Chapter 208
The next day, when it was just dawn, Baozhu was gently woken up by Wei Sipei, "Baozhu, get up, I'm going back to the village to see my parents today."

Baozhu pursed her mouth and shrunk into a small ball on the bed, stretched in a daze, and slowly opened her eyes. After a momentary trance, her eyes became clearer. She looked at the familiar bed curtains around her and the familiar furnishings around her. It turns out that this is my home, no wonder I slept so deeply that night, smiling and stretching out my arms, coquettishly leaning on my body and refusing to get up.

Wei Sipei fetched clothes one by one from the side of the couch, and stretched out his hand to pull her up with a smile, "Why is Baozhu in a trance?"

Baozhu grinned, "We were still in Bianzhou in the dream, and when we woke up, we were in our own room. I don't know how happy we are."

After a lot of tossing and washing, I went out of the room. My uncle had already set up the cart in the yard. Seeing the two of them, he laughed and said, "The little pony will be able to pull the cart next year, and Baozhu won't need to sit on the bullock anymore." Carriage."

Wei Sipei called his uncle softly, walked into the yard with a smile to talk to him, and Baozhu went into the kitchen in the front yard to help the second sister-in-law, and vaguely heard him say: "You don't have to indulge us little ones in these things. Baozhu and Baozhu are two young people, it doesn't hurt to ride an ox cart, my uncle often travels around, it's much more convenient to have a carriage, after a while..."

Inside and outside the words, she actually regarded him as her own relatives, Baozhu couldn't help but bend her lips, and her steps became brisk.

It was already the first ten days of November at this time, although the sun was shining outside, the weather had already turned cold, the cold wind blew past, and I only felt a chill on my neck.

After breakfast, Wei Sipei brought a small thick shawl from the room to Baozhu, because he had just taken her pulse a few days ago and felt a little cold, so he paid special attention to the weather, and saw that although the weather was clear today, it was windy outside , so she insisted on letting her wear more. Originally, Baozhu wanted to refuse, but she gave up when she saw his insistence.

The items sent by the Han family were still on the shelf in the living room, she only put 500 taels of silver bills in her bosom and took them to her parents, it was the first time she carried so much money in her bosom, and she kept chattering with Wei Sipei along the way.

"In the past few years of opening a shop, I have earned at most three or forty taels a year. Last year, the business was booming, and it was 40 taels a year. This is still a whole year's income. With so much money coming in, I am happy, but I feel happy. I have no idea." She shook her head and thought for a while, then tilted her head and said to him: "Then how do you feel? I just feel that the money in my arms is not my own, but picked up by the side of the road."

Wei Sipei was driving ahead, and upon hearing this, he couldn't help but burst out laughing, coughing a few times, and slowly, then turned to look at her, his eyes were full of affection, "Little Cai Fan" , the 500 taels belong to Baozhu. With this money, Baozhu has worked hard for many years. Didn’t Baozhu always want to open a branch store? The money is enough to open a store in the state capital. If you don’t open a branch store, you can also give To buy a house in Erge County, it is enough to go to Yanzhou Prefecture to buy a house and land."

Baozhu nodded, and let out a soft breath, "It really saved a lot of time." He let him talk, and then thought of the branch in the state capital, and smiled lightly: "You said that if our Chen Ji fast food has a store in the state capital What's the scene like when we leave the branch?"

Wei Sipei turned his head, frowned and said: "But if you say that, Baozhu will go to the state capital after getting married? If that's the case, I'd better take back what I said earlier."

Baozhu gave him a smile and gave him a look, "Going to the state capital is always a big deal. My parents decided to move to the county to live with us. We will talk about it later. If we really have that kind of strength, we will be able to live with you in the county." It's not impossible to relocate, anyway, don't even think about getting rid of me!"

The ox cart was walking slowly on the road, chattering gossip like this, two hours passed quickly, and before I knew it, the surrounding scenery was already a small farmyard from house to house, the early winter had come, and the trees stood bare on both sides of the road, Baozhu sat back to back with him, talking to him intermittently, while carefully observing the scenery of the village.

She feels that she is really a very lucky person. Not only did God give her a second chance to be reborn, but she grew up with such a childhood sweetheart husband and son-in-law to rely on, and even her money became more abundant. The unsatisfactory life, the poor days after the separation, the departure of the second aunt, the conflict with the old home, these troublesome things have been turned into the past like pages of a book.This afternoon, she only felt that she was extremely happy and satisfied.

Still immersed in his thoughts, the ox cart stopped after a pause, Wei Sipei put down the whip rope, looked back at her with a smile, and said loudly: "Father and mother, Baozhu and I are back."

After a while, there was a commotion in the yard, and Wang yelled joyfully in the yard, "Her father, Runsheng, hurry up, baby Baozhu is back!"

She and Chen Tiegui went out to greet each other chattering, and Wang was overjoyed, "Oh! Why did you come here today! I didn't expect it to be so fast. After walking for so many days, it will be a good time for my parents." Note!"

Chen Tiegui smiled and took the cattle rope into the yard, while asking Si Pei, "How is your grandma? Why did you come back in only half a month? After all, you didn't stay at Xia's house for many days?"

Runsheng followed Wang and smiled, "Now that my brother-in-law is married, there are still many chances to go later."

Mrs. Wang smiled hurriedly, "Yes, yes, I can go every year in the future! Parents are still at ease with Si Pei."

When Fang entered the hall, Wei Sipei sighed, "This time, it's going well or not."

Mrs. Wang hurriedly said: "What's wrong? But you are not in good health, grandma?"

Baozhu smiled and leaned against Mrs. Wang, and sat down with her mother, and said: "By chance, I met his own father once. Although I didn't recognize each other, I got his father's wish."

At this time Chen Tiegui entered the house from the courtyard, and sat down in the living room, seeing that there were five people in the room, and the topic had already started, Baozhu then babbled and recounted everything that happened after he left in an orderly manner.

During the period, Wei Sipei only smiled and interjected a few words, especially when Baozhu sighed and sighed that Mr. Han carefully arranged to attract Xia's family to send them there, and Qingliang was poisoned, he shook his head helplessly and said with a smile Baozhu's narration is biased, saying that he is not a dead end, after all, it is the human heart, where is the stone?On the one hand, he felt Han Yuanpei's affection for him, and on the other hand, he couldn't forget that he bore his mother's hatred. He was really disturbed for a while, and he didn't think about it until before he left, and he had balanced these two emotions in his heart. .

"Since he has that kind of blood relationship with me, I don't recognize him. If I have descendants in the future, I should let him see him. If he is old and has nowhere to go, even though he can't come to serve him, he will always go to visit him." The implication is that even though he can't die for him, if he goes, he will go back and put on mourning.He actually wanted to use another kind of indifferent relationship like a distant relative to maintain his connection with Master Han, replacing the relationship between father and son.

Both Wang's and Chen Tiegui's faces were moved. After a while, Chen Tiegui sighed and said: "Your father has become such a big official, and you have to have a daughter. He still misses you all these years, but he has some heart. I was too foolish when I was young, and now I can get such a forgiveness from you, I have no regrets."

"En." Wei Sipei responded softly, "After this matter is figured out, I won't worry about it anymore, and my parents don't worry about me either."

Mrs. Wang nodded in relief, "Speaking of it, the Xia family should be on good terms with you in the first place, but those big family members don't know what to think, and it's a waste of time to get along with each other." After a pause, he sighed: "After all, it's your grandma, and it's just a matter of casual communication in the future."

Wei Sipei smiled, "Bao Zhu and I also meant the same thing. Now, I don't blame grandma in my heart, but she didn't recognize me at that time from the bottom of my heart. Now that I'm back, my uncle has let me go. I'm afraid Very little contact."

Baozhu stood up, stretched her waist, looked towards the yard, and asked with a smile, "Have you seen your sister-in-law and nephew yet? Sister Xiujuan is nowhere to be seen either."

Mrs. Wang chuckled, "Your eldest niece sleeps upside down day and night, and your sister-in-law wakes up to breastfeed all day and night. She is resting with Xiujuan at the moment. It won't be too late to call her for lunch later."

Baozhu nodded, because the 500 taels of bank notes hadn't been arranged yet, she didn't want anyone other than her parents to know, so she smiled and pulled Mrs. Wang into the room, saying that she wanted to ask a private question.

Wei Sipei knew what she was thinking a long time ago, so he took a narrow look at her and started talking to Chen Tiegui. Runsheng hurriedly thought of going to the east to invite Wei Yuan, saying that they had only left before, and then Wei Yuan went back to the village to harvest corn and fiddle with the two acres of land. I'm afraid I don't know they're coming back, so I invite the whole family to get together.

In the wing room, the mother and daughter got on the kang, and Baozhu told Mrs. Wang about the 500 taels of silver.

Mrs. Wang thought about it for a while, then shook her head and said, "The money was given by my aunt and father. You and Si Pei can keep it for yourself. There will be a lot of money for opening a shop and buying a house in the future. If you pay back your father-in-law, If you are interested, go and ask your father-in-law to see what your plans are, but we can't benefit from all the benefits in our house."

Baozhu knew that Mrs. Wang would say this, so she laughed immediately, "Mother forgot, we still have [-] mu of land, and I took those fields out to work with Brother Runsheng and my father-in-law, and I have a house, so I thought, The Wu family paid money to buy a house for the eldest brother and sister-in-law, and now the second brother has nowhere to go, why don't you find a house for the second brother in the county?"

Wang smiled and said to her, "You, I have only been thinking about the people in our house these years. Don't worry about your second brother's house. He has his own hands and feet, and his daughter-in-law can do it, but he can't afford it. Parents If you save for a few more years, you will be able to help me, let alone those [-] acres of land? Saving money is easier than in previous years. My child’s heart, mother understands, just keep the money for yourself, don’t worry about it all day long Don't worry, you Brother Runsheng are not the kind of people who can't bear hardships."

Among the children, Wang's heart is still extremely partial to Baozhu, so what he said now is inevitably a little biased.

(End of this chapter)

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