Chapter 114 Explosion
what? !

Dongfang Zi was shocked, her face turned pale again.

"When the problems outside are resolved, I will find a way to persuade him to leave."

Seeing her agreeing, Lu Cong finally felt relieved, "Your Majesty, let's set off quickly."

After saying that, he took Dongfang Zi's hand, transformed into a shadow and galloped out of the woods, quickly flew over the mountains, and came to the end of the mining village.

His eyesight was excellent, he looked around for a while, and suddenly saw the big navy blue truck that the frog was talking about.

"Your Majesty, that is the truck slowly driving towards the side of the mountain."

Dongfang Zi thought about it and quickly made a decision.

"Most of the workers haven't gotten up yet, and there are no people on the side of the mountain. Get the driver away first, and detonate the whole car, pretending that there is something wrong with the car and the explosion occurs."

"Okay." Lu Cong said: "Try not to get too close to the mountain, so as not to cause an accident of falling rocks."

At this moment, the frog spirit who was invisible in mid-air noticed their coming, and hurried over.

"Your Majesty! Little request to get rid of the explosives! Strong request!"

Dongfang Zi nodded: "You go with Master Lu Cong, obey his orders and act without any mistakes. Lu Lu, find a way to get the mortal driver out of it. Then set fire to the front of the car, the faster the better, the fire must Big, then you all come to join me immediately."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Dongfang Zi said again: "The monsters in the valley don't know about this yet. Just in case the explosives are too powerful, Lu Lu, you should transmit the sound first, so that they hide in a hidden place and don't come out."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Dongfang Zi looked at their figures flying away very quickly, secretly a little nervous, and looked for a high place to look over there.

Several surveillance cameras at the end of the village were secretly destroyed by her order as early as a month ago. The logistics work of the mining village couldn't keep up at all, and they haven't been repaired yet.

Dongfang Zi climbed up a small hill, and saw a large skull painted on the navy blue truck from a distance, as well as signs of fire prevention and moisture protection.

A moment later, the van stopped.

The doors on the left and right opened one after another, and three people jumped out, scrambling into the grass.

The next moment, the front of the truck caught fire!

The fire was so intense that it soared high in an instant.

The three mortals all ran out, waving their arms and legs in fright!

In less than two seconds, the fire spread to the back of the car—the three people were terrified, and ran down the hillside as if fleeing for their lives, and one of them almost rolled down the hillside.

Dongfang Zi was secretly nervous, swallowed her saliva, and covered her ears.

The next moment, "Boom!" There was a loud noise!
She felt a violent vibration around her, and a heat wave seemed to hit her face, forcing her to squat down and lie down in the weed pile.

The ground continued to vibrate slowly, and there was even a rush of sand and soil sliding down the mountain, making a rustling sound.

"Your Majesty!" Lu Cong's voice sounded anxiously, "Are you alright?"

Dongfang Zi hurriedly stood up and said, "It's okay!"

She looked over to the truck, only to see flames soaring into the sky, black smoke billowing, and the air was filled with suffocating heat and scorching heat!

She pressed her heart lightly.

I have seen many explosion scenes in movies, and my intuition is that there is only a flash of fire, followed by a raging fire, and then the camera flashes, it seems that it is not the case.

At this moment, the sky was full of flames, the mountains were shaking, and the surroundings were suffocating.

This scene—horrible horror!
She looked at the mine behind her, and couldn't imagine how devastated the scarred mid-air mountain range would be if it was blown up like this!
The mountain is gone, the aura is gone, and the demon people have no hope of survival...

At that moment, she became more determined to protect the demon world.

(End of this chapter)

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