Chapter 112 Find her
Liaocheng, the outskirts of the city

A taxi pulls up in front of a row of townhouses, its doors open.

A tall and tall man got out of the car and looked around. Seeing weeds everywhere, desolate like no one's land, he couldn't help frowning.

The taxi driver leaned out the window and yelled, "Look! I'm not lying to you, am I? This place is never occupied!"

Han Bojun frowned slightly, and asked, "Is there no one here? This row of villas doesn't seem to be very old, why are they all deserted? There are real estate and residential areas not far from here, why is this place so deserted?"

The driver shook his head and explained: "I don't know the details. I used to hear from my colleagues that this row of villas was built by a boss who invested money to build them. After they were built, they lived in their own homes. After they moved away, the land was deserted. .”

Han Bo took out his mobile phone and dialed the landline again.


Still connected, but unfortunately no one answered.

The driver got out of the car and took out a pack of cigarettes, "Handsome boy, would you like one?"

Han Bo shook his head to express his thanks, and continued to dial.

The driver lit a cigarette and slowly puffed, "The thoughts of rich people are so difficult to understand! You said that such a large row of villas will not be sold or rented, and it will become a wasteland here—what a pity!"

Han Bo couldn't help asking: "No sale or rent? Only the investment boss lives here?"

"I heard it is." The driver replied lazily, "If you have money, you will be willful!"

Han Bo inquired about the local telecommunications bureau in Liaocheng, and found that the landline was in the middle of the townhouse, and the head of the household was Luo Fang. Unfortunately, he couldn't find any information about his girlfriend.

Zizi, where are you?
She said that she grew up in Liaocheng when she was a child, and then moved to other places, occasionally renting a house in the center of the city, and occasionally living in a farm on the outskirts of the city, and rarely stayed in one place.

According to what she said, Liaocheng should be her hometown.

Unfortunately, he found someone to check and found that her household registration is not in Liaocheng, and there is not even a local person with the surname "Dongfang" in Liaocheng.

Han Bo thought for a while, and said to the driver, "Please wait an extra 10 minutes, and I will pay you back."

The driver nodded hurriedly.

Han Bo took his laptop and walked quickly to the corner of the villa under the big tree.

Sitting on the grass, he quickly turned on the computer. He entered the school where Dongfang Zi had just graduated, broke through the firewall, and quickly called out Dongfang Zi's students to collect information.

"Household registration: XX Southwest City"

Han Bo raised his eyebrows in surprise—unexpectedly, her household registration is in Southwest City, which is half a country away from here!

How had he never heard her say this?

Thinking of this, Han Bo sighed lightly.

He quickly stood up, closed the laptop, and walked towards the taxi.

"Brother, please go to the airport."

The driver dropped the cigarette, stepped on it, and said, "Brother, are you going to the airport? Have you booked a ticket? There are very few tickets in Liaocheng Airport!"

Han Bo nodded politely: "It's okay, I've made an order."

His plane is parked at the airport, just contact the pilot.

Now that you have borrowed the plane, you should make good use of it.

Wherever she was, he had to find her first.

After not seeing each other for a month and a half, for 48 days and more than 100 hours, he felt that he couldn't bear it any longer.

Han Bo took out his mobile phone and dialed the pilot.

"Hi, I'm going to Southwest City, please get ready quickly and leave in an hour."

He put away his mobile phone, slumped on the back seat, and closed his red eyes tiredly.

(End of this chapter)

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