Chapter 178
At the wedding banquet, Mrs. Wang was very happy, drank a few more glasses, couldn't help but stood up and said with a smile: "I am the most satisfied with the second daughter-in-law. From now on, there will be many good daughter-in-laws in the house."

The words provoked bursts of applause from the hall, and old Zhu Toudang even stood up to offer her a toast, saying that having such a good in-law as the Chen family is Chunxiang's blessing, and that she will be filial to her in-laws in the future , take care of two younger sisters.

Baozhu saw the joy of talking in the hall, and went downstairs with a little smile, the banquet has come to an end, and she has to tidy up the kitchen.

He hesitated on his feet when he entered the kitchen, and heard Liang Dong's faint voice inside, "Zhao Di, don't think about other things, even though it's my aunt who made the decision..."

Listening to the conversation inside, Baozhu let out a long breath, went to sit on the counter lightly, and soon saw Zhaodi running out with a blushing face, Baozhu stopped her with a smile, "What's wrong, cousin?"

She glanced at the kitchen uneasily, laughed dryly, "It's nothing, nothing!" Then she said, "The new sister-in-law is going to offer tea tomorrow, won't Baozhu go back to the house with the aunt and the others to watch the excitement?"

Baozhu shrugged, "After today's business is over, we still need to tidy up and clean the shop. Business can't be delayed."

As soon as the words fell, Liangdong lifted the curtain of the stove and walked over, and said with a smile: "Baozhu, let's go back with my aunt today, and I will be in the shop tomorrow. Runsheng is a relative, you are a sister, you have to go back to the house." Good trip."

Zhao Di also nodded, "Brother Liangdong and I will clean up together tonight!"

Baozhu glanced at Zhaodi, responded with a smile, and jokingly said, "Usually you always want to follow such excitement, why did you change your temper today?"

Zhaodi blushed, glared at her angrily, turned around, and quickly went to the second floor to watch the fun.

That afternoon Baozhu went back to the village with her parents, because Wang and his wife took Runsheng to see off their relatives, and they were afraid that they would be busy until late at night, so they said that Baozhu just went back to the house to accompany her second sister-in-law to talk in the house.

Baozhu agreed without hesitation, and when she met her second sister-in-law that day, she didn't know what the second sister-in-law thought, but she felt that she was very close to each other and liked her very much.Xizizi followed the relatives to the house.

Add new charcoal to the advanced kitchen, take two charcoal fire pots to the new house, see Chunxiang sitting at the table peeling eggs and eating, grinning and patting her stomach, "Seeing how delicious the second sister-in-law is eating, she seems to be hungry too."

Chunxiang hurriedly invited her to come in and sit down, washed her hands in the sink, sat down and peeled the eggs again, "Let's eat together!"

Thinking about what she said that day, Baozhu took out a silver hairpin from her bosom, "I asked someone to make a new look last month, second sister-in-law, do you like it or not?"

Chunxiang picked it up with a smile, "Look at my sister giving such an expensive item, it seems sister-in-law's pair of shoes are too simple."

Baozhu stuck out her tongue, "I'm not good at needlework, and since I can't repay my sister-in-law with the same thoughts, I'll just send a good one!" Taking the hairpin from Chunxiang, she put it on her head with a smile, "Sister-in-law is always happy!" I'm happy to wear it on my head!"

"I listen to my sister, I wear it every day." Chunxiang stuffed her with a peeled egg, touched Baozhu's head, and said softly: "My sister has been busy all day, she must be hungry, eat something to fill her stomach." .”

Baozhu nodded, took the eggs and ate them in small bites, suddenly remembered the night when the elder sister-in-law came in, and said, "Actually, the two families are not far away. If the second sister-in-law misses her parents, she will follow me." Mother said, it will be convenient to go back with my mother."

Chunxiang was stunned for a moment, her eye circles turned red, "I'm in a good mood, I'm going to get married, just thinking about my sister, I know that everyone in the house must be very good, but my mother cried so sadly when she woke up yesterday."

Baozhu raised her hand to cover hers, pursed her lips and said comfortingly: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, in the house from now on, parents will treat sister-in-law better than aunt!"

After finishing talking, she babbled about the brothers and sisters in the house to divert her attention. When talking about the sister-in-law, she only said that she grew up in the city and was usually more particular, but her nature was kind. , I don’t talk much, and I get to know each other after getting along for a long time.

Chunxiang took out her handkerchief to wipe her tears, and slapped her thigh, "Look at me, such a good sister-in-law, if I don't be stronger, I'm afraid I will make my sister-in-law laugh at me."

Mrs. Wang came back very late that night. When Mrs. Wang accompanied Runsheng into the door, she saw Baozhu sleeping on the kang, and hurriedly wanted to carry her back to her room. Sleeping all night, the kang is wide, the three of us squeeze together."

Wang smiled and scolded her, "The night of the bridal chamber, what does she look like when she sleeps like this?"

Runsheng interjected awkwardly, "It's okay, the bridal chamber can be done anytime, this girl is busy late, don't wake her up."

Mrs. Wang backed out with a smile, saying that it was up to them to arrange it themselves.

After returning to the room, he happily talked to Chen Tiegui, "I see that the second daughter-in-law and Baozhu are getting along well."

Chen Tiegui was sitting in the main room drinking tea. He put down the teacup and looked around. He saw that the miscellaneous piles of gifts and objects in the room were neatly arranged in the corners. It was obvious that there was no one in the room. The second daughter-in-law Finished, he didn't say anything, he was very satisfied, he stroked his beard and sighed, "It's a good baby."

Mrs. Wang also saw it, and sighed with a smile, "From now on, the two daughters-in-laws in the house, as parents-in-law, we have to weigh our words. In front of big guys, we can't just say good things. I left the other one in the cold, and the two children lived peacefully when they were impartial." Thinking of something, she curled her lips, "Your mother was very stingy at that time, and she never said a word of my kindness, she Even if you love the second daughter-in-law, you need a bowl of water to make it even."

"People are gone, so why do you compare them?" Chen Tiegui interrupted, "Just pay more attention in the house from now on!"

Baozhu slept soundly last night, and woke up before dawn this morning, remembering the stiff chat with the second sister-in-law yesterday, and the second sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law were very congenial in temperament, and the chat became more and more enjoyable, and the second sister-in-law actually treated her These years, they were very interested in starting a business in the county. The two of them simply took off their shoes and got on the kang, poured tea and chatted happily.

Baozhu rubbed her head, she chatted late last night, she felt sleepy while chatting, she couldn't remember when she fell asleep and how she fell asleep.

Suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the surrounding decorations, couldn't help rolling his eyes, did he sleep in the second brother's room yesterday, and then saw that there was no one in the room, he slipped off the kang to get clothes to wear, As soon as I opened the door, I saw a water tank in my second brother's yard, and light smoke was burning from the chimney in the kitchen.

Baozhu greeted Runsheng with a smile and ran to the kitchen. She really saw the second sister-in-law busy on the stove. They looked at each other and smiled, and Zhu Chunxiang said, "The third younger sister slept so badly last night, she woke up this morning. Didn't wake you up."

Baozhu leaned against the door frame and laughed, her tone apologetic, "I blamed me for everything yesterday, and I missed my brother and sister-in-law's business."

Zhu Chunxiang saw Baozhu's playfulness, but she was not angry. She still smiled happily, showing her two rows of white teeth. She pulled Baozhu close to her, and whispered, "It's a good thing that my sister was here yesterday. Thing... my sister-in-law is still a little scared."

Baozhu covered her mouth and laughed for a long while, then raised her head and said, "If you can escape, the monk can't escape the temple. I'm afraid Brother Runsheng is annoying me right now!"

Before she stopped laughing, someone patted her on the shoulder lightly, "This baby, there are no rules, how can you talk to your second sister-in-law like this?"

Baozhu stuck out her tongue, put away her smiling face, and looked at Wang with a bitter face, "Mother..."

Zhu Chunxiang laughed quickly, "Mother, don't scold the third younger sister. When talking with the third younger sister, I just feel as close as my own sister. This is the best, and I am happy with it. If it is more reserved, it will not be as good as it is now." That's good." After speaking, she blinked at Baozhu a few times, and the happy Baozhu wrinkled her nose at Wang Shizhou triumphantly.

Waking up early in the morning, Mrs. Wang saw her new daughter-in-law chatting happily with her daughter, which was in stark contrast to Mrs. Wu's desolate appearance when she first started. She was very happy. Seeing Mrs. Zhu now, she didn't seem to be putting on an act, but seemed to really love the orb. , I felt even more relieved, and sighed with a smile, "I slept late last night, but today you and Runsheng woke up early, so you can take a rest, and mother will just watch from the stove."

Wang insisted on busying in the kitchen, and pushed her to go out, but Zhu Chunxiang didn't push her away, she just went out without being idle, first let Baozhu take her to identify the houses, and then went to clean the chicken coop with a broom, After touching the eggs, she called Wang in the yard, "Mother, where should I put the three eggs after touching them?"

"In the basket under the small wooden cabinet in the mother's room." Wang replied with a smile from the kitchen, Zhu Chunxiang responded and went into the room to put it, and when she went out again, she took the feather duster from Wang's room and came out to dust a few Putting it back in again, the behavior was unaffected, as if he had already integrated into the Chen family.

Seeing this scene, Mrs. Wang was overjoyed. In the kitchen, she and Baozhu whispered to each other, praising her second sister-in-law for her hard work.

After serving morning tea, I saw Runze and Wu's family talking for a while, Zhu Chunxiang asked Baozhu to go out, saying that he was leading her to the Chen family's field today, and that he was going to recognize the place. Then go to the ground.

Baozhu laughed, "Brother Runsheng is always thinking about the crops. I didn't expect my sister-in-law to do the same. There are hardworking people in our house. It's just that there are only a few acres in the house. Brother Runsheng and Dad are two I'm done with my busy work, and my sister-in-law won't have to work so hard in the future."

Zhu Chunxiang laughed, "There are three older sisters in the house, and I brought my four daughters with me. There is only one older brother. The older sisters have married one after another. I have been working in the fields with my parents and older brothers all the year round. After all these years, I have always been free. I'm not used to it."

Baozhu nodded, thinking of something made her face bitter, "I'm going back to the county today, I'm afraid I won't be able to see my sister-in-law for a while."

Zhu Chunxiang took Baozhu's hand, walked up two steps, and frowned, "We chatted so well, but once my sister left, my heart was empty. I will bring some food to see my sister later, can mother agree?"

Baozhu laughed loudly, "Come here whenever you come, don't bring food, what I cook in the county is to eat, and my sister-in-law just eats when she comes."

Zhu Chunxiang stopped walking, patted Baozhu on the head, and asked seriously, "Is Baozhu tired of doing things in the county?"

Baozhu tilted her head and nodded, "I'm tired, some mothers wanted to ask Brother Runsheng to help me, but he didn't want to go to the county, he said he was not as comfortable as the house."

Zhu Chunxiang was taken aback, and gave her a distressed look, "My sister is still so young, it's hard, I'll go talk to my mother later when I'm free, maybe I can go to the county to help my sister."

Baozhu couldn't help laughing, she was very happy that the second sister-in-law would go to the county in the future, she was only married now, so she couldn't open her mouth to beat the mandarin ducks at this time, so she didn't say that, now seeing the second sister-in-law My sister-in-law was thinking about herself, so she planned to visit her in the county just after she got married, half guilty and half touched, she immediately said, "Second sister-in-law is like a real sister!"

(End of this chapter)

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