Full of food and color

Chapter 147 Cheer up

Chapter 147 Cheer up
After dinner, before the second uncle left, Baozhu winked at Zhaodi, and slipped away to wait outside the gate. It was impossible to say in her heart not to be uneasy, but there were some words that she couldn't bear. I will tell him if I live today.

For Brother Jide, through these years of getting along, she really regarded him as her own brother, and this incident made her even more determined. There is no reason why such a good person as Brother Jide cannot get his Happiness, and I am currently the stumbling block that hinders his happiness, if you can't be with him, why let him worry about it every day?So much so that, in order to stand out for her, even forget about her own future?That was definitely not the result she wanted to see.

If he gave up on himself, with his intelligence and thoughtfulness, why worry about not being able to get a good name in the exam and marry the person he likes?I really ignored Brother Jide's persistent nature at the beginning. If he continues to be persistent, the two of them will be in a dilemma even more in the future.

So, she gritted her teeth, and decided not to do one thing, but to say it right now, cutting off all his thoughts.

Just as he was thinking, Jide had already crossed the threshold, he looked calm, and nodded towards Baozhu, "Zhaodi asked me to come and look for you, saying that you have something to tell me."

Baozhu nodded, she had prepared a lot of words, but in the end she didn't know where to start, so she tentatively said: "Cousin, let's take the exam in the provincial capital tomorrow."

Jide raised his eyebrows and looked at her in confusion.

Baozhu sighed, "I don't know how to tell you, I just think you are so smart, it would be a pity if you delay it year after year."


Seeing his silence, Baozhu said again: "I am so grateful for what my cousin has done for me, but..." After a pause, she looked at him solemnly: "I already have someone I like in my heart."


He still didn't make a sound, but he squeezed his hands tightly, Baozhu pursed his lips, and said sharply: "If my cousin can't think about it because of this matter, it's really not a manly act! Think about how hard your aunt has worked to raise you." , but in the end you make her worry about you every day because of other things!" After a pause, he said with difficulty: "Although the marriage is not possible, I will treat you as a family member, a friend, and a brother and sister for life. If you don't appreciate I don't blame you, but if you continue to worry my aunt, I, a girl, will despise you all my life!"

After finishing speaking, he emphasized again, "If the person I like knows what you think about me, I'm afraid I will be sad! If my cousin is really for my own good, quickly put away your thoughts and think about the future!"

After finishing his strong words, he entered the house without looking at him.

After finishing what he had to say, he felt a little more relaxed. Although the words were heavy today, but he was so smart, he must be able to understand his intentions.It doesn't matter whether he hates her or not, the important thing is that he can cheer up again and become the optimistic, cheerful, smart and cunning Brother Jide. That kind of Jide is what everyone wants to see, at least he won't be so angry because of rejection. Without him, he lived in self-blame and anxiety all his life.

In the early morning of the second day, Jide took the initiative to discuss with Chen Cuixi about the exam in the next provincial capital, saying that he decided on his own, that he would take the exam this year. Speaking of this matter, he was imprisoned, and the whole room was helpless, but it was Bao Zhu who asked others to help him, which made him very uncomfortable, including the matter of Chen Ji being suppressed, no one should No matter how much money his cousin earns, what's the use of being the official's backstage?He is determined to embark on an official career. Only when he becomes an official in the future can the Li family and the Chen family truly feel proud.

Chen Cuixi felt that since the baby was sent to the county jail, she seemed to have become sensible overnight.The baby is self-motivated, what can she say as a mother?Earlier, she never planned to offer a scholar in the house. As long as he can work and support the family like his father in the future, she will be satisfied. It was because the baby insisted on studying when he was a child, and she didn't care about reading after all. I have been thinking a lot about this matter, that is, I was thinking about my marriage with Bao Zhu a few years ago, and I only thought that if Wa'er could be admitted to a scholar, Mrs. Wang would be very happy, so she began to urge him to study hard.

Afterwards, the marriage of the two children failed so suddenly, but she felt that her son's previous studies were not in vain, otherwise how could she say those confident words in front of Mrs. Wang?There is never a tree in this world who is hanged to death. In the future, even if he only gets a scholar, he will be very popular in the county. What kind of daughter-in-law can't be found?As long as the baby can quickly recover from the shadows, with his intelligence, how bad will the future be?
It wasn't until he said these words today that Chen Cuixi put down a big stone in her heart. As a mother, all her hopes for the rest of her life are on her son. With hope, her mother can rest assured that no matter what he wants to do, she will support him!
If he was somewhat depressed because of his cousin's affairs, then when he came back this time, he seemed to have a new fighting spirit!
Early the next day, she discussed with Uncle Baozhu, saying that he should accompany her baby, it was the first time for her to go to the provincial capital, and it would be best if she had a man to take care of her. some.

Uncle Baozhu naturally said nothing, last year he lived in someone else's house for a whole year, and he had no chance to repay the favor. Knowing that Jide's previous illness was due to his marriage, seeing him recovering now, he felt much relieved.

Although the two families are not considered relatives, if nothing else, they have built up Dewa'er's loyalty, and the one time he beat someone for the orb, although he did it impulsively, he was a good boy after all.Not only that, but also Brother Dang's responsible words made him extremely shocked. When will the two honest sons of his family be able to say such righteous words?Doing something wrong, but it makes people feel admiration.

After regaining consciousness, she immediately agreed with a smile, saying that she had accompanied Runze Wa'er to the provincial capital earlier, and was familiar with all aspects, so Jide would be handed over to him to take care of her.

The exam was coming later, and they didn't delay, Jide had already packed up in the house, and the two of them were on their way early in the morning.

Baozhu is in a particularly good mood today. Although I don't know how much Brother Jide listened to those words, it can be seen from his attitude this morning that at least he is unwilling to continue to be decadent. He is willing to work hard for fame, which always means The future is to live a good life.

In addition, He Lan came again before leaving, saying that not only the matter of meritorious deeds has been resolved, but also the matter of the shop can be relieved from now on. His parents and the Qi family have reached an agreement, and they will never come to Chen again in the future. Forget the hassle of fast food.

(End of this chapter)

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