Chapter 209
"As for those properties, mother has discussed with your father. Although it is a dowry gift, since it is recorded in Si Pei's name, you can remember it, and don't change it. How can Si Pei's parents know? Your father He also said that the field should not belong to us. It was his father who owed their mother and son. The father and son have lived in such poverty these years. Our Chen family should not extend that hand. My father and mother can enjoy the blessing of my daughter in their lifetime. Forget it, if your parents are gone, will your two elder brothers be able to enjoy your favor from time to time? With such a capable girl, they should work hard on their own these years."

The implication was that she didn't plan to take the forty mu of land back to the family division in the future. Baozhu wanted to persuade Wang Shi again, but she just opened her mouth, and Wang Shi laughed, "This is what your father meant, mother." I also think so, my baby is living a good life in this life, it is better than anything else, mother is happy that my baby and Si Pei are living a prosperous life."

Baozhu's eyes turned red, she hugged Wang's arm suddenly, and said distressedly: "I just want my parents to enjoy happiness with me, but my parents plan everything for me."

Wang turned her head, smiled kindly, and patted Baozhu on the shoulder, "You get married and live alone in the future, these parents will always plan for you."

Baozhu nodded silently, and Wang started talking about the bank notes again.

"500 taels is a big amount, and it's not a big deal to put it in the hands of your parents. Your second brother and second sister-in-law are simple and honest people, so they have no other thoughts. Although your elder brother is not greedy, it's hard to guarantee what your second sister-in-law and the Wu family think. Originally, adding a house cost the Wu family a lot of money... Xiujuan is a girl again, she is a big girl every day, and in the future she will always be more competitive than your two elder brothers. Something went wrong with the money, mother was thinking about the money, I will keep it for myself, who can make up your mind about your and Si Pei's private money?"

Baozhu understood her mother's thoughts a little bit, at first she only wanted to hand over the money to her parents happily, but she didn't consider it so thoughtful at all, she just felt that it was still like before she got married, she just took it from her mother when it was time to use it, now Hearing her mother's embarrassment, she felt a little regretful, and then thought about it, the forty mu of land was all recorded in Wei Sipei's name, and her parents would have no worries about eating and drinking for the rest of their lives, so she nodded immediately, which was regarded as her mother's suggestion .

After being moved, thinking of Brother Runsheng and Sister-in-law Chunxiang, Baozhu insisted on negotiating with Mrs. Wang again. Leaving aside the land for the time being, as a younger sister, I have a lot of money now. It costs a few dozen taels. It's a matter of little effort, and it shouldn't be shelved because of emotion and reason. The matter of buying a house for the second brother should be settled, and we will start to buy it next year.

Seeing that Baozhu listened to the persuasion in front of her, Mrs. Wang insisted on helping Runsheng, and she couldn't help but feel a little relieved, "If you have such thoughts, mother can still stop you? Your second sister-in-law and her father don't say anything." That's right? You, Brother Runsheng, are blessed to have such a good girl like you and miss him."

The two were talking, when a clear voice came from the main room from far to near, Wei Sipei lifted the curtain to enter the room, and approached with a smile, "Mother, don't say that, what is there to say when brothers and sisters support each other?" As the saying goes, it’s hard to send charcoal in the snow, but it’s easy to make icing on the cake, and Baozhu and I got five hundred silver coins, so just buying a house for the second brother is really not a big favor.”

"This child, Wen Zou Zou's, just said that the mother can't answer the words for a while." Wang smiled and gave him a look, raised his chin outward, and asked: "Your father?"

Wei Sipei sat down at the round table with a smile, "I was talking to my father in the hall. I saw that they were chatting happily, so I came over to see what Baozhu was talking about with mother."

Mrs. Wang nodded, "If you really make up your mind to help Runsheng, your mother won't stop you. The house doesn't need to be much better. It can be compared to your third aunt's house, and the price is more affordable. Both your second brother and sister-in-law Not the one who picks and chooses." After a pause, he told him: "Don't say anything to the outside world, just say that your parents did it, and your mother will let your second sister-in-law know in private. I can also remember the relationship between you and Baozhu."

After thinking about it for a while, Wei Sipei understood Wang's intentions, but he is an uncle, and he has a different standpoint from Baozhu. He knew that a bowl of water should be flat, so he said to Wang: "Brother, if you decide on a new house next year, It can always help one or two."

Mrs. Wang waved her hand, "When we become relatives, everyone lives their own lives, and everyone can take care of them all the time? Niang was just talking to Baozhu, your elder brother has fame and fame, and he has found a serious job. Wu The government treats Linglong generously, he is the eldest brother, so it is your little one's turn to worry?"

Wei Sipei nodded lightly, smiled and beckoned to Baozhu, "Baozhu, get off the kang."

Baozhu raised an eyebrow at him, and seeing him smiling, she hurriedly put on her shoes and got off the kang, then he stood up, took her hand, and said with a smile: "Father and mother treat us so heartily, since we got married, why not?" I haven't cooked a meal for my parents, let's go to the kitchen together and make some delicious food for my parents."

He lost his mother since he was a child, Wei Yuan cooked when he was young, and when he was older, father and son would often take turns, and he would often go down to the stove to beat eggs for Wei Yuan, so he was no stranger to the stove.The two of them hadn't worked on the stove together yet, Baozhu smiled and agreed immediately, and dragged him to the stove.

When they entered the kitchen, they saw Mrs. Wang's waking dough on the chopping board, and the two discussed making noodles.

Baozhu kneaded the dough, Wei Sipei washed his hands, pulled a few green onions from the yard, knelt down to help him, Baozhu told him about Cai Niang's decision just now while rolling the dough, he was not surprised when he heard it, He suddenly raised his head and blinked at her, "If I have some brothers and sisters, will Baozhu treat them like the second brother?"

Baozhu squinted her eyes and thought for a moment, then wrinkled her nose mischievously at him, "How can it be the same? My brothers and sisters must be treated favorably, followed by yours!"

Wei Sipei shook his head helplessly, fixedly looked at Baozhu and smiled, "I'm not angry, as long as Baozhu treats me well."

Baozhu laughed and scolded him, "Do you believe what's teasing you?" She accepted the joke and said to him seriously: "Brother Sipei, I'm actually not a sage, I only treat him well when others treat me well. You’ve seen it since I was a child, the two brothers and I have a very deep relationship, and when I have some money in the county, I always think about doing something for my parents and brothers.” After a pause, he sighed, “To my grandma and grandpa. I don’t care so much about my sister, who said that grandma treated our family badly! My sister is also a duplicity, and she often whispered bad things about my mother in front of grandma!"

He hummed lightly, and sighed because of these, "I have always believed in cause and effect, some things can be forgiven, and some things are afraid to be remembered for a lifetime."

Baozhu was silent for a while, and said in a muffled voice, "Brother Sipei has such a gentle temper that he can bear grudges, and I can't help but remember the reputation my grandma made my mother in the village, I always feel a little uncomfortable. "

He didn't know when he got up, and when he heard the words, he stood behind Baozhu and lightly pecked her pink cheeks, Baozhu immediately blushed in shock, frowned at him, and picked up the rolling pin as if to hit her, but he quickly grabbed her Baozhu said with a serious expression: "These things are over. When I go to the county, my parents don't have to be angry anymore, and Baozhu don't think about the past. I don't want Baozhu to be sad."

Baozhu laughed, and urged him to bring a pot of water, and was busy frying the whistle again.

Before dinner, Xiujuan had already got the news, she hurried to the kitchen as soon as she got up, she was still a little timid when she saw Wei Sipei, she asked her brother-in-law hello and then kept silent, Wei Sipei saw that she recognized her birth, so she went to the living room to talk to her parents Narrative, let the sisters have a good chat.

As soon as he left, Xiujuan really became active, giggling and biting Baozhu's ear, "Brother-in-law just stood for a long time before leaving, and he dared not open his mouth even if he wanted to talk to my sister. I feel so uncomfortable."

Baozhu could hear the dissatisfaction in her tone, thinking that Wei Sipei would also be bored by others one day, she couldn't help laughing out loud.

The two sisters haven't seen each other for several days, and they have a lot of things to say, but there is a gap in age between her and Baozhu, some things are hard to say to her, so I just pick up some scenic snacks along the way and briefly talk about them, Xiujuan has never She had traveled far away before, and she was full of envy when she heard it, and kept yelling that she would go far away to see the outside world when she had a chance in the future.

Because Mrs. Wu was still in confinement, she couldn't get out of bed, and everyone in the house ate in the living room, but she didn't go out all day. Mrs. Wang made a special trip into the kitchen room and asked Baozhu to leave a big bowl of whistle for Mrs. Wu. More face-to-face kisses, "Your sister-in-law just gave birth, you should greet her well as a sister-in-law."

Baozhu nodded, and carried the noodles to Wu's room. As soon as she entered the hall, she heard soft voices teasing the baby. Baozhu couldn't help grinning, pushed the door open and entered the room, "Sister-in-law has eaten."

Wu Shi was breastfeeding, she smiled and looked up at Bao Zhu, "Just now I heard Xiu Juan say that you are back, sister-in-law can't get out of bed to say hello to you now, did the trip to Jeju go smoothly this time?"

Baozhu hummed, and answered absently, "It's going well overall." As she spoke, her attention had been attracted by the little baby, and she couldn't help sticking out her head to look at the little baby curiously, giggling, "It's so white and fat, but it's a big deal!" name?"

Wu Shi nodded, lowered her head and looked softly at the baby in her arms, "Chen Yueqing, her baby name is Yueya'er."

Bao Zhu stared at Wu Shi without blinking, and suddenly smiled and said: "My sister-in-law has given birth to a baby, and she is more friendly than before, with a loving look in her eyebrows and eyes."

Mrs. Wu shot her a look, "It's different when you become a mother." After a pause, she joked: "In a few years, Baozhu should take turns to have children."

Baozhu chuckled, "If I become a mother and be as loving as my sister-in-law, I can't wait to see it!"

Wu-shi is not as easy to get along with as Chunxiang, Baozhu always has a sweeter mouth in front of her, Wu-shi's brows relaxed after hearing that, and she smiled and talked to Baozhu for a while, after she had eaten, Baozhu finally out the door.

The day passed very quickly, Baozhu and Baozhu set off as soon as the sun set. During this day, after seeing her parents, Baozhu felt at ease. On the way back, she couldn’t help feeling elated. Seeing that the year is approaching, the fast food shop is stable , the rest is busy with the embroiderer and the dim sum shop. In a few days, my sister-in-law will hold a full moon wine, and when my parents come, I will also take time to take care of the fields in the suburbs of the county.

Thinking about a month ago, I was still helpless about the land purchase in the county. In just these few days, there have been such earth-shaking changes. Thinking about it this way, I feel extremely comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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