Full of food and color

Chapter 169 His Secret

Chapter 169 His Secret
The weather in the twelfth lunar month is extremely cold, and the cold wind blows for a whole day. In the winter afternoon, the sky is covered by bleak dark clouds. Its outline is unclear.

The streets are sparsely populated, and there are occasional pedestrians in twos and threes, all wearing thick cotton-padded jackets and cotton-padded shoes, with their hands folded in their sleeves and their necks tucked in, hurrying on their way.

"It's cold and cold, so we don't have any guests! Look at this day, don't let it snow anymore!" The door curtain was opened a crack, Zhaodi rubbed her hands and sighed, her feet alternately bouncing back and forth step.

Baozhu stood under the porch outside the gate, looked back at Zhaodi, and said with a smile: "Seeing that winter is almost over, it's only been cold for a few days."

Just as I was talking, two hands were stretched out from the door curtain, and each hand carried the two sisters in, "When the door curtain was lifted, the wind whizzed and ran in, my old bones can't stand the cold, just stay inside." of!"

Uncle Baozhu was shaking out the bamboo dustpan to sift the rice husks. Hearing this, he glanced at Chen Cuixi with a smile, "The shop is a bit cold. I'm free this afternoon. I don't think there's anyone coming. Aunt Baozhu should go back to the house and have a rest."

Baozhu glanced at Tang Bao who was dozing off in front of the counter, "Brother Tang Bao is going back too, my aunt and uncle are going back to the house to rest, there is no business today, we will close earlier in a while."

Compared with the shop, coal was bought in the house this year, and the kang heads of each house were extremely warm. On the hot kang, Mrs. Wang was making shoes, Linglong was wearing small clothes, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were chatting words.

After a while, a figure flashed outside the window. Runsheng entered the door panting heavily. He lifted the curtain and stepped into the main room. Seeing Xiujuan sleeping sweetly in Wang's arms, he stretched out a finger and tapped Xiujuan's neck. Wang slapped his hand off and gave him a look, "It's not serious, give it to the baby again." Are you sick?"

Runsheng lifted his fur hat, sat down next to the kang, and glanced at Xiujuan, who was sleeping soundly, "Mother, don't worry, mother, it's warm in your hands, and Uncle Niu brought it up the mountain today, so it's not cold at all. "

Mrs. Wang smiled, "Learn more, your big rich uncle is good at hunting."

Linglong glanced at him curiously, "What did you hit?"

Runsheng got up hurriedly, rubbing his neck in embarrassment, "I just shot a pheasant, and the two roe deer and those hares were all given by my uncle."

Mrs. Wang smiled and shook her head, "The rabbits and roe deer that your aunt Shuangxi brought over a few days ago are still in the cellar and haven't been eaten yet. After a while, they will be plucked and washed, and they will be brought to your Wei Bo's house."

Just as Runsheng raised his foot and was about to leave, Mrs. Wang stopped him suddenly, thought for a moment, and said, "Take some from the inside and give one to your grandfather's house."

"Mom, then I'll clean it up." Runsheng nodded, and strode out the door. After a while, the screams of pheasants came from the yard.

Wu's smiled softly: "Brother Runsheng is a simple and honest person, and he is cute when he talks and does things."

When Wu Shi first married in, let alone interacting with a few younger siblings, she didn't even say a word on weekdays. Although she behaved prudently and decently, she was not the talkative daughter-in-law, but Wang Shi knew that she didn't like the peasant family in her heart. , I always feel a little regretful about this, seeing her praise her younger brother from the bottom of her heart at this moment, Mrs. Wang couldn't help being secretly happy, nodded and sighed, "Who says no, it's so neat to work, I can't pass it For two years, I am afraid that the work in the house will all be done by the second child."

Mrs. Wang took a look at Mrs. Wu, and said while the iron was hot: "There are no bad-hearted people in our house. Your brothers and sisters are all real people. If you grow up with Runze, you will have to take care of your younger brother in the future." sister."

Mrs. Wu nodded, "It means that Runsheng doesn't want to go to the county. If not, it would be a good idea to go to Baozhu shop and learn how to start a business."

Wang sighed with a smile, "He's not that kind of material. Let him stay in the shop all day long. Can he live? If he wants to farm, let him go. As long as he works hard to live, he is not countenance." Go here, the future will not be bad."

As she was talking, she caught a glimpse of the snow falling outside, and it was falling heavily. Mrs. Wang glanced at Tian'er, put away the sewing basket with a smile, and said, "Mother, let's cook."

During this snowstorm, Baozhu calculated the accounts of the day, went into the kitchen to cook a few dishes, and when she closed the door and looked again, the world was completely white.

Uncle Baozhu patted Baozhu, "The snow is heavy and the ground is slippery. Be careful on the road, go early and return early."

Baozhu was holding a food box with a few small dishes in her hand, and she responded with a smile, urging the two of them to go back to the house, and the two sisters went to Jimin Hall together.

Zhaodi took her younger sister's cold hand and squeezed it tightly to warm it up. Seeing that the girl was still holding the food box, she wanted to snatch it from her without saying a word, but on second thought, the food box was still warm. , it was better for the girl to hold her hand warmer, then her hand slammed on the brakes, and turned to pat her lightly.

Baozhu blinked at her, she giggled, Baozhu thought about her action just now, her eyes flickered, she tightened the food box, pouted and said: "Cousin, I'm already 16 years old, don't worry about it Think for me! You are also a girl doll, we take care of each other!"

Zhaodi just took it, her thick eyebrows frowned, she was very aggrieved, "No matter how old you are, you are still my sister, sister should take care of your sister, what's wrong?" Thinking of something, she murmured again, "Hurry up!" It’s not good for me when I get married.”

Seeing her frustrated and unwilling look, Baozhu burst out laughing, "It's not like we won't be able to see each other after we get married, why don't we still be together every day? Sister Zhaodi treats me the best, closer than my own sister, in the future We are also good sisters after we get married!" After speaking, he settled down, turned around and smiled sweetly: "It is my life's luck to have a good sister like you."

Zhao Di blushed and was annoyed: "It's broad daylight, what are you doing talking like that? You are still as good as usual, and I am embarrassed to say that!"

Baozhu rolled her eyes, took her arms and laughed, "Last night I saw a sneaky figure enter the kitchen room. Brother Liangdong asked this morning, why are there eight meat buns missing in the cage? What do you think?" Shall I tell Brother Liangdong in a while?"

Zhaodi blushed first, then looked at the orb angrily.

The two sisters soon fell out again.


The two of them ran into the alley, panting exhaustedly, Baozhu half-bent down, out of breath, and said: "No, I won't chase, I can't run anymore!"

Zhao Di was holding her arm in a gesture of gestures when suddenly there were several bang bang bang bang bangs from the other side of the alley.

Wei Sipei struggled to lift several large wooden boxes out of the door, and looked coldly at the person in front of him, "I don't need these antique vases, please take them back!"

A hint of embarrassment flashed in the man's eyes, "This... what the master told you..."

Wei Sipei interrupted him in a cold voice, "I don't know the master you said, I don't need any of these things, I force them to stay, so I have to throw them all out!"

The man wanted to persuade him again, but he turned around and entered the shop. The only response to him was the sound of the door closing heavily. The box went out of the alley.

Baozhu was stunned for a long time, unable to figure out the identity of that person, she was puzzled, at first she immediately thought of the Zhao family, but then she thought again, she had already made up her mind on the previous words, and on the day before leaving, Sipei Brother was afraid that he would refuse in person again. Brother Sipei didn't think so, and the Zhao family should give up.What's more, from the corner of the eye, he glanced at the servants who passed by, no matter how they looked at them, they didn't look like people sent by the Zhao family.

Zhaodi also felt strange, and was about to go forward to ask for clarification, but Baozhu hurriedly stopped her, "Let's ask Brother Sipei, we will know, Brother Sipei is eager to drive them away, but don't send them away again." Bring it back!"

Zhaodi retracted her half-stepped foot, frowned and said, "Did you notice that the tone of those people was unfamiliar, could it be that Uncle Wei made his fortune elsewhere?"

Baozhu rolled her eyes at her, an idea suddenly came to her mind, but she didn't know whether her guess was accurate, she hesitated for a moment, then she didn't speak to Zhaodi.

The weather has been bad for the past few days, not only the restaurants in the city have been sluggish, but Sipei's Jimin Hall is also bleak. When the sisters entered the house, he was sitting alone in the hall, with some lingering anger on his face.

Baozhu smiled and put the food box on the wooden table, "It closes early today, I'll bring you some food."

He was silent for a while, then raised his head again with a smile on his face, "Why is it snowing here? Is it cold?"

Just as Zhaodi closed the door, she turned around and pouted when she heard what he said, "My sister is thinking that you haven't eaten enough!"

Wei Sipei narrowed his eyes with a smile, "In such a cold day, laborious Baozhu and Zhaodi will run for a while."

Baozhu sat down beside him, raised her eyebrows and asked, "What did those men in the alley do?"

He frowned, thinking of the few people just now, he couldn't help but startled, and when he came back to his senses, he just looked at Zhaodi's enlarged face and looked closely at him, "Brother Sipei, what are you thinking? lost?"

Wei Sipei leaned back with a smile and shook his head, "No, I was just wondering if those people will come in the future."

Zhaodi rolled her eyes strangely, "You are weird, what are those people's origins?"

Wei Sipei looked at Baozhu two apologetically, pursed his lips and said, "I'll tell you some things when I have time."

"You don't think of us as your own!" Zhaodi pouted and wanted to ask again, but Baozhu quickly winked at her, "If Brother Sipei doesn't want to say something today, we won't ask, but if we have Don't always carry it alone, remember to tell us what trouble you have."

Wei Sipei nodded, Baozhu knew that he was in a bad mood, so she opened the food box for him and urged him to eat, "Hurry up, it's still hot!"

As soon as the lid was lifted, the aroma filled the whole room. The four small compartments contained four dishes, two meat and two vegetables.The small square in the middle was full of rice, seeing this, Wei Sipei's dull mood was relieved a lot, he couldn't say thank you, and he didn't want to be hypocritical, so he glanced at the orb with a smile, and then he raised his chopsticks to taste it.

(End of this chapter)

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