Full of food and color

Chapter 163 Double Happiness

Chapter 163 Double Happiness ([-])

Runsheng entered the gate, and as soon as he stepped on the steps of the main room, he heard the lively discussion in the room. He stopped suddenly, his heart was beating wildly, and his cheeks were quickly stained with two spots of black red. Embarrassed, he turned around, hurried back the same way, and went to the vegetable field outside to clean up the fence!
Chen Tiegui straightened up, "Linglong is right, our house is in good condition now, and Runsheng is not short of the dowry money!" He clapped his thick palms together, "As long as the baby is good, everything will be settled Down!"

Mrs. Wang nodded in agreement: "That girl knows everything. My mother said that Xingyuan is not far behind." She thought for a while, raised her head, and told Runze, "Just be sure, and talk to Liangdong and the others in person. Go and inquire about it."

Runze responded, "Success, let's inquire again."

After dinner, Mrs. Wang discussed with the children the arrangements for the winter solstice next year, and ordered Baozhu and the others to bring some gifts to the Chen family's old home for the festival, so that they could stay until dinner and come back.The two of them almost lost contact with the old home because of Xiujuan's conflict that time, so they didn't go to the old home during the winter solstice.

It's just that Mrs. Wu didn't know the reason, so Gu Kong whispered to Runze in a low voice, Mrs. Wang heard a few words clearly, then smiled and explained to her daughter-in-law, "If you want to talk about the conflicts between the two families over the years, parents have already kept them. Thinking about resolving, this year, your mother is in the county during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and your father will go back to the old home, so your grandma will be kicked out?"

Chen Tiegui waved his hand, "What are you talking about with the boys?" He raised his chin again, "You should go back to the house to see your grandparents during the Winter Solstice." Then he said to Runze with a stern face: "Your grandpa I look forward to you all the time. No matter how big the conflict in the house is, it is the business of the adults, you young ones should be filial, you should be filial, you know?"

Runze stood up from his seat, and responded respectfully, "I know everything, don't worry, Dad."

Baozhu pursed her lips and was very displeased, "Brother Jide held the banquet, grandma said bad things about our shop at the banquet, I heard it all, saying that our place is small, the light is poor, the food is terrible and it's too expensive!"

Chen Tiegui kept his face sullen and silent, and stood up after a while and sighed, "Your grandma has red eyes! You are so good at doing your business, why bother with such nonsense?"

Baozhu stuck out her tongue and made a face at her father, then turned around and went to the yard, "I haven't been back to the village for a long time, let's take a look outside!"

Xiujuan was honestly leaning on Wu Shi's side, when she saw Baozhu go out, she cast a longing look at Wu Shi, Wu Shi said with a smile: "Go and play with your third sister for a while, only for a while! Before going to bed, don't forget two Hand over the text."

Just as Baozhu stepped out of the threshold with one foot, a crisp cry came from behind, "Third Sister! Wait for me!"

Baozhu looked back at her with a smile, "My sister has grown taller this year!"

Xiujuan smiled shyly, glanced at Baozhu's hanging hand, pursed her lips slightly, and said aggrievedly: "I want to go to the county to find my third sister, but mother and sister-in-law won't let me go!"

Baozhu smiled and took her hand, and asked as she walked, "How are you at home? Listening to your sister-in-law teaching you how to read and write, how is it? Did you get any praise?"

As soon as she talked about learning characters and reading, Xiujuan regained her energy and began to talk endlessly. She said that she reads every day when she wakes up, recites a homework assignment for her sister-in-law at noon, and learns two words each in the afternoon and evening. Son.

Baozhu rolled her eyes and asked her with a smile, "How is sister-in-law?"

Xiujuan grinned and said, "Sister-in-law is all right, she taught me how to read and write, and combed my hair for a bath. My sister-in-law's combed hair is the prettiest!"

Baozhu blinked, pretending to be surprised, "Huh? Is that so, but why do I think sister-in-law is so fierce?"

Xiujuan frowned, shaking her head like a rattle, "Third Sister is just not familiar with my sister-in-law. I was also afraid of my sister-in-law at first. My sister-in-law has many rules. She has to practice calligraphy, study, embroider flowers, take a bath, and walk slowly. Take it easy, and don’t speak too loudly! Sometimes my handwriting is ugly, and my sister-in-law even scolds me.” After a pause, he continued: “But mother said, my sister-in-law is a girl from the city, and she is a girl from the village. My older sisters are different! But you have to listen to what my sister-in-law says, it's all for my own good!"

Baozhu's heart moved, and she sighed: "It's better for our mother to see more clearly." Then she touched her head softly, "You have done a good job, sister-in-law asks you like that, everything is for your own good, wait for it. Our Xiujuan has grown up and is also a little girl."

From the bottom of my heart, she is still a bit unfamiliar with this elder sister-in-law. Mrs. Wu is arrogant. She has been married for more than a year, and it is difficult for her to open her heart when getting along with her. Maybe she looks down on rural people in her bones. After marrying into the Chen family, She didn't get along well with the big guys, and she was polite and polite to her parents on weekdays, as if she had kept her heart closed, only thinking that she married into the Chen family just for the sake of nourishment, and in her mind, she had never The big guy treats himself as himself.

It's not hard to see that now she divides Xiujuan into her own sphere, raises her, teaches her to read and write. Well, she also helped the family to send a message, and when discussing Brother Runsheng's marriage today, she actually interrupted and expressed that opinion.All these bits and pieces are connected together, and Baozhu finds out happily, does this mean that after marrying into the Chen family, something in her body is slowly changing under the influence of her parents?

Of course, this kind of change is very slow, but I recalled the words that her ex-mother said that touched me deeply, "People's hearts are made of flesh. If your mother and your father treat her sincerely, she can really do it." A white-eyed wolf? If that's the case, I'll leave it to Runze to handle it, because he's the one who takes a fancy to people."

As for personality, everyone is different, some are more competitive, some are more honest, some are more hypocritical, some are jealous, and there are hundreds of different kinds of people.

Baozhu has always felt that different people have different personalities, and because of different personalities and ways of doing things, there is resonance and friction between people.However, different personalities are by no means the criterion for judging a person's quality, just like—you can't say that a jealous person is not filial to the elderly, and honest people also have narrow-mindedness.

Therefore, Baozhu can always learn to adapt to the personality of every relative or friend around her, instead of changing them.

No one is perfect, there is always a sunny side and a dark side.For example, Mrs. Wu, when they met for the first time, she noticed the jealousy of her youngest daughter. She was always indifferent and arrogant to everyone, and her powerful side could be seen in her sporadic opinions on her elder brother's future development.

But for such a person, she also has a kind side. After learning about Xiujuan's life experience, she can put aside her dislike for her and devote all her heart and money to raising her.After knowing what the Helan family was thinking, he could say the firm words of not being an aunt.

If the Wu family can really integrate into the Chen family in the future, that would be great. Not only can he live happily and be less burdened, but also there will be many smiles on the faces of his parents.

That night, Baozhu slept soundly, and the whole family was happy in the dream. When she woke up in the morning, the scene was still jumping in her mind. Shouldn't my mother worry about it?

After some self-deprecating effort, Mrs. Wang had already knocked on the window outside the yard, "Hurry up, girl, and get ready to go to your grandma's house!"

Baozhu responded, and quickly got up and got off the kang to comb. The elder brothers had already got up and were talking in the hall. Did you go? Didn’t see anyone all afternoon?”

Runsheng rubbed his nose with the back of his hand, coughed, and said solemnly: "Oh, yesterday I harvested the whole fence in the vegetable field."

Baozhu laughed loudly, and wanted to make a joke. Mrs. Wang came in with pancakes and said seriously, "I'll go to your grandma's house later, do you know what to say and what not to say?"

Baozhu focused on her size, "Speak more obediently, and don't mention anything about our house making money, let alone say that our house is living a good life!"

Mrs. Wang glanced at her, "This child!" Then she smiled and said, "Most of your grandma's life is not the idleness of those years, I'm afraid it's a matter of money." She sighed deeply, "Catch up with me!" Runze got an errand, and the house was completely relaxed. Our house was not so fast, and Baozhuwa's business only improved at the end of last year and this year. It turns out that your eldest brother got married, so the house is still tight. Your grandma just treats it as a Let's shrink up when we get well." At this point, Chen Tiegui continued, "After the marriage between the second child and the third child is settled, how much money is left for the old house, mother has been thinking about it all these years Building a house."

Mrs. Wang glanced at him, and told the children, "This is only for your father to talk about in the room, don't go to your grandma to mention it today. The matter of giving money will wait for you to live a stable life in the future. If there is any surplus in the house, how much will be given to the old home, it is still uncertain now!"

Baozhu and the others obediently agreed, so Wang went to the room to pack some presents to take with her.

After breakfast, they packed up and set off, because the east and west were not far apart, and it only took half a stick of incense to walk, so they walked.

Chen's family got the news from Liangdong early, Chen Erniu was very happy that the children were coming today, he wandered around outside the gate early in the morning waiting for the children, but Chen Liu was not very happy, Xu Xu Gossip about last morning.

Not to mention that Runze's in-laws are a big family in the county, but now he himself has found a good job in the county, and the family school treats him well. I heard that there is half a tael of silver per month, and he also takes care of the food every day. , Accommodation is also arranged for free.

Not to mention that stinky girl Baozhu, with such a big shop open, how can she earn less money?Liang Dongwa'er was originally thin like that, but after she has been in the shop for a year, her body has become rounder, and her arms are strong and strong, so you can tell how much fat is inside!

Thinking of this, Chen Liu's chest is tight with anger. The people in that house have made a lot of money, have they ever thought about themselves?He worked hard to support the eldest, and married him a wife. Now, how much money in the house has been deducted? !

(I would like to clarify: Double Happiness means that Yi Runsheng is engaged and Er Wu is pregnant. But obviously Grasshopper miscalculated the progress... I can't finish writing today, so Double Happiness may not be written until tomorrow It’s over, today’s chapter doesn’t even touch on the edge of pregnancy. Another: It is estimated that this article will end in 50-55W words, and will not add insignificant water for the sake of multi-V. The specific amount depends on the feel.)
(End of this chapter)

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