Chapter 138
On the second day, Baozhu got up early, and it was impossible to say that she was not sad, but yesterday the mother and daughter talked about themselves all night, and her mother persuaded herself all night, almost talking dry, even for the sake of Parents and family members must also keep their sorrows in their hearts, and must not continue to be depressed. No matter how bad the result is, they must always face it bravely.

After Jide left, Wang's heart was not in a good mood. Fifteen years ago, there were still a few relatives in the family who wanted to come to the house to deliver fruit for the New Year. She didn't have the heart to go with her husband. She felt uneasy, but she didn't know that Chen Cuixi was in the house. It is also on fire.

Ever since that day, Jide has refused to let her and his father go to Baozhu's house to propose marriage since that day, and he doesn't know what the baby was thinking, and it was fine before, but since he went back that day, he suddenly changed his mind He said that what was discussed earlier did not count, and that he would aspire to become an official in the city after his examination of merit, and he would rather marry a girl from the county than marry his cousin.

Ji De's father immediately lost his temper. He never kept the matter of marrying his cousin from the beginning to the end. Didn't he just know about it for a day or two?Qin, who walked with the Chen family last year, and the Chen family also expressed their intentions faintly. Just looking at Wang's attitude, I know that his house has such thoughts. Both parents and seniors are happy. He and his wife were happy, whoever imagined it, but in the end he didn't want to!

"Oh, I haven't read the book for a few days, and now I despise your cousin. What did you do a few years ago? You can't say this early? You have to make a decision between the two families before you say you don't want it?!"

Jide buried his head in silence, and after a while he raised his head and looked at his father, "Just don't marry!"

"Bastard!" Father Jide slapped him hard on the spot in a rage, causing him to stagger and fall heavily to the ground. It was the first time to beat Wa'er, Wa'er was so stubborn since he was a child and didn't do anything, just because of what happened this time, his father was really pissed off.

Chen Cuixi patted her husband's chest to calm his breath, and yelled at him, "Hurry up and go back to the house!"

Jide's father gasped heavily, threw his arms and pushed his daughter-in-law away, and said angrily: "This marriage is not up to you, I will go to your uncle's house to talk about it in a few days! If you like it or not, as long as you are still from the Li family, don't even think about being in the father's house." Do that bastard thing under your nose!"

Jide got up abruptly, stretched out his sleeves to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, straightened his back, "Just don't marry!"

Ji De's father stepped forward to beat him without saying a word, Chen Cuixi was so frightened that he rushed to protect Ji De, screaming loudly.

Jide's father raised Lao Gao with his hand, but he couldn't bear it. He let go angrily, turned around and sat down, and pointed at Jide and cursed: "Even if you don't want to, you can't lose anyone else. If such a good girl doesn't marry you, it's okay. You are out of luck!"

Jide clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, "It's just that I'm not blessed, let's do it!"

When Jide's father slapped the table, his eyes opened angrily. Before he stood up, Chen Cuixi took a few steps back while wiping away his tears and protecting Jide, "When did my baby suffer such a big grievance, and you are so indiscriminate? Just beat the baby?" Turning his head, he touched Jide's face distressedly, "Tell me the truth, what's going on? What did your concubine say on the eighth day?"

After all, it is his own mother. She has always understood Jide's temperament. She has watched his kindness to his sister all these years, and she can't see his son's thoughts. But since he came back from that day, he has never wanted to Dear door, how can she let him fool her with a few words?
Jide shook his head, staring at the ground with both eyes, stubbornly refusing to speak, Chen Cuixi knew that his temper was stubborn and even a few cows would not be able to pull back, even if he asked him, he couldn't find out why, so he dragged him back first house to go.

I tidied up a bit, said hello to my husband, and drove the bullock cart to Yantou Village.

Just like Chong Wa'er has been sullen these past few days, even on the eighth day of the eighth day of the lunar new year, he saw his sister do something unbelievably scandalous, and he can forgive himself, as long as the matter between the two children can be done, nothing will happen. to care about.

For a moment, she felt that Baozhu was not that kind of girl. The baby grew up in front of her eyes, and she always behaved in a well-behaved manner. Since she was a child, she was also sensible and clever. Happy with this family?Based on her understanding of Jide, Wa'er will never be unhappy with his sister for no reason.

She made all kinds of guesses along the way, and decided that no matter what, Jide's slap was definitely not in vain. The baby is his heart and soul. Thinking of his father's slap, the slap hurts like being slapped on his own face. .

When she entered Chen's house, there were still some tears on her face. Today, Chen Tiegui took the eldest and second son to his ninth uncle's house to pay New Year's greetings, leaving only Wang Shi and Baozhu in the house, when they heard the door knocking outside. Then, Mrs. Wang hurriedly sent Baozhu out to have a look.

Baozhu had just stepped out of the threshold with one foot, and Chen Cuixi had already stepped on the steps. When she saw her, her eyes turned red immediately, and she rushed towards her crying, holding her hand and asking, "Tell me, what is it?" What's going on, what's going on, huh?"

Baozhu didn't know how to answer her for a while, so she just patted her on the back and persuaded her in a low voice. Upon hearing the sound, Mrs. Wang hurried out from the room, her face more enthusiastic than usual, "Ah! It's not that the third sister is here. I've been talking about you for a few days, so hurry up and sit at the head of the room."

She came here very unexpectedly. Wang Shi has been thinking about how to say the words after the New Year these days, and now she has appeared in her room. After thinking about it for a while, she immediately understands the same Eight days are indispensable.

Chen Cuixi sat down on the kang, but when she saw Wang, she became even more excited, and said with snot and tears: "My baby is fine, but I don't know what kind of mess I did when I came back to the house on the eighth day, and I don't want his cousin Well, this time his father beat him up so hard that even I didn't stop him."

Feeling guilty, Baozhu brought her a cup of hot water and comforted her in a low voice, "Don't be sad, it's all my fault."

Mrs. Wang glanced at her, took out a veil and handed it to Chen Cuixi, she took the veil and wiped her nose, and said intermittently, "Since Jidewa was young, my father and I didn't stick to him, naughty is naughty, but the heart is naughty." He is extremely kind, and his heart is extremely soft, if he says something wrong in front of his elder brother and sister-in-law, sister-in-law must not argue with him." At the end, tears could not stop falling.

Seeing her appearance, Mrs. Wang is also a mother. How can she not feel her eagerness in her heart, her nose can't help sore, she shook her head and explained: "The baby who grew up before, why don't you and I know His temper? Sister, don't say that!"

Chen Cuixi wiped away her tears for a while, then raised her head, and looked eagerly at Wang, "I came here today just to hear what happened from my sister-in-law, what happened? Why can't my baby figure it out for a while?"

Mrs. Wang was silent for a while, then raised her head and said to Baozhu, "Go to Nantou and see if Baby Xiujuan is fast asleep."

After Baozhu went out, he took Chen Cuixi's hand, and now, he is not going to hide it from her, and sighed, "My sister is thinking too much, it is my house's business, I don't know Baozhu's thoughts before, Fortunately, I asked about it that day..." After a pause, she quietly turned her eyes away, "Wa'er doesn't seem to be very happy about getting married with her cousin."

Mrs. Wang couldn't bear to look at her, so she bit her bullet and continued: "I couldn't help but say a few words about Baozhu on the stove that day, but who would have thought that I would let her brother listen to it." Sighing, "I have been talking about it for a few days. I was still worried about accumulating virtue, and I thought I would go to the county to have a look in a few days, and whoever thinks about it, something will happen!"

Chen Cuixi sighed heavily, raised his sleeves and wiped the corners of his eyes, angrily said: "Poor my son who came to see his sister eagerly, and didn't even have a bite of hot food. After hearing that, what face is there to keep, don't you?" Just leave?!"

With a bit of guilt on Wang's face, she couldn't help explaining: "Her father and I were also very satisfied and accumulated virtue, the two children..." After a pause, he smiled wryly: "Hey, look at me, now I'm still talking about doing things like this. What!"

Chen Cuixi sighed again and didn't reply for a long time.


Baozhu stood restlessly in front of the window, looking into the room to the north from time to time, it must have been two hours?The sun has set, and I don't know what her mother told her aunt.

Just thinking about it, I saw Mrs. Wang standing under the porch and shouting, "Baozhu, come quickly, your aunt still has something to tell you!"

Baozhu's heart tightened, she responded and ran out, and after entering the door, she slowly slowed down her pace, walked up to her, drooped her head, and called out in a low voice, "Gu..."

Chen Cuixi stared at her for a while, and finally sighed, "What are you doing there? Get on the kang."

Baozhu responded, took off her shoes and got on the kang with a downcast face.

Chen Cuixi had a serious face, "Your mother just told me."

Baozhu didn't dare to answer, she waited quietly for her to say, after a while, she sighed again, "This child, my aunt and your cousin love you for nothing! In the end, you can't count on it!"

She just didn't get angry, but as soon as she said this, Baozhu's eyes turned red immediately, tears fell down her cheeks, she raised her head, sniffed and said to her aunt: "Auntie, uncle and cousin treat me As close as parents, I have regarded you and my cousin as relatives all these years." After a pause, he lowered his head, "Mother said that the marriage is not done, and the two families are no longer at peace." Speaking of this, I felt so Feeling sour, she couldn't help but move a few steps towards her aunt, who was kneeling half-kneeling, put her arms around her, with tears welling up in her eyes, and said repeatedly: "Guy, don't be angry with me, and don't be angry with me." It's all my fault for ignoring my parents, you can beat me if you scold me, don't blame your cousin, and don't blame my parents..."

Chen Cuixi was also very moved when she heard that Baozhu had been in the county for these years, her aunt and nephew were together every day, and they had long had a deep relationship. Chuchu knew that Baozhu didn't want to marry her cousin, so she couldn't help it. Complained and complained, even angry at her for being favored by her daughter-in-law for nothing, but the aunt and sister-in-law talked about it this afternoon, and learned that this matter was originally on the minds of the two adults. Without knowing it, let alone thinking about her cousin, she gradually calmed down, but in the end, she still felt very uncomfortable. She had been looking forward to the daughter-in-law for so many years, and she couldn't make it.

Think about how she treated the orb in front of her?She is more careful than treating her own son. Everything in the clothes and bedding is new. I am afraid that she will not be able to eat, sleep, freeze, and be hungry. She loves her like a baby, but in the end it is nothing. Cheng and Wang's couple are not happy, and they will not have any contact with her house for several years.Fortunately, Baozhuwa was the one who went wrong, so she felt more at ease. After all, the aunt and nephew are very close to each other, so can she really argue with a little baby?Thinking about what Wang said, it makes sense, she wanted to take Baozhu to be raised as a daughter earlier, but now that the marriage has failed, how can Baozhu still be that ungrateful child?Just because her aunt treats her well, she will be closer than her own daughter in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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