Full of food and color

Chapter 182 Unexpected Letter

Chapter 182 Unexpected Letter
Baozhu said this because she didn't want to cause her uncle and third aunt to worry, and Zhaodi also laughed in response, "My sister and brother-in-law just made fun of me."

Wang Fulai only reprimanded Zhaodi with a straight face, but didn't think much about it.

On the first day of opening, Baozhu and Sangu stayed at the dim sum shop to help Zhang Luo for a day, while Liangdong and his uncle went back to Chenji Fast Food first.

Dong Wa'er came to work early this morning, seeing Zhaodi and Baozhu busy in the workshop on the second floor, she went downstairs to boil a pot of water, busy with Chen Cuixi and greeted the guests, although he was not very eloquent Hearing his diligent and thoughtful voice upstairs, Baozhu smiled and sighed, "Tang Bao recruited us a good man. "

On the first day, only forty orders were completed, but Dong Wa'er went upstairs before closing time, and said with a smile, "Of the forty copies sold, seven or eight are repeat customers. Come back, come to buy again in the afternoon." Hesitating for a while, he said again, "Most of the people who came here today are from the surrounding residents, and many of them came in to inquire, and they said that the price is expensive..." After a pause, he glanced at the orb, He whispered: "Uh, to spend the money, it's better to go to the pastry shop in the east of the city, or the business will fail."

After hearing what he said, Zhaodi frowned suddenly, stopped what she was doing, and took a few steps forward to sit next to Baozhu, with a worried tone, "Speaking of which, rich people all live in the east of the city. ! Our shop is located in the west of the city, how good is it?”

Baozhu shook her head, "Our shop is not only for the surrounding residents. Since it is opened in the county, there will always be customers from the east of the city. As long as the taste is worth the price, are we afraid that no one will come? Besides, our tricks There are so many, it is incomparable to the pastry shop next to it.”

Zhaodi nodded. Although the girl said that, she was still a little anxious. She got up early the next day. When Baozhu woke up, she was nowhere to be seen. He asked Liangdong, but he didn't know too much. He just heard someone getting up outside. Early in the morning, after washing the yard, he went out the gate. At that time, he was lying down, thinking that his aunt would get up early to pick wild vegetables in the suburbs to feed the chickens.

The two brothers and sisters looked at each other, went back to their rooms to do a little tidying up, and then went to the dim sum shop. When they went, Dong Wa'er was wrapping a few pieces of dim sum and putting them in his cloth pockets. After finishing, he respectfully said to the guests, " Twenty Wen."

The woman picked up the cloth bag, looked up and down curiously, and asked with a smile, "Such a good bag, is this the way to give it away?"

Dong Wa'er chuckled, and scratched her head, "The boss said, this is a free gift from our Chen Ji, no money is charged!"

The woman nodded and handed him twenty Wen in satisfaction. After he took the money, he suddenly raised his eyes to see Baozhu, and politely called Boss Baozhu.

Baozhu smiled, and turned to let the woman through the door. After she left, she went to look for Zhaodi on the second floor. Dong Wa'er hurriedly said, "She just brought a basket of dim sum. She said she was going to the street to give dim sum to the shop. ...then what to do."

"Propaganda." Bao Zhu answered the conversation with a smile, and glanced at Liang Dong, "Brother Dong should be relieved."

With a sound, Liang Dongen turned around and walked back with Baozhu, laughing as he walked, "Zhaodi is very concerned about the new shop."

Baozhu smiled, "It must be that seeing the deserted business, I was anxious and couldn't sit still." After a long while, she said happily again, "Having such a diligent sister really saves me a lot of worry. Although my sister is not smart, she is better than others. Diligent hands and feet, hardworking people can't go hungry anywhere!"

Liang Dong nodded, "I listened to what you two sisters said that day in the room. Although you two are cousins, you really have a good relationship. It's not an exaggeration to count them as real sisters."

Baozhu laughed twice, remembered something, and said seriously, "Although there are enough manpower now, if things go well in the future, fast food restaurants will also open branches. We should make some preparations early this year and next year, and start looking for some reliable manpower." Learn to cook."

Liang Dong pondered for a moment, then said: "I'll just watch Dong Wa'er."

Baozhu nodded, "He is a diligent one, let's investigate for a while." Then he continued, "I want to let you and Sister Zhaodi take care of the shop in the future."

Liangdong frowned, shook his head and said, "When I come to the county, I can help my sister every day, have food and clothing every day, and my aunt said that we are very close. How can I do good business, it is absolutely impossible!"

Baozhu looked at him like that, and smiled wryly, "Brother Dong cares too much about these things. If I really open a branch shop in the future, I will not be able to handle it myself. You and Sister Zhaodi are already my family in my heart."

Liangdong was silent for a long time before he stopped and turned to look at Baozhu, "Why don't I treat my sister's family as my own family, but my mother and I owe your family too much..." After a pause, he said: "My mother taught me since I was a child. People need to know how to repay kindness. That's how I thought about it before. My sister's business is my business. I can do all kinds of errands and work. Even if we get married in the future, I believe that Zhao Di will help me as much as I do. with girl."

Baozhu scratched her head and flattened her mouth, "I can't say no to you, but you said it yourself, as if my parents and I are from our own family, and my mother, an elder, will speak at that time, let's see how you push it!"

The corners of Liang Dong's lips curled up, and he sighed with a smile, "No matter what, I always have one heart with my family."

Having said that, the two entered the shop and stopped the topic at the same time.

Wang Fulai came out of the kitchen with a smile and asked about the situation. Baozhu said with a smile that Zhaodi was busy with the dim sum shop, and then ordered Tang Bao to help her. Let's go to work alone, this baby is brave and quick to do things, it's the first time I have chosen the leader, let her exercise alone, so as to save Baozhu from having to worry about everything in the future .”

That night, the whole family had dinner and Zhaodi went back to the house, and went to discuss with Baozhu without taking a bite. Giving snacks is not a long-term thing, why not write some leaflets like before, and go to scattered every now and then of.

Baozhu smiled and agreed, and went back to the house to write a large stack and handed it to her, saying that she didn't have to do it herself, and it was the same for Dong Wa'er to go to the street for distribution.

The days quickly entered June, and this year's summer is hot as usual, so Bao Zhu went to the dim sum shop to have a look this afternoon when she was free.

Facts have proved that Zhaodi's painstaking efforts these days have not been in vain. The new shop has attracted a large number of customers. In addition, Chen Ji's name still has some influence in the county. When it opened for more than half a month, there were many buyers who came here admiringly. , plus the old customers accumulated earlier, after a day, I can barely earn more than one tael of silver, leaving out the cost of snacks and cloth pockets, the profit is also three to four hundred cash, which is already an excellent start .

When Baozhu entered the door, she saw that the shop that was supposed to be quiet in the afternoon was still surrounded by many customers. She sat aside and waited for a while. After the customers dispersed, she went to the counter with a smile to count. Already sold it for two bucks?"

Zhaodi smiled triumphantly, "In June, the business is getting better and better, and there are many repeat customers! This is not too much, if you meet a wealthy family, you can buy dim sum for three or five taels of silver!"

Baozhu nodded, and she said with a smile, "I don't feel sorry for the big business, so I sent seven or eight wooden boxes together."

Baozhu replied, "That's how it should be, the cost of the box and bag is also included in the dim sum."

In the days that followed, Zhaodi became more confident, and she didn't make any preparations after closing. She got up early and went to the shop when the rooster crowed the next day, saying that there was nothing better than fresh pastries.

Baozhu was afraid that she would be tired, so she got up early to work with her, Zhaodi would not be happy after a few days, she felt sorry for her sister, and would never want her to work together, and she was determined not to get up with Baozhu again.

Baozhu saw that she was determined, so she didn't argue with her, but put more thought into her daily meals. There were a lot of chickens raised in the chicken coop in the backyard, and she would cook chicken soup every now and then, and often set up a small stove for her in the middle of the night to feed her directly. Recently, she has gained three points more than before.

After closing that day, Baozhu unexpectedly received a letter from He Lanjin, saying that the accident was not because he took the initiative to write the letter, but Baozhu was quite surprised by the content of his letter.

Chen Cuixi's smiling eyes were almost narrowed, "I didn't expect that the boss in the provincial capital would take a fancy to our dim sum. It's really a good thing."

"What good thing is so happy?" Wei Sipei came in smiling with two big watermelons in his arms. Now that Baozhu sells snacks by himself, he doesn't mention snacks when he comes again. When it's hot in summer, he often buys some fruits to share with him. Everyone eats.

Baozhu smiled, stood up and briefly explained to him, "Speaking of this, it was originally a coincidence, the owner is from our county, and he runs a big dim sum shop in the provincial capital. After staying for a few days, I paid attention to our dim sum shop without realizing it, and now I entrust Brother He Lang to inquire."

Liang Dong took the melon from him, and went to the kitchen with a smile, "He said he hoped to have a long-term cooperation and buy Chen Ji's dim sum in the future."

Wei Sipei nodded lightly and asked, "What did He Lan say?"

Baozhu smiled, "Brother Helan only said that Uncle Zhou is a man of integrity. He doesn't make dim sum himself, but buys dim sum from all over the world to sell, and he is second to none in the provincial capital. The shop not only has the most famous Fuji dim sum in China , all kinds of dim sum produced in the province are sold together, which is very well-known. In addition, He Lange also gave some suggestions. If we want to make the brand of Chen Ji Dim Sum bigger, this time is an excellent opportunity , As for whether it will be successful or not, let us make up our own minds."

Seeing Baozhu's happy smile, Wei Sipei couldn't help raising his hand to rub her head, and said with a smile, "If even He Lan agrees, it's worth considering."

"If we are interested, Uncle Zhou will come from the provincial capital in person to discuss the contract matters in detail." Baozhu smiled, "I am thinking of sending a letter back to the house to report to my parents. Xin'er, let's discuss together."

(End of this chapter)

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