Chapter 172
Now the life in the house is better, and I don’t have to collect some eggs to sell money to support my life when I was in distress like before. This year, there are only three or four happy events throughout the year. Dear, this is the most comforting thing for Mrs. Wang, plus the eldest daughter-in-law is pregnant again on the Winter Solstice Festival, and the marriage of the second child is imminent, Mrs. Wang is very happy. At the end of the twelfth month, Chen Tiegui was asked to kill a pig, and the New Year's goods run by the county were also very happy. Ample, not as tight as in previous years, tea, snacks and melon seeds have been bought in sufficient quantities.

My family now raises a lot of chickens, and they eat and kill them now. Every morning, each person has two poached eggs. People who eat straight are a little tired. Since the living conditions in the house are better, eggs are not so rare. By the 29th of the twelfth lunar month I bought two full baskets, enough to entertain guests.

On the thirtieth day of the twelfth lunar month, we still make dumplings and keep the year old.This year, the situation in the house is good, and there is a new wife, and the whole family is happy and harmonious.

After the New Year’s Eve dinner, everyone in the house gathered together to eat peanut snacks and drink tea. You chatted with each other sentence by sentence, from the wedding of Runsheng in February to the detailed plan for the opening of the new dim sum shop after Baozhu Years. Yes, she even talked about her marriage in October, Wang said happily, Baozhu and Xiujuan interrupted from time to time to amuse, Chen Tiegui didn't talk much, but he talked about it all night long. Frowning, he leaned on the kang and smiled cheerfully.

In contrast, Runze and his wife had to be much quieter. Runze was used to listening to what his younger siblings had to say, and Wu's chatter was even less. He only asked questions of interest, and occasionally posted a few words with a smile. New Year's Eve At night, everyone had smiles on their faces. There were many happy events in the house this year, and we couldn't finish talking about them all night.

It just snowed heavily a few days ago, but it has stopped these few days, and it is freezing cold outside. Because she wants to watch the New Year, Mrs. Wang brought two braziers from the kitchen, and the room was warmed up.

On this warm night, Baozhu's greatest wish was that the people in the house could live together happily in the future. With this in mind, she went to persuade Runsheng, "Second brother, what's so good about farming? Spring comes with me. Go to the county!"

In his heart, Runsheng is still happy to live in the village. There are his friends, parents, and his own home in the village. Working in the fields every day is his happiest time.In the severe cold and hot summer, he is always the first one in the family to get up, and he has never regarded farming as a burden. This kind of life makes him live a fulfilling and happy life every day. It is not that he has never been to the county. The prosperity is prosperity. The girl is there, but I always feel that I lack a sense of belonging. After all, it is not my home.

But afraid of seeing the girl's disappointed expression, he smiled and rubbed his neck, "It's been a long time in the spring field, and it's okay to pass the busy farming for a while..."

Baozhu said with a smile, "I'm going to open a dim sum shop this year, and I've recruited all the staff, but Sister Zhaodi is not the type to be in charge. Second brother is safe, so why not be in charge?"

Mrs. Wang also looked at Runsheng with a smile, "Zhao Diwa can do a good job, but she's not good at handling things. She's too simple-minded, and she's too restless, so I'll have to send someone else."

"This..." Runsheng was a little embarrassed, "I can't read, I'm afraid I can't help my sister."

Mrs. Wang knew that he was not happy, so she smiled: "Runsheng's daughter-in-law has passed the door. If she has that thought, she can go to the county to help her sister. They are all from her own family. It will save you a lot of worry. If not, then hire An honest and reliable one."

Runsheng glanced at Baozhu guiltily, "Brother will definitely go to the county to see you more in his spare time."

Chen Tiegui was so angry that he stretched out his legs from the kang, squinted at him, sat up straight and reprimanded him, "You useless thing! Such a good opportunity, don't cut your head and go to the county. You big brother, you left your parents at a young age, don’t you learn carpentry now? Don’t you get more money than you for farming?! A boy’s family, thinking about home all the time, don’t even have the courage to go out and make a living? You only think about farming in the house all day, and you are not as good as your sister!"

Runsheng grinned and touched his head, "Father, don't scold me, I can't do business with my sister..."

Baozhu also stuck out her tongue at him, "Second brother doesn't want to, I'll talk to new sister-in-law when new sister-in-law comes in!"

Runsheng blushed, sighed helplessly, and looked eagerly at Runze.

Runze laughed, "Next year, when the new house is ready, I will pick up my parents and sister Xiujuan to live in. The whole family is gone, what's the point of you being in the house by yourself?"

Runsheng exclaimed, and immediately looked at Mrs. Wang, "Isn't it? Parents are going to the county?"

Whether to go to the county or not, Mrs. Wang didn't have an idea at the moment, so she smiled: "My baby is still young, let him plant a few years in the house first, you and Baozhu live two days It's safe, isn't it just a matter of saying that he wants to go to the county in the future?"

Baozhu leaned close to Wang's ear, and whispered: "Mother, don't go to elder brother's house, live in my house! Otherwise, let elder brother come to live in my house, my house must be more spacious than elder brother's!"

Wang looked at her daughter with satisfaction, and touched her forehead, "In the future, when my parents are old, if Baozhu's child doesn't dislike my parents, I will live with Baozhu!"

Linglong burst out laughing, "Bao Zhu and Mother have such a good relationship."

Chen Tiegui shook his head with a smile, "Your mother has always spoiled and spoiled your sister, spoiled her, and now no one in the room can control her!"

On the first day of the new year, the whole family went to the Chen family's old home as usual. This year, the ceremony was very important, and the whole family went to the whole family again. Chen Liu's face was fine, but Wang's heart was very deep with her. Nian Chen Liu scolded her with those words that had already hurt the feelings of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law thoroughly, and the knots in her heart could not be melted away with just a few words.

If there is a big holiday, if you really don't go, won't there be more gossip in the village?No one has a good-looking face, and besides, her father-in-law can be regarded as a man whom she admires. Although he was instigated by Chen Liushi and Cui Fen before, he had a temper with the house, but later when things became clear, he also reprimanded Cui Fen. Once Fen came back, in addition to her age, no matter how strong she was when she was young, she was just a lonely old man who always thought about her grandson when she was old, so Mrs. Wang was willing to offer some great gifts to go there in person, and left early in the evening .

Mrs. Wang planned to go back to her mother's house for a longer stay on the second day of junior high tomorrow, so she discussed with her husband this first first day, so she went to Wei's house to ask someone to come over for a holiday. The two families are no longer outsiders, and the two of them are lonely. So, it's just right to call them to get together on the first day of the new year.

So as soon as he returned to the house, he asked Runsheng to kill two chickens. Chen Tiegui went to Wei's house to call Wei Yuan and Si Pei, and he called his little girl to the kitchen to prepare dishes.It's cold in this season, the big guys don't wander around outside, and the rest of the house went into the main room to keep warm.

When we went, Wei Yuan was drinking wine with a plate of peanuts in the house. When he saw Chen Tiegui, he complained, saying that the house was deserted during the Chinese New Year, and there was no one to accompany him when he had a drink. If you don't do homework, the atmosphere will look cold.

Chen Tiegui was about to ask him to go to his own house to have a drink, Wei Yuan was naturally happy, the relationship between the two families has always been good, so he was not polite at the moment, he lifted his robe and got up and went out with him, the Chen family is so lively, and now Baozhu is in the house again , and have the good fortune to eat some delicious dishes cooked by my daughter-in-law.

As soon as he entered the door, Mrs. Wang smiled and beckoned him to sit in the main room. All the materials for the New Year's Eve were prepared, and many fried dishes were ready-made, which was faster than preparing a table on weekdays. Plate after plate of cold dishes was served, old friends reunited for the New Year, Chen Tiegui was more energetic than last night's vigil, and after drinking for three rounds, the conversation started, talking about Si Pei for a while, and talking about Mrs. Wang's habits in the house for a while. Hold the orb, and ask them to be more tolerant in the future.

Mrs. Wang didn't get angry with him either. For those who celebrate the Chinese New Year, let him drink happily, no matter how you say it.Having gotten along with Brother Wei for these years, they know each other very well, and know that Wei Yuan has a generous temperament, and will not take Chen Tiegui's drinking talk to heart.Needless to say, Si Peiwa's every word and deed on the wine table reassured her. While pouring wine for the two of them, she occasionally said good things about Bao Zhu, as if she couldn't see her husband criticize Bao Zhu.

Wei Yuan also seemed to have opened up the chatterbox. After drinking for three rounds, he pulled Chen Tiegui and said, "It's not easy for me these years. I raised this child Si Pei by myself. Hehe, it's so easy to pull Si Pei to grow up. Guess what happened before?" what?"

Chen Tiegui picked up the wine glass to touch him, drank it quickly, "What happened to the previous ones?"

Wei Yuan shook his head and sighed, "His own father has found the door."

Chen Tiegui laughed and patted him on the shoulder, "Father-in-law, big brother, are you drunk? What kind of father-in-law is he, aren't you!"

Wei Yuan shook his head, regardless of the look in Wei Sipei's eyes, he refuted him with alcohol, "What memory do you have? Didn't you tell you and your sister once more than ten years ago?"

Chen Tiegui was stunned for a moment, and shook his head vigorously, but couldn't come back to his senses for a while, Mrs. Wang was concerned about this matter, and when she heard the topic being picked up, she asked with a smile: "Brother Wei, tell me, Si Pei's father gave birth. What kind of thing?"

Seeing Wei Sipei's face turning blue, Baozhu laughed and pulled him away, "Brother Sipei, Uncle Wei had a drink this afternoon, and just now he drank heavily, he must have drunk too much now, my mother is also concerned about you... ...they talk about them, let's go to my room and play backgammon!"

He nodded in response, stood up with a sigh, turned his head and told Wei Yuan and Chen Tiegui to drink less, and Baozhu led him out the door. As soon as he went out, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, "My father said just now, He's not my real father, aren't you surprised?"

Baozhu smiled, "I knew it when I was a child. That time, someone from outside the village came to look for you. My mother told Uncle Wei, and Uncle Wei roughly mentioned it to his parents, but he didn't say anything in detail! My father and my mother are the same. I didn't ask about it for years!"

With a low hum, he suddenly raised his hand to touch his face, the mark was already very faint, but every time he touched it, there was still a slight pain in his heart, "Do you know how this scar came from?"

Baozhu knew that he wanted to talk about the past with him at this moment, so she smiled, "Let's go inside, it's cold in the yard, I'll get some hot tea, let's drink tea while listening to you!"

(Thanks to the worms I caught while wandering around the world yesterday. In the previous chapter, the correct name of Baozhu’s grandma should be "Wang Lishi". Because it is very inconvenient to edit the article after entering V, Grasshopper decided to do it all after finishing the book, including sometimes encountering busy people. , The code words are in a hurry, and all the chapters that are too late to be polished have been overhauled. The first book of Grasshopper is very poor. I didn’t expect that the second book will make a lot of progress. Although the subscription is average, Grasshopper is still very happy. Recently, I am preparing for the next one It’s over, I hope there will be greater progress in the next article. How to put it, it’s not just to earn a few pocket money, every author who writes an article hopes that his book can be read by everyone, rather than lacking Resonance, therefore, Grasshopper’s next focus is on the characters’ personalities and the interestingness of the plot. In terms of writing, you can’t force it, and the progress is still very slow and not obvious. Read more, write more, and persevere. word it.

Here, I would like to thank everyone who has been following the article all the way here for their support! )

(End of this chapter)

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