Full of food and color

Chapter 192: The Final Marriage

Chapter 192

Baozhu rested in Wu's room for a while and then went out, she really wanted to take a look outside the yard again, because she was sure that she had seen the right thing just now.Thinking carefully about the scene just now, it is really terrifying. I think that person is not from my house. If it is a relative, there is no need to stand at the door to scare people. If it is someone else, who is it?Although I was itchy in my heart, I was really scared just now, and I still haven't recovered from it, and I didn't have the courage to take a look, so I went back to the house along the corridor to rest.

Because Baozhu had seen two marriages in the house before, she was no stranger to marriages in this era. When Mrs. Wang explained it to her in detail the next day, she could figure out some rules, and only the names of some distant relatives were used. Memorized it very carefully.

That day the Chen family became lively, only Liang Dong and his uncle were left in front of the shop to take care of them, and they only got married tomorrow, so they closed early this morning and drove back to the village together.

Chen Cuixi also followed, but she was not very happy looking at her now, she was absent-minded when the sisters-in-law of Baozhu were chatting and laughing, and even Mrs. Wang could see that she had a forced smile, so Gu Kong asked her, "Cuixi today Why don't you seem very happy? But what happened to the house?"

When Mrs. Wang asked, she sighed, "Jide, that kid ran back yesterday. He didn't see anyone all day, and he had a fever in the morning."

Wang yelled, "Is there a doctor?"

Chen Cuixi nodded, "Sipei prescribed medicine this morning, took it once, and took care of it in the big room at night, it's nothing serious."

Mrs. Wang nodded, feeling vaguely in her heart that Jide suddenly came back from the provincial capital this time because of Baozhu's marriage. It's just that it's not easy to say it on the surface. The child said deeply, smiling and comforting Chen Cuixi, "It will be fine after the burn is over. He is young and strong, so it doesn't matter if he thinks about it."

Chen Cuixi nodded, and talked to Wang for a while, asking about Ming's arrangement, but her expression was still a little gloomy.

In the afternoon, several relatives from the Chen family came one after another, and Mrs. Wang rushed to the old courtyard, inviting Chen Liu and Chen Erniu to the house with good words, but Chen Liu only let Chen Erniu go first. After tidying up by myself, I will come later.

Chen Erniu was very happy now, so he said to Mrs. Wang on the way: "Baby Zhu is getting married, and the older ones in the Chen family's house always want me and your mother to entertain them. If you don't come to invite me, I will go with you." Mother is also discussing to come for a kiss."

Wang said with a smile, "Who says it's not? The room is small. I'm afraid I will live with my parents tonight!"

Before entering the door, Chen Erniu stopped Mrs. Wang for a while, reached into his bosom with a dry hand, touched a piece of silver, and hung the money out, laughing, "Baby Zhu is married, I can't do much as a grandfather." Yes, these five taels you and Tie Gui don't think that Dad gave you too little."

Mrs. Wang was stunned for a long time, hesitating in her hand, not knowing whether to take it or not, Chen Erniu sighed, "Four taels was given by Baozhuwa last year, and I will add one tael to make five taels." , glanced left and right, and whispered: "Your mother, don't say anything."

Wang comprehended, quickly took the money from his hand and put it away, gratefully said: "Father treats precious pearls well, and I will remember this kindness for you in the future."

Chen Erniu waved his hands again and again, "Your mother and I are getting older, and we won't need much money in the future." As he spoke, he stepped into the yard, smiled and went into the main room to chat with some relatives of the Chen family.

After lunch, Mrs. Chen Liu came late. Chen Cuixi was chatting with Baozhu's concubine in the courtyard. When she saw her coming, she greeted her with a smile. Ask a gossip, "Baozhu got married, apart from the house in the county, your sister-in-law is afraid that she will have a lot of dowry?"

The elder concubine of Baozhu laughed when she heard Chen Liushi say that, and the younger concubine had to exchange a few words with her because of Liangdong's engagement.

Chen Cuixi smiled and said, "It's not a big deal to have such a magnificent house as a dowry, and there are fewer things nearby."

Little concubine Baozhu answered with a smile, "To buy such a house, Eldest Sister, I'm afraid the house will be empty, so the top side should be simpler."

Chen Liushi laughed, "Blessed is Bao Zhu, her mother values ​​it so much, it's better than Run Ze Runsheng, but I can't enjoy the slightest blessing with her grandfather!"

Chen Cuixi smiled and pulled her mother to the south, "How long has it been since mother came? Let's take a look at the words written by Xiujuan, what kind of energy are you talking about all the time!"

Chen Liushi glanced back at Fang'er still standing in the yard, and after she got to the porch, she snorted coldly, "It's nice to say, but can she still empty out her house? You don't know, she is so generous back and forth. Who in the village doesn’t read jokes about my face and your father’s face? Who doesn’t talk about your mother behind your back?”

Chen Cuixi closed her smile, shook her head and said, "Mother is still quiet, tomorrow is a big wedding in Baozhu, and mother will take the opportunity to find trouble, can sister-in-law be kind?" I am partial to the elder brother and sister-in-law. I originally blamed my mother for thinking that her son was too young a few years ago, and the things she did hurt the heart of the elder brother. How could she stop the elder brother from being filial to his parents? The relationship between the two families Take it easy, parents won't end up making people laugh like they are now."

Chen Liushi wiped away tears angrily, "You are not a thing either! I only look at her and made a fortune with her all these years, and my heart is on her! You are still a mother and don't know, what have you done these years? Did your superiors speak to your mother?"

Originally, I tried to persuade her kindly, but unexpectedly, she was scolded by her mother. Chen Cuixi hurriedly screamed, "For Chinese New Year, which gift is missing for mother? Money is also given from time to time, at least some are less, my house does not Compared with Cuifen House, Jide has spent a lot of money studying and learning calligraphy these years, and his father is also short on money. Fortunately, there is Baozhu who gives some money every year, otherwise I would not even be able to afford a new house! Oh, I'm going to talk about sister-in-law again, isn't that a white-eyed wolf!"

"You are a white-eyed wolf!"


Baozhu came out from the house and stood under the porch for a while, seeing the third aunt talking to grandma and then arguing, knowing that the two of them are very hot-tempered, they must be pulled away in time, she hurriedly coughed heavily After a few times, he called loudly, "Sangu, I have embroidered several square handkerchiefs in the past few days, please help me have a look."

Then Chen Cuixi went towards Baozhu with a gloomy face, and frowned for a while after entering the room, Baozhu didn't ask her, and after she calmed down for a while, she smiled and showed her the handkerchief, and the two chatted for a while , Chen Cuixi rubbed the handkerchief, remembered something, and sighed: "It's been seven years in a flash, think about how old you were when you went to the county, living at Aunt Riri's house? girl."

When she said this, she couldn't help recalling Baozhu's memories of these years, and said with a sob: "Don't mention this all the time, it's really uncomfortable to hear, my parents will move to live in the county next year, from now on we will have a lot of fun as a family." Go." Wiping the corners of his eyes with his back, he tried to force a smile, "Brother Jide will become a high-ranking official in a few years and marry a good wife. My aunt's good life is yet to come."

Chen Cuixi held Baozhu's hand, nodded with a smile, she didn't have a daughter after all, now that Baozhu is getting married, she felt very empathetic for Wang, and shared with her the experience she had gained from being a married woman over the years, Although Baozhuniang probably told her a lot in advance, but everyone is different, I always have different opinions, my baby is smart, think about it on your own, and your life will be smoother in the future.

She babbled on and on, even explaining the truth and giving examples, and didn't finish until before dinner, Baozhu listened with great interest, not only learned the lessons, but she even got a thorough understanding of her uncle's temperament.

After dinner, she originally wanted to go to the second sister-in-law's room with Zhaodi to play for a while, but Wang said that she would stay in the room, knowing that the three of them were the most chatty ones, and it was just after dark that Zhaodi and Chunxiang were busy cooking. Wash her body well with hot water, and say that she is getting married tomorrow, so don't go out after taking a bath today, the three chat in the room for a while, then go to bed early, and get up before dawn tomorrow.

Despite what her mother said, several relatives came one after another in the evening, Wang was too busy to take care of them, the three of them turned off the lights early, but played around on the bed for a long time, and they squeezed into sleep together late at night.

Before dawn on the second day, Mrs. Wang got up and knocked on the door. Mrs. Wu put on a new dress, smiled and followed, carrying a delicate wooden box. , "Hurry up and wash up, your sister-in-law puts a bridal makeup on Baozhu, and combs her hair well, the groom will pick you up in a sedan chair in a while!"

Zhaodi was the fastest, and quickly got off the kang, fetched water to freshen up, then went to the box to take out the wedding dress, "Last night we made her wear it once, she is very pretty!"

Mrs. Wang looked at her daughter softly, "Look, are you lucky? Your second sister-in-law sewed it for you, quickly replace it with your mother and see."

Baozhu took it with a smile, and put on the notebook shoes and got off the kang in twos and twos. Zhu Chunxiang hurriedly stopped her and handed her a pair of new red cloth shoes, "This one is wearing red."

Baozhu scratched her head nonchalantly, hurriedly took off her old shoes and put on new ones, tidied them up, and stood in front of the bronze mirror, she couldn't help being stunned, she never cared much about her appearance, Counting it, the number of times I looked in the mirror was very small, and now I was a little dazed looking at the oval face in the mirror, Wang nodded with satisfaction, "My Baozhu baby looks good in the red dress!"

Zhao Di enviously said, "My girl has a white face, she looks good in anything she wears!"

Putting on her wedding dress, she sat and let her sister-in-law smear on her face. Chunxiang and Xiujuan sat around and talked to her from time to time, and Zhaodi felt a little sad for some reason. Sad or not, Baozhu sat upright, and waited for Mrs. Wang to greet guests outside, then smiled and winked at Zhaodi, "I'm not sad at all, my mother will move in with me in the future, when my cousin gets married Just don't cry!"

Zhao Di lost face, "I can't live without my father!"

Baozhu laughed and said: "When a girl gets married, she always has to live with her parents-in-law, but after marrying Brother Liangdong, he doesn't have to. He has no parents. From now on, his cousin will only look at him every day, isn't that good?"

Only then did she forcefully smile, and when the pearl was put on makeup, she pouted again, worried and said: "Your sister will get married in the future, you have to be the closest to me."

(About Jide, I think it’s really so easy to let go, but it proves that he doesn’t have deep affection. At least if it’s me, it’s not so easy to cut off the love after a few years of dedication. It takes some time, and I will be relieved when I grow up , There is no treasure in my heart, and I will be worthy of others when I meet a good marriage in the future.)
(End of this chapter)

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