Full of food and color

Chapter 193: The Final Marriage

Chapter 193 The Final Marriage (Part [-])

The Wang family and Chen Tiegui are not very popular in the village, but they are quite cautious in their daily life. Needless to say, there is no family in the village who dares to say that they have not accepted his kindness. Seeing that there is more excitement and more help, Li Shuangxi rushed to Chen's house with Erya Niang Tiedanniang and Wang's friends before dawn, counted the villagers who were going to attend the banquet later, and gathered together in one place Greetings.

As for the relatives and elders of the Chen family, Chen Erniu and Wang's couple greeted and talked in the living room, and the rest, cousins, nephews, cousins, nephews, Chen Cuixi and Baozhu, who were of the same generation as Chen Tiegui, were in charge of making arrangements. The gathering was full early in the morning, and there were many people, but the reception was well organized.

As soon as Chen Shi arrived, there was a burst of firecrackers outside the courtyard, and Zhao Di jumped into the house in a panic, "Here we come! The sedan chair to pick up the bride is almost at the door!"

Baozhu's heart skipped a beat, she forced herself to calm down, suppressed the nervous and anxious thoughts, supported by Zhaodi and Chunxiang, put on the red hijab and walked slowly outside the house, Wang told them not to worry too much, With a happy face, he took the lead to go out to meet the groom.

If it is said that Mrs. Wang was still a little hesitant about moving out of the village, she repeatedly delayed.Baozhu got married today, the sadness and reluctance in her heart last night strengthened her idea of ​​living with the three daughters in the future. She is by her side every day, but which day is not her greatest hope?Just remembering that my daughter will leave the Chen family in the future, my whole body panics as if my three souls and six souls are about to be taken away.

She made up her mind to move to the girl's house in the county after the new year. With this decision, those worries and anxieties disappeared in an instant, so she woke up early in the morning and was full of energy. I don't feel sad about marrying my daughter, only celebration and joy remain.

Lehe went out of the gate happily, the sedan chair for receiving the bride was already waiting at the door, Wei Sipei was wearing a bright red groom's suit with a big red flower on his chest, he used to be good-looking, but he had never been well-groomed before. As soon as you put it on, you will immediately look indescribably majestic.There were few people in his house, apart from Liang Dong and Xiao Huzi, even Tie Dan followed behind the sedan chair to join in the fun.

He respectfully stepped forward and kowtowed to Chen Liushi and Chen Erniu, then got up and bowed three times to Wang and his wife, raised his head, and called out with a smile: "Father, mother!"

Wang Shi was so happy that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear, Chen Tiegui helped him, patted him on the shoulder forcefully with his palm, nodded in relief and said, "Good boy, we will be a family from now on, dad is so happy!"

As soon as the words were finished, Zhaodi and Zhaodi stepped out of the door with their precious pearls in their arms. The guard of honor blew joy together, and the crowd around the audience suddenly became noisy, urging the bride to get on the sedan chair. Delayed, hurry up and get on the sedan chair."

Wei Sipei responded, turned around and stepped forward to lift the sedan chair curtain, looked at the bride who was slowly walking forward with a smile on her face, and when she came up to her, she lowered her head slightly and whispered in her ear: "I will take care of you." Take care of you."

Amidst the sound of joy, the bearer picked up the sedan chair and headed all the way to Wei Yuan House. The two families were very close to each other, so the sedan chair was deliberately lifted slowly. Wei Sipei didn't ride a horse, but took the lead and walked in front, smiling lightly from time to time to both sides of the road The neighbors nodded.

All the relatives and friends of the Chen family spontaneously followed the welcoming team to the Wei family to visit the worship hall, the banquet started at noon, it was still early, and the rest of Baozhu's concubines stayed at the Chen family to receive the guests.

It's not a long journey, but it's enough for Baozhu to feel a lot of emotion. Thinking about when we first met, he was just a white and tender little doll. At that time, I didn't expect it to be like this today, and I finally settled down with him for a lifetime.

Until the sedan chair stopped, Baozhu still hadn't recovered, and the outside hailed the bride three times to get off the sedan chair. Seeing that no one had lifted the curtain for a long time, Wei Sipei could not help showing some doubts. Wei Sipei tapped on the edge of the sedan chair, "What's wrong with Baozhu?"

Baozhu came back to her senses suddenly, only then could she hear the noise outside, the sounds of joy, firecrackers, and human voices mixed together, she couldn't help showing a small smile, and stretched out her hand to lift the curtain.

Zhaodi hurriedly went to help her get off the sedan chair, before standing still, she and Wei Sipei stumbled into the inner courtyard surrounded by relatives and friends.

It wasn't until they went to the table in front of the hall that everyone was stopped by praise, and the circle of people quieted down, looking at Baozhu and Wei Sipei together,

Wei Yuantang smiled and took out two sticks of incense and handed them over, Yin Zan took it, and said loudly: "The bridegroom enters the incense!"

Wei Sipei took a stick from his hand and stepped forward to light it.

"Kneel, offer the incense burner!"

He offered the incense respectfully.

"Kneel, kowtow, kowtow again, kowtow three times!"

He was not in a hurry, and solemnly kowtowed three times before returning the same way.

Yin Zan said again: "The bride enters the incense!"

Baozhu was no stranger to this etiquette, she knew that after offering incense, she would worship at the hall, she was supported by Zhaodi, she did a series of movements flawlessly, until she returned to her original position, Fang listened to Yinzan and said: " All thanks to heaven and earth!"

Baozhu's head was covered with a veil, and she only looked at Wei Sipei kneeling beside him from the corner of her eye, and kowtowed to his rhythm the next moment.

The next worship to the high hall, the husband and wife's worship was also completed step by step.Such a scene should have been a mess, but now because there are many relatives and friends around, she is afraid that something will go wrong in the middle of the worship, so she only focuses on each step. Therefore, the tension in her heart is now caused by The surrounding quiet atmosphere is quite calm.

After the husband and wife worshiped each other, he was led by Wei Sipei to sit down in the new bedroom that had been tidied up temporarily. He didn't take off her hijab, but took her hand, stuffed a boiled egg in his hand, and said softly, "I'm afraid I don't have much time to take care of you today. Don't starve yourself. I will go to the new house in the county after lunch. If you are hungry, eat an egg first."

This kind of concern was normal in the past, but now, after hearing that, for some reason, Bao Zhu's face became hot. Hearing the noisy calling of the groom outside, she hurriedly urged him, "Go and work on you." Yes, don't miss me."

After speaking, Liang Dong came in, "Si Pei, some aunts from my cousin's family have rushed over outside and want to see you."

He stroked the back of Baozhu's hand lightly, put it down slowly, and then went out with a smile on his face.

Baozhu heard the door being knocked lightly, and then she breathed a sigh of relief, she took off her veil a little and took a look, seeing that the windows and doors were closed, she lifted her veil, took off her shoes and socks, and leaned on the kang.

She looked around the small bedroom boredly, only then realized that Sipei had lived in it, and she had a moment of thought, so she picked up a medical book on the desk to read, the book was a little yellowed, it looked quite old, but he kept it The pages are very good, the headers and footers are even, and Bao Zhu feels drowsy after turning a few pages with a smile.

When she woke up after a nap, it was still noisy outside, and she didn't know many visitors from all over the place, but she only heard Wei Sipei's clear and clear voice occasionally mixed with it, knowing that he was in the yard, and she felt inexplicably relieved.

After a while, the door was pushed open vigorously, and Baozhu was about to take off her hijab in shock, she caught a glimpse of Zhaodi out of the corner of her eye, she breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "I'm very bored by myself, my cousin just watched the bustle all morning, this time It's time!"

Zhaodi said happily, "Two officers and soldiers came to the county just now, guess what?"

Looking at her face, Baozhu knew it was not bad news, so she shook her with a smile, "Don't be tricky, tell me quickly!"

Zhaodi laughed, "Your face is really great, even the county government master sent us congratulatory gifts all the way! This time we can feel proud!" She said with a sarcastic smile, "You don't know, just now Li Zheng You have such a flattering face, and your sister-in-law and your grandma are all sour!"

Baozhu hurriedly raised her index finger and hissed, "We just rely on the family of the county government official to go to the dim sum shop frequently. In fact, how can there be any great friendship? At most, we just appreciate our dim sum, and Brother Jide is still somewhat famous in the county. Yes, when did our county produce top-ranking talents in the province these years? You should think about the way here, and it is better to keep a low profile in the future. "

Zhao Di was not convinced, "You have gained such a big face today, your grandma should be happy for you, I see them not happy, and I feel angry!"

Baozhu knew that she was straight-hearted and only judged one-sided good from bad, so she didn't try to persuade her in detail at the moment, after all, it was a big project to change her straightforward personality, so she just urged her repeatedly, "Go out in the future, if you don't know her well When people ask about the business of the shop, you just say it’s okay. People outside the house are unpredictable. We were originally poor people in the house, but I don’t know how many people envy us when we suddenly become rich in the past few years. We must be humble in every word and deed. It doesn’t hurt people, but it’s hard to keep others from worrying about it, if someone has bad thoughts, how do you know what to do?”

After thinking about it carefully, Zhaodi felt that it made some sense, and suddenly covered her mouth, "No wonder so many unfamiliar relatives asked me about the business in the county."

Baozhu waved her hand, "Forget it, it's probably because of curiosity, just pay more attention in the future."

Zhaodi laughed and scratched her head, "Actually, my father warned me not to brag and show off to others, but I just thought that this is your relative, so I didn't take precautions."

The two chatted in bits and pieces until noon, when they heard the clamor outside to start the banquet, Baozhu hurriedly pushed Zhaodi to go out to eat something, and after she left, she pricked up her ears to listen to Wei Yuan and Chen Tiegui's speeches before the banquet .

Her father is still simple and down-to-earth, once he thanked his relatives and friends for coming, and praised Si Pei a few words, he ended happily.Wei Yuan had a lot of level, he didn't appear to be literary, but he was also humorous. He blessed the couple repeatedly, and everyone in the courtyard laughed.

Hearing her stomach growling twice, Baozhu realized that she was also a little hungry, she smiled and picked up the egg he gave, peeled it and ate it, then went back to rest on the kang.

When she woke up again, she opened her eyes and saw Wei Sipei sitting beside her steadfastly looking at her, Baozhu rubbed her eyes, sat up and asked, "What time is it?"

He smiled, "The banquet is just over, you can rest for a while, my parents and I will show some close relatives in the county to see the new house, it doesn't matter if you go later."

(Grasshopper saw the message recently. I don’t know why I couldn’t reply for a few days. I would like to thank the friends who left the message for their affirmation of this article. Hehe, in fact, I still feel a little guilty after reading it. I always feel that I wrote it. It’s not good enough, anyway, I’m very grateful to the two parents for their encouragement. In addition, I bow to thank Linling, Huajuzi’s evaluation vote, and Xiaojiu’s two pink votes, and there will be another update at 11 pm)
(End of this chapter)

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