Full of food and color

Chapter 165 Tie Fu Returns Home

Chapter 165 Tie Fu Returns Home
After breakfast the next day, Mrs. Wang sent Runze to invite someone to Wei Yuan's house. Mrs. Wu knew that she was pregnant, and she and Runze had been excited about it the night before. He got a little nervous, stood up quickly, and stared nervously at Runze, "What if it's not..."

Before Runze could reply, Mrs. Wang laughed and said, "Isn't it? You have to see it once. If you really have it, your uncle Wei will prescribe some anti-fetal medicine, so parents can rest assured. Even if it's not, it's nothing. You two are still young, so don't be in a hurry."

Runze also turned around and smiled, "Don't think too much, just wait in the Anxin room."

Baozhu giggled and stood up, bent her chin on Wang's shoulder, and said coquettishly, "Mother, I'm going too!"

Runze suddenly sighed helplessly, looked at Baozhu and smiled, "Your sister-in-law is checking the pulse, why are you going to join in the fun?"

Baozhu pursed her lips, "Yesterday I didn't go out."

Mrs. Wang glanced at her and waved her hand, "Go and behave yourself, and wish you, Uncle Wei, a happy holiday."

Baozhu responded with a smile, and followed Runze out of the house.

The two chatted and laughed, and within a moment they walked to the door of Wei's house. The door was wide open, and the yard was tidied up. With his straight back, he stepped out of the garden unhurriedly, leaned the farm tools on the edge of the stone table, turned around and smiled at the door, "Brother Runze is here, come in and sit down."

Run Ze glanced at the herb garden and asked curiously, "What's growing in the field? Why is it different from what I saw last year?"

Wei Sipei blinked at Baozhu, and explained with a smile: "Grow some seasonal herbs." He raised his hand, "The one on the left is Cheqian, and the one on the right is Angelica dahurica, all of which are suitable for growing in winter." A small piece came out, "That's a lily."

Runze nodded, and then returned to the topic, "Is Wei Bo here?"

Wei Sipei hummed, "I was called out in a hurry this morning, saying that there was an emergency in a neighboring village. Brother Runze, why are you looking for my father?"

Runze pondered for a while, with a smile on his face, "Your sister-in-law was not feeling well yesterday, and she might be pregnant. Originally, I wanted Uncle Wei to go and have a look."

"Uncle Wei is not here, so it's the same if you go!" Baozhu answered with a giggle.

"This..." There was some embarrassment on his face.

Baozhu frowned, "Can't wait for Uncle Wei to come back, everyone in the house is happy, Brother Sipei, don't be embarrassed, just take a pulse!"

After a long while, he nodded with an unnatural expression, "That's fine, I'll go and have a look."

After talking, she said she wanted to go into the house to change clothes, Bao Zhu followed him into the house with a smile on her face, saw him go straight to the bookcase to get a book out, turned the pages in a hurry, couldn't help standing at the door and burst out laughing, Wei Sipei blushed suddenly, and after a while, he opened his mouth cautiously, "It's the first time I went back to see the Ximai, although I heard Dad describe it, it's safe to check the medical books."

Baozhu approached him up and down and looked at him, and he was a little uncomfortable looking directly at him, so he laughed and joked, "It's not enough to be able to cure diseases, and you can't even look at Ximai, how can you open a medical clinic in the county? It just so happened today Here comes an opportunity, so I can learn a lot. Don’t get me wrong, if you lose the signboard, you must make my elder brother happy!”

Wei Sipei was noncommittal to her ridicule, and looked at her with a light smile, with a little doting and tenderness in his eyes.Baozhu felt a little guilty when she was looked at by that kind of eyes, and secretly regretted why he looked at herself with the eyes of her own naughty child?
Wei Sipei lowered his head to look up medical skills again. Suddenly, his fingertips stopped, his eyes swept up and down, he nodded and murmured something in a low voice. After a while, he closed the book and stood up with a smile, "Let's go."

As soon as the three of them entered the gate, they saw Mrs. Wang standing in the yard. Wei Sipei greeted her with a smile, and said, "My father is out today, so I'll help my sister-in-law take a look."

Mrs. Wang nodded, she had no doubts about the medical skills of the father and son, and immediately led them into the south room. Mrs. Wu was sitting on the bed of the kang. When she saw Wei Sipei, she got up with a smile, and greeted softly: "Please trouble my brother-in-law to come here in person."

Wei Sipei just nodded, and didn't gossip with Wu Shi in front of the big guys, and asked her about her symptoms in the past few days and the number of times she vomited every day.

Wang Shi raised her chin towards the chair, and gave Baozhu a hard look. Baozhu hurriedly moved a chair in front of him, and he sat down with a smile.

The slender white fingertips rested on Wu's wrist and kept pressing and cutting. The Wangs remained silent, with a heart almost raised in their throats. The upper three pulses are pressed continuously, usually I just watch Wei Bo feel the pulse, but I don't feel much in my heart, but now I see him feel the pulse with my own eyes, I feel a little uncomfortable.He thought to himself, this is his usual job, every day there are no female patients in the clinic, wouldn't that mean he can touch the hand of the woman next to him every day?Thinking of this, I couldn't help but look at his face again.

He frowned slightly, his lips were tightly pursed, his gaze avoided Wu's, and he focused on his right foot. Because he wanted to feel his pulse, he was very focused, and his ring finger, index finger and middle finger kept pinching Wu's Three pulses on the wrist.

It looked not much different from Weibo's pulse diagnosis, Baozhu lowered her head slightly, suddenly amused herself, she was too sensitive just now, the two of them grew up together knowing everything, how can they not know his character?So he didn't think about it, and waited patiently like Wang and the others.

After a while, he let go, exhaled lightly from his mouth, stood up with a smile, and said to Wang Shi: "It's the pulse of joy, congratulations, auntie."

Wang Shixi's brows were wrinkled, and he didn't care about anything else, so he ran outside to report to his husband like a gust of wind. Chen Tiegui was wandering in the yard with his hands behind his back, when he saw Wang going out the door with a happy expression on his face, I knew the general idea in my heart, and said cheerfully: "I'll kill a chicken to feed my baby! Sipei also stay for dinner!"

Wang smiled and Zhang Luo said, "Run Ze went out to buy some fish, and Run Sheng went to your grandma's house to call you Brother Liang Dong." Then he glanced at Wei Sipei, "I'm not an outsider, I'll just listen to your uncle and stay at my aunt's house for dinner. .”

Xiujuan came running from the house, and said with a smile, "Third brother-in-law will also feel the pulse of third sister tomorrow!"

Another burst of laughter in the room.

That night, Mrs. Wang discussed with Runze and the others, putting aside the matter of buying a house for Runze and his wife, saying that Linglong is pregnant now, and she needs someone to take care of her. It's warmer, she won't be able to freeze her left and right, and it's convenient to buy meat and fish in the village. When summer comes next year, I'll go to the county town to find a good place to live.

On the second day, Baozhu got up early, and today she has to cook by herself, the sister-in-law is pregnant, and she is also happy to be a sister-in-law, aside from other things, she always has to cook some good meals in the house for a few days.

Xiujuan has been sleeping with Baozhu for the past few days, and when she saw her getting up before dawn, she also sat up obediently. Baozhu smiled and pressed her to sleep, tucking the corner of the quilt, "Sleep a little longer, and I will call you after breakfast." .”

He tidied up and went out, it was still dark outside, the lights were on in his parents' house, Yuemo was ready to get up, Baozhu dug well water to wash his face, went to the cellar to get some vegetables, went into the stove to light a fire to boil water, A pot of water was gurgling and steaming, and the dishes here had been washed and cut. Seeing that Mrs. Wang opened the door of the main room, he brought hot water into the parents' room to add hot water to their wooden basin.

Mrs. Wang smiled and scooped up a ladle of well water into the house, "My dear boy, you wake up so early."

Chen Tiegui grabbed his sleeves and wiped his face, then snorted, "Father just washes his face with cold water, why is he so particular about it?"

Mrs. Wang scoffed at him, "You're a good boy, and you're just a girl who takes care of you all day long, and your sons can't count on it! Which one will serve you with hot water every day?"

Turning around again, the girl had long since disappeared, and the couple had been arguing for a while, and the smell had already risen in the kitchen. For breakfast, Baozhu prepared cabbage meat pie and leek cake, and cooked some white rice porridge, mixed with two A light side dish.

Mrs. Wang entered the kitchen with a smile, and saw that her daughter was getting ready, so she went out with a smile to wake the children up.

When the food was on the table, everyone in the room was in full swing, and Mrs. Wang couldn't help but praised the little girl again at the dinner table, "My mother said, none of you are as diligent as your sister, and the rooster just crows you! The girl got up and went to the kitchen to make food for you guys, and also boiled hot water for parents and sent them to the house."

Baozhu shook her head, "Mother, don't say that. Eldest brother studied and slept late last night, and second brother got up early this morning. The vegetables in the house are all cleaned up by second brother. What should I do today? Second brother Great credit!"

Mrs. Wu laughed, "When I go to the county in the future, I will have to buy half of the maids and servants, so these things will be saved."

Chen Tiegui put down his chopsticks, "Our house is a farmer, why do we invite servant girls? If it spreads out, it won't make people laugh? Don't do that!"

"Linglong baby is also a good intention." Wang said to her husband, "Don't those big families hire some maids and servants? Let's live a better life in the future, why can't we invite them? I really can't bear to let my little girl work all day long!"

Runze smiled, "I agree with what Dad said, we are poor people, we have some money and we can't compare to rich families in the county, if we don't do those ostentatious things, and there is no maid in the house, we can live well? "

The whole family was chatting about the subject of the maid, when there was a loud knock on the door outside, Wang got up to take a look, and went outside in a hurry, complaining, "Who's here? Let's go!" It’s so heavy, yo! Slow down and smash it!”

As soon as Mrs. Wang opened the door, she saw that the visitor was Uncle Zhang, a neighbor from the old house. She didn't care to speak, so she heard him say urgently: "Tie Fu is back!"

Wang was stunned for a while, then frowned and said, "When did it happen?"

"Hi!" He stomped his feet out of breath, "Let's talk about this matter, go back with your man first, and fight with Liang Dongwa early in the morning, your old lady fainted with anger How many times in the past!"

(End of this chapter)

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