Full of food and color

Chapter 210 He's Jealous

Chapter 210 He's Jealous
The next day, Baozhu went to the third aunt's house again, and her cold had improved a lot, but she was a little depressed, and when she talked about accumulating virtue, she angrily scolded him for being stubborn, and held Baozhu to cry very sadly, complaining Why didn't she like her cousin? If she hadn't rejected him at the beginning, how harmonious would the two families be now?
Baozhu is not annoyed, now that she is married, Baozhu knows that her aunt's heart has long been extinguished, and this is not a real complaint, she just sees that Jide can't let go, she feels uncomfortable, and she just finds someone to vent. There were only a few comforting words back and forth, and she wanted to change the subject, so she talked to the third aunt about the embroidery work, not to mention, Chen Ji dim sum is popular in the provincial capital, and she is afraid that she will be busy in the future, so she just Taking care of the embroiderer's errands is leisurely, and there are many less things to worry about. It is much more leisurely than being in a fast food shop with people coming and going. If her girl wants to, she will take care of the embroidery work in the future.

Chen Cuixi thought about it for a while, then hurriedly nodded and agreed, wiped away tears, and sighed: "My aunt also wants to do more for you, but my body is not good, and I hurt my waist from work in the early years, so I can't help you all day long." , I think there shouldn’t be any problem with the embroidery work, sitting and resting all day long, what’s the problem? I’ll go when I need it!” Thinking of something, he started talking endlessly, “According to the current world, If Jide wins the Juren next autumn, I don't know how much money will be needed to clear it up, Gu Cheng can't stop worrying about him all day long, but his thoughts are still on you, do you think it makes people worry?"

Baozhu didn't quite understand the imperial examination system in this era, but she suddenly understood after listening to Sangu's rambling.

In this era, high school candidates are only qualified to be officials, and they are exempted from military service and are alternates for local officials.Having said that, however, one has to wait until there is a vacancy in the place before filling it. What is the head of this class?It would be easy to talk about it if there is money to clear it up. Those who don't have money to take care of one or two jobs may not be able to wait for half an official position in their lifetime.

Baozhu sighed inwardly, in this way, Sipei's father's situation back then, if he hadn't found a good relative, he might not be able to get ahead for the rest of his life, right?
Thinking of him, Baozhu immediately thought of Mrs. Han, the concubine's sister in the capital, and at the moment, she didn't talk to Sangu, she just comforted Chen Cuixi not to worry too much, money is up to her, she and Sipei can help. .

When I went back that night, I discussed this matter with Wei Sipei. He listened quietly and didn't say anything. He just stroked the green stubble on his chin, wondering what he was thinking. After a long while, he smiled lightly and said, "Baozhu What do you mean, ask Sangu to beg Master Han?"

Baozhu pursed her lips, and her tone was a little weak, "Who does the Han family recognize as the third aunt? Naturally, you have to speak."

He let out an "oh" and sighed, "Before Baozhu said he was tired of Mrs. Han, it turned out that he could ignore it for his sake." It was the first time that he expressed his dissatisfaction so bluntly, and he didn't reply when he saw Baozhu. Looking at her quietly for a moment, he sighed and said, "If you can't become an official through virtue, does Baozhu care?"

Baozhu turned her head and pouted, "What does it have to do with brother Jide? I can't bear to watch Sangu worry about it every day. It's up to you to help or not!"

When Baozhu saw that he really uttered an ooh, she stopped talking, turned around hastily, and said angrily: "Just ask your father to come forward to clear it up. I don't know where to go, and it's hard to say whether we can meet again in the future, what are you worried about?"

After waiting for a long time for his reply, a moment later, a cold hand covered hers, and a faint disappointed tone sounded from her ears, "Baozhu is so angry, I think I care about it." With a soft sigh, "You If he wants to, I'll write a letter and send it to him when he wins Juren, but I don't know if I have enough face." There was already a hint of self-deprecating self-deprecation in the words.

Baozhu turned her head to look at him, saw that his eyes were downcast, his face was extremely depressed, and his heart softened, she stepped forward and pouted to pull him up, bit her lips lightly, made up her mind, stomped her feet and said, "Thinking." Brother Pei, if you feel really uncomfortable, forget it, just pretend that I didn’t tell you, and I won’t be angry with you. Mother is right, we are married and live our own lives, so we don’t care about others Much, as long as we are happy and live a good life."

When he raised his eyes, the two looked at each other, he was a little surprised at the beginning, after a while, finally with a smile, he stretched out his hand to gently scratch the tip of Baozhu's nose, "Silly girl." After finishing speaking, he reached out and took her into his arms Hugging her tightly, her chin resting on Baozhu's neck, the soft breath rang softly in her ears, "How could my niece and son-in-law not help me with the matter in the third aunt's house? I just heard that he couldn't forget it that day." You, I feel uncomfortable."

The tip of his nose was surrounded by the faint scent of herbs on his body, and Baozhu murmured in his arms, and he said again: "Jiande is the most long-term love. Originally, you should be his wife. I owe him, even if you don't tell me." , I will also contact the Han family when I find out, and I will always help him once."

At this moment, Baozhu understood that this man really put her on the top of his heart, and immediately bent the corners of his mouth, and said with a light smile: "Brother Sipei is a fool, I only think of him as my cousin, that's not right." That's what you think when you're in love."

Saying this, he was not annoyed. He raised his head, looked at her with a smile in his clear eyes, and saw a blush on Baozhu's face. As he walked, there was a trace of affection flowing between his eyebrows, "Then what are you waiting for? Baozhu gave birth to a fat baby for me earlier, so that Jide can give up his heart."

Baozhu laughed cheerfully, "Don't, I'm ticklish."

He pulled the bed curtain regardless, "The orb is pressing me down."


Baozhu was deeply attached to the forty mu of land, and the next day, he and his uncle made a special trip to the outskirts of the county. The forty mu of land was originally a ready-made arable land bought by the Han family. At this time, it had been planted with wheat, and ten The rest of the peasants helped take care of it all day long, because my uncle and the Wang family came to see it once, so they smiled and explained to Baozhu: "Those peasants were hired by the Han family with money. , That day I called the manager to ask about it, and even signed a five-year work contract, and your mother took over, so you don't need to spare the slightest thought, so you don't have to worry about it."

Baozhu nodded, "At first I was afraid that my parents and my second brother would not be able to take care of me, but now it's good, at least I don't have to worry about renting it out for five years."

Thinking of something, he asked him again, "Is the uncle's purchase of land settled?"

Wang Fulai nodded with a smile, "Your concubine has saved some money in the past few years, and she originally decided to buy three acres. Then I asked your uncle, and your uncle also had the same idea. I discussed with your third aunt earlier and decided to buy three acres. If you buy it in one place, you can take care of it in the future, if you want to plant it, you can plant it, and if you want to rent it out, you can do it.”

My own house has 15 mu of fertile land, and I am already considered a small wealthy family, but seeing my uncle and the others only have a few mu of money, if Baozhu's original intentions were followed, he would always feel a little bit sorry, and he probably wouldn't say that now. Asked.It's just that after discussing with my mother yesterday, my heart has calmed down, and I no longer have to worry about whether I can help or not. I think my uncle understands this very well, so he laughed immediately, "Your mother gave me [-] years ago. Two miles and three acres of land are rented out, and you get four or five taels of money a year. Although it will take more than twenty years to pay back the capital, the money is just extra income. The two children work with you for a year and then It’s more than a dozen taels, or you can buy more and more land in a few years, with the land as a guarantee, you can look forward to life!”

Baozhu laughed, "Based on this calculation, the [-] mu of land can get about [-] to [-] miles a year. With this land, our life will be better and better."

Uncle Baozhu nodded in satisfaction, "Yes, the better it is, who would have expected such a good time before? Your grandma said that thanks to the birth of a precious pearl in our house, I don't know how much glory it has given us all these years. "When he said this, he looked at the large farmland in front of him with bright eyes, and his tone was extremely joyful and content.

Wang Fulai's house is full of hardworking people, and it's not easy to farm the land. These years, they only have 15 taels of money on hand, that is, the father and daughter work together every year. East betrothal gifts were twelve taels, my mother helped [-] taels, my grandma collected some, and I collected around eighty taels to buy three acres of land. Baozhu thought about the money from Wang's family.

For serious farmers, it is not easy to raise a huge sum of 80 taels at once. How many people want to buy an acre of land in the county, but which farmer can afford the price of 30 taels per mu of fertile land?Even the third aunt had hoped for so many years, but she had no choice but to give up without the strength.Thinking of this, he also understood the satisfaction in his uncle's eyes.She even felt how lucky she was to get forty acres of land out of thin air, and now she should cherish and be grateful like her uncle.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but have fun, "The crops only guarantee that you won't be hungry, but in the future, if you want to make money, you have to look at the shop. Don't worry, the house will get better and better in the future, even worse than it is now." it is good."

Wang Fulai laughed loudly, nodded and said: "This time, the house was empty when I bought the land, and my uncle is very happy. You recruited Sister Di and Brother Liangdong as filial children with solid eyes. They will live a better life in the future." , Uncle and your sister-in-law are just like your parents, and there are endless blessings!"

After inspecting the field, knowing that there are people taking care of it, and that it is not abandoned, Baozhu is relieved, and she is not in a hurry for specific matters, and only waits for her parents to move in next year before making plans.

On November [-]th, Mrs. Wang and Chen Tiegui came to the county early. The next month Ya'er held the full moon wine, and the Wu family proposed to hold it in the county. Because most of the relatives and friends of the Wu family came from the county, Mrs. Wang decided to It was opened in Yele's county. Although my relatives are all from the countryside, it's a big ostentation to do things in the county. Therefore, I came to the county two days in advance to discuss with my daughter. Knowing that the Wu family values ​​the granddaughter very much, Wang made a special trip to invite her. Together with Baozhu, Li discusses the menu of the full moon feast.

The full moon banquet is held in Chen Ji. Chen Ji has become a popular place in the county in recent years. From ordinary people to rich households and officials in the county, they often patronize it. He was so unknown when he was just a fledgling, so the Wu family was happy to hold a full moon wine in Chen Ji.

(Bow down and thank you for your votes for Grasshopper recently.)
(End of this chapter)

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