Full of food and color

Chapter 179 Dim Sum Shop

Chapter 179 Dim Sum Shop
After the first spring rain, Baozhu received a letter from Wang's trustee.

Runsheng and Chunxiang have been married for more than a month, and they get along more and more harmoniously recently. She gets up before dawn, cooks, sweeps the floor, cleans the chicken coop and the cowshed. She has been busy working on the vegetable field in the house recently and planted a large piece of spring leek. She takes care of it all by herself. With a strong and competitive mind, she gets along with Wu Shi very modestly on weekdays, and she gets along very well with Wu Shi after only one month in the house.

Mrs. Wu is now raising a baby at home, seeing Chunxiang being diligent and forthright, and winning the unanimous love of everyone in the house, perhaps she has some intentions to compare with her sister-in-law, but she is much more diligent than before, except for teaching Xiujuan to read and write every day For needlework, I got up early every day a few days ago, and took the initiative to clean the yard. Seeing how happy Wu and Chunxiang's sister-in-law get along, Wang said in his letter that he was relieved.

Other than that, there is the marriage between Liangdong and Wang's family. Wang's two sides are confused. The previous ones just sent posts. The Wang's side is doing well. Only Chen Liu's repeated words are beyond words. Wang's letter I vented a few words, it wasn't about money, the Chen family reached an agreement early on when my nephew got married, no matter what.She just felt that Liang Dong had no father or mother now, and what his grandma did when he got married was unavoidably chilling.Luckily, Zhaodi is still from her natal family, if she were to change to another girl, wouldn't the other family laugh at her?

Her mother's letter originally reported happiness, but at the end Chen Liushi's words made people feel a little unhappy after reading the last sentence, Baozhu closed the letter, and before she could speak, Zhaodi went first He smacked his lips and sighed, "I'm a girl, and my grandma still loves me so much! Brother Liangdong is so pitiful, how did he meet such a grandma? Why doesn't his grandpa speak up for him?"

Baozhu sighed, although the time with his grandparents was short, he still knew something about the family situation. Chen Erniu was not a picky person, but he also loved his grandchildren. Most of the time, the women are in charge, and the men are more careless.Furthermore, as he got older, he lost the staunchness he had before, and lost the energy to quarrel with his grandma. Grandma left everything to her, and Mrs. Chen and Liu were in charge of the affairs of the house, so he rarely intervened.Therefore, even if he knew what grandma was thinking, he would feel powerless.

Pulling out a helpless smile, "We don't care what grandma thinks, it's just for some money. Only in the future, our life will be the same, don't worry about it with her now." He picked up the table and drew it Hand over the dim sum appearance to Zhaodi, "It's getting warmer these days, and we plan to open a new shop next month, so we should worry more about the serious business of our dim sum shop."

Zhaodi flipped through the pages, and Baozhu said one by one in the order she turned the pages: "Red bean cake, mung bean cake, Wuren crisp, pumpkin cake, crispy twist, date paste yam cake, taro cake..."

Zhao Di slowly smiled wryly, "These illustrations look pretty good, but most of them can't be done yet."

Baozhu smiled and said, "The pumpkin cake is the same as the stuffed cake we made earlier, and the rest of the red bean cake, mung bean cake, and five kernel cakes are easy to make."

Seeing her leisurely appearance, Zhaodi became impatient, and urged her to demonstrate at the stove tomorrow. Thinking that these complicated pastries were all Baozhu's idea, she was a little frustrated with the small sense of achievement she had made in making pancakes earlier. Hair straightly frowned, and after a long while, his voice became low, "I don't see girls doing it on weekdays, how can I think of it all at once?"

Baozhu smiled and pulled her to sit down, "I learned it by myself in the house when I was a child. The taste of the stuffing can be adjusted a few times. Although there are many things I know, there is no capital at that time. Now we have some. The idea of ​​opening a dim sum shop can only be realized when the money is gone, my cousin is a fast learner, if she takes over, she might do better than me."

Zhaodi nodded, and was stunned for a while, thinking of something and then smiled, holding the pattern and couldn't put it down, "Don't worry, Baozhu, the snacks from the new shop are wrapped on me! The pancakes I made before are so ugly, I just think I don't make them Guess, in the end, didn’t you persist in learning?”

Baozhu laughed and said, "Don't be too happy. I didn't know it before, and I was tossing around in the house. Since I came to the county, I realized that there are only a few dim sums in the dim sum shop, so I thought about making my original idea seriously. Come out and sell it once, but you still don’t know if it will be successful or not.”

Zhaodi responded, "Got it." She took the drawing and went out the door, turned to the right and knocked on the door, "Brother Liangdong, show me the new dim sum drawn by Sister Baozhu."

After dinner, I discussed the next purchase with my uncle, when the third aunt of Baozhu came into the house, she laughed, "The new shop has opened, and you have to pass the skills. I have never heard of those tricks, and I can really open a shop to sell it." Money?"

Uncle Baozhu didn't quite understand the situation, so he asked, "What are they all about?"

Baozhu explained to them with a smile, and said, "Let's invest in a small shop, rent a shop for a year, and buy some flour on weekdays. We grind soybean flour ourselves, and there are not many people. Except for sister Zhaodi, there is only one clerk. After the second brother is married, my mother and the others will help out in their spare time, just to test the waters, if it doesn't work, the loss is not too big."

Wang Fulai said with a smile, "Then let the baby try."

Third Aunt Baozhu thought of something, and let out a snort, "Auntie remembers that there are some empty shops in the alley of Sipeiwa's medicine shop. They are clean and the money is not expensive. Go ask tomorrow?"

Baozhu thought for a moment, then nodded happily, "That's fine, we Chen Ji have a reputation, we don't need to rely on crowds, it's okay to be quiet, if the dim sum becomes famous in the future, no one is afraid that no one will come!"

In a few days, Baozhu and Sangu took the time to visit the shop. According to Baozhu Sangu's wishes, they went to the west of the city to visit a small shop on the second floor, which was only two blocks away from Si Pei's medical clinic. The alley, the surroundings are deserted, but the price is reasonable. The rent of the small shop on the second floor is only five taels a year. Baozhu saw that the shop was clean and the price was reasonable, so he was a little tempted. Call Uncle Baozhu and Brother Zhaodi Liangdong to come and see. What Uncle Baozhu means is whether the business is good or not, the skills must pass the test. No matter how good the shop is, it is better to have good craftsmanship.Just such a secluded place is just right, Zhaodi is very active, and it is the first time to be a leader. It is only in such a deserted place that I can calm down and work. Because everyone is satisfied with this place, Baozhu went to work with the boss that day. Signed a one year lease.

Turning around, I stopped by Jimin Hall for a walk, saw that he was busy seeing a doctor, smiled and went into the inner hall to sit, and when he was free, I turned out to say good news to him, saying that the dim sum shop had been found , just behind the alley, very close.

Wei Sipei asked with a smile, "Is everything else ready?"

Baozhu shook her head, "Today I only looked at the shop ahead of time, but dim sum is good. These days, sister Zhaodi gets up to practice her handicrafts before dawn. I still can't make up my mind about packing this one. I took a look at the dim sum shops in the county. , Ordinary snacks are mostly wrapped in a piece of oiled paper, and only expensive snacks are packaged in a wooden box."

Wei Sipei boiled a pot of tea and filled it up, let Baozhu take a few sips to rest before returning, thought for a while, then laughed, "So, does Baozhu want to make something unique?"

Baozhu smiled and nodded, thinking of the XX cakes and XX cakes of later generations, she said, "The cloth shop makes some exquisite and cute cloth pockets in batches, which are divided into three sizes, large, medium and small, and the words Chen Ji Dim Sum are sewn on the outside. Isn’t the dim sum packed in cloth pockets, isn’t it very grand?” After thinking for a while, he said, “Wooden boxes are also more delicate than ordinary dim sum shops. Since we have started this business, we have to pay more attention than others. No matter in terms of the appearance and taste of the dim sum, or the packaging, it must be different.”

Wei Sipei smiled and said: "I can see the idea of ​​sewing cloth pockets. It doesn't need to be custom-made in the cloth shop. The manual cost is always a lot of money. You only need to buy the cloth and hire some people. Your mother and the second Sister-in-law Zhang Luo wrote it. If you talk about making wooden boxes, Brother Datou is probably the most experienced."

Baozhu let him talk and remembered that every year during the busy season of farming, there were always some women who wore headscarves and went from house to house looking for work. Her mother thought about this when she was a child, but her father didn't like it, no matter how poor the house was, he didn't want her mother to be tired.Thinking of such a thing, Dang even clapped his hands, "That's a good idea. Let mother hire some old people and women in the village. The price is not expensive, and it's much cheaper than going directly to the cloth shop."

Wei Sipei looked at her with a smile, "It will be closed for a while, I will try to draw some wooden box styles, and I will pick up the orbs in a few days. If I like it, I will hand it to Brother Big Head to do it." He softly urged, "The new shop should Although there are many places to be busy, Baozhu should not tire myself.” After speaking, he got up to take her pulse again, and nodded slowly, “Recently, I feel fine, and I will bring some herbal medicines to invigorate Qi and soothe the nerves later. .”

Baozhu led Zhaodi to practice crafts without leaving home all day long, and the decoration of the new shop was handed over to the third aunt and uncle. They still invited Datou to help, and everything was prepared at the counter, table, door, plaque, and new shop. It is still called Chen Kee Dim Sum.Because Chen Ji Fast Food has a good name in the county, it is easier for the dim sum shop to start with this name.

At the end of April, Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Chen Tiegui also came to the county to help out for a few days. Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Chunxiang also came together. Baozhu and her second sister-in-law hadn't seen each other for more than two months, and when they met again, they hit it off right away. strange feeling.Mrs. Wang went to Xinpu to help, Mrs. Wu was heavy, so she was asked to go back to her mother's house to rest for two days. Chunxiang volunteered to stay at Baozhu shop to help greet customers. Although she could not read, she had an excellent memory. Which customer ordered something The dishes, how many documents you received are clearly recorded, Zhaodi smiled when she saw it, "I see your cousin is like a piece of material for business, will you let your cousin come to the county in the future? One more person It's just so lively!"

(End of this chapter)

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