Chapter 199
On the second day, as soon as the fish belly turned white in the east, the two of Baozhu woke up together. There was already a maidservant waiting outside with a basin of towels.

The two stayed in the room until it was bright, and the old lady Xia called someone, and the servant girl led them all the way to the main hall, only to see that the whole family of Xia's family was sitting in the hall, even the two who hadn't seen it yesterday. Uncle is among them.

Mrs. Xia hurriedly got up and waved, "Did you and Baozhu rest well yesterday?"

Wei Sipei came forward with a smile, saw two empty chairs, took Baozhu to sit down, and replied with a smile: "It's enough to rest, I feel very energetic today."

Mrs. Xia nodded, "That's good." She pointed to the middle-aged man on her right hand, "I didn't see you yesterday, this is your second uncle."

Baozhu looked up at him when she heard the words, his facial features were much inferior to those of his third uncle, he had a round face, a big nose, a fat figure, and a very friendly smile on his face, Baozhu remembered that he had opened a dozen or so grain farms, He is a serious businessman, no wonder he exudes an amiable aura.

"This morning, I specially ordered the cook to make some Jeju-style steamed buns. My nephew and his wife should try more." Xia Zhongyuan smiled and pushed the plate in front of him, but he didn't seem unfamiliar at all.

Wei Sipei thanked him with a smile, Baozhu originally wanted to say a few words of thanks, but the surrounding atmosphere made her inexplicably feel that the Xia family's rules are very strict, and since entering the hall, she has not heard a word from the two concubines, so Thinking about it, he didn't say a word anymore, and obediently ate the steamed stuffed bun.

After the meal, Xia Zhongyan told Mrs. Xia to go to the shop, nodded slightly to Wei Sipei and went out, the two sister-in-laws also said goodbye and went back to the room.

Mrs. Xia thought that there were too many people serving her, so she even sent away the servant girls. Apart from the two of them, there were only grandma and second uncle left in the living room. Only Mrs. Xia didn't talk too much, and only Xia Zhongyuan pulled Wei Sipei from all over the world. Chatting freely, talking about the food, clothing, housing and transportation when I went to the north, and the noodles in the north, I described it vividly, "The second uncle went back there once, and I was really shocked. Where is the bowl? Comparable Serve our soup bowls, a bowl of noodles is enough for three or four of us. As for other foods, they are far from our hometown. We in Jeju always eat rice as the staple food, but in the north we are used to eating noodles, but we need to stay longer to get used to it. I think the northerners are very generous and hospitable.”
Wei Sipei smiled and said, "As the saying goes, one side supports one side's people. The north and the south each have their own advantages. The south side has outstanding people. Since ancient times, there have been more outstanding talents. The four great talents of the Celestial Dynasty are all southerners."

"One of them is from our Jeju." Xia Zhongyuan answered with a smile.

In all fairness, in just half an hour, Baozhu has developed a lot of affection for this second uncle. He has traveled far and wide and knows a thing or two about the local customs and customs of various places. People laughed out loud.

"Speaking of talents, my uncle is a bit puzzled. Why didn't Sipei go to school to take the exam?" Xia Zhongyuan shook his head and regretted, "Listening to my nephew, I only think that my nephew is talented and intelligent. It's a pity that he didn't take the exam."

Wei Sipei shook his head with a smile, "I lived with my father since I was a child, and I have been fascinated by it. I prefer to study medicine."

"Oh..." He nodded and said, "I'm not thinking about getting fame." Thinking of something, he sighed again: "You must have heard about your uncle's past yesterday. If he hadn't worked hard to get fame, the Xia family would definitely Without today, my nephew is already far smarter than your uncle, so it would be a pity not to study."

Mrs. Xia, who hadn't spoken for a long time, also let out a long sigh, "Your eldest brother has been busy for most of his life for the Xia family, and now he is in jail, but you and the third child have no ability to rescue him. In other words, we have lost your eldest brother."

Wei Sipei listened silently and didn't answer, Xia Zhongyuan laughed at himself, "I heard that anyone who has something to do with the imperial court, if you take care of it a little bit, they will be released, but where do we go with the imperial court?" Make friends with middle-aged people? Sigh..." He sighed, and said to Sipei: "To tell you the truth, my nephew, uncle has not slept well these days. The first thing is that I am afraid that my nephew will have to deal with it..."

Wei Sipei was obviously not surprised by what he said. He narrowed his eyes slightly, tapped the handrails with both hands regularly, and asked with a smile after a while: "But it has something to do with the Han family? Besides, I really can't think of anything else." My nephew can play tricks." Although he smiled, there was some mockery in that smile.

Xia Zhongyuan took a closer look at his face and knew what he was thinking, and sighed, "How come uncle doesn't know about the grievances between you and your father these years, if it hadn't been for something like this in the family, he shouldn't have involved his nephew, just because he was with you back then. Your mother's matter was strongly opposed by parents, Han Yuanpei probably hated us so much, and now he was afraid that our family would be ruined, so how could he lend a helping hand?"

Mrs. Xia also had a sad look on her face, "Things are unpredictable. I never imagined that our Xia family would have a day to seek that poor scholar! Grandma discussed with your uncle for a long time, and found that there is no other way to think of this matter except you. , I should have discussed it with you in the letter long ago, but you blame grandma for calling you here without telling this matter?"

Wei Sipei shook his head with a light smile, "Things are urgent, and my uncle is in trouble, so grandma can't worry about anything else."

"It's really a coincidence." Baozhu put down her teacup, a sneer escaped from her lips, and she said to herself, no wonder she didn't know that Sipei had a grandma before, but it turned out that there was nothing to use him for, and if something happened, it would not be too difficult to find it. Minute matter?

Wei Sipei gently took her hand and squeezed it comfortingly, "Grandma was so eager to find me that she would spare no effort to find me. Now that I have found it, if I can do something for the Xia family, I should be able to." It made up for the tragedy caused by my mother back then."

Mrs. Xia said awkwardly, "This child, look at what he said? Grandma has always missed your mother and you these years, and you are always the grandson that grandma kissed. This time, besides this matter, naturally I also want to kiss you We met on the grave of my grandfather..."

Xia Zhongyuan hit the railway while it was hot, "I'm afraid my nephew still doesn't know about it. Mr. Xu, Zuo Zongzheng of the clan's mansion, is from Bianzhou. Mrs. Han's natal sister married Mrs. Xu's youngest son as a concubine five years ago, and that relative is Mrs. Xu I went to my hometown in Bianzhou to look for it myself, and it was quite a sensation." He wanted to say more, but Wei Sipei waved his hand to stop him, got up and said goodbye, "Grandma and uncle don't worry, I'll go back to my room and write a letter to the Han family. I have too many hopes, I have no contact with the Han family these years, let alone the slightest friendship, Madam Han may also hate me to the bone, if things fail, I am afraid there will be no other way."

Mrs. Xia wept with joy, "If he thinks about the kinship with you, there is always a chance. Grandma knows that this has made things difficult for you. You must also blame grandma in your heart for being so eager to find you..."

Wei Sipei smiled to himself, nodded and said, "I'm a little tired, so I'll go back to my room and write a letter."

After the two of them left the door, Mrs. Xia sighed, "If I knew he was so reluctant today, I should have sent someone to look for him, but the Han family took the lead. Now it seems that we are usually cold and needy. I only think about family love when I am a human being."

Xia Zhongyuan said: "Mother is too greedy, since she asked him to beg his father, is it possible that he would still be grateful to us? Fortunately, he finally agreed today, so I will send someone to the Han Mansion to inform you. I also got people here for him, Jeju and Bianzhou are only half a day away, and the rest is easy to talk about."

Mrs. Xia sighed softly, "I don't think the little girl is a fuel-efficient lamp. It's better to cope with it these few days. Don't make changes in the middle."

Xia Zhongyuan responded, and said disapprovingly, "When we reach the boundary of Jeju, even if he refuses to agree, I can't help him. I'm only worried about one thing." He walked around the hall and said worriedly: "Our agreement with the Han family has been settled. It has been achieved, I think he will keep his promise, right?"

Mrs. Xia snorted, "He is a perfidious and poor scholar, even if he is well-off now, he has to be guarded against. This is what I just told you, always treat Sipei well."

Xia Zhongyuan smiled and said, "Mother is right, Jiang must be old and hot. Just look at Han Yuanpei's eager attitude to recognize each other, we are getting closer to Si Pei, and he will always treat us three points."


Wei Sipei sat at the desk for an indefinite amount of time, Baozhu sighed, stepped forward and grabbed the brush, "If you can't think of it, I'll write it for you!"

He pursed his lips, "Let me write it."

Baozhu sighed, "I thought about it just now, and I finally figured it out. The purpose of our trip is very obvious. Your grandma couldn't wait for our arrival yesterday, and now I'm calling your naughty second uncle again." One way to persuade you, is to force you to beg your father with the kind of family affection! Where did you come here to recognize your relatives!?" He pouted, "How did you follow their wishes so easily?!"

He didn't look annoyed at all, instead he comforted Bao Zhu, "Although grandma used me, but that person is indeed my uncle. Why is it unreasonable for her to find a grandson who lives outside for uncle's sake?"

"The reason why I agreed straight away was because of my family love. After all, she gave birth to my mother. Second, it was true that my mother was at fault. Grandpa died for my mother. My mother's spirit in the sky is afraid that it will be too late. I am ashamed of Grandpa, if I can help Xia Mansion for her once, I will finally let my mother feel at ease."

Baozhu raised her eyebrows, "So, you are doing it for your mother?"

He nodded, "To tell you the truth, Baozhu, in fact, I am not as sad as I imagined when I found out about grandma's thoughts. Over the years, I have no ties with my grandma's family. Although my grandma and uncle have used me, but When you come to the Xia Mansion, you can feel the breath of your mother, so it’s not a waste of time.” After a pause, he glanced at the paper, shook his head and smiled wryly: “This letter is really hard for me, please let me have a hard time. Think about it."

Baozhu nodded, her tone was still a little angrily, "After helping them this time, let's go back to Yanzhou, and we don't need to go back and forth anymore. I can look for you tomorrow morning. I'm sorry that something happened to your uncle, and I think of you." Dad has a way, so Baba invited you here, it's really chilling! If you help her today because of various affections, if you help her this time, you will never owe her any more, and you don't have to deal with her!"

(End of this chapter)

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