Chapter 181
At noon on the second day, Chen Tiegui came to the county and brought some cloth pockets made by the Wang family yesterday to show Baozhu. Baozhu saw that the shape was similar to the one drawn on her own design, except that the embroidered characters were of different sizes. In addition, generally speaking, compared with ordering from the cloth shop in the county, it is very affordable to hire someone in her own house, so she doesn't care too much. She embroiders on the first day and embroiders for a while later. It can also be improved gradually.

Chen Tiegui laughed and said, "There are five village women hired. Your mother just told them that if the business is slow, they should sew less, and if the business is good, they should do more. It's just that this job is not dead. There are a hundred of them to be sewn, and if there is more work, add new hands."

Baozhu smiled, "Mother is very quick at handling things. The last one just came back, and this one looks like it's here. I'm satisfied with it. The five people will be settled in the future. I just don't know how much my mother will pay for it." ?”

Chen Tiegui smacked his lips, made a gesture, and complained: "Just make dozens of cloth pockets, and each person will be paid ten yuan a day! It's done once a month. That's it. Your mother still thinks it’s too little, hum, it seems like we have endless money in the house.”

Baozhu frowned and listened to his father's chatter, she smiled lightly, comforted her father and said: "The conditions of our house are better now, mother also doesn't want to lose money to her fellow villagers, father should also think about it."

Chen Tiegui snorted, "The business hasn't started yet, but the cloth bag pays fifty Wen a day, which is not counted as cloth money! Those village women are free to sew insoles and sell them in the town. How much money are you selling? I heard that your mother is generous, so many women came to the house all day yesterday to go to work, and they were chattering all afternoon."

Baozhu hurriedly persuaded, "Father, don't feel bad. If you want me to tell you, mother can make calculations! Although the work is not difficult, if you get busy in the future, if one person really embroiders a hundred, you won't be able to rest much from morning to night." Grand meeting, the money should be paid out, it’s better than the county. Besides, don’t worry about business matters. I’ve found many neighbors to taste all kinds of dim sum these days, and they all say It’s very fresh and tastes good, and when I opened a shop later, it’s too good to say, and it’s going to be able to return to the original.”

"That's right." Chen Tiegui took a sip of tea and sighed: "Your mother means that this work is a lot of work, and the wages should be generous, so it's not easy for others to gossip about us behind our backs."

Seeing that his father was still wearing patched clothes, Baozhu felt a little uncomfortable, she stepped forward to fill him with tea, stood behind him and rubbed his shoulders, "Father, don't be too frugal in the future, Use what you need, don't be afraid of spending money, there are always me and my two brothers in the house."

Chen Tiegui was not used to it for a while, so he hurriedly broke away and smiled, "Father is not tired! I will be back in a while, and you can go on your own!"

Chen Cuixi glanced at him with a smile, "Daughter loves you so much!"

Chen Tiegui stroked his beard and laughed cheerfully, his face was full of pride, "Her mother's words are right, the girl is the little padded jacket of parents, my Baozhu baby loves me and her mother the most!"

As they said that, Zhaodi and Wang Fulai came in from the outside, saw Chen Tiegui, Zhaodi smiled and called uncle, walked in the door, went straight to the counter to get the teapot, and refilled his half-full cup.

Chen Tiegui saw Zhaodi standing beside him smiling happily, so he asked her a few words. She laughed and said that she just came back from the new shop, and this morning she and her father added a big cutting board, a big water tank, and a I bought a small stone mill and some coal.

Wang Fulai smiled and sat down next to him, "The new shop is almost finished, and if we choose an auspicious day, we will be able to open it in a few days."

Chen Tiegui chuckled, "You guys just look at it and it will be done, don't be too particular, it will be almost done, and there will be no delay in the transaction."

Wang Fulai nodded in response, and discussed with Chen Cuixi and Baozhu, saying that they will start to prepare soybean oil, flour and ingredients in the next two days, and the business can be opened at the earliest, and if the days are not the worst, they will be ready in the next day.

Baozhu nodded, and said with a smile, "I have no objection to opening the business sooner and making money earlier."

Chen Tiegui'en said, and after chatting with Uncle Baozhu for a while, he got up and wanted to go back. Before leaving, he repeatedly told Chen Cuixi and Wang Fulai, "The new shop has opened, give the children more time to take care of it."

Chen Tiegui went out, just got into the ox cart, turned around and saw Baozhu's expression of reluctance, he hesitated for a moment, he said with a smile: "The house is always busy, and your mother can't get away from those women and girls alone. Father and mother are not coming, and I will buy a house in your sister-in-law's county later, and father will come to see you again!"

Her father has always been serious, and it is rare for him to show his love for the children on weekdays. Now that he is like this, her heart is somewhat touched, and she nods with a smile, "Dad, go back to the house with peace of mind, and come back later when the weather is warmer."

Taking advantage of the free time in the afternoon, Baozhu discussed the price of dim sum with Liangdong and the others. Some in the county referred to the prices of their peers, and those in the county were naturally more expensive. Bao went out to buy some hard paper, and wrote down the snacks and prices.

The door curtain was lifted, but Dong Wa'er, who just came to report yesterday, entered the shop, looked up at Baozhu, and seeing that she was busy, she stood at the door without moving for a while.

Baozhu glanced at him from the corner of her eye, and said in her heart that she had met him yesterday, and had a short interview with him. Although she was not as clever as Tang Bao, she was better than Tang Bao when she spoke calmly. Anticipating that he would come running again this time, he laughed, "The dim sum shop will open later, so you will come later, why are you here?"

Dong Wa'er rubbed her nose, looking around for Tang Bao, but he entered the kitchen right now, and he rubbed the skirt of his clothes uneasily, before saying embarrassingly, "My mother asked me to do some work. "

Baozhu blinked at him for a long while, then nodded, "Then you learn to calculate accounts with Tang Bao, and the new shop will always be useful in the future."

Tang Bao poked his head out of the kitchen grinning, "He can count money! He can only write."

Dong Wa'er's face turned red, she buried her head and said, "I can only count money, but I can't write words."

Zhao Di, who was watching the bustle, couldn't help giggling again, "No wonder Tang Bao always praises you for your sincerity, and I look at you and you are also sincere!"

Tang Bao still had confidence in his playmate from childhood to adulthood, so he smiled complacently at this moment, "Can Zhaodi rest assured this time?"

Zhaodi wrinkled her nose at him, and raised her voice to greet Dongwa, "Come to the counter, let's compete to see who can count the money faster!"

Baozhu smiled helplessly, and went into the kitchen again. Wang Fulai was discussing the purchase with Chen Cuixi, so Baozhu went with them.

All the ingredients I bought were sent directly to the snack shop, and Baozhu had to keep the beans for a while, but Wang Fulai refused to let her, saying that she was afraid that her arms would be sore, and said that this work should be done by herself, and urged Chen Cuixi and Baozhu to I went back to rest first, and stayed at the dim sum shop to grind the beans that afternoon.

When Baozhu and Zhaodi went again after closing time, the bean flour in the cloth bag was already full.

Zhaodi was excited, and wanted to try her hand right now, Baozhu left her small workshop and went to Jimintang to search for Sipei by herself, to see the previous wooden box designs he promised, and picked out a few favorites to go back Bring it to Datou, and pay him according to the county price.

At first he was not happy, and only said that he didn't want that much money, Baozhu said, once or twice, if he said that he helped her, but in the future, she would ask him to make some boxes for a long time, and the money would never be enough. What would it look like without him?
The two were at a stalemate, so Chen Cuixi came over, glanced at her big head, and yelled, "Such a big boy, if he can't learn to make money, he won't be able to marry a wife in the future!"

The big head raised his hand to touch his head, and smiled naively, "Well, tell the masters about it tomorrow, and just charge less money."

Chen Cuixi patted him with hatred, "Just take it as a private job, and tell your master if you can go back? Go buy some wood by yourself, and do it in the house after work. There will be more work in the future. Silly boy!"

Seeing that the big head was still in a daze, he pushed him again, "Why are you so dazed? Of course we took down such a good thing! Besides, it's nothing, your cousin still has time after work. Can I take care of it?" After speaking, Meimei pushed him, "That's it! It's getting late, go back to the house and prepare to go!"

He staggered and was shoved down the steps. He looked back at Chen Cuixi hesitantly, and wanted to say something, but Chen Cuixi was so angry that he wanted to hit him, so scared that he ran out of the yard in two or three steps, causing Baozhu and the others to stand in the yard. giggled.

In the midst of intensive preparations, the new shop finally opened quietly. Chen Cuixi originally said to buy some red silk for firecrackers, but Baozhu said that the alley was secluded and he would not engage in such ostentation, so he simply set off firecrackers in the early morning of the same day because the location was quieter. , the business was not booming that day, but the sisters still had confidence in their dim sum shop, and they were also mentally prepared for the early deserted business, so they didn't care much about it.

"As my father said, the fragrance of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley. Good things will not be forgotten, and will be discovered one day."

Wei Sipei laughed, "Zhaodi and Baozhu are together every day, and they even speak more and more smoothly."

Zhaodi stuck out her tongue, "Why can't I say it? You are not the only ones who can say what Wen Zou Zou said!" After finishing speaking, she looked away from the gate, rolled her eyes, poked the orb lightly twice, and whispered, " Why do those people outside keep looking at us?"

Baozhu turned her head, glanced over her uncle's shoulder into the alley, patted Wei Sipei's shoulder, and asked in a low voice, "Those people are sneaky, do you think they were sent from there?"

Wei Sipei frowned, "It's been a while, don't worry about it."

"Why are you spying on us in broad daylight?" Zhao Di pouted, put a basin of water on the shelf, and took a few steps towards the door, splashed it with a splash, turned around again, and closed the door with a "bang".

Uncle Baozhu didn't understand why, he frowned and remained silent for a while, Baozhu opened the door with a smile, then turned around and explained, "Sister just annoyed me, let it go!"

(For those who have subscribed, read here, look here, I am very sorry dears, the correct chapters are reposted here, when I posted yesterday, I wanted to revise the 180 article of the day before yesterday, but it turned out to be wrong, and replaced the entire 181 chapters La.)
(End of this chapter)

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