His Majesty the Demon King is an internet celebrity

Chapter 113 Can't Open Your Mouth

Chapter 113 Can't Open Your Mouth

The sky was slightly bright, and there was a knock on the door of Dongfang Zi's room!

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" The voice outside was very anxious. It passed through the door and came to her ear with full force. "Your Majesty, it's bad! The explosives are here!"

Dongfang Zi was still asleep, but got up in fright, looking around in a daze.

"what? What?!"

I saw Lu Cong "passing" through the wooden door very quickly, bowing to each other and whispering in a panic: "Your Majesty, at 37:[-] in the morning, a shipment came from the station outside the mountain. There were several boxes with the words 'Yi' on it. Flammable and explosive dangerous goods'."

Dongfang Zi swallowed, and jumped off the bed in a panic.

"Where is it now? Who sent the news?"

Lu Cong frowned and explained: "The explosives have been transported to the mining village, and it was the news from the frog spirit that they will go down the mountain soon."

Dongfang Zi scratched her hair impatiently, and said: "We have to find a way to lure the mortals away, find an opportunity to ignite the explosives, and blow them up in advance."

She had carefully read the documents locked in the safe of the mining village office building before. It was a mining license issued by the Southwest City, more than 30 kilometers away from here.

According to this, the "Lu Yao" Group has legally obtained the right to mine minerals, and as long as it is iron ore mining, they will be responsible.

They can dig as much as they want, as long as they don't violate the operation and don't damage the surrounding ecological environment, it's hard to find a reason to stop them.

According to Lu Cong's explanation, his father sued the "Luyao" group for destroying the ecological environment for "environmental pollution" a few years ago.

Shortly after, the iron ore stopped production and was forced to submit to an official investigation.

Later, some miscellaneous trees were planted on the destroyed surface, and they were covered and hidden, covering some of the devastated places indiscriminately, and then mining continued.

The demon people couldn't find a way to solve it, and their father disappeared again, so the matter finally came to nothing.

Now the mountain range has been dug up and devastated, if it is blown up again - the consequences will be disastrous!
Dongfang Zihu tied her hair up indiscriminately, scooped up some clear spring water, and quickly washed her face.

"Lu Lu, let's go, let's take a look first."

Walking out the door, I heard bursts of loud snoring!

Dongfang Zi couldn't help but look at the wooden house next door, and lowered her voice: "Don't let the senior know too much..."

"Your Majesty, I have something to persuade you." Lu Cong said in a low voice nervously, "The demon world is full of evil spirits. Brother Zhu is a mortal. It is really not suitable to stay here for too long, or you may fall ill."

Dongfang Zi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "But he doesn't want to leave at all, so it's hard for me to drive him away."

Zhu Xuechang helped steal calls and internet. Although Lu Cong and Xiong Tai did most of the menial work, his credit is still the greatest.

He said that he didn't get a single reply to the resume he submitted, his mother urged him to exercise and lose weight every day, and there were a lot of three aunts and six wives who were eager to arrange blind dates for him.

He lives in a free high-end cabin here, the environment is beautiful and natural, and he can also travel around the mountains and play in the water and eat mountain goods. It is simply a high-end enjoyment like a vacation!
So, he couldn't think of Sichuan anymore, and he didn't want to leave at all. He even happily said yesterday that he could eat three roast chickens a day, and he wanted to eat more wild fruits from the mountains.

A visitor is a guest, not to mention people who come here from thousands of miles to help, this kind of favor is really not small, let her turn around and drive people away, I really can't say anything!

Lu Cong explained with a wry smile: "Your Majesty, once the evil spirit enters the body, it can range from unconsciousness and weakness of limbs to severe cases...life can be lost."

what? !

(End of this chapter)

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