Chapter 198
Suddenly hearing Mrs. Xia mentioning Mr. Han's full name, Baozhu's face was slightly stunned, she thought about it secretly, and then she understood, and her heart was even more embarrassing. If Mr. Han had not betrayed back then, the three of them would have lived happily ever after.

Sweating for Wei Sipei's heart, he raised his eyes to look at his face, saw that his eyes were calm, and he didn't lose his temper because of mentioning his mother, so he was a little relieved.

Mrs. Xia talked emotionally for a while about Si Peiniang's entanglements with her family back then. Perhaps she felt that the atmosphere was oppressive. Wei Sipei was exceptionally silent, and even the two daughters-in-law lowered their eyes. The master has suddenly passed away in his prime, and the family has lost a pillar. How can she, a woman, handle business matters?Because he didn’t understand the market, the pawn shop business was short of money, and he owed a debt. The loss of her husband was like a big tree falling down. The family had to sell their ancestral land to live. At that time, Uncle Sipei Twenty-two, he was just studying at first, but after Master Xia passed away, seeing his family decline day by day, he became stronger and stronger. He studied hard for several years, overcame obstacles all the way, and passed all the imperial examinations without any risk. , although his grades were mid-to-low, he failed in Xie Yuanhui Yuan, but after all he found a document job in the six ministries of the three provinces.

As the saying goes, the emperor's feet are easy to do things. Although he was only ninth rank when he first took office, he was also an official in the capital that everyone in the local area envied. In addition, the Central Secretariat has always been the center of power in all dynasties. The name of Zhongshu Sheng is very popular in his hometown, so he gradually accumulated some contacts in Jeju. Relying on these contacts, the business of his younger brother Jeju became smoother. Over the years, the business has grown bigger and bigger. Jurisdiction over twelve counties, each of which has opened a branch of Liangzhuang, the Xia family has become richer day by day.

"It can be said that our family was supported by your uncle, and your uncle's first grain farm was opened by your uncle's one-year salary." Mrs. Xia sighed.

Baozhu is very aware of the difficulty of starting a business, so she has admiration for the two uncles of the Xia family.

"It's just your uncle's ups and downs in the officialdom, but he hasn't come to a good end these years." Mrs. Xia's eyes turned red, and she let out a long sigh, "Your uncle is a soft-spoken person who has been cautious all these years, but he has been implicated. "

Baozhu was baffled by what she heard, but she felt that Mrs. Xia's words had changed very quickly, before she recovered, Wei Sipei frowned and asked, "What's wrong with Uncle?"

Mrs. Xia's expression darkened, and she couldn't help trembling, "How can I, a woman, be able to explain the factional disputes in the imperial court? Do you know the literati rebellion at the Mid-Autumn Festival Poetry Festival? Wang Taishi took advantage of this to wipe out political enemies in the court. , finally moved the prime minister down, and your uncle was implicated as a partisan."

Wei Sipei and Baozhu really don't know about this matter. The sky is high and the emperor is far away. Common people like them think about the price of vegetables and oil every day. They care too much about their own lives. My own life is too far away.

Only when such a big event happens, are restaurants and teahouses afraid that it will go viral?On a normal day, even if Baozhu went to the teahouse and heard about it, she might just take it as gossip, but seeing Mrs. Xia's sad expression, she suddenly realized that such a big event happened to Uncle Si Pei body!

Turning to look at Wei Sipei, seeing that his brows were still frowning slightly, sensing Baozhu's gaze, Mrs. Xia shook her head and sighed, "Hey, it's your first time here, you should be happy, and grandma shouldn't have said so much The family is unlucky, so you don't have to depress your hearts."

Wei Sipei shook his head, "What is grandma talking about? Since we are a family, if my uncle is in trouble, I am as worried as grandma."

Bao Zhu also answered with a smile, "I'm ashamed to say that, although we two common people are also worried about uncle, we can't help in this matter, and we can't relieve grandma's worries."

Mrs. Xia laughed, "Look at this sweet little mouth." She patted the table with one hand, "It's just that my grandson-in-law says she can't help, but she may not."

Wei Sipei doubted, "Grandma might as well say clearly, if you can help, Baozhu and I will always help uncle."

"Okay!" Mrs. Xia slapped the table and stood up. Just as she was about to speak, the servant girl outside said that the third master had returned. Just after she finished speaking, there was a burst of footsteps outside. A moment later, a tall, thin and thin man came in , a middle-aged man with a mustache, he entered the hall and looked around, his eyes quickly locked on Wei Sipei who was sitting opposite Mrs. Xia, with a look of scrutiny and inquiry, his eyes turned around Wei Sipei.

Baozhu and Wei Sipei hurriedly stood up to greet him, he raised his eyebrows a little, nodded and said, "My nephew and nephew-in-law have come all the way, stay here for a few more days before leaving."

Baozhu could see that he was smiling indifferently, and his tone of voice was somewhat formulaic promise, totally different from the ardent family affection written in Mrs. Xia's letter, and she was somewhat surprised by it.

Just as he was thinking about it, Mrs. Xia and Zhang scolded him, "Look at what you said, why do you stay at your own house for a few more days before leaving? Naturally, you can stay as long as you want." Smiling and looking at Xia Madam, "Isn't that what Mother said?"

Mrs. Xia was a little absent-minded at the moment, she responded with a smile, and said to Xia Zhong, "I was talking about your elder brother with Si Pei just now."

He said oh, and waved his hand, "That's the wrong time for me to come, mother might as well continue talking."

Mrs. Xia glared at him, glanced at the sky, and told the maid behind her, "Come on, it's getting late, prepare some delicious meals." Then she said to everyone: "The two children can't just focus on being with me. The old lady is talking, after sitting all this time, I am afraid that I will be hungry, and I will go on the road for days, and I will take a rest early after dinner, and I will talk about it tomorrow if I have anything to say."

Wei Sipei is not impatient either, although he was thinking about what grandma said just now, seeing that she didn't mention it, he didn't bother to ask.Baozhu didn't say much, and felt that since the matter could be entrusted to the two of them, it was not a good thing.

After dinner, Mrs. Xia arranged for the two of them to go back to their room early to rest.

With those doubts in his heart, Baozhu pulled him to sit down as soon as the door was closed, and briefly described the contemptuous expression of the third concubine, he touched Baozhu's head with a distressed expression, "It's not my fault, let Baozhu stay in Xiafu I'm so angry, if she's still like that tomorrow, let's move out, okay?"

Baozhu shook her head, "I don't care about these small things, I just want to analyze everyone in the Xia family with you." She continued: "Except for the third concubine, I think your third uncle is also weird."

He nodded, comprehended and said, "I'm also a little surprised by Uncle San's attitude today."

Baozhu remembered that she hadn't seen Sipei's second uncle because of something, and she didn't know what kind of person he was, and thought that Sipei's mother was the second child at home, so she sighed: "Originally your mother was the second child, so I didn't expect her to leave Xia Home, even the ranking..."

Wei Sipei pursed his lips, "I should have kicked my mother out of the house a long time ago."

Baozhu flattened her mouth, "All in all, I came here with full expectations, but I was a little disappointed later, especially seeing your third uncle being so indifferent and polite to you, I always felt that your grandma's letter lied to us, she said you two This uncle talks about you all the time, I think it's all lies! Besides, you came from a long way, since you recognize each other and don't go to the grave, your grandma will always ask you to put a stick of incense on your grandfather's memorial tablet, right? She didn't mention anything about it today." Glancing at him, she leaned forward and put his arm around him and asked, "Tell me the truth, are you happy today?"

Wei Sipei nodded, "Baozhu and I thought about going together. Actually, I was a little disappointed. I came here with enthusiasm. When I learned that my uncle was imprisoned, I was very sad, but what my grandma said was not true. Treat me like an outsider."

Baozhu sat on his lap and leaned her head on his shoulder, "Don't worry too much, do you remember what my father said earlier? If your grandma and uncle don't treat you sincerely, let's just play for a few days and go back to Yan Zhou is, you have my father, mother, your father, and me by your side, and they all treat you sincerely!"

He smiled, and lightly clasped Baozhu's hands, "Yes, with you by my side, I have nothing to be dissatisfied with." After thinking for a while, he said, "It's just that we shouldn't prejudge grandma and uncles. Putting aside the attitude, I should have done the visit to the grave for my mother, maybe my grandma will arrange it tomorrow. What do you think of what grandma just said?"

Baozhu thought for a while, "Actually, I don't understand, we don't know the high officials in the capital, how can we help your uncle? If it comes to money, obviously your grandma's house is richer..."

Wei Sipei nodded and smiled lightly, "I'm afraid it's not about these two things."

Baozhu raised her eyebrows and looked at him, "You know?"

He shook his head, "I'm guessing that maybe they want to arrange a marriage for me? Use marriage to dredge the relationship?"

The more Baozhu thought about it, the more she felt that it was reasonable, and she immediately lowered her face, "No wonder your grandma praised you for being handsome when she saw you today, as expected your appearance met her requirements, if you were ugly, we would be kicked out if we didn't enter the door Li! This is good, you want to get married, what can I do as a regular wife? Is it possible... Your grandma will not take advantage of the darkness of the moon and the wind to kill me..."

He smiled and shook his head, "This girl, the more you say it, the more outrageous it is, why didn't you realize that I was teasing you?"

Baozhu was dubious and cast a sideways glance at him, "On the day we got married, you said yourself that you should take good care of me. Your father made mistakes first, so don't follow in his footsteps. When you see a young and beautiful official lady, you abandon me! "

She wanted to say more, Wei Sipei hurriedly stretched out his index finger to press her lips, and said with a smile: "It's really a joke, Baozhu doesn't even think about it, if grandma really planned that way, she should have done everything possible to break us up earlier, how could it be so far away?" Send those congratulatory gifts?"

Baozhu straightened his face, stretched out both hands and pulled vigorously on both sides, and said angrily, "But why am I so happy to see you!?"

He hissed in pain, Baozhu let go of his hand, the corners of his lips were still smiling, "Seeing Baozhu's tense appearance, I am very happy."

(End of this chapter)

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