Full of food and color

Chapter 146 The solution is smooth

Chapter 146 The solution is smooth
Chen Cuixi glanced at the sky outside and couldn't sit still anymore. He paced back and forth anxiously, "Why haven't you heard from me yet? Could it be that it didn't work?"

Bao Zhu shook her head solemnly, "Don't worry, since Brother He Lan has agreed, he will give a reply no matter if it succeeds or not. I'm afraid it's difficult to handle this time, so it took a while."

Chen Cuixi leaned against the door frame and sighed, but couldn't hold back tears, "The trial will start tomorrow, and there is no letter yet. The people waiting are anxious."

Zhaodi hurriedly brought her a glass of water, "Auntie, just relax." Glancing out the window, her heart became more and more uncertain, and she could only comfort her, "Maybe it will come in a while, if not, the letter will come tomorrow morning !"

At this time, He Lanhong and his wife had just come out of Mr. Liu's mansion, they had already boarded the soft sedan chair, and were heading to Qi's mansion.

The negotiations with Mr. Liu went very smoothly. There is a brother who is an official in the state capital. He Lan's family has been eating well in the county over the years. The family is very caring.He Lanhong only spoke the first half of his sentence, and he immediately agreed with a smile, and held a banquet to keep them. He only said that he still had some things to do, and went straight to Qi's residence after leaving the door.

The Qi Mansion doesn't know what the attitude is, it's a bit tricky, but He Lanhong is still somewhat sure, although the two families are not familiar with each other, but there has never been a festival, my brother is a third-rank official after all, the chance of being promoted to a high position in the future It's also much bigger than a sixth-rank business, so that's the case, He Lanhong also went with the idea of ​​reconciliation this time, because if there is a gap between the two families because of this matter, no one will be able to fall in, and the Qi family will suffer. The face is bigger, and I think it should be the case when I come to his house.

When they arrived at the Qi Mansion, the two families sat in the living room in a friendly manner and talked. Mr. Qi was only 65 years old, and his temperament was extremely open-minded. He had worked hard in the business all his life, and these years he spent his old age in the mansion, rarely getting involved in business. For the matter, several properties under him were handed over to the boss to take care of them.

Who in the county doesn't know that the Helan mansion's family has a great business, and there is a relative of a third-rank official in the state mansion. How can his Qi family's three or two restaurants compare?This time Ken came to the door in person, brought those rich gifts, and his words were extremely respectful and polite. It was because of the fact that one of Da'er's subordinates was beaten. Knowing that they wanted to protect the young man, Master Qi immediately spoke, It was just a misunderstanding, the Qi family didn't want to embarrass the young man.

In fact, Mrs. Zhao thought this way. Now that she had made a name for Chen Ji in a disguised form, she simply settled everything for her, so that she would go to beg for her son if something happened in the future. On the top, anyway, I have already spoken once, so I am almost owed a favor.

Now he explained another reason for coming, Chen Ji was opened by his son's friend, if Kou Fulou could show some kindness to her Helan family's thin face, it would be the best not to embarrass Chen Ji in the future, Of course, this kind of love is not for white-collar workers, and the Helan family naturally has ways to thank them.

Master Qi frowned immediately, and angrily called his elder son to reprimand him. He has been in business all his life, and his generosity and mind are very comparable to others. To engage in those obscene methods, but the unborn son resorted to such shameful methods behind his back. The several restaurants and teahouses run by the family are now considered to be among the best in the county, but they ran to follow a fledgling It's embarrassing for his small shop, where should he put his old face?

At this time, he called his son to reprimand him loudly. On the one hand, he was expressing his position to the Helan family. On the other hand, if his son went into business with such a heart, sooner or later his family's property would be destroyed in his hands. It would be good if he didn't know. Now that he knows this, he absolutely can't let him do whatever he wants.

After they left, they criticized and educated their son Haosheng again, and Dang even handed over the Koufulou fast food branch to the second child to take care of it, but this is a later story.

After the matter was settled, He Lanhong smiled and sighed with Mrs. Zhao along the way, "Mr. Qi is really a rare magnanimity, but his son is a little less generous."

Mrs. Zhao was still a little angry, "You are laughing happily, what is the virtue of his Chen family, if we are tired, let's go to war for his daughter!"

He Lanhong caressed his beard and sighed: "Who says it's not, what I did this time is completely in line with my son's wishes."

Mrs. Zhao sighed, "As long as he can go to the exam with peace of mind, what can I, a mother, say? Simply take care of the girl's affairs on my own head. Speaking of which, she really came from a previous life. For the blessing, we, Jin'er, look at him differently."

He Lanhong gasped, and discussed with Zhao: "It's not impossible to consider the matter of marrying a concubine. Our Jin'er is now eighteen. No matter how much we study, we will take over the property in the house in the future. Although the girl said The family background is a bit poor, after all, she has some business sense, if Jin'er becomes an official in the future, and she is busy with business affairs, she will be by Jin'er's side to manage a business, and the left and right will always come in handy."

Mrs. Zhao thought about it for a moment, and finally she was a little unwilling, "Being a concubine is really high!"

He Lanhong smiled and said: "I see that Jin'er has some thoughts about that girl, so we might as well go along with him."

As soon as Mrs. Zhao heard his words, she thought about it in her heart, and didn't say a word until the sedan chair stopped at the gate of the courtyard.

It was late at night, and when Chen Cuixi and the others were at a loss, there was a sudden knock on the door outside. Baozhu and Zhaodi looked at each other, and ran into the yard. When the door opened, it was indeed Helan's mansion. The servant who sent the letter, but that boy was nagging, saying that the young master was going to the provincial capital tomorrow, but this one had already fallen asleep, and sent him to deliver a letter, and said that the alley was hard to find, he was the head As soon as I came back, I braved the night to search for Yunyun for half an hour.

The hearts of the whole room were raised in their throats, staring at him, Chen Cuixi couldn't help shouting at him, "Your son asked you to pass the message?"

He suddenly understood, scratched his head, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Young master only said one sentence." He followed suit, pretending to be Helan's tone, "Father and mother promised to help, this matter is over, rest assured and wait." Bring people back."

As soon as he finished speaking, the big guy breathed a sigh of relief, Zhaodi and Baozhu went into the room dancing and laughing, Liangdong and Runze couldn't help but look at each other and smiled happily.

Chen Cuixi wiped away tears happily, "Hey, thank God, these two days are really not people's lives, this is good, thankfully, I'm back, I will go to the house to burn incense sticks, and I will give it to you in a while." Make a table of delicious food, everyone has worked hard today."

Almost in tandem, as soon as she returned to the room, the door creaked outside, and everyone couldn't help but turn their heads to look, and that person was also on the spot.

Wang Fulai smiled and stepped forward to pat him, "It's better for the yamen to handle things quickly, good boy, just come back!"

Liang Dong also laughed and said: "These days my aunt is very worried about you, and now I am burning incense in the house, you go in and have a look."

He nodded, walked quickly into the yard, and said hoarsely, "Everyone has been worrying about me for the past two days."

Baozhu was standing under the porch, when he passed the porch, he couldn't help calling out in a low voice, "Cousin..."

Ever since she knew that Jide had gone to beat Ye Deren, she couldn't calm down for a long time. Ordinary words could no longer fully express her current state. She only felt that the love she owed him would never be repaid in this life. That kind of helplessness and sadness Mixed with remorse and deep self-blame, after seeing him, it bothered her more strongly.

If she hadn't chosen to escape earlier, she would have had a good talk with her cousin anyway, wouldn't such a thing have happened?If you think about it carefully, what happened this time is not accidental. Brother Jide is such a proud person in his bones. He has been silently caring about himself, but in the end, he was so ruthlessly rejected by her. I am afraid that there is a broken heart in his heart. The idea of ​​breaking the jar, that day when he said he was going to buy paper and ink was just a lie, remembering the deep look he gave before leaving and what he said to his mother, he had already planned it.Just to give her a sigh of relief, do you have to take care of your own future?

Jide only paused in his footsteps and then entered the room without looking back. The mother and son met each other at this moment, and it was the time when they had a lot of things to say. Everyone sat in the main room knowingly, and Baozhu was full of things. Son, her face is not very happy, and Zhao Di is very clear when she sees her appearance.

Then he leaned close to her ear and whispered, "I'll secretly ask Brother Ji De to talk to you later, okay?"

Baozhu laughed dumbfounded, was her expression so obvious already?After thinking about it for a while, I thought that brother Jide was going to take an exam, and he was going to leave tomorrow, but the things that were ignored before can no longer be left alone. If I can’t tell him clearly before the exam, it will definitely affect him. play.

This side is secretly thinking about what to say for a while, and Chen Cuixi's roar has already been heard from the other side room. Sangu is the one who worries about Jide the most these days. His initial impulsiveness couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. For the sake of his cousin, where did the son put her as a mother?For a whole day and night, because he couldn't eat well and couldn't sleep, I was worried and afraid. If he didn't come back again, I wanted to die.

However, after he returned to the house, he seemed to know that he had done something wrong, so he knelt down in front of his mother and couldn't afford it for a long time, saying that he was both a son and a brother, and he couldn't ignore his mother, nor could he just watch Cousin was bullied.

His clear and resolute voice reached the ears of several people in the main room, and everyone who heard it felt very uncomfortable, thinking that although he ignored him these days, he was so worried about him that Baozhu heard those words. The eye circles were red and red when she was moved, and she tried her best not to shed tears, but Zhaodi couldn't help but took out a silk cloth and wiped it several times.

Listening to the touching conversation between mother and son, Baozhu felt more and more guilty, so she simply got up and went to the kitchen to prepare meals.

(End of this chapter)

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