Full of food and color

Chapter 137 Unprepared

Chapter 137 Unprepared
After dinner, Baozhu went back to the house to rest, Xiujuan put down the bowls and chopsticks and ran out, Wang hurriedly called her, "Your third sister is tired today, don't bother her, mother will take you to your aunt Li later." house to visit."

Baozhu entered the house and went to lie down on the kang. There were many things in her heart these few days, and her mind was numb all day long. At one moment, she remembered the warm scene in the third aunt's house, and at the other moment, she was worried about how the third aunt would react in the future. .

She couldn't blame her for thinking wildly, this matter was too unexpected for her, how could she easily settle down to the present ending, and always regarded them as her own relatives, except for her parents and a few brothers, If there are still the closest ones, they are Sangu and Cousin Jide. When I think of the days to come, I can't let go.

In addition, the business of the shop at the end of the year was not going well under the impact of Koufulou, and she was overwhelmed by this series of troubles. She was planning to ask Shang Runsheng to go to Brother Sipei's house to have a talk. How can I still have that mood now, I just lock myself in the room and sigh in a daze every day.

Early in the morning on the eighth day of the eighth day, Mrs. Wang raised her voice and yelled in the yard, "Hey! Jide is here, tsk tsk, come right away, what are you doing with such gifts? Your parents?"

Baozhu suddenly sat up from the kang, and listened to their conversation in the yard.

"My parents originally planned to come, but this year my grandma is unwell, so she didn't take care of it today, so she sent me to pay New Year's greetings to my uncle and sister-in-law." After speaking, he asked again: "Is Baozhu not in the house?"

Baozhu smiled wryly, propped herself up and got off the kang, pulled open the door, and forced a smile, "Cousin is here."

He nodded towards Baozhu, and then went to the main room. While greeting him, Mrs. Wang followed into the room, chatted with him about the past year with a smile, and asked about his grandma's condition.

Runze and Runsheng also went to greet him. They were not much different in age, and they could talk together. Wang smiled and went to the stove to boil water for tea. She took a look at Baozhu, "Baby! Cousin is still standing outside when he comes? Why don't you go in and ask how your aunt's life is going!" She winked a few more times before going to the kitchen.

Baozhu responded, and went into the room to listen to a few conversations with them. Runze knew that Jide didn't take the scholar examination last year, so he asked him what his plans were for this year?Jide subconsciously looked at Baozhu, smiled and shook his head, "There are many things to do to catch up with the shop this year, let's talk about it next year." Then he added with a smile: "Again, I heard that the level of the college examination is very high, and it will be safer to study in the house for another year some."

Mrs. Wang entered the room with a plate of peanuts, and when she heard Jide's words, she couldn't help but sighed and sighed, smiled and held his hand for a while, then took out a big red envelope from her pocket and gave it to him. , so I went to work on my own.

Runze knew that his cousin was smart, even if he took the exam this year, he might not fail the exam. What is rare is that he did not feel proud because of the smoothness of the previous two exams, but he was able to feel at ease Studying at home, he was extremely modest in his words, and he showed some appreciation on his face, he shook his head and laughed and said, "Brother Jide has prepared so thoroughly for two years, and I will take the exam next year, I am afraid it will be the time when he will really emerge."

Jide smiled and shook his head, glanced at Baozhu from the corner of his eye, and seeing her indifferent face, he felt a little disappointed.

After a while, Mrs. Wu entered the room with a smile, poked half of her head in, and waved to Baozhu, "Baozhu, mother told you to go to the stove and get some dishes that my little cousin likes to eat."

Baozhu went out in response, and Runze in the room was talking intermittently about what he had learned from studying in the academy in the provincial capital for the past two years, and the emergence of a large number of talents in the provincial capital, so that his cousin could have a general understanding before going. Jide knew that Runze had rich experience, so he went Ask him about the difficulties he may encounter in the college entrance examination next year, as well as the direction of policy theory.

As soon as several people in the room opened up the topic, they chatted for more than half an hour. Jide glanced at the stove through the window, stood up and smiled, "After chatting for a while, my legs feel a little numb, go to the yard slip away."

When Wu Shifang came out of the kitchen, he saw Ji De standing at the door. He was startled by him suddenly, looked at him in surprise, nodded at him, showed a shy smile, turned and went back to the house.

Mrs. Wang has been in a bad mood since just now. Seeing Mrs. Wu come out of the kitchen now, she finally couldn't hold back and muttered regretfully, "Mother loves this child Jide more and more. If I don't love you, I will According to what your father said, what can you do if you are forced to marry? Look at her son, who is worrying about your business all day long, even disregarding his official career." Then, he sighed a few more times, blaming Baozhu, "It's not that mother said you, thanks to your cousin's thoughts on you, since the marriage will not work out in the future, you should stay away from him, and others will always worry about what you look like!"

Baozhu responded humbly, picked up a basin of vegetable washing water and walked out. As soon as Fang went out, she saw Jide standing in front of the kitchen with his head half bowed. Thinking of what her mother said just now, she was startled suddenly, the heavy wood The basin fell to the ground with a bang, causing splashes all over the ground. She stared blankly at Jide, not knowing what to say for a while, when Mrs. Wang heard the sound and was about to scold her, she saw Jide at the door , seeing that his face was blue, without a trace of blood on his face, he immediately understood something, coughed a few times, and smiled unnaturally, "Hey, this kid, why are you still standing at the door?"

Jide suddenly raised his head, stared at the orb, for a while, opened his mouth, but said nothing, turned around, and ran outside without looking back.

Wang stomped her feet anxiously, "Hey, what happened to this?! Go and call your cousin back!"

Baozhu raised her sleeves to wipe her face, then chased outside the gate until she reached the hill at the entrance of the village, only to see that familiar figure standing alone on the hill, with an indescribably lonely back.

Baozhu sighed, stood silently behind him for a while, finally walked up to him, and softly persuaded, "Cousin, go back to the house."

Jide turned around abruptly, his voice was a little unbelievable, "Did what the elder sister-in-law said really mean what you said?"

Baozhu was silent for a while, organizing a suitable speech in her mind, for a while, took a deep breath, raised her eyes to look at him, and was about to speak, but was interrupted by his cold voice, "There is no need to say any more."

Baozhu pursed her lips and smiled wryly.

Jide laughed at himself, "My parents happily talked about it in grandma's house last year, and I will go to your house to propose marriage after the [-]th day..."

Seeing his appearance, Baozhu felt extremely uncomfortable, her eyes turned red, and she whispered, "I'm sorry. Cousin, I..."

He shook his head, showing a smile that was uglier than crying, "Why are you sorry? You didn't mean anything to me in the first place, and it was just my mother and I who were just being affectionate all this time!"

Baozhu squinted her mouth aggrievedly and explained, "I really didn't know what father, mother and aunt planned like that..." After a pause, she glanced at him and whispered: "After the new year, mother will come to explain to aunt in person. "

He took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Now that you know it, you don't have to make things difficult! I will explain it to my mother, you don't need to talk to my sister-in-law!"

Walked a few steps slowly, stopped suddenly, turned his head, his voice trembling, "If you want to complain, blame me for not having the blessing to be a family with Baozhu!" The string seems to have collapsed, looking up at the sky, trying to suppress something back, "Hehe, the wind is so strong, Baozhu, go back to the house."

Turning her head, she looked more attached to her eyes, "My mother has been looking forward to it for so many years, and I'm afraid she can't bear this result the most. I will tell her when I go back. I used to be just young and ignorant, but now that I'm older, I'm getting worse and worse. I don't want a peasant girl like my cousin. Heh... changeable temperament, treachery, it really suits me so well."

Flicking his sleeves, he quickly walked out of the village.

Baozhu looked at his back and sighed, feeling sad for a while, her shoulders collapsed after a while, she squatted silently on the ground, curled up and hugged her legs tightly, she didn't want to see the hurt expression on brother Jide's face at all, She was even more unwilling to put her family relationship with the third aunt's family to such a big test.

Brother Jide's resolute figure quickly disappeared into the front corner, and the cold wind blew, and Baozhu curled up a little bit. There has never been a time when his heart hurts like this moment. It turns out that the feeling of hurting others is such a pain...

After an unknown amount of time, Run's panting voice sounded beside her ear, "Sister, why are you sitting here? Where's the Jide?"

Baozhu lost his mind for a moment, and was forced by Runsheng to stand up and drag him back, "It's so windy at the entrance of the village, why did you come out wearing a thin jacket? We'll talk about how old we are when we go back to the house first!"

After entering the courtyard, Wang Shi and Chen Tiegui hurried up to greet her. Seeing Bao Zhu's face was black and blue, she hurriedly pulled her into the house, "This child, didn't you go to find your cousin?" Why did you go there for so long? Is your cousin from here?"

Baozhu flattened her mouth, "Let's go..."

Mrs. Wang sighed, turned her head to send Runze and Runsheng back to the house, then sighed: "I'm all blaming my mother today, don't tell me sooner or later, I can't wait until your cousin leaves to talk about it!"

Chen Tiegui felt displeased, and sat on the chair, clenched his fists and hit the wooden table twice, "What's the matter? My son came here to pay New Year's greetings today, and mentioned so many things. What did you two say? What! Why did you leave without making a sound?!"

Mrs. Wang said "Hi" heavily, and turned her head away, "Don't ask me any more! I'll go to her aunt's house as soon as the new year is over, so I can't hide this matter!"

Seeing the unprecedented sadness on the girl's face, she couldn't help feeling distressed for a while, and took Baozhu back to the wing room to comfort her, saying that since the marriage failed, sooner or later his house would know about it, this time it was just a little earlier Days, he knew that he would be able to recover early in the future, so he had to take one step at a time, no matter what her aunt's attitude would be, let Baozhu not blame herself too much.

(End of this chapter)

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