Full of food and color

Chapter 174 Meeting the Second Sister-in-Law

Chapter 174
The two of them chatted a lot that night. They started talking about the interesting things from their childhood one by one, and then they talked about their future development unconsciously. Both of them were full of longing for the future. An unpleasant topic, before leaving, Baozhu felt relieved seeing that he was in a much better mood.

On the contrary, Mrs. Wang couldn't sleep all night, thinking about Sipei's parents all night long. At first, she only knew that Sipei's mother was gone, but her father was still there. Only yesterday did she find out that her father was actually a child. That despicable heartless man!

He sighed and muttered, "Hey, my baby's father, the two babies will get married in the future, we have nothing to say, but we should take care of Si Pei more."

After a long while, Chen Tiegui hummed, and Wang was surprised that her husband hadn't fallen asleep in the middle of the night, so she heard him say the last sentence clearly, "You are also Sipei's mother when you get married, and the baby's mother went early. , treat him well."

Wang replied with a smile, "Just pretend that I can't sleep well by myself, and you pretend to be asleep too."

Chen Tiegui didn't say anything for a long while, as an old couple, Mrs. Wang also knew that her husband was bothered by what he heard tonight, so she didn't bother to ask him, got up and tucked the quilt for him, and fell asleep by herself. up.

Early in the morning, Mrs. Wang boiled some millet porridge and sent it to Wei Yuan's house. He said that Wei Yuan drank a lot yesterday and felt thirsty when he woke up this morning.

Seeing Wei Sipei busy in the medicine garden early in the morning, he went to the stove to take a look, saw that there were only some simple vegetarian ingredients on the table, poked his head out and smiled, "Sipei, I'm going back to my aunt's house today, grandma Go to the house, come back in a few days and ask Baozhu Haosheng to cook a good meal for you two."

Wei Sipei nodded with a blushing face, and after a while, he said: "You don't need to work so hard, my father and I have always had a simple meal. These days, Baozhu often talks about recruiting my sister, so I would like to stay in her grandma's house for a while longer."

Wang sighed with a smile, "The two of them are inseparable. How long has it been?"

Wei Sipei smiled, "Zhaodi is very good to sister Baozhu, Baozhu also values ​​her, and they are always the best of friends."

Mrs. Wang chuckled, "From now on, if Zhao Di marries Liang Dong, she will become our own family."

Wei Sipei heard Wang say "we", his face was a little hot again, and he looked away, "Father is still asleep at the moment, auntie, don't be so busy, I will heat the porridge after Dad gets up."

Mrs. Wang responded, came out of the kitchen with a smile, paused when passing the vegetable garden, and said to him: "From now on, don't be polite with your aunt and your uncle, we are all family members, and your uncle and I should take care of you." of!"

Wei Sipei pursed his lips, swallowed his grateful words for a long while, then nodded his head lightly, watching her go out, "Auntie, go slowly."

After returning home from the Wei family, Mrs. Wang started packing wooden boxes again, and took out a few newly cut clothes with green background and black borders to fiddle with. The material was bought by Baozhu last year. Hastily made two pieces and prepared them for Liangdong to wear.

Baozhu entered the room and looked at Mrs. Wang, she was dazed for a while, and before she could say anything, she turned around and went out, calling on Brother Runsheng to call someone in the old house.

When Liang Dong was cleaning the chicken coop, he saw the two of them coming. He put down the broom and told Chen Erniu, then went outside with a smile. Dong took Baozhu and went out with Runsheng, and pouted at Chen Erniu, "Maybe it will be successful or not!"

Chen Erniu chuckled, "Guiwa and his wife have treated Runsheng well all these years, and they must be close to each other."

"It is said to be the niece of Xiu'er's natal family." Chen Liushi curled her lips, "I don't even have a horoscope! He has no parents like this, where can he talk about a serious marriage? It's difficult!"

Mrs. Wang took Liangdong to try on two pieces, and said that the blue one fit him well, and he looked clean and tidy, so he just wore that one.

Knowing that Mrs. Wang dressed up this day to show Zhaodi's parents, Liangdong let his aunt to toss and change into new shoes and socks after the clothes were ordered.In the end, Baozhu took a small sharpened blade to shave off the blue stubble on his chin, saying that he was sloppy and untidy without a shave, which made Chen Tiegui scold her with both tears and laughter.

Baozhu had wondered about it before, could it be that there really were beards dragging on the ground?In fact, although there is a saying in ancient times that the body, hair and skin are affected by the parents, proper trimming is still allowed. Adult men, except for those with less hair, mostly have half-length beards.

Due to the law of the Celestial Dynasty, men started to grow beards at the age of 22. Liang Dong was still under the age of growing a beard, so Wang smiled and let her go.

Before leaving, Mrs. Wang and Zhang Luo Runsheng went to the kitchen to carry a bag of rice, "It just so happens that the Chinese New Year is coming, and our husband's house is also more generous, so this bag will be sent to Zhu's family along the way."

I didn't bring many things to Baozhu's grandma's house this year, except for a bag of noodles, a bag of rice, and a few bolts of cloth, and I went on the road lightly.

In the past few years, I had no extra income other than farming, and I paid for my eldest son to study, so the house was very difficult, thanks to my old mother who often helped me in private.In the past two years, thanks to Baozhu, and since last year, Runze has also started to help the house, his family has finally recovered. There are many natal families, and the work is solid, and these years have not been bad.

In addition, there are many piglets raised by the natal family, so there is no need to worry about eating meat, and a lot of eggs are laid. Those pork and eggs are not new. The children often eat them on weekdays.Simply don't bring it, it's cumbersome!When I went back to the house, I just gave her mother a few taels of silver.
Now I was thinking about Run Ze and Wu Shi again, "I don't know if your eldest brother and sister-in-law have come to the house?"

Baozhu smiled, "Mother just loves to worry about it. It's only half a day's journey, and I still haven't arrived? I guess I have already entered the Wu Mansion."

Wang sighed with a smile, "Usually your sister-in-law is always in front of her, although she doesn't talk much, she's not used to seeing her suddenly leave today."

Baozhu refuted her mother solemnly, "Mother, don't be greedy, my sister-in-law can't go back to the house several times a year, and when I get married in the future, I can only go back to the house to spend the New Year with mother on the second day of the new year!"

Chen Tiegui turned around and glanced at her, "It's just a few steps back and forth, what are you afraid of?"

Mrs. Wang sighed, "In a blink of an eye, my baby has grown up like this, my mother is old."

Baozhu watched the bare locust trees at the entrance of the village grow bigger and bigger, and hugged Wang with a smile, "Mother, don't say anything disappointing, grandma's house is coming, so it's time to celebrate." After speaking, she winked at Liangdong again, "Liang Is Dong Ge nervous?"

Liangdong and his fists clenched tightly, and after hearing Baozhu's words, they unconsciously pursed their lips again, seeing Wang gave Baozhu a helpless look, "My child, I'm making fun of your brother again. of!"

Knowing that Wang's house is coming, Uncle Baozhu and Zhaodi have been waiting at the entrance of the village. At this moment, Zhaodi has jumped into the car and chatted with Baozhu, saying that the house has been preparing meals for a long time. Eat soon after sitting down.

As soon as the donkey cart stopped in front of Wang's house, Baozhu's grandpa and uncle came out to greet her. With a few greetings, the group entered the yard. Baozhu's concubine came out of the kitchen and looked at Wang with a smile. Their eyes lingered on Liangdong for a long time unconsciously, and said with a smile: "Sister, this is Liangdong's baby, right?"
Mrs. Wang pulled him forward, "That's right, Wa'er and his cousin get along well in the county, I was thinking about it last year, and this year I said to come with us to visit his cousin!"

Liang Dong smiled and called out, "Hi cousin."

Little concubine Baozhu nodded to him, "Young man is very energetic."

While talking, Grandpa Baozhu had already greeted people in the room, and Wang smiled and led the children into the main room. As soon as they left here, Wang Li poked her elbow and looked at the second daughter-in-law, "how are you?" ?”

Baozhu's concubine was stunned for a while, then she suddenly came back to her senses, "The appearance is not bad, she is pretty, and she is also shy."

Wang Lishi smiled, "That's right, Zhaodi is willing, Fulai also said that the baby is good, now it's up to you."

During the dinner, the whole family still talked about their own things, talking about their life in the past year, because Liang Dong was here, Miss Baozhu paid special attention to him, and she didn't talk too much when she saw him, she always listened quietly, with a deep feeling in her heart He was somewhat satisfied, but because of the people in the other house, he was afraid that Zhaodi would be difficult to get along with Chen Liushi after she got married, so she was still a little hesitant about this family relationship.

During the dinner, he asked him about his house, and asked about his daily work in the county. Liangdong answered them all politely. She felt that the child was gentle and reserved, although he had never studied. , but his behavior was not rude at all, he ate his meal slowly, only eating the few dishes that could be served in front of him, and peeling fishbone for Xiujuan from time to time.Looking at my daughter again, her body is moving back and forth restlessly, her eyes are rolling around, she only picks out her favorite food, she stands up from time to time to reach for the plate on the other side, and her heart loosens Seven or eight points.
Baozhu filled her stomach early, so she approached Wang and whispered to her. Wang glanced at her and kept silent, while Baozhu stared at her mother eagerly. Wang sighed and discussed with Chen Tiegui, "I'll look at these babies I'm full after eating, and I don't have the mood to stay on the table right now, how many of them should I send the bag of rice to Zhu's house?"

"Success!" Chen Tiegui responded, and Wang Fulai hurriedly turned around and told the older boys of Wang Youmin, "Go be more polite and call me uncle! Auntie! "

Zhao Di didn't wait for her father to finish telling her, and quickly ran out, "Look at my cousin!"

Baozhu was on the safe side, and answered my uncle carefully, saying that he knew the importance of it. He had to be told by his parents for a long time before he left the house. Several cousins ​​of the uncle's family had already moved rice from the kitchen and were waiting in the yard when they saw Baozhu come out. Smiling joyfully, "Sister Baozhu, come with us to see your sister-in-law, it's really nice."

A group of people carried rice to Zhu's house in a mighty way. When they got to the door, a few boys who had been shouting loudly just now were discouraged. They only dared to stick their heads out to look inside. No one had the guts to go in.Baozhu smiled and told them to wait at the door, and she and Zhaodi carried the rice to the yard. After walking a few steps, she saw a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl squatting by the well washing vegetables, saw Zhaodi, His eyes lit up, "Huh? Isn't this the little girl from the Wang family? How did you come here today?"

Zhaodi didn't recognize her birth, she dragged Baozhu around the yard twice, squatted beside her and laughed, "This is my cousin, from the Chen family. Today my cousin's family is coming to my house for the holidays, and I will give you a house by the way." Here comes the rice!"

As soon as the words were finished, the girl got up with a whoosh, wiped the apron with the back of her hands, pulled the orb and went to the room, "San Meizi, sit in the room quickly, the room is warm, and the coal was added at noon this afternoon." !"

Baozhu was overwhelmed by her enthusiasm, she hurriedly smiled and withdrew her hands, "Sister, you're welcome, let's go!"

"No, no, it's the first time my sister came here, why did you leave so fast?" She called out to the room, and then smiled innocently at Baozhu, showing two rows of white and bright teeth, "I sewed the insoles for you a year ago. I bought two pairs of shoes, and only heard that the third sister is usually in the county, and this is just a good time to try on the fit, and if it fits, I can wear it back home."

Her words and deeds are inexpressible and crisp, which only makes people feel kind and straightforward. If Baozhu's first impression of Second Sister-in-law is that it is a close eye.

(Halo, before I know it, it’s 3400 words, I can’t finish writing one chapter! Continue tomorrow! Thank you very much Le Yueyue, xiaojiu, Arthur Fridis for the pink votes, and Xiaojiu’s pro tip Heshi Bi.)

(End of this chapter)

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