Full of food and color

Chapter 164 Double Happiness

Chapter 164 Double Happiness (Part [-])

Cuifen was leaning on the kang and eating melon seeds, when she heard the words, she called to the hall, "What did you send those five sticks to the house last year?"

Chen Liushi lifted the curtain and entered the wing room, and glanced at her, "Oh, can't you see the three piglets bought in Kaichun? How many piglets don't cost money? The rest just come here all the time, what's the point?" After finishing speaking, Then he leaned close to her and muttered, "How many people are coming to Runze today, can you go and talk to Runze later?"

Cui Fen sat up straight suddenly, frowned and said: "His house is well-developed now, and we are all poor relatives, rushing to lose that person? I won't go!" Thinking of something, she snorted coldly, "Second The incident at the funeral of my sister-in-law made a fuss, and now the children have seen me in the village and even made a detour."

Chen Liushi sighed again, "I didn't expect this situation in the early years..."

Cui Fen spat out a piece of melon seed skin, curled her lips and said, "If you want me to tell you, parents don't expect elder brother to be filial. What else can we expect after the family is separated? What does it matter to us if the house is rich?" With a snort, he said again: "His house is so rich, we don't need to worry about Liangdong's marriage."

Chen Liu raised her eyebrows, "It's easy for you to say, everyone in the village is watching! Ask your parents to throw away that man? You married that paralyzed man, and there was a lot of gossip in the village."

Cuifen's face turned cold, and she threw half of the melon seeds in her hand into the bamboo basket, fumbling with her hands, "I don't have to work in the fields all day long, and my parents-in-law give back the money every now and then after the baby is born. Did you bring your son to your mother?"

There was a smile on Chen Liu's old face, "This baby, my mother can't say it?"

As the mother and daughter were talking, the yard suddenly became lively. Cuifen lifted the curtains and saw that Baozhu and her father and Liangdong entered the yard with a gift. They were chatting and laughing in the yard at the moment, so she got up and went to put on her shoes. Glancing at Mrs. Chen and Liu, he persuaded: "It's good to send a few children over here for a while. Mother, don't be so cold-faced and spread it outside, saying that mother is a little hearted."

After finishing speaking, he walked out the door with a smile on his face, "Hey, Runze is here, how is this year in the county?"

Runze politely called "Sister-in-law" and then remained silent. Cuifen nodded, and Caiyuan was speaking politely just now. I have heard about his life in the county for a long time in the village, so I don't expect it now. He said in detail.Glancing at Baozhu, he smiled again, "Baby Zhu is getting more and more handsome. She looked good when she was young, and she looks like a city kid when she grows up."

Baozhu responded with a smile, and seeing Chen Liushi stepping out of the hall door with one foot, she shouted: "Grandma!"

Chen Liushi pulled out a dry smile and asked with a smile: "Linglong baby is here too."

Linglong smiled softly, shouted: "Grandma" and pursed her lips in silence.

When Chen Liushi saw Xiujuan, she casually praised her for being fair and beautiful now, and more likable than before.

Since Xiujuan was adopted by Chen Tiegui, she didn't go out with the old home all the year round. In addition, as she got older all these years, based on what the adults said on weekdays, she knew the past of many of the two families. A little timidly, she moved her lips and didn't open her mouth to call for someone. When Chen Liushi looked at her again, she simply hid behind Wu Shi.

Mrs. Chen and Liu were bored, and she couldn't care less about the little doll in front of Runze's wife, so she invited them to sit in the main room, while she went to cook dumplings in the kitchen.

Zhang Fenglan rushed over after hearing the news, and when she saw Baozhu, she was very happy and pulled her to talk, asking more about the county's business affairs, Baozhu smiled and talked to her briefly, not particularly talking about money, Zhang Fenglan Talked to her for a long time, then smiled and sighed, saying that at the beginning, I never thought that Baozhuwa'er would be so promising, she is well-behaved and sensible, and can also do business to make money, who in the village doesn't envy Wang's now?Cui Fen was listening, feeling very uncomfortable, so Gu Kong said that her mother-in-law gave some money and jewelry some time ago.

It's so easy to get out of the topic. Thinking about it, there is nothing wrong with coming here, and I have to go back after a meal. Instead of sitting in the living room and listening to my sister-in-law bragging, it's better to go out for a walk. Baozhu got up and asked Linglong to go out together, " It's the first time for sister-in-law to come back, so I'll take sister-in-law to see the house where our brothers and sisters used to live?"

Linglong nodded happily, and Baozhu led her out of the house, first pointing to the second door from the left on the west, "That's my parents' original house." Then pointing to the one on the left, "Eldest brother and second brother live in the same room." Turning around , grinningly said: "After the separation, I will sleep with my parents in separate rooms."

Linglong nodded, knowing that it would be inconvenient to enter the house after the family split, so she just stood outside and looked around the yard from the west, and sighed: "Although it is a bit old, the place is more spacious than ours. The room will be two or three times bigger."

Baozhu nodded, "We bought our house for only two pennies. There is no shelter from the wind in winter, hot flashes in summer, and many mosquitoes and poisonous insects. Where is a good place to live?"

Linglong frowned, with a puzzled look on her face, "Why don't parents want to live next door?"

Baozhu sighed with a smile, "When the family was separated, my mother fought over it. She didn't want to ask her grandparents for a house. She went to buy it by herself. How could she get so much money to buy a good place?" The Wu family intends to contribute some money to help Runze and the others buy a property in the county, so they smiled and said, "Fortunately, they won't live in this place for a few years. In the future, parents will always go to the county."

Linglong nodded and said nothing more.

Baozhu glanced at the stove, thinking that her parents always brought her here, and her mother always wanted to go to the stove to help, so she said hello to Mrs. Wu, and went to have a look at the stove by herself.

Seeing that Chen Liushi was making dumplings, Baozhu helped her to boil a pot of water and said, "I ate some at home when I came here. Grandma will save a little, so there will be leftovers later."

Chen Liushi curled her lips, "They're all young lads, can't you eat a plate for each person?"

Baozhu smiled, washed her hands and went to the desk to help roll the leather. Chen Liushi elbowed her for a while, "I'm afraid you've made a lot of money this year, right?"

Baozhu blinked, "Mother and the others are in charge of the money, it's enough to make an appointment."

Chen Liushi glanced at her, shut her mouth resentfully, and said to herself that the girl who is half the age of Baozhu is a traitor, she opened her mouth to say something, so that people couldn't continue to ask, and her dislike for her was overwhelmed. increased.

After dinner, a few people chatted with Chen Erniu in the old courtyard, and sat until noon, when Runze got up to leave, saying that he was taking his younger brothers and sisters back to the house, and there was still some work to do in the house.

Chen Erniu was not happy that his eldest grandson had only come to stay for a long time and then went back to the house, he kept nagging them to go back later, he was persuading, while Chen Liu and Cui Fen had already given away several children. Delivered to the gate.

Chen Erniu followed out anxiously, seeing that the children really didn't want to stay, he sighed, stretched out his dry hand into his bosom, took out some money and handed it to Xiujuan, then looked at Runze with piercing eyes , patted him on the shoulder, "I will visit my grandpa and grandma more in the future, and do a good job in the county." He also told Baozhu, "I heard that this year, I'm also engaged. It's very good. Go back and tell your mother , your grandparents need a big gift when you get married."

Baozhu turned her head and saw that Chen Erniu's skinny face showed a bit of helplessness and reluctance, and his eyes were full of kindness. His heart finally softened, and he smiled and took out two taels of silver from his bosom and stuffed it in. In his hand, "Grandpa, this is what my mother asked me to honor you."

Chen Erniu lowered his head to look at the money, pulled his beard and sighed, "It's lucky that your mother still has such thoughts, go back and tell your father, come and have a drink with grandpa when you have time!"

As soon as he turned out of the alley, Runsheng patted Baozhu and said with a smile, "You did a good job today. Look at what Grandpa said, it seems like you are inviting your parents to go."

Runze accepted the words with a smile, "Father and mother should be relieved when they know about it. After all, grandpa is getting old, and he always remembers us, so he should be more filial on weekdays."

Baozhu grinned, and said truthfully: "I didn't intend to give money today, but..." After a pause, his expression darkened, "I can't bear to see Grandpa's appearance, since we can't always be by the old man's side Son, I have to use some money to make up for the guilt in my heart. Besides, grandma just happens to be thinking about the money in our house all the time, and she still asks me on the stove today."

When Chen and Liu were mentioned, Runze and the others fell silent by coincidence, and Wu said, "I don't have anything to do in the afternoon, why don't we go to grandma's village to find out about that girl?"

Runze nodded, "Alright, I feel at ease when I asked earlier."

Runze blushed half of his face, stopped walking, grabbed the back of his head and said uncomfortably, "I'll go to Iron Egg House first."

Run Ze smiled, and waved his hand to let him go, "Go back to the house earlier in the evening."

After returning to the house, Mrs. Wang learned that Baozhu and the others had given money to the old house before they left, but she didn't blame Baozhu, she just sighed: "In the future, you don't have to give it again and again, brother Liangdong. In the future, we will have to work harder when we get married."

It was so easy for Runze to come back once, and Mrs. Wu was willing to go out with him to relax. In the afternoon, she went with Liangdong Runze. Mrs. Wang left Baozhu in the house alone, saying that she saw that the marriage was settled, and then went back to the village. Be more polite, don't run around, let others and Wei Bo see what it looks like?
Baozhu had no choice but to go back to the house, practice calligraphy with Xiujuan for a while, and tell her some new things in the county. The two sisters took a nap together, and the sun went down when they woke up. Hurrying to the main room, I saw that my elder brothers had already returned to the room, so I asked about the questioning today.

Mrs. Wang smiled joyfully, "She is a good girl, she is quick at work, and she is filial to her parents. Your brother and the others went to inquire about a few of them, and they have a good reputation in the village."

Baozhu's eyes lit up, "Is it possible to submit posts later?"

Mrs. Wang nodded, "It's almost done, and your father doesn't have any objections."

During this festival, Wang was relieved by the news that the children went to inquire about it. She was very happy, so she said that she would cook a few more dishes in the evening so that the whole family could celebrate.

Before dinner, Mrs. Wu said that she had no appetite and her chest felt a little stuffy. Mrs. Wang asked her to go back to the room to rest. After dinner, she went to cook a porridge for her. When she turned around, she asked Runze to come over and said with a smile : "I vomited twice, I'm afraid I have a body!"

Runze was taken aback for a moment, then the smile on his face gradually enlarged, and he was about to rush out with joy, Wang looked at him like that, and gave him a look, "Probably there is, I will ask you Wei Bolai to take a look at it tomorrow." .”

(End of this chapter)

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