didn't like it very much in her heart, but seeing her father's serious face on the line to her, she still pursed her lips in response.

After dinner, Mrs. Wang saw that Baozhu's face was not very happy, so she dragged her into the side room to talk about herself, and when it came to the day, she smiled and said that she didn't need to listen to her father's nonsense, the marriage should be smoother Year.

He also said: "Although some of your father's words are not pleasant, they are also reasonable. Now it is a big girl's house. It is not easy for boys to come and go in and out of the house all day long. Come on, these things will definitely not let my mother worry too much."

Baozhu nodded and begged her mother, "Won't you succeed in needlework? You won't do needlework in the future!"

Wang smiled and scolded her, "This baby!" She didn't try to force her, she just said that these days, she always had to put on a show in front of her father. In the future, when they get married, at least they can mend clothes, shoes and socks for their husband and children.

Baozhu nodded, thinking that what her mother said was reasonable, she sighed in her heart, the older she got, the more restrained her parents were, originally she wanted to go to brother Sipei's house to talk to him tomorrow, but it seems that It can't be done.

Fortunately, on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, the two of them still met once. As usual, the two families ate together for dinner. Wei Yuan brought Wei Sipei to his room. Even so, her father repeatedly teased her Naturally, Bao Zhu didn't dare to talk to him alone, and stayed by her mother's side all night, not daring to cross the line at all, even Wei Sipei seemed to have his father's orders, and spent the whole night listening to the adults in the hall Words, serious words, not even more than five sentences.

He just looked at Kong and asked her if her feet were better, and said that the new shop was busy, so she should pay attention to her health.Baozhu wanted to tell him a few more words about what happened last year, after all, she couldn't tell him everything in the letter, but under the eyes of her parents, she only answered him a few words in a rigid manner.

As soon as the new year was over, Mrs. Wang began to get busy with Runze's marriage in March. This time, because he was going to get married, he deliberately asked for leave, and the rest was extended until the end of March.

On the sixth day of the lunar new year, Mrs. Wang brought Baozhu to the county to visit Wu's family on a special trip. Firstly, as the head of the man's family, she wished them a happy New Year's greetings, and secondly, to discuss the details of the bride price.

Mrs. Wu and Li were naturally happy. Although the dowry was generally agreed upon earlier, with five sets of dowry money and some cloth and jewelry, Mrs. Wang came here in person, showing that her house still values ​​herself very much. girl's.

Little did she know that she was not at peace in front of her house. Last year, Runze failed to pass the Zengsheng exam. Her master complained all day long in the house, saying that he had misjudged him and made up his mind several times to divorce.

Since seeing Wang Shi last time, Li Shi was very satisfied with this family and secretly settled down.Although the man's house is poorer, after all, the future in-laws are real people, and they will not be inferior to their daughters in the future.The husband is high-minded, and he wants his daughter to be an official wife, but even if he looks at the county, there are not many who meet his requirements. Still have to be careful to be a human being?Wang's house is different, she has long since stopped asking Linglong to work in the field in her dialect, and after she is married, she doesn't have to suffer. Isn't such a mother-in-law better than the one from the county?
But she has a gentle temper, but she has some thoughts in her heart. Where can she persuade Master Wu, she asks Linglong to persuade her father.

Thanks to Linglong's cleverness, it's not like she didn't inquire about it before. How poor is Wang's house?In just two or three years, her little girl came to the county, and the house immediately had money, not to mention paying for her brother's education and exams, and the pigs and cows in the house were getting better every day.I heard earlier that the storefront has been changed again. Afterwards, how could his house be worse?
Master Wu's heart was shaken a little, but he was still not reconciled in the end, saying that no matter how rich he is, he is just a businessman and can't get on the stage!

Linglong refused to give up, and expressed her determination to him, saying that since she met Runze, she felt that he was very suitable, and said that Runze's house would have no money in the future, and even if he failed the exam, she liked him, and the others No matter how nice the house is, she can't look down on her!

As soon as she spoke harshly, Master Wu sighed and completely agreed with this relative.

After regaining her senses, Mrs. Wu hurriedly invited the mother and daughter to the house, and said with a smile that it was finally the mother-in-law who came.

Seeing that her name had been changed to mother-in-law, Mrs. Wang felt good, and hurriedly told her not to waste money, the mother and daughter couldn't eat, and just cook a few less vegetarian dishes.

As they were talking, Mrs. Li led them into the living room, and Mr. Wu also greeted them from the outside. He was still kind-hearted, and he smiled and asked Mrs. Wang a happy new year, and asked Baozhu about it. During the year, she learned calligraphy from her brother. No.

Baozhu pursed her lips, "I didn't take care of it this year, my mother has been doing needlework all day long!"

Wang Shi smiled and scolded her, "This baby!"

Master Wu stroked his beard and nodded, "It's time to learn, she's also a half-old girl." He lifted his robe and sat at the head, and asked Mrs. Wang to sit down. After they settled down, he went to ask: "New Has the shop been cleaned up, too?"

Mrs. Wang nodded with a smile, "It's going well, business has always been booming."

Baozhu interjected with a smile, "That shop is expensive, and all the money in the house has been filled in, and I don't know when it will be paid back."

Master Wu's brows trembled imperceptibly, he nodded, but he didn't answer, but his face became serious again, and he didn't know what was in his mind. After a while, he said: "Linglong has never suffered since she was a child." Yes, the three meals a day are also delicious, and there is a girl to serve her, as a father, I really don't want her to eat simple food all day long."

Wang Shiben blamed Baozhu in her heart for not being able to speak, but it can be seen that Master Wu's complexion suddenly became serious, and he deliberately talked about his daughter, he was not very happy, it was the first time that he felt that his husband was right about his house. In the past, she only vaguely felt the influence of his family, but this time she really encountered it.

Taking a deep breath, holding back the displeasure in his heart, he showed some embarrassment on his face, and laughed a few times, "I can always get over it, but I can't..."

Master Wu suddenly put down his teacup heavily, and glanced at Mrs. Wang, "Then there is no need to prepare a betrothal gift!"

Mrs. Wang was stunned for a moment, she felt that although Mr. Wu was old-fashioned, he was also a modest and polite person, but he didn't expect him to have such a strange temper. Just as she was about to speak, the curtain of the hall was suddenly lifted, and with a burst of clattering, Linglong hurried into the hall, and called out in reproach, "Father!"

Immediately, he saluted Mrs. Wang and asked her a happy new year with a smile.Turning around again, facing the right direction, glaring at her father bitterly, she said weakly, "The matchmaker said goodbye..." He blushed and glanced at Mrs. Wang, "Auntie handed over the post again, the day I have also made an appointment, how can this relationship not be counted? Tell my daughter how to behave in the future?"

Master Wu was choked, snorted, and remained silent for a long while.

Mrs. Li entered the room at the right time, and went to pull Linglong with a smile, "This child, there are no rules or distance, your father was talking with your aunt, why did you come out?"

Linglong blushed again, and lowered her head slightly, "Sister Baozhu is here, so I'll come and take a look."

Li Shi went to look at Baozhu with a smile, "Speaking of which, Baozhu is more handsome this year than last year, her little face is so fair and tender, I really like it."

Mrs. Wang's face hadn't calmed down for a long while, and it was all right. After being humiliated for a while, there was no smile on her face. Seeing Mrs. Li looking at her, she nodded to her unnaturally. Go take her word.

Mrs. Li smiled, took Wang's hand affectionately and said: "It turns out that we are also a family member, but my sister even came here in person. For the bride price, my sister can do it as she sees. My master and I Naturally, there is no opinion."

After she finished speaking, Master Wu stood up and said, "I'm a little tired." He lifted his feet and went out, but he didn't look at Mrs. Wang, Linglong hurriedly smiled and said, "Father, go and rest, and I will greet Auntie with Mother."

Mrs. Li also smiled awkwardly. After all, she still apologized to Mrs. Wang, "Sister, don't try to be as knowledgeable as my master. He is always stubborn."

Seeing the performance of Mrs. Li's mother and daughter, Mrs. Wang reluctantly smiled, "Although the marriage is settled, I have to discuss it with my brother and sister-in-law again about the bride price. The children are happy. Let's As a parent, you can relax." At this point, I can't be arrogant just to fight for a breath. If I really lose face and leave, with Master Wu's temper, Runze's marriage probably won't work out. This marriage, how much she endured back and forth, it was easy to negotiate, and she had to bear it no matter what she said, Wang thought, in the future, she would not go out with Linglong's parents more, and only hoped that Linglong would be her mother. Only then will the house be harmonious in the future.

Because of being neglected by Mr. Wu, Mrs. Wang didn't have the mood to joke after all. After chatting about the bride price, Mrs. Li also took the initiative to discuss the bride price for the bride's house with Mrs. Wang. At noon, she and Bao Zhu simply had dinner , I took my leave after lunch.

(Today's Chapter 2, there is another chapter to be released in the afternoon, good night, dear ones.)
(End of this chapter)

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