Full of food and color

Chapter 136 Resolute attitude

Chapter 136 Resolute attitude
The more Wang talked later, Baozhu frowned more and more tightly, and what she said earlier was more or less within her expectations, but when it came to the matter of engagement, she became more and more confused, and after a little thought, she interrupted Wang's words. , "What does mother mean by engagement? Why do I become more and more confused the more I listen to it, who is mother going to get engaged with?"

Mrs. Wang was slightly taken aback, and then she smiled and yelled at her, "This child, you are talking about your cousin."

Baozhu's heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly asked: "Is this what parents mean, or is it from Gu?"

Mrs. Wang just thought she was embarrassed, so she smiled and shook her head, "Your father just discussed it with mother a few days ago, how could your aunt know?"

Baozhu bit her lower lip tightly. She never thought of making a pair with Brother Jide. In her mind, Brother Jide was a cousin from the beginning to the end, let alone the identities of the two cousins. Even talking to her mother is useless.

Well, even if she learns to do as the Romans do, and belittles the matter of blood relationship, she is still very repulsive to this family based on her inner feelings. He gave birth to the love between men and women, not to mention blood relationship or not, it is difficult to overcome this barrier in his own heart alone.

All in all, this news really stimulated her a lot.Now, looking at her parents' attitude, she is obviously happy with this marriage, but it is a matter of her life, and she is determined to show her attitude to her mother.

After thinking for a while, he solemnly said to her mother: "What if I don't want to?"

Mrs. Wang snorted, frowned slightly and said: "But mother saw that you and your cousin have a very good relationship, and you are friendly with your aunt, so I thought you would be willing."

Although a little embarrassed, Baozhu still blushed and said, "I don't like my cousin, so I can't marry someone I don't like, can I?"

Wang stared at her daughter for a while, then suddenly covered her mouth and giggled, straightened up after a while, patted her shoulder, and persuaded: "Think about your mother's marriage to your father, it was only your grandma who met her." Matchmaker, I don’t know what your father looks like until the two families hand over the post! Let’s talk about your elder brother and your sister-in-law. They only met once in advance and communicated twice. Brother and you are close every day?" She only took the witty words in front of Baozhu, and then sighed with a smile: "Silly girl, you and your brother Jide are together every day, there is no better marriage than this If it doesn't work, in the future, if someone else changes, maybe they won't even look down on them. How can we say whether we like it or not? As women, when we get married in the future, don't we just want our husband to treat us better and our mother-in-law and father-in-law to be kinder? ?”

Baozhu knew that the set of thoughts in her mother's mind was influenced by the words of her parents, her parents, and her matchmaker, which was a major event in feudal society. She probably never thought about free love, so she felt that Baozhu's previous words were ridiculous.However, in this feudal society, her mother's theory actually made some sense, and she really couldn't refute it.

Seeing Baozhu, Mrs. Wang didn't say a word, and simply sighed: "Mother is someone from here, can she still harm you? Your aunt has always treated you kindly, and when she gets married in the future, parents will be at ease." After a pause, thinking of something, She pursed her lips and said, "Don't imitate your Aunt Cui Fen, she has a high vision, and in the end she will marry a paralyzed man and suffer on her own. Mother said, if you meet a good husband who treats you well, how long will it take for you not to like it?" Pooh her, "Which dutiful girl doesn't like her husband?"

Seeing her mother's tendency to force marriage, Baozhu shook her head as soon as she stopped talking, and said in a very firm tone, "Don't marry Brother Jide!"

Mrs. Wang glared at her, and sighed helplessly, "Girl! Come on, mother won't waste words with you, and this matter is not in a hurry, you should think about it carefully, even though your aunt hasn't passed any word yet. Come on, my mother also has that thought when she looks at it."

When Wang went out, Baozhu angrily said behind her: "I'll go to my aunt's house tomorrow and clarify the matter!"

At night, Mrs. Wang talked to Chen Tiegui about what happened this afternoon, saying that Baozhu was stubborn, and she was unwilling to have a relationship with her cousin.

Chen Tiegui was a little stunned after all, thinking that this matter was a solid fact, the daughter has lived in her aunt's house for so many years, and she still has a problem with her cousin?Angrily, she wanted to get off the kang to ask what happened, but Mrs. Wang hurriedly stopped her, saying that since the baby disagreed, she might as well forget about it. The baby was not happy about the marriage, and her mother would never agree. I have the heart to force the baby, and drive the ducks to the shelves.What's more, this matter has not been brought up to the surface yet, and I will find an opportunity to talk to her aunt later, so that it will not hurt her peace.

Chen Tiegui snorted, "There is no other mother who spoils the baby like you!" Sighing, he sat up from the kang, "You put it lightly, her aunt's efforts over the years are useless? Oh, This kiss hasn't been mentioned yet, so you have the face to rush to refuse?" The more he thought about it, the more he felt bad, and he hit the kang angrily, "I can't figure it out, what's wrong with my daughter? She How can cousin make her look down on her? Just Jide's brain, won't he be more capable than our boss in the future?"

Wang was afraid that her husband would go to teach Baozhu tomorrow, so she tried to persuade him to calm down, saying that nothing was settled, how old is the baby?What idea can I have?Let the baby think about it again, maybe there is still room for change.Suddenly recalling Baozhu's visit to Wei's house this afternoon, he hesitated for a moment, and then said, "I met Si Pei once today. My baby's father, tell me, maybe..."

Chen Tiegui wasn't sure for a while, so he just said irritably: "Sipei baby, that's the best, but how can I think about it now? I have always identified her cousin before, this is good, if her aunt said No, I'm afraid there will be some conflicts between the two in the future."

Mrs. Wang also became worried, and Chen Tiegui snorted again, "Last year, Fulai took Zhaodi to live in Cuixi's house for a whole year, and he owed Cuixi a lot of favors even if he didn't count the food. With a pearl face, can your brother have such a big face?"

Wang's face darkened, "I just can't get used to your tone! Why don't you just force our baby to death?" Taking a few deep breaths, "My brother will find another way next year where we live! I have to live in her house? Speaking of which, Baozhu treats her aunt very well. The wages are two or three times a year, and five times at the end of the year. The money is still enough to hire two waiters! This is the relative No, what else can your sister say? Oh, according to your tone, this relationship must be married?"

Chen Tiegui pulled the mattress and got into the kang, turned his back to Mrs. Wang, and said in a half-hearted manner, "I can leave it to me if I tie it or not? The boss's kiss is also your decision. When it comes to the daughter, I can't talk to the left and right, you have the final say on the affairs in the house." He snorted, "I don't have the face to go to her aunt anyway, you can figure it out!"

As soon as Runze's relative was mentioned, Mrs. Wang became angry and wanted to argue with him again, but he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, and refused to talk to each other. Mrs. Wang felt annoyed and wronged. What her aunt had done all these years It's not that she doesn't know, but no matter how great the kindness is, what else can the baby do if he doesn't agree with her being a mother?Pian Wa'er's father still didn't understand, he couldn't help but wiped the corners of his eyes, pulled the quilt vigorously, and then lay down.

At the end of the new year, Wang and Chen Tiegui were friendly, and when it was the New Year's Eve, no one wanted to quarrel in front of the children in broad daylight. Chen Tiegui asked Baozhu again in private, and the answer was still not to marry. .Looking at the resolute attitude of my daughter, I know that there is no room for change in this matter.

This time, Chen Tiegui still complained in his heart about Wang and his daughter. They were originally close relatives, and the relationship between the two families was reconciled, and he was happy to accumulate virtue. He just wanted her aunt to treat her well all these years. You shouldn't refuse!The daughter-in-law doesn't know what to think, she doesn't like life and death, and the daughter-in-law is partial to the daughter-in-law, unwilling to force her, but wants to have a showdown with the baby and her aunt. This year is not a good one.

When Wang was free, she discussed with Baozhu, saying that it was better for her aunt to spread the word early. If the marriage can be completed, the help she helped earlier would not be worth her money. Since the girl is determined not to If you are willing, don't let her aunt think about it. If you make it clear early, it will always make people feel at ease.

Baozhu nodded her head, but she didn't feel good at all, her aunt treated her well before, but when she remembered that she was treated like a daughter-in-law, she felt guilty.

What she deserves to say is how she feels right now.She still doesn't know what Brother Jide thinks, whether it's Brother Jide, her aunt, or uncle, the whole family treats her sincerely and kindly, takes good care of her in every way, and treats her like a daughter-in-law, Although she was thinking about it, she still had a troubled conscience.

If she knew what she was thinking, what would she look like then?Among other things, disappointment is certain. When I think of my aunt and nephew not being affectionate at that time, I feel sad silently.

No matter what they think of her, she really regards them as relatives. In previous years, on the seventh and eighth day of the lunar new year, she couldn't sit still in the house, thinking about her aunt and Brother Jide, and about the opening of the shop, but this year Time, but I really hope that time will pass slowly, and then slowly.

Mrs. Wang glanced at her, "Don't think about those who have or don't have it. If the marriage fails, it's still your aunt after all. The matter of the house..." She paused, and sighed: "I just don't like your cousin. It’s not good to be too distant, and let your aunt look more chilling. I will live in your aunt’s house after the next year. When the words are clarified, see what her attitude is. If it’s really a marriage, we will move out , it’s good to avoid suspicion, in the future, my baby will also talk about kissing seriously.”

Baozhu nodded, and pushed her mother to go outside, "I'll stay by myself."

Mrs. Wang hummed, and couldn't help but turned around and said: "Mother didn't say anything, since the marriage failed, when I see your cousin in the future, I have to behave more decently."

Baozhu responded, "Mother, don't worry, I know all about it."

(Thanks to xiaojiu, [Lonely as Snow], Qingyang Siyu, Pu Pu Tongtong, millu5 for their pink votes AND Le Yueyue, xiaojiu and others who insist on voting for Grasshopper every day. Grasshopper looks at I am touched in my eyes, I have nothing to say, I will start a double update today, and I will post another chapter in the afternoon)
(End of this chapter)

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