Chapter 168
When they returned to the house, Chen Tiegui had already set up the ox cart and parked it in the yard. The Wangs and their children gave some instructions to the children before urging them to set off.

The bullock cart moved slowly along the path until it turned at the fork in the west, and then stopped for a while. It stopped at the gate of a small courtyard. Liang Dong raised his voice and shouted, "Brother Sipei! Go back to the county!"

Baozhu pursed her lips, and jumped out of the car, "He's wasting time, I'll go in and have a look!"

As soon as one foot stepped on the threshold, a bright red figure floated in front of her eyes, and before she had time to see clearly, the figure came towards her from the yard, Baozhu hurriedly turned her body to avoid it, the figure passed her and went straight out of the yard, It ran away like a gust of wind.

Baozhu pursed her lips, and when she turned around, she saw Wei Sipei going out with a medicine basket on her back, his eyes suddenly met, he was stunned for a moment, then smiled and replied: "It's packed, let's go."

Baozhu pursed her lips and walked out, "It's not the right time!"

Wei Sipei's sharp eyes saw her complexion, and with a movement of her figure, he immediately grabbed her arm, pursed his lips and asked, "Baozhu is angry?"

Baozhu turned her head slightly, "No, I was just teasing you!" After a pause, she raised her eyes to look at him, "I know you can handle it well."

Wei Sipei's smile widened, Baozhu smiled, and pulled him back, "Let's live a good life in the future, and one day, Sister Baoyun will understand."

Arrived at the county at noon that day, Baozhu and Liangdong went to the shop after doing some repairs, and within two hours, Xiaojiu and Zhaodi also rushed to the county, brought some mung bean pot helmets made by grandma, and went back to the house for a few days, recruited Di seemed very energetic, and kept pestering Baozhu to ask things. To be honest, Baozhu's life was not smooth in the past three days. Di shared, so I picked some happy things about my second brother.

During dinner, Chen Cuixi also had some good news to tell everyone. It said that the letter came from the provincial capital yesterday. Jide passed the entrance examination in the first year and got the quota for Zengsheng. She was very happy and said that she was waiting for Baozhu When I came back, I packed up and went to the provincial capital to visit him.

Liang Dong nodded, put a chopsticks of ribs into her aunt's bowl, "I don't worry about going alone, I'll go with aunt tomorrow."

Chen Cuixi waved her hand, "I don't need you to accompany me at all. The business of the shop is very important. I have been back and forth to the provincial capital many times, so I can figure it out."

While they were talking, Zhaodi had already secretly picked up a few chopsticks and put them into Liangdong's bowl. Now she saw Liangdong looking around inexplicably, with his head buried in a sinister smile.

Liang Dong shook his head and looked at her with a smile, and asked, "Has Zhao Di been obedient after returning to the house?"

Zhao Di was dissatisfied that Liang Dong treated her like a little baby inside and out, and immediately pouted, "Brother Liang Dong is only two and a half years older than me! How can you be like my father!"

Watching the interaction between the two of them, Baozhu was in an inexplicably good mood, and interrupted with a smile: "My cousin is right, my cousin and I are both big girls, and we will get married in a few days!"

Zhao Di blushed, "You said you got married, it's you, I'm not in a hurry!"

Baozhu giggled, a playful light flashed in her eyes, "Don't worry, cousin will know!"

That night, Baozhu lost sleep, and the scene when she saw her second uncle for the last time flashed through her mind from time to time, and she wondered, did my second uncle really regret it, did he really want to become a monk, why was he still arguing in the house the day before Rumble, the change is so fast, did dad say something to him this morning?

With these doubts, he couldn't fall asleep for a long time, so he got up quietly, crossed Zhaodi and got off the kang, lit candles, and calculated the harvest of this year's shop. It's almost the Chinese New Year. At the beginning of the year, she planned to accumulate some capital this year and open a dim sum shop next year. Thinking about the time limit, this matter has to be put on the agenda.


In the middle of the night, a bonfire was burning in a grove next to the official road, and there was a lonely man sitting cross-legged beside him. He took out a piece of dry food pancake from his cloth bag, put it in his hand for a moment, and two lines of tears rolled down his face.

The dry and hard pancake felt dry and painful when it passed through the esophagus, but he didn't notice it, and swallowed heavily with sobs. This is the dry food prepared by his relatives, and from now on... I'm afraid I won't be able to go back to that The village that made his heart ache.

In fact, he should have woken up a long time ago, as early as when his wife left him, he felt a faint pain in his heart, but people are like this, it takes too much courage to wake up, and when he falls, he only needs to think about nothing every day.

Going back to the house every day, the ice pot and cold stove are still the same, and life is hopeless.Knowing that Qian's family can't compare to Hongyu no matter what, but once one goes on the wrong path, it will be even more difficult to turn back.

He has lived most of his life, was rejected by his parents, expelled from the family, and the good wife who took care of him the most has left him. Thinking of this, he smiled bitterly. In fact, he also wanted to be like his elder brother in front of his children. The son retains a father's dignity, but his children, sons and daughters all regard him as a thief. Originally, yesterday he planned to avoid the limelight for a while, and then use the money from the house to gamble again. Well, if he turned over, when he returned to the village, his parents, elder brother and sister-in-law, and anyone who looked down on him in the past would no longer dare to look at him with the kind of eyes that frightened him.

He forced himself not to think about the persuasive consolation from his parents, the rebukes from his brother and sister-in-law who hated iron and steel, and the red jade's blood and tears in his nightmares, and he finally became the one that everyone detested. Abandoned by everyone, it would be better to degenerate to the end, but God played a big joke on him at this time.

During the night of rummaging through boxes and cabinets, she burst into tears when she saw the clothes that Hongyu sewed for him before she died, hehe... No matter how cold he is outside, he will eventually collapse at that moment.She knew him so well, she sewed some money in the interlayer of each clothes carefully and considerately, was she afraid that he would be hungry one day in the future?
No matter how many mistakes a person has made, sometimes it only takes a moment to repent. At that moment, he is in unbearable pain, but no matter how much he repents, his wife will go one step ahead of him.

Rubbing half of his swollen and sore cheek, he swallowed the last mouthful of dry food with tears in his eyes, and fell asleep on his side.

Yes, it's from my brother.My brother in the past thirty years, my eldest brother has never beaten me so hard like this morning.The beating made him cry, and the eldest brother also burst into tears.

All the anger, resentment, and disappointment poured out, all the face and pain were left behind, only under the violent punches and kicks of the elder brother, the sadness in my heart seemed to be a little bit better, ah, what I said is that there is more than enough to die He, elder brother scolded him really well, I really hope that he can die in the hands of elder brother like this, and all his sins will be settled.

But when he saw his father and mother's frail body standing in front of him and kept trembling, his elder brother's hands trembled, his heart also trembled, it wasn't that he couldn't resist, but... the self who had suddenly awakened to this The world has no expectations, and the only loved ones who are concerned, I only hope that you can vent your anger and get back to the original.

But brother, do you know, I really regret it, but I can only look at you so desperately, in front of you, I don't even have the face to say that word of regret.

But I know, I can't do this anymore, a good family can't be implicated and destroyed because of me.I have made a big mistake, and I deserve to die.

The father and mother who gave birth to him, cared for his brother, even looked down on himself.Think of the son who has nothing but resentment towards himself, all of them, let them down no more.

In the future... If you want to atone for your sins, maybe you have to go to that place, change your identity, knock on the wooden fish every day, and chant sutras, so that your heart will no longer suffer.

Hongyu, do you know, I know I was wrong, I have completely woken up from the fall, let me accompany you by chanting scriptures every day, my sister-in-law’s family loves our son very much, don’t worry.

Hongyu, do you know that the words our son said to me when I went to your grave this morning were the most touching moments in my life.

The bonfire gradually extinguished, and the curling smoke rose, slowly drifting towards the sky, towards the other end of the world.

Hongyu, I don’t know you on the other side, do you know, now I have made up my mind to change my past.


Ten days later, Mrs. Wang and Chen Tiegui came back to the county with their sister-in-law. They were very happy when they came, and they said that the previous one had officially fixed the wedding date with the Zhu family, and the auspicious time would be the eighth day of February next year. When the weather was better, I brought my daughter-in-law to the county once, sent my son and daughter-in-law to bring some gifts to Wu's mansion to visit the father-in-law and mother-in-law, and asked Chen Cuixi and two to buy some betrothal gifts.

Chen Tiegui was thinking about Sipei, so Liangdong took him to sit in Sipei's shop for a while, then went back to the shop by himself, leaving the two of them to chat.

This year's weather is good, the crops are good, and Runze Baozhu sticks money to the house from time to time, which is easier than when Runze got married. After all, they are married to their daughter-in-law, and the Wangs are not willing to shrink back when the house is loose Well, the Chen family has prepared eight strings of dowry money, which is considered a very generous amount in the village, and the rest is nothing more than pulling some cloth and buying some jewelry.

Baozhu was very happy, her second elder brother's wedding date was ahead of her, second sister-in-law would be able to enter Chen's house in February next year, and they would spend more time together.Therefore, it closed half an hour earlier than usual, and I took some ready-made ones from the shop and went back to the house to prepare a table.

It was early in the morning when Wang came back from the house, and Baozhu and the others did not return to the house, so they chatted and laughed in the yard for a while, Wang called Zhaodi to get off the shopping one by one for Baozhu to have a look at, and asked her to list them. The gift list said that the condition of the house was better this year, and it was more stylish.

Baozhu smiled and held a pen and paper while looking at it while remembering. Several people were talking, Chen Tiegui led Wei Sipei into the gate, glanced at the yard, and saw that there was a brand new black lacquered dressing table in the dowry, smacking her lips and sighing , "Hey, the pomp is not small!"

Wang crossed her hips, "Of course, I spent a whole afternoon with my baby and her aunt. How are you? You have been wandering around all day without seeing anyone. I have to worry about everything."

After talking and talking, there was a smile on his face that was full of comfort.

(End of this chapter)

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